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Everything posted by Adahn
[font=Tahoma]Every once in a while, it's fun to dredge up some relatively unknown fact for others to appreciate. If you've got some obscure knowledge you'd like to share, slap it on here, and we'll all have a good time! Mine: (kudos if you knew this) *ahem* *speaking in a 1970's instructional video voice* "The brain of a fruit fly larva, when dissected out completely, looks like the anatomy of a human male's genitals, complete with two spherical regions side by side underneath a long shaft. Also, silvery nerve endings protrude from the end of the shaft." Background: I'm working with Dr. Burg, who is studying the protein Histidine decarboxylase, which converts the amino acid histidine into histamine, which you may recognize as part of the human immune response. In fruit flies, it is a very important neurotransmitter. In order to stain for histamine, one must dissect the brain out of a larva, because other structures could contaminate the brain with unwanted histamine. I have seen the brains myself, and it was actually the first thing the professor pointed out when he told me about them. I'm going to go dissect some more tomorrow, and I'd take a picture, but the camera isn't hooked up to the dissection microscope. [/font]
[font=Tahoma]visualkei, You said a lot of things I had thought of, but left out. I agree with what you said, especially about having time to think about what you type. Mnemonica, It's a pleasure to have you here:animesmil Your post makes a lot of sense. I hadn't considered what it would be like to grow up in an environment where IM'ing could cast a shadow over one's personal interactions, because I was already communicating quite well before Instant Messaging become useful and available. Since you have such a rich understanding of the topic, I'd like to hear what you have to say about people our age, who have already socially matured before IM'ing became available. It seemed to me that you talked mostly about the consequences of younger people using it in place of personal interactions. What do you think about us? [/font]
[font=Tahoma][/font] [quote name='Rachmaninoff']Not presumptuous, confusing perhaps in the sense that you don?t always clearly present your thoughts, but then we are all guilty of that yes?[/quote] [font=Tahoma]I must be [i]remarkably[/i] poor at communicating my ideas. I will do my best, [i]again[/i], to make them clear. Perhaps I will use simpler words.[/font] [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff] Ah good you?ve admitted from the very beginning that you are an idealist, because I really don?t see this idea taking off. You?ve already stated the problem with creating an ideal thread; it?s subjective and highly dependant upon personal preference.[/QUOTE] [font=Tahoma]In taking everyone's own opinions on what they like, and what they think others would like in a thread, it is possible that some common ideas will be talked about that people had never really thought of before. I thought I had made it clear that the purpose is not to create some ideal thread, with all other threads to seem not as good. The purpose is to[i] reach[/i] for an ideal thread, and in the process discover good topics to talk about. People don't usually talk specifically about what they like in a thread, they just comment in the thread that it seems to be a good idea, and mention that they aren't exactly sure [i]why[/i]. This thread is an opportunity to think and talk about why we like certain topics, and as a result some people may think of a good topic to create.[/font] [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff] Why should it be teeming with discussions that are as you put it a deeper level? On some level the Otaku Lounge serves the purpose of allowing people to discuss things that are off topic regardless of whether or not there is a deep meaning to it. And deeper doesn?t necessarily mean better when it comes to discussions. You think deeper is better and others are not interested in turning this area into a dry, dull, deep discussions only type of place. I say dry and dull because that idea does not appeal to everyone, just as the idea of nothing but advice threads and silly games does not appeal to others.[/QUOTE] When I said deeper, I meant deeper. You seem to think that when I say it, it means dry, dull, discussions that are [i]so[/i] deep they become boring. What I mean by deeper is that topics could be made that actually catch and keep people's interests. It seems to me that most replies to most threads are just simple comments or opinions. This is mostly a place to visit, drop a word or two on a topic that is worth replying to, and go about one's business. [i]I[/i] want topics here that people can really be interested in, and actually look forward to seeing other people's replies. Now, I'm not saying that there aren't any threads like this, just that I, personally, would like more. [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff] If the idea of creating the ideal thread were to take off, it would be an issue, it would give the impression that you had to create an ideal thread, that it had to live up to some sort of potential. And in the end it would stifle the discussions and make coming here less enjoyable, in my opinion that is. The occasional deep thread along with all the other less deep is what makes this section fun. [/QUOTE] [font=Tahoma]I will say right now that [u]I do not[/u] think the ideal thread has to be something deep. Nothing that could possibly be talked about here would lead to all threads being deep, or all common threads disappearing. This [i]never[/i] was about limiting the topics discussed here, it was about opening our minds to new and different ideas that could add to the enjoyment of the discussions. Besides, the beginning of this thread is too boring to stop people from creating topics that are usually created, anyway ;)[/font] [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff] This next part of yours is a good example of how the expectations of such a thing would produce problems: This part of your response is the problem: DeadSeraphim told you what they thought of the idea and you instantly accused them of having a poor attitude instead of seeing that they simply disagreed with your idea. The one not being civilized here is you. The part where you explained what you meant was fine, but this added on part was wholly unnecessary since you yourself indicated that they did not understand what you meant. It shows a poor attitude on your part to get upset if someone doesn?t instantly see what you mean or agree with you. [/QUOTE] I took his comment as a veiled insult, and replied to it in that way. If it was not, he is welcome to clear that up, and I will apologize for my mistake. [QUOTE=Rachmaninoff] As for the topic, it is an interesting idea to see what others consider an ideal topic, but as far as actually applying guidelines? Personally I think it would cause more strife than good especially since the Otaku Lounge already has a good format going. One that encourages people to be a part of things without worrying whether or not they?ve met some guideline. Besides the standard one of readable posts and avoiding spam. But those apply to the whole site and not just this section.