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Everything posted by Adahn

  1. Here's my critique. [QUOTE=Adahn] I've come to decide that school, while being able to offer a small amount of information as to how a student's mind works, is not an institution that recognizes intelligence.[/QUOTE] I am a very, very impressionable person. I was raised intellectually by my teachers and peers, who very much respected good verbality and dialogue, and stressed perfection in those disciplines to the extent that I judged others by those skills alone. [QUOTE=Adahn] I came to this conclusion as my own personal definition of intelligence changed. Intelligence is one's ability and desire to understand difficult ideas or concepts. [/QUOTE] This was the most difficult part for me to explain, and seemed to cause the most confusion, so I'll attempt to clear it up. To me, intelligence cannot be found in books, and is not something someone can seek actively only for the purpose of being intelligent. To me, intelligence is to seek knowledge not in the works of other, but through the processes of one's own mind. This seeking must be driven not by the desire for intelligence or knowledge, but an insatiable hunger for truth. Intelligence can only be gained internally, not taken from the minds of others. When someone comes across a theory he's never heard of, but has been well-developed, does that make it any less of a discovery? There are those that don't hunger for truth, and they coast through their lives accepting what they are told and die without truly having lived. I simply cannot live my life being fed by others. Intelligence is picking up your own spoon and feeding yourself. Other people may be eating the same food, but it's your hand that's cramming it into your face, not theirs. [QUOTE=Adahn] This leads one to question what intelligence isn't. Intelligence isn't how good a grasp one has on the English Language, or one's understanding of what it is practical to know.[/QUOTE] This is merely another an expansion on my own fault that up until yesterday after chemistry class had dominated my perception of others, and myself. I am saying that I, personally, connected imperfect grammar with a lack of intelligence. The bit about practicality emphasizes my earlier point that real truth cannot be found outside the complexities of one's own mind. [QUOTE=Adahn] From what I see in most people, the opposite is true. We praise people for their ability with a language, while those we praise hide their lack of intelligence behind flowery words.[/QUOTE] This essentially means that I've thought of people as intelligent only because of their mastery over the language. This is why I hate politicians. Their art is language, and they use this art so craftily that most people are impressed by their words, though they show a complete lack of meaning and intelligence. (vents angrily at politicians, shaking his fist) [QUOTE=Adahn] I am not saying, however, that the two areas of ability cannot mix. Intelligence and a way with words can provide not only beauty, but depth. It is for this reason that I yield to my competitive nature and ask the people what makes someone's post intelligent?[/QUOTE] This is me egging people on, plain and simple. I love competition more than I can describe. (tries to describe) (fails) [QUOTE=Adahn] If a person does not have a perfect grasp on what is commonly recognized as necessary to present thoughts and ideas, does that make that person or that person's posts unintelligent? I think that, if anything, it makes them more intelligent. Their desire to know is so great that they will suffer the hardships of being misunderstood or pointed out as less than perfectly literate to get their ideas across for their own benefit, and the benefit of others.[/QUOTE] This is the sensitive area of my post. I can't help but think that if any of you people were in a fight, you'd kick your opponents square in the nuts, because that is how this feels. This ties into what I didn't explain well enough earlier; that a hunger for truth which overwhelms all obstacles is a sign of what I've come to see as intelligence, but I think I have a new idea. [QUOTE=Adahn] I would like to know what the rest of you think, and ask that replies be only intelligent, or deep, even if it is difficult to make them beautiful.[/QUOTE] This is me asking to get kicked in the nuts some more (puts some ice on). [QUOTE=Adahn] This is in honor of two people I know who's birthdays are on this day (both at one point were on OB). One did his best to present his ideas in a way that others could understand him, despite his inability to use perfect grammar. The other was ostracized because of her poetic nature, choosing to present her ideas as they came to her, difficult as they were for others to understand. They are both people who epitomize my definition of intelligence, and I am saddened that they no longer feel they can express themselves here.[/QUOTE] This is just personal stuff, no need to explain anything. Anyways, through my critique, I've come up with a new idea. Is there a word for what I describe, an insatiable hunger for truth that can only be satisfied by contemplation of one's own mind? Perhaps intelligence was only the closest word to what I was trying to describe. If there isn't a word, I propose that we invent a new one. It should also fall under the category of "virtues", because it seems a very good thing to me. Anyway, my original post was basically a critique of my own misconceptions, and your replies refuted my critique, so, thanks for supporting me? (gets confused). Feel free to critique my critique, which will cause me to critique this critique of my original critique. (stops talking for fear of giving himself a headache)
