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Everything posted by DeViLOF23

  1. [b] OoOOoOOO... sounds like fun!~ I'll join. I hope its ok. It ain't much and im a bit rusty but at least its something~ ^^;; Heres my banner~ ^_^ [/b]
  2. [B]OooOOOOooOOoOoOO sounds like fun~ ^_^ heres my 2 cent. [/B]
  3. [b] Nice banner. I really like it. I like it that u used the south park image. Itz funny. That was one of my favorite part from FLCL. The picture come out nice. The cutting is nice. The banner has humor. Nothing bad I can say about it. 10/10 ^_^ [/b]
  4. [b] Wow, Is it realy that bad? Guess I should do somthing more to it then. I'll update it when ever i do. Thanks for the replies. [/b]
  5. [B]well, I was messing aound and this is what i cooked up. Well, what do u guys think? Any kind of comment is welcome. ^^[/B] [IMG]http://ourworld.cs.com/DeViLOF23/1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://ourworld.cs.com/DeViLOF23/2.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://ourworld.cs.com/DeViLOF23/3.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://ourworld.cs.com/DeViLOF23/4.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://ourworld.cs.com/DeViLOF23/5.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://ourworld.cs.com/DeViLOF23/HarukoBanner.gif[/IMG] [b] I made a typo on the topic, Itz supposed to be Icons and a FLCL banner. Goman [/b]
  6. [B]well, this one took a little more time than it looks. It was simple, but alot of thought was put into this, and it was not easy. ^_^;; anywaze, please c/cs. thank you~[/B] [IMG]http://ourworld.cs.com/DeViLOF23/daisukecopy.gif[/IMG]
  7. [B]well, i was messing w/photoshop and this is what i came up with. Itz a enter thingie for my site. anykind of comment is welcome. [/B] :)
  8. [b] wow that looks real. I like it alot. I like how it looks like someone is shining a light on a buch of ... stuff. haha, looks kinda like the dark arts. Very detail and nicely done. ^_^ [/b]
  9. [b] I really like the part where they both were moving their swords. Madd props~ Everything esle looks nicely done ^_^ The only thing that i didn't like was the font. Maybe u should of have done something more to it?? in anycase, it does look great as it is right now. ^_^ awesomeness~ [/b]
  10. [b] i guess this is the first for her. But u know, she needs to chill. She need to hink b4 she does this. I meant, theres a reason why they air it @ 12 am and it is under aldut swim. (duh) I think this woman is trying to find ways to get her hands on some green, thats bout it. Besides they did give that warning at the beging of the show. sheesh... people these days dun read or something. -_-[/b]
  11. [b] i agree w/the others. If u sharpen it up it'll look better, but good concept though. Keep doing them and u'll improve to a pro. :)[/b]
  12. [b] i think you did a fine job on it. The moon looks awesome. However, like what braidless baka said about the glow thingie, i agree w/that. If u clean it up a little more it'll make a difference. A good difference. :) Besides that everything looks good. ^_^[/b]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Haze_Gundam006 [/i] [B]NICE!!!!!!!!! those are really really good. specailly the chobits one!!! do you care if i make dat my background??????? plz say you dont. . . plz. anywayz. . . post more!!!!! you rock!! p.s. and if that is you on the background of your banners (when you click on kenshin to go to your site) you are HOTT!!!!!!! lol. just thought i would mention it. [/B][/QUOTE] [b] Feel free to use it as ur bg, but if u meant as in ur website BG, as long as u credit me itz all good.. ^_^ I don't know what pix u r talking about b/c i haven't post a pix of me on my site yet. ^^;; Maybe who u saw was titdus? anywho thanks everyone for the replies. :) ~later[/b]
  14. [b]Hi everyone. Im new to the forums. Nice to be here. ^_^ anywaze, I made some anime WP and i want to share it w/u guys. I hope that u will enjoy these. ^_^ All are 1024x768[/b] *Kenshin* [URL=http://pluh.com/members/see/Battousaiwp.jpg][IMG]http://pluh.com/members/see/Gif4WP/Battousaiwpcopy.gif[/IMG][/URL] *D.N. Angel* [URL=http://pluh.com/members/see/DNAngelcopy.gif][IMG]http://pluh.com/members/see/Gif4WP/DNAngelopy.gif[/IMG][/URL] *Chobits* [URL=http://pluh.com/members/see/chobitscopy.jpg][IMG]http://pluh.com/members/see/Gif4WP/chobitscopycopy.gif[/IMG][/URL] *Fushigi Yugi* [URL=http://pluh.com/members/see/FYwp.jpg][IMG]http://pluh.com/members/see/Gif4WP/FYwpcopy.gif[/IMG][/URL] [b] well thats all for now, I hope to post more in the future~ Later [/b]
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