[/QUOTE] [font=Tahoma]I will say this again, and if you still don't understand, I will say it more. I have [u]no intention[/u] of changing any rules. The guidelines are [u]only[/u] for those who want to talk about them. They are [u]only[/u] a tool for putting together one's thoughts and ideas into a form useful to those who want to create a thread that they think may be interesting. In reality, my idea limits nothing, and changes nothing. It is only a way to talk about what people like, and use that information to create some more topics that people might like. Talking like this[/font][font=Tahoma] is really hard, but if it helped you to understand better what I was saying, please tell me. If I have to, I'll write like this all the time so there won't be so many people who don't get what I'm talking about. *wipes sweat due to the effort from forehead* [/font]
[size=2]I've toyed with this idea for a while, and I thought it would make an interesting topic to discuss.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Just for clarity, RL stands for "real life" and IM stands for "instant messaging".[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]The purpose of this topic is to compare and contrast communicating in person, and communicating over the internet through an instant messaging system. I exclude writing on forums and private messaging because they are more related to writing letters than speaking face to face.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]As is expected, I will begin with my own thoughts on the subject.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][b]Communicating in person:[/b][/size] [b][size=2][/size][/b] [b][size=2]Pros:[/size][/b] [size=2][/size] [size=2]When communicating in person, one can get a good 'feel' for the other person. That all-important first impression really can only occur when two people meet face to face. There is body language, tone of voice, response time, and all other aspects of a conversation that are lacking in internet communication. Not many people are touchy-feely, but there is the option of physical contact, such as physically comforting someone if they are distressed about something. Some people can hide their emotions and intentions, but discovering such things can be easier in person, depending on the type of person you're talking to. Some things can be hidden or faked by noone, like a genuine smile. Flirtacious looks and gestures can be used to show a romantic interest in someone. The last thing I'll mention is that while someone can lie about their identity, you probably won't mistake a 40-year old balding fat man for a smokin' hot 18-year old girl.[/size] [size=2][/size] [b][size=2]Cons:[/size][/b] [size=2][/size] [size=2]When talking in person, one's insecurities can be at their strongest, especially for the self-conscious. Some things you may have wished to hide will come out while speaking in person, and nothing said can be taken back once spoken. Depending on how you perceive someone, you may choose not to approach someone due to their looks, or how they carry themselves, when in fact you may have many good things to share with each other. There is less privacy in person, unless you are alone and secluded, which are probably not the best conditions for meeting new people. Also, in person there is always the fear of being the object of undesired advances, be they sexual or something different in nature. Some people are quite skilled at deception in person, and can charm someone to do something they may later regret. When speaking, one has less time to think about what to say, as a pause for any amount of time will become awkward. Lastly, if one [i]does [/i]want to pretend to be someone else (roleplay), it can be harder in person to lower one's inhibitions enough to really get into it.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I was going to write out the pros and cons of IM communication, but they're pretty much the opposite of what is written above, so I won't bother repeating myself.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Well, what do you guys think?[/size] [b][size=2][/size][/b]
[font=Tahoma][size=2]I chose the word 'guidelines' specifically for its looseness. Discussing what sort of off-topic threads would be most interesting to forum members [i]should[/i] be beneficial in creating more interesting threads. Coming up with a general form for what type of thread would be most appealing, appropriate, and engaging [i]should[/i] help generate ideas and threads that will meet this purpose.[/size][/font] [size=2][/size] [size=2]This is the only off-topic forum, and as such should be [i]teeming [/i]with threads that engage readers on a level deeper than discussion of manga and anime. Right now, it seems that the Lounge is a place to ask advice about things, or comment on something in which a poster has a passing interest. Such topics are interesting and fulfilling in their own way, but there is so much [i]potential[/i] for something better.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I suppose this all may seem boring and dry, but to one such as me it feels revolutionary.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I thank you for the compliment, and I will try to continue creating threads that require a different kind of thinking in order to respond. I'll also try to make them not so boring :D [/size]
[quote name='DeadSeraphim][size=1][color=indigo][font=arial]Otaku Lounge is for off-topic discussion that doesn't fit into any other forums, ie, everything that the rest of OB [i]doesn't[/i] have, goes here. You can't make 'guidelines' for such a freeform environment, and if you did I would imagine discussion as a whole would become stagnant 'serious' crap... you know, like how it is now, but [u]more so[/u].[/font][/color'][/size][/quote] [size=2]I'm sorry, but I feel you have misunderstood me. Guidelines are not rules. The Lounge would still contain the sorts of threads it has now, and I do not suggest that they stop being created.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]My intention was and still is that forum members come here to discuss what kinds of threads they like, and they think other people will like. I truly believe that such discussions could lead to an influx of interesting threads that will set the stage for good discussions.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I do not appreciate your other comments, and I suggest you adopt a new attitude, one more respectful and civilized towards your peers.[/size]