  2. Ok, then. I'm faced with many comments, and I have ten minutes before I need to go to class, so I'll try to make this quick. My original post was based on the discovery that I equated all intelligence with verbal intelligence. Suddenly realizing this and feeling wrong about it, I tried to express myself here. I would like to thank Siren, especially, for showing me the theory of multiple intelligences. It is essentially what I was looking for, and on more than one occasion I've found myself partially describing theories I'd never heard of, but existed nonetheless. I'd like to thank everyone who came to my defense (I was getting hurt!), because it has renewed my faith in the goodness of Otakuboards. I would be happy to reply further, and don't want this thread to die. When I have more time, I'll try and defend myself against those who haven't been contradicted by Siren, who is very obviously (at least to me) the most knowledgeable person on the topic. I think I will reply to my own post and nitpick every sentence, because when I'm trying to discover new truths, I tend not to write anything insignificant. Following that, or even during, Drix's suggestion that a debate be spawned over genetics' relation to intelligence would prove an interesting topic. But, don't wait up for me, what I will attempt to do with my own post may prove difficult and time-consuming. I'd also like to thank all those who heartily disagreed with me, as it causes me to think about what I was trying to say initially, and allows me to question what my own thoughts, beliefs, and opinions are on the topic at hand.
  3. [quote name='Zeta']Yes. And answer me this. Without a grasp of their language, would they have a clue in what they were doing? No they would not. So yes, you do need to have a good grasp on your language. Which as I get from your posts, you are saying is irrelevant.[/quote] You're only saying that becuase it showed up in an earlier post, and I clarified myself. I tried to be nice, but I suggest you stop posting, as you have nothing to say that's worth being heard.
  4. [quote name='Zeta']Is a nuclear physicist intelligent?[/quote] Now, I'm generally not a mean person, but this is the only thing worth replying to. Simply put, you can't judge someone by their job, no matter how prestigious it is. However, someone who can understand and manipulate the theories of nuclear physics, and use them to advance the field and broaden humanity's knowledge on how our natural world works would probably fit into my idea of intelligence. So, my answer is yes, I suppose...
  5. [QUOTE=Godelsensei][COLOR=Gray][FONT=Courier New]Your bit about how "seeking intelligence" is actually greater intelligence is like saying that having a positive attitude makes you smart. It just doesn't work that way. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] This merits a response. There are those who can live their lives understanding what they are told to understand. They believe what they are told to believe. It is not one's search for intelligence that shows greater intelligence, but rather a hunger, a desire, for truth and wisdom beyond what is conventionally taught. You have to ask yourself, do you fall into this category? If you do, I have yet to see it.
  6. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue]You know, for someone who is trying to argue the lack of importance language has, you certainly are taking a great deal of time trifling with words. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I find myself accused of trifling with words, when I am symbolically supporting my argument that intelligence and craftiness can be used together to produce something beautiful and deep. (I feel like I'm repeating myself...) [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] What I think you are trying to say is that intelligence, as everyone sees it, is not what true intelligence is, which is essentially a pointless argument for defining words. Zeta pretty much hit the nail on the head with this one.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I am not making a pointless argument over the definition of words. I am proposing that there is more significance to the word than most people can understand, and that it is worth investigating. [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] If not that, then you are trying to say that intelligence, at least what most people see it as, is not the most important thing a person can contribute/express. Now, here's something worth arguing about, heh.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] I fail to understand , perhaps you can clarify what made you think this? [QUOTE=AzureWolf][FONT=book antiqua][SIZE=2][COLOR=blue] Whatever the case, I'll take a page from Cool Hand Luke, "What we've gots here, is a failure to moonicate."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Perhaps it is not my communication skills that have failed, but rather your ability to comprehend what it is I'm trying to say.
  7. I should have clarified. When I spoke of not having a perfect grasp on the language, I meant in terms of spelling, punctuation, grammar, etc. One can have a very large vocabulary and not be able to spell half of it. You make some good points, and I apologize for not making myself clear. If one pursues knowledge of abstract concepts, one will find oneself with a very large, complex vocabulary indeed. It is those who have these kinds of vocabularies, but don't have the best mechanics that I am speaking of. I do appreciate having my posts picked apart, so please, continue. It helps me to understand better what I was trying to say in the first place, and also to expand on concepts already presented, or even to form new ones through thought and discussion.
  8. On rare occasions I have found myself thinking, and on rarer occasions I have come up with an idea. This particular idea has to do with intelligence. I've come to decide that school, while being able to offer a small amount of information as to how a student's mind works, is not an institution that recognizes intelligence. I came to this conclusion as my own personal definition of intelligence changed. Intelligence is one's ability and desire to understand difficult ideas or concepts. This leads one to question what intelligence isn't. Intelligence isn't how good a grasp one has on the English Language, or one's understanding of what it is practical to know. From what I see in most people, the opposite is true. We praise people for their ability with a language, while those we praise hide their lack of intelligence behind flowery words. I am not saying, however, that the two areas of ability cannot mix. Intelligence and a way with words can provide not only beauty, but depth. It is for this reason that I yield to my competitive nature and ask the people what makes someone's post intelligent? If a person does not have a perfect grasp on what is commonly recognized as necessary to present thoughts and ideas, does that make that person or that person's posts unintelligent? I think that, if anything, it makes them more intelligent. Their desire to know is so great that they will suffer the hardships of being misunderstood or pointed out as less than perfectly literate to get their ideas across for their own benefit, and the benefit of others. I would like to know what the rest of you think, and ask that replies be only intelligent, or deep, even if it is difficult to make them beautiful. This is in honor of two people I know who's birthdays are on this day (both at one point were on OB). One did his best to present his ideas in a way that others could understand him, despite his inability to use perfect grammar. The other was ostracized because of her poetic nature, choosing to present her ideas as they came to her, difficult as they were for others to understand. They are both people who epitomize my definition of intelligence, and I am saddened that they no longer feel they can express themselves here.
  9. I believe evil is completely and utterly personal. Why can't animals be evil? A shark could kill a thousand people, and yet nobody would consider it as evil. Also, very young children cannot be considered evil. The reason for this is because they cannot distinguish between right and wrong. Evil is therefore conscience based. I, for one, can distinguish between right and wrong in every situation. By the way, there's fetus all over Drix's keyboard, so I'm going to make this short. Good is derived from the human conscience, it is the voice of God in our heads. If one's conscience is flawed, or one doesn't have a conscience, then one cannot be considered evil. One who knows the difference between right and wrong and still chooses to do the wrong thing can be considered evil. There really is no reasoning involved, there is no other opinion. Well, Drix is getting anxious, he just sprayed perfume all over me. Oh my lord, make him stop. Also, I've been IP banned, so if anyone could help me out, that would be great. My e-mail is [email]Adahn1986@aol.com[/email] , so if any mods could offer some aid, I'd be very appreciative. Also, I have e-mailed James, but have never gotten a response, so please don't yell at me in that respect. Thank you.