[font=Tahoma][size=2]Very, very good, Jordan. I understand you completely, and my only disagreement is that I think the merits of legalizing gay marriage outweight the flaws.[/size][/font] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I'm sensitive, almost empathic towards other people. I understand the intentions behind people's actions, and I feel I understand the decisions people make based on what actions are made against them.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]For you, personally, the decision to not legalize gay marriage is well-thought out, reasonable, and just. The problem, Jordan, is that not very many Christians are as good as you. Hardly any, I would wager. Where you make your decisions carefully by considering your own morals and ethics, others follow blindly. I am going to give you an extreme example. [url="http://www.godhatesfags.com/"][color=blue]Click here[/color][/url] if you want, but I warn you, the opinions are extreme.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Most people who disagree with gay marriage fall between those on the above site, and yourself. The result is that the opposition to gay marriage is a mixture of love and hate. The hate predominates, though, because the vast majority of Christians are opposed to gay marriage. Homosexuals can [i]feel[/i] that hate, Jordan. It is the hate of the Christians for Homosexuals, which is in turn interpreted as the hate of the Christian God for Homosexuals.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I think that the only way to break through that hate is a great expression of love and acceptance. It will not come from gays [i]fighting[/i] for gay marriage, it will [i]only[/i] come from the Christian acceptance of gay marriage. If they have to continually fight the Christians after it is passed (theoretically), they will have what they want, but they will be no closer to God.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I believe it is imperative for Christians to accept homosexuals, and soon, or most will be lost forever.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]As a last note, Jordan, I would like to know something. Would you vote yes on a Constitutional ban of gay marriage? You have hinted that should the situation change, you may change your opinion on homosexuals having the rights of a civil union, and I would like to see if my perception is correct.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size]
[size=2][font=Tahoma]Now, if I know some of you correctly (and I imagine I do), you're thinking, "That presumptuous Adahn! How [i]dare[/i] he start a thread called 'The Ideal Otaku Lounge Thread'! I'll show him what for! *cracks knuckles and twiddles fingers in preparation for typing a scathing comment*" Unfortunately, if you presume I'm being presumptuous, you presume too much. When I'm on Otakuboards, 59 minutes out of 60 I'm in the Lounge (this one, not the Anime one). I like it here. I like the people who tend to reply, and I like the threads. In honor of my committment, I have created this thread, which I hope will make the Lounge a better place for everyone who chooses to visit. I'm an idealist, and as such I believe it is possible for there to be an ideal thread for the lounge. Now, I don't think it is possible for [i]one[/i] thread to stand above all the rest, because we all have different tastes. I do think, however, that in reaching for the ideal thread, we can generate a good number of interesting topics. I apologize for the massive contradiction, but I can't quite find a better way to say what I mean. If there are enough responses to keep this thread going, then I have a format I would like to follow, but can be changed as necessary. [b]1. Forum members post their ideas for guidelines that the thread should follow. [/b]*note* These should be quite general. Examples may be used, but the specifics of threads to be created will come later. [b] 2. Forum members discuss the guidelines, and work together. [/b]*note* It is not necessary for a concensus to be reached, only that people exchange their ideas in hopes of creating better guidelines. Please, don't argue. Any idea presented here is worthy of consideration, if only because someone took the time to think about what would help make the ideal thread. [b]3. Using whatever guidelines one has chosen, propose and support 'the ideal thread'. [/b]*note* Any member may do this. There is to be no ownership of the ideas here. One need not have participated in parts 1 or 2 to propose a thread using the guidelines discussed. Feel free to comment on the proposals while they are being made, as that could serve to improve them further. [b]4. Create a good thread. [/b]*note* If you're struck by some idea while reading what is here, feel free to create something 'on the fly'. However, when discussing thread proposals, only the person who proposed a specific thread may create it, as this will reduce the chance of having duplicate threads. If the proposer feels someone else could do a better job creating the thread, he/she may relinquish this right to [u]one[/u] willing individual. I do not want this thread to be the cause of duplicated threads, as that would be trouble the Moderators shouldn't have to deal with. [b]Timeline:[/b] After the guidelines have been proposed and sufficiently discussed, I will at an appropriate time ask that people begin to make thread proposals. Please indicate in your post, through editing or a new post when you feel thread proposals should begin. Once enough people decide it is time to move on, I will start the next part. Also, please do not post too much about the guidelines once the thread has moved on, unless it relates to a thread being proposed. I think organization is the key to the success of this thread. As soon as Thread proposals begin, one can move onto step 4 and create what one thinks would be a good thread. I doubt two people will come up with the exact same thing, and if one person is proposing a thread while another is posting a similar thread, tough cookies to the person proposing it. [b]My Proposed Guidelines:[/b] I suppose I'll start off with some guidelines I think would be good to follow. Don't feel pressured to present your own in my 'random exploration' style of writing. It helps me think, but I'm sure you have different ways of gathering your thoughts. Firstly, it should