  10. "Hell" is described by Jesus in his parables as the place where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. In the old testament, it is referred to as Sheol, which is interchangeable with "the grave". In the Bible, it says that if we have sin in our lives, we are dead to God. The only way we can be cleansed of our sins is to die with Jesus in our hearts. It is also said that in order to be with God after death, we must hate this life we live in, and hope for the next. I ask you, who in this life has not wept or gnashed their teeth? If someone hasn't yet, they will some time, there is no doubt. If after death we are sent to sheol, the grave, then what is that place but the birthplace of death? If we in this life are dead, then what is the womb but the birthplace of death, the grave, sheol? Is it possible that when we die, we don't get sent into eternal torment, but rather we are reborn into death? When we die with Jesus in our hearts, we are not resurrected into life with God, we are born for the first time into life with God. Only one man ever lived before he died, and that was Jesus Christ, and he was the only one who was ever resurrected, because one must live, then die, then live again to be resurrected. Is it possible that reincarnation is what awaits non-believers? Not a reincarnation into a new life, but a new death? My soul would have a burden lifted from it if this were true. Everyone knows non-believers, some even love them. The thought of them suffering eternal torment is enough to cause a lifelong despair. I would like to know what you all think about this idea, because it came from me reading the Bible. I'm sorry that I didn't quote passages, but that would take too long, and my time is short. If you know the Book well enough, you will be able to discern what came from that book, and what came from my own mind. Thank you.
  11. Thanks for all the advice. I've decided to merely ignore people when I hear the talking behind other people's backs, and I'll also continue to dignify myself by not echoing their mistakes.
  12. I hate it when people talk about other people behind their backs. I know people who seem to be friends when their together, but as soon as one person leaves their presence, they'll start complaining about them. In these situations, I'm mostly in the middle, because I tend not to judge people, but I don't know how to respond. I feel that if I affirm them, then I'm being disloyal to the other person. However, I also feel that if I say something to them about how it bugs me, they'll feel hurt, and also they'll think I'm not on their side, when I really don't want to get in the middle. So, I end up smiling, nodding, or ignoring them, because I really don't know what to do. It seems like everyone I know who is friends with someone does it, and I don't know what to do. It makes me feel kind of odd that I never talk about people behind their backs. Also, it gives me the feeling that they'll talk about me behind my back if they get the chance. I could really use some advice on how to handle these situations, because it distresses me.
  13. You've obviously got a functional brain, Inu, and perhaps you don't understand what a truly powerful thing it is. Nobody can change your attitude about life but yourself, and you must understand that. The hidden part in that last sentence is that you can change your attitude about life. Nothing within your own mind is possible, because where there is a will, there is a way. If you can't find a reason to live, make one up, hold onto it, and live by it. It's rather simple once you've done it once or twice. I recently had a huge infatuation with a girl. It got to the point that I could only be truly happy when she was around, and I was always unhappy when she wasn't. After reading a certain book, I realized that I can change my own ways of thinking, and so I did. I mentally forced myself away from her, shifted a lighter infatuation to someone else, and then modified the infatuation into a type of innocent love and respect. You have no greater influence over anything in this world than the influence you have over your own mind. Also, your mind is the most difficult thing for others to influence. Use it as you will, but know that it is completely under your control, and that control is limitless. Personally, I would rather you not get killed, though I don't know you or anything you've done. I can't change your mind, but I hope you realize that you can.
  14. I've recently begun thinking on such topics, and a few thoughts have come to my mind. The first pertains to communicating with God. I think it's a misconception that communicating with God is a situation where we talk, and he listens. I've come to think that God talks more than we think he does, and we are the ones who aren't listening. The Bible is a great way to see how God communicates, but those words are old and unchanging, and we should listen to what he is saying to us now. I could be wrong, seeing as I have limited knowledge in areas of Christianity, but I think God lives within us all, within our conscience. Whether people realize it or not, everyone knows right from wrong. Those cartoons with an angel over one shoulder and a devil over the other. Almost all situations in which we have a choice have a good decision, and a bad one. In some situations, there is a gray area, a choice where the correct decision is not easily discernable through our conscience, our permanent, living connection with God. In these situations, we pray for guidance, we open our hearts, and we listen. My greatest wish for myself is that I listen whenever God speaks, and also that I close my ears when Satan does. My second thought is less clear, but it is a thought, nonetheless. I wonder if we realize how much power God truly has given us. Jesus' disciples were given much power to heal, and I wonder if we have the same power. Three miracles are required nowadays for sainthood, and these miracles must be widely known for such a thing to happen. When Jesus performed miracles, he asked that they be kept a secret, so that fame would not spread, because too much fame for a miracle gives rise to doubt. Having said that, I wonder what miracles are performed that are not given fame, I wonder how many saints there would be if all miracles were known. Those that think this same thing would keep them a secret with God, because perhaps that is his will. Who's to say we cannot ask God for such things to happen, if our heart is pure, our faith unlimited, and our purpose just. Also, I have a little story that might be of interest. When I was young, too young to remember, I was sledding in my backyard. My mom pushed me, but unknowingly, she pushed too hard and I was heading for a tree. Somehow, I was stopped when it seemed as if I were going to hit the tree headfirst at a high velocity. When my mom ran down to get me, I apparently told her that I saw an angel on top of a tree. This is not from my memory, but I see no reason why my mother would lie about something I said. Lastly, I would suggest that we respect Baron Samedi's request for no rebuttal, and keep this topic on matters that concern those who believe in Christianity.
  15. I'm graduating from SLHS this year. You graduated a year before I was a freshman, so I don't know you and you probably wouldn't know me. It's a bit of a coincidence that you went to the same high school that I go to now, though.
  16. His transgression had been found out, but his master took it for carelessness. Gristle felt a pang of remorse as he licked the wound closed. Going through a little visualization, he placed the body in a dumpster where it would be least likely to turn up when the trash was picked up. Gristle then fell back into place behind his master, who he was already beginning to despise. Through all of the events, Gristle realized that he could think faster than before, [i]much[/i] faster. Gristle practiced thinking as he trailed after his master. The next time a difficult situation arises, Gristle would be ready with his mental reflexes well-practiced.
  17. People see the big bang as the beginning, while it isn't. It is [i]a[/i] beginning. It's also an end. You have to step away from numbers to think about infinity. Trying to make it mathematical is impossible, because restricting something infinite to numbers or time limits our perception of it. The universe always is, has been, and will be. We can "squish" time down, and imagine things that took very long periods of time. For example, imagine the beginning of earth. All the volcanoes and explosions and stuff. Eventually, it cools down, there is water. Life happens (in one way or another). Life progresses, all while our imagination sees the earth spinning, up until today, this moment, right now. We live in a time, not the time. Our universe is of limited resources and unlimited time. We focus on events that occur to the limited matter, and we limit ourselves. Take away the matter, and what do you have? You have the emptiness of space that has always existed. The concept of infinity isn't about something that doesn't end, but something that never began. What we really have to understand is not the meaning of life, but the meaning of existence itself. That's what my mind can't get ahold of, non-existence. What if there was no existence at all? There wouldn't even be emptiness. I can live with infinity, the idea that everything is, always has been, and always will be. I just hope existence doesn't decide that it doesn't want to exist anymore.
  18. That's rather interesting. I live in Ottawa too...Hmm, maybe you even go to the same school as me? Maybe I'm looking at you right now?
  19. A wave of relief washed over Gristle, but he masked it with a true feeling of glee. The happiness was not at having pleased his master, but at having spared the life of the young woman. Gristle's mind was full of new thoughts and experiences, and he was mostly quiet as he followed his master, not really paying attention to his surroundings, but listening intently. Gristle decided he would keep up a mask of viciousness, so that his humanity would be hidden from any and all who would discern his true nature. He went over many situations in his mind, deciding how he would react to them in order to keep up his own masquerade. By the time he and his master reached their destination, Gristle had his social mask in good shape, however, only the test of time would be able to develop it into flawlessness.