be appropriate for our demographic. I think Otaku means hardcore in japanese, and that in itself should be enough to understand what I mean. The thread certainly doesn't have to be anime/manga related, but neither should it be specific to a demographic that isn't specifically represented here. This isn't a Rock Band board, a comedy board, a political board, a religious board, or any other type of board that it's not. [b]Summary:[/b] Consider your audience's interests. I seem to think for some reason that the minimum age here is 13, but I don't know why. Anywho, most of the people here are teenagers, but many are also young adults. The thread should be engaging, but should not be over the heads of the younger people in our group. [b]Summary:[/b] Consider the age of your audience. I think that the best kind of thread will be new an interesting, rather than a regurgitation of something that has been here before. This may be a difficult thing to ask, but I feel it's an important step towards something that could be called the ideal thread. [b]Summary:[/b] Try to make a thread that's new and different from anything seen before. Well, that's all I've got for now. I hope people participate and this thread fulfills its purpose. Otherwise, I'll sadly watch as it moves down the list of threads towards the second page, which I like to call, "The point of no return." [/font][/size]
[size=2]I like to examine events in my past and try to think about what effect they had on who I am now. I also like to look at who I am now, and try to discover what in my past caused me to be this way. Whichever way you choose to answer is good, and I hope those who choose to participate enjoy the exploration.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I have worn glasses since I was very young. I was almost put into developmental kidnergarten because I lacked social skills. My mother didn't allow this, so I went to normal kidnergarten. When I was young, I was very bright. My teacher accused me of cheating because I did so well on one of the tests. That was when I learned what cheating meant. I, of course, did NOT cheat. So, I was just your normal oblivious kid until about third grade. I still have hardly any social skills, big cokebottle glasses, and it's become known to the children around me that I'm smart. For an indeterminate time, I was teased by the other children, because I fit the mold of a nerd. I was never beaten up, so I never really had a reason to talk about what was being done to me. Needless to say, it [i]affected[/i] me.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Without many friends, and with my natural intelligence, I concentrated on school. When most other people were developing their social and intellectual skills, I only developed intellectually. I became a learning machine, and one with a great respect for teacher's authority. My political party was almost changed by one of my teachers in my senior year. I see no faults with teachers, even if they have faults.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]So, now I still don't socialize much, but people who make an effort to get to know me tend to like me. I've been told I'm witty, with a dry sense of humor. If there are many different kinds of intelligence, I know which is mine. I am wired to learn and understand things. I do not presume to understand [i]everything[/i], but if it's school related, absorb it like a sponge. That's sort of what it feels like. I sit in my lectures and pay attention. I don't usually study things, but if I ask someone to quiz me on the lectures, I find that I can recall everything that was taught. I don't think many other people can do this, and this is the kind of intelligence I lay claim to.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]On a side note, if any of you feels you have a great understanding of something, and have trouble talking to someone about what interests you, you may bring it up with me. I will listen attentively, and if you are a good enough teacher, I will soon be able to understand your ideas, and present some of my own.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]This sort of relates to the other thread I created, but given the context of past and present, I thought it would be appropriate to create a new thread.[/size]
[size=2]I am [i]not[/i] very social in person. I actively ignore all but those who speak. I am, however, very engaged in class discussions. Do you know what it's like to ask a question in a [i]lecture,[/i] especially when your question is the first asked since the beginning of the term? I asked two questions in my microbiology class today, the only two asked for two weeks. The people in that class may not know my name, but they know I am in their class. They will recognize me. It was so strange, to have them turn and look at me. Yet, I didn't register a single one of them in my mind. I asked my question, kept my eyes locked on the professor, and moved on. I am [i]deathly[/i] afraid of approaching people I don't know, for whatever reason.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I'm sorry for the self-exploration, but it helps me to gather my thoughts. I am here because I need an outlet for all the social interactions in which I don't participate. If I'm not the most pleasant person here, it's probably because every conversation I have outside of here is pleasant. I want your ridicule, and for those willing to give it, your love. If I were a socially balanced person, you would probably find me quite personable all the time. I don't think I could develop a [i]personality, [/i]like I have seen so many others do here. This is a place where mistakes can be corrected before they are even made. I don't usually take things back, even if they aren't consistent with what I have already written. I treat the words I write as if they are spoken, and cannot be taken back. I like it here because I have so much [i]time[/i] to choose my words. If I take a minute's pause to gather my thoughts, all that exists of that pause for the reader is a space, a fraction of a second to read. But, I will not take my words back, not a single one of them. They are all my creations, each and every one my precious child. Even if you don't cherish them (and I really hope you don't, as that would be awkward), I do.[/size]
[size=2]SunfallE,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I apologize for overlooking the rules when creating this thread, and I will try to be more conscious of what I am doing next time.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I really have to learn that not everyone's a mind reader. I was trying to be cryptic, but not to the point that it angers and confuses people.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]DigitalBoy,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I still can't make much sense of what you're trying to say. None of the words I used should have required but a moment's thought to ascertain their meaning. Yet, even your explanations require special attention due to their staggered sentence structure. What voice would I like to hear? One that is cryptic, but can also be unravelled without the use of a specialized dictionary. I cannot tell you how much I [i]love[/i] complete sentences.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]As for what I wrote originally, I will explain everything I wrote, and the intent. It would be [i]fun[/i] if I didn't have to, but what can be done?[/size] [QUOTE=Adahn] [size=2]There you are, probably sitting in a chair in front of a computer screen, and you're being asked [i]why[/i]. You're probably wondering to yourself right now why I made the preceding statement. The reason, of course, is that what you see here is leading up to a question, and this little introduction is a part of the process of being asked this particular question. That first sentence, then, is valid so long as I [i]do[/i] type the words you have been led to believe will appear. Unfortunately, I will not do this. You and I both know the question, even though it has [i]technically[/i] not been asked. [/QUOTE] [size=2]The first sentence places you in a chair in front of a computer, and tells you that you are being asked why. Everything following it is meant to confuse you as to the question, and cause you to lose your train of thought. It is [i]especially[/i] meant to separate the first sentence from the next two paragraphs.[/size] [/size][size=2][/size] [size=2][/size] [QUOTE=Adahn] [size=2]I am here because I like to write, and I like for others to see what I write. I enjoy being nonsensical, spiritual, argumentative, and persuasive. Ultimately, I want to be an effective enough writer to make each and every one of you like myself. It will be difficult without a physical form, but I will do my utmost to bend your personalities until they are of a shape with my own. [/QUOTE] [size=2]Here I am, explaining why I am here. I am answering the question I didn't quite ask, but to which I alluded. I thought for [i]sure[/i] people would understand this and think to themselves, "Wow, that's a strange way to ask a question!" Unfortunately, I failed completely. The last two sentences are tangentially inspired bullcrap. I thought that might not be obvious, so the first sentence of the next paragraph starts as you can see below.[/size] [/size][size=2][/size] [QUOTE=Adahn] [size=2]I like to make up crap and see if people will believe me. I speak the truth in such a way that you will [i]not[/i] believe me. Truth and knowledge are [i]mine[/i], and any effort I make to share is a poisoned one. This is my place to be selfish, uncaring, and unendurable, without any fear of real consequences. Here I am immortal, untouchable, and the only beauty perceivable is that which I craft with my hands. Here, you live through my work, and I through yours. This is the only art with which I am competent.[/size] [/QUOTE] [size=2]Apart from the first sentence, the rest is essentially true. It is also a continuation of my answer to the question, which I thought would be even [i]more[/i] painfully obvious.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I [i]like[/i] being cryptic, but I also wanted people to be [i]able[/i] to interpret what I said. I suppose my hints are visible to me alone, unless some of you can see what I was getting at, now that I have explained everything. If you still think I was impossible to understand, please don't tell me. I can't be cryptic [i]and[/i] be clearer than I am here without feeling cheap. I suppose my flaw is that I am more afraid of being taken as an idiot trying to be cryptic than an idiot trying too hard to be cryptic.[/size]
[quote name='White][color=dimgray][font=Tahoma]Wouldn't it have been easier to just ask "Why are you on OB?" instead of trying to impress us with your fancy wording? Now you're just confusing people and not getting the answer you were originally looking for.[/font'][/color][/quote][size=2]Why must you ask questions so difficult to answer? Yes, it would have been easier to ask "Why are you on OB?", but it would have been much less [i]interesting.[/i] How kind of you to point out that I'm trying to [i]impress[/i] people. I do so like to be called [i]fancy[/i]. I can hardly contain my joy at receiving compliments from one so distinguished as yourself. I sincerely apologize for confusing you, and I regret that you choose not to answer my question, like Retribution and Lunox.[/size] [size=2]Why do I get the sense that you are all somehow [i]annoyed[/i] with me? I'm beginning to think that your annoyance stems from the feeling that you [i]are[/i] impressed with me. Why else would you attack me, unless I have provoked you somehow? My provocation, then, must be a challenge to your own intelligence. You must be so [i]insecure[/i] to be threatened by one such as I.[/size] [size=2]I do hope you can overcome your tendency to strike out at perceived threats in this manner. It would be much more [i]useful[/i] for you to improve yourself until the vastness of my superiority ceases to threaten.[/size] [size=2]Now, before you take offence, as you are apt to do, why not join me in this little game? Speak in a different voice, and see if it does not amuse you as much as it does me.[/size] [size=2]I hope you have a most wonderful day, as mine has been made better by your words and your unique presence.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]EDIT: DB, my friend, I would respond to your posts if I could squeeze but an inkling of sense out of them.[/size]
[font=Tahoma]Allamorph, Because is the [i]perfect[/i] answer. Its simplicity only adds to its mysteriousness. It encompasses every reason you are here, without divulging your secrets. Rather than bare your soul, you only hint at its enormity, and we can but stand in awe of what must be infinitely vast. Tell me no more, I could not stand to think less of you than the perfection my mind's eye sees. destertphoenix, You do indeed deserve the most metaphorical of metaphorical cookies. Its half-saucer shape is curved to perfection, and the warmth that rises from it carries every memory of self-satisfaction you may recall. It is a token of your accomplishment here, and may you enjoy its presence until you take it into yourself, allowing it to come full circle. It is not I who made the cookie, but you, and to its creator shall it return. Minako, Yes, why is it that we are here if not to unload the weight of our soul onto the word? It is cathartic, more so than writing thoughts to ourselves. There are many things one would rather have hidden, but we all have so much more we would like to share. Also, I do believe your representation of the word questioned is without flaw. Retribution, Why must you speak so of pseudophilosophy? I wish to be a philosopher, but I have no experience, no training to give weight to my words. So, I write in this manner, choosing words and forms that are dense by their very [i]nature[/i]. This thread asks but a simple question. Some choose to answer in the voice of what has already been written, others as they are most comfortable, and others still ignore the question, attempting to undermine a thread which others may enjoy. [/font]
[size=2]Oh dear, I truly thought it would be obvious to everyone, but my convulutedness seems to have befuddled you.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][Quote=Adahn][/size] [size=2]There you are, probably sitting in a chair in front of a computer screen, and you're being asked [i]why[/i].[/quote][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]The question, then, is why are you here on Otakuboards?[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][Quote=Adahn][/size] [size=2]You're probably wondering to yourself right now why I made the preceding statement. The reason, of course, is that what you see here is leading up to a question, and this little introduction is a part of the process of being asked this particular question.[/quote][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I wrote this with Smith's voice in my head.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]DK, I tried.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]taperson,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]It's interesting that you omitted the part of the post containing the pseudoquestion.[/size]
[size=2]Now that I've got your attention, I will do my best to make this thread live up to its title.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]There you are, probably sitting in a chair in front of a computer screen, and you're being asked [i]why[/i]. You're probably wondering to yourself right now why I made the preceding statement. The reason, of course, is that what you see here is leading up to a question, and this little introduction is a part of the process of being asked this particular question. That first sentence, then, is valid so long as I [i]do[/i] type the words you have been led to believe will appear. Unfortunately, I will not do this. You and I both know the question, even though it has [i]technically[/i] not been asked.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I am here because I like to write, and I like for others to see what I write. I enjoy being nonsensical, spiritual, argumentative, and persuasive. Ultimately, I want to be an effective enough writer to make each and every one of you like myself. It will be difficult without a physical form, but I will do my utmost to bend your personalities until they are of a shape with my own.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I like to make up crap and see if people will believe me. I speak the truth in such a way that you will [i]not[/i] believe me. Truth and knowledge are [i]mine[/i], and any effort I make to share is a poisoned one. This is my place to be selfish, uncaring, and unendurable, without any fear of real consequences. Here I am immortal, untouchable, and the only beauty perceivable is that which I craft with my hands. Here, you live through my work, and I through yours. This is the only art with which I am competent.[/size] [size=2][/size]
[size=2]I was wondering if/when you would show up, Jordan.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]First of all, there really haven't been any arguments. Not one person who has replied to this thread says we should keep gay marriage illegal. You yourself, Jordan, have taken no stance on the issue with your post, although I assume by your nature and the nature of your reply that I have not shaken your values.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Secondly, I [i]have[/i] used the Bible as my moral guidebook.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]And then the middle...stuff. 1-5 have little to do with what I have said. As for 6, the Bible lists homosexuality as a sin. The Bible is as much against homosexuality as it is against driving 56 mph in a 55 mph zone. It is the Christian ideology, the Christian majority, the group of people themselves that make this sin worthy of ostracism and oppression.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Frankly Jordan, I'm disappointed in you. You have completely avoided the nature of what I have written. I am an optimist, through and through. I'm all about saving as many souls as possible. I am going to make a statement that you may or may not agree with, but one that I would like you to address.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]The Christian ideology, in vehemently denying homosexuals the rights associated with a civil union, keeps those homosexuals from accepting God, damning them to death, when otherwise it could relent, [i]allowing[/i] those homosexuals to come to God and making available to them the path to salvation.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]The ideology, and all who support it in this way, then, commit the greatest of sins, which is to actively prevent people from accepting salvation and eternal life.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I tried being subtle and nice, but that doesn't work sometimes. No matter how much you try to deviate from [i]this[/i] issue, I will bring us back to it. I will continue to strike at the heart of this issue, which involves God and the [i]souls[/i] of all those involved.[/size]
[size=2]Well, you've got some [i]fire[/i] in you, don't you DB? Fire is good, as it drives us to have purpose. That purpose needs to be honed into action, though. The action that those supporting gay marriage tend to use is force. They want rights, and by golly, they're going to fight for them![/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]My strategy, however, is the use of gentle persuasion. I strike at the heart. It is not my will to force gay marriage into the legislation. I want people to accept it of their own will. It will make me more enemies, though, as my form of persuasion is more dangerous and effective than force. Since I am not attached to any church, the Christian ideology holds no sway over me. I think and speak freely, with no fear of consequences.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Your input on the issue rings strikingly true with me, DB. Except, of course, the bit about people still believing in the Bible. The Bible has some very good ideas, and I think following it [i]correctly[/i] will lead to equality and perfection. I do not claim to [i]know[/i] the correct way to follow it, but it is my will to find the correct path.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size]
[QUOTE=indifference][color=darkred] I could be mistaken but based on your original post here:It gave the impression that the main objection to Gay marriage came from Christian ideology. And if I understand what Aaryanna_Mom is saying here, a lot of the people in position to politically push these bills to deny them rights through and to rally others to vote for them, all of them are old enough to remember when homosexuality was considered a mental disorder. The problem is you didn?t really clarify that you were only addressing one aspect of why people object to gay marriage. You just went straight into how that Christian ideology was flawed. She was pointing out that for many people it wasn?t one of Christian values but one of a sickness that needs to be treated instead of supported. [/QUOTE] [size=2][color=black]A large number of people who grew up learning that homosexuality was a mental disorder also grew up during a time when blacks were widely considered sub-human. It's been 34 years since 1973, when the American Psychiatric Association decided homosexuality was no longer a mental disorder. This surely is something important and interesting to consider, but if it is such a large detractor to gay marriage, why have I never heard of it being brought up as a valid reason to oppose gay marriage?[/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000][/color][/size] [size=2][color=#000000]People's opinions change, and I think that enough time has passed for homosexuality being viewed as a mental disorder to be a thing of the past. I may be wrong in this, because I didn't live in that time, but I still think that if Christianity were to cease its fierce opposition to gay marriage, all other reasons to oppose gay marriage would have an insignificant ability to stop it from being legalized.[/color][/size] [size=2][/size] [/color]
[size=2]Don't Christians also go to prisons to talk to murderers? They tell them that God will forgive them if they ask for it, because no sin is unforgiveable.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Is homosexuality an unforgiveable sin, worse than murder? Can you be a murderer and go to heaven, but not be a homosexual and go to heaven?[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I think that on some level, Christians want to bring homosexuals to God, but why can't they understand that they're going about it all wrong? There can be love between men, as deep and profound as any love that exists between men and women. There is no sin in love, yet the Christian ideology would have homosexuals believe that the love they share is sinful. It is not the love that is a sin, but its expression can be a sin.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I do not wish to compare gay sex to incest, but I have no choice. They are right next to each other in the Bible, on the same page of the Old Testament, with the same punishment. I repeat, I [i]do not[/i] mean to compare gay sex and incest in any other way than correlative examples of love taken too far in God's eyes.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]It's ok to love your daughter, mother, or sister with all your heart. It is not ok to express that love sexually.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]It's ok for men or women to love each other with all their hearts. If you follow the old testament [u]to a letter[/u], it is not ok for men to express their love through anal penetration.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]The bottom line is that the Christian ideology has condemned the love and the sex. Neither condemnation is made with God's authority, especially the former. The latter is personal, between men/women and God.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]It is not the good Christian's place to try to fix homosexuals. It only serves to alienate them. If you want to help them, accept them. We're all the same, whether we be your average Joe sinners, murderers, or homosexuals. At least, that's how God sees us.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size]
[size=2]Aaryanna_Mom,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I am grateful for the insight you have offered. I hadn't really considered that people might still view it as a mental disorder. I was too young during those years, so I really have no grasp on what was going on politically at that time.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]However, I don't believe I said anywhere that religion was the only thing standing in the way of the legalization of gay marriage. I titled the thread "Christianity and Gay Marriage", because I wanted it to be clear that I was focusing solely on the religious aspect. If the discussion branches into other areas, I really won't mind, so long as it doesn't degenerate into petty squabbling over details as most threads of this nature do. So far, I am quite pleased with the responses. Everyone is being very mature, and more importantly, nobody has outright disagreed with me ;)[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I focus on the religious aspect because I feel it is the greatest obstacle to homosexuals being allowed to marry. If the Christian ideology were to change in such a way that gay marriage was no longer so vehemently opposed, I think it would quickly be legalized.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Retribution,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]I agree that it should be called a state marriage rather than a civil union. However, I am honestly more concerned with the rights being denied than the words used to describe the marriage. If I had to choose between homosexuals having no marriage rights, or to have marriage rights under a different name, I would choose the rights under a different name. Changes like these often need to come step by step. So long as the steps move forward towards equality, I think they are steps in the right direction.[/size]
[size=2]I don't think there is any part of the Bible that articulates, "Gay people can't get married." The only time God speaks against homosexuality is when He says. "If a man should lay with a man as he would with a woman, kill both of them. Their blood is upon them." This is in the Old Testament, and it is the reason Christianity is now opposed to homosexuals. Also, the Bible is absolutely silent on lesbianism. There is no reference to it anywhere, in the Old Testament or the New Testament.[/size]
[size=2]Lately, I've noticed something strange. You probably don't think about it much, but do you know how you recognize things? Like, you see a person you know, and you recognize who they are? Or, you see an object, like a shirt, and you see it and you know it's a shirt?[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Yeah, you probably know what I'm talking about, but you may be wondering why. I've been experiencing false recognition before true recognition. It's almost instantaneous, but the first thought is there. The discrepancy between the true recognition and the false recognition is brought to my attention immediately after it occurs. I think I need to give an example.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Yesterday, an elderly woman with glasses appeared on t.v. [i]Right[/i] when she appeared, though, my brain said "Macaulay Caulkin."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Also yesterday, a commercial started, and I noticed my uncovered foot. The [i]first[/i] thing I thought when I saw it was, "Flesh-colored foot-shaped sock."[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]We have 3 cats in our house, and they like to lay around, so many times I've seen a shirt or something on my bed. My brain doesn't say shirt first, though, it says cat.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]The recovery is immediate, so I know what the object is immediately after I recognize it falsely. Does anyone have any experience with this? Does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on with my head? Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Good Lord, I'm strange.[/size]
[size=2]I respect and completely agree with Gavin's stance. When I speak of legalizing gay marriage, I mean granting them the benefits of a civil union. It isn't a redefinition of marriage I ask for, only civil rights equality. Not voting to ban gay civil unions is an act that I believe is in line with God's will, and especially virtuous as it goes against the grain of mainstream Christianity.[/size] [size=2]Deathknight, you have a [i]very[/i] good understanding of what I think is going on with Christian politics. I'm not very good with politics myself, but I think here in the U.S., the republican party [i]needs[/i] to have gay marriage demonized in order to have a firm grasp on most Christian voters. If what I have written [i]is[/i] in line with God's wishes, and I do feel that it is, then there is a great deal of irony in this whole topic.[/size] [size=2]KW, I understand that you are personally against gay marriage. I have a personal question for you, and I hope you will consider it carefully before answering. Would you actively vote for a ban on gay marriage, and/or actively vote against its legalization? You know my stance and my beliefs on the issue. If the answer to the above question(s) is in any way yes, I would very much like to hear the reason behind it, as understanding differing opinions is essential for me to improve my position. Remember, I view not voting on the issue as a just and virtuous decision.[/size] [size=2]Also, I [i]do[/i] believe in God, and that is [u]why[/u] I "beat down" Christianity. I would like to clarify that I am not here to "diss the Christians". I see the reconsideration of gay marriage by the Christian ideology as a big step in bringing everyone, current Christians and homosexuals, closer to God.[/size] [size=2]Also, I have something to say about what it means to be a good Christian. There are two things that God has given authority to us to do as Christians. We can either bring people closer to God, or we can push people further away from Him. He has [u]not[/u] given us the authority to stop others from sinning. He has made it very clear that an individual's sins are between him/her and God. So, before you make a decision that may have an impact on another human being, always consider first: "am I bringing someone closer to God with this action, or am I pushing someone away?" To do the latter, passively or purposely, is to commit the greatest of sins.[/size] [size=2]If the Christian ideology adopts [i]their[/i] [i]own[/i] values and applies them in this way, then I believe it will bring everyone closer to God. I doubt the hardcore homo-hating Christians will be repulsed enough by this change in the worldview to abandon God.[/size] [size=2]I think it will also help relieve the stigma attached to homosexuality in the public mindset. Despite how this may seem to encourage people to sin, I [i]urge[/i] you to remember one thing. Everyone sins, and noone acknowledges all of their sins. I drive 60 mph in the 55 mph zones. Am I sinning? You bet your *** I am. Do I acknowledge my sin and seek to change my actions? I sure as hell don't! I do, however, ask God to forgive me of all my sins, the one's I acknowledge, and the ones I can't bring myself to acknowledge as sins. In this, you will see that in God's eyes (and my own eyes), I am no worse or better than any homosexual. No sin is so small that it will not earn death, and no sin is too large that it cannot be forgiven.[/size] [size=2]To all you non-Christians out there, I apologize for being all religousy, unless of course you can understand and appreciate my ideas regardless of your belief system, in which case I have nothing to apologize for.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]EDIT: That was awesome DK[/size]
[size=2]Allamorph,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Your apology is accepted unconditionally. I took no offense at anything you said. Also, you're absolutely right about me replying only to be argumentative. I'm pretty mellow in real life, but I'm deeply confrontational. When I feel the need to verbally belt it out with someone, this is where I come to play. Most, if not all, of my arguments are weak. I support them through brute force. The way I usually write here is not to be persuasive. I always wondered why people would always argue with me, and now I know it's because that's all I wanted from them![/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]As for this topic, if you want to trust the parents completely, then the operations performed on Ashley were in her best interests, and she will live a healthier and happier life because of them.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]If, however, you distrust the parents completely, it's a different story. If her father is an incestuous pedophile, and her mother sympathizes with him, then every single operation performed is necessary for transforming Ashley into a permanent object of sexual abuse. No doctor will ever have an excuse to examine her vagina, because she no longer has any function in that area. Her father could abuse her, and allow others to abuse her