  20. Gristle had to make his decisions carefully, now. He knew he was a walking breach of the Masquerade, and if this woman saw him, she would have to die. Gristle slowly stood up, still facing the wall. Gristle had no trouble remembering what he had looked like when he was alive, and he attempted to use Mask of a Thousand Faces to recreate that image as he stood up, enshrouded in shadow. (OOC: Depending on the success of the roll, two different events may take place) A: Gristle's transformation flawless as he perceived it through the corner of his eye in the mirror, before turning around. He then smiled at the woman, saying, "Ah, yes, I do believe I saw someone like him recently. Come, I will show you where." He held his arm out gracefully, beckoning her to lead the way out of the room. As she turned out, saying, "Thank ya, I can't wait to get my hands on him!" Gristle made an "ok" sign to his back, where he knew his sire was hidden, and walked out the door, closing it behind him. Gristle followed her out of the hall until she was about 10 feet ahead of the door, at which time he crept up behind her, lightly sinking his fangs into her neck. He only let a small amount of the sweet nectar run into him before licking the tiny wound shut. The woman was euphoric for a moment, and when she realized she had just gotten a very pleasurable kiss, her cheeks took on a hint of crimson, and her full-armed slap caught Gristle in the face. Gristle turned his head with the blow so as not to give up his disguise, and watched her storm away. Gristle turned back to the door letting a bit of the blood he had kept in a pocket in his cheek dribble down his face before entering the room. The creature said, "Well?" Gristle let down the mask and grinned, replying, "Well, what do you think?" Gristle then began to laugh, hoping his companion would join in his mirth. B: ****, it ******* failed. Gristle had no choice, he turned around to face her, smiling his biggest smile possible. Her eyes widened in terror, and she began to scream. Gristle stood there, feigning a look of hurt, and began to sniffle sadly. The woman desperately tried to escape, but couldn't seem to get the door working. Gristle kept up his act, sadly knowing that his new friend would not allow her to escape. He was sure he would get a lecture later, but for now, all he could do was mourn for the loss of one very unlucky mortal woman...
  21. Our high school cheerleaders and band get along very well, partly because every year there is at least one cheerleader who is in band also. They don't march, of course, but they're still in band, and we have no problems. As for the opposing team's cheerleaders, heh, we've got a little tradition. When we march past them before pregame, one of the low-brass section will call out a dress left or right (depending on where they are), and after that part of the band passed, they'd call us back to front. I did it last time :D. Our band has a lot of pride, and we aren't allowed to smile or anything, so it probably just flatters them we've got a LOT of traditions, and if you wanted to talk about those, we'd have to start another thread, because if every band has as many as mine does, it would deserve its own space.
  22. Ooh, I think this one is going to get closed. Flex your mighty, moderator muscles, Drix. Of course, I could be wrong. Nah, I've changed my mind, I'm not wrong.
  23. The scent of fresh blood fills him with anticipation, but he manages to resist through the force of conscious will. "I will be called gristle, due to my hideousness." Gristle stated, just to change to subject. The smell of blood got closer, and its pull on him strengthened. Its heady scent filled all his perceptions, and he wanted it more than he'd ever wanted anything in his entire life. [i]No, resist![/i]. The voice came not from around him, but from within him. It was the last scrap of his humanity, the remembrance of morals lived by in another life. Gristle wove this [i]feeling[/i] around himself, and himself around it. He knew it would not be easy, and he would have to trick his monstrous nature. He turned back to the creature, saying "Firstly, what is your name, and secondly, what are these secrets of the night?" The creature looked delighted at Gristle's cooperation, saying, "Yes, you learn! You will learn..." As Gristle listened to the introduction of his companion, the scent of blood got ever closer, but Gristle would not give in, not now, not [i]ever[/i]
  24. I lay to rest my wearied mind My deepest thoughts I cannot quell The peace of sleep I cannot find There is no bottom to this well Wisdom forces itself on me They are the thoughts that I can't voice From my greatest strength I must flee Though giving in would cause rejoice I stop myself through conscious will This causes me the greatest pain A part of me's what I must kill I can sleep only when it's slain On silence now my mind does feed I can't obey its silent creed
  25. [COLOR=green]I'm alone right now, and I was thinking about how much I depend on other people. I've noticed that I'm a little sad, because there is nobody around me. Before, I was always happy to be alone, because I found it peaceful. Right now, though, I feel like something is missing. In addition to that, I've been trying to break away from dependence on my parents. I feel the need to get out more, as much as I can, and I actually enjoy school because I'm always surrounded by different people. Before, I was content with relying on other people, but I just feel the need to get away. I'm not going to run of or anything, but I find myself yearning to explore. I've done everything I can, but I feel helpless. Does anyone else experience such feelings, and how do you deal with them?[/COLOR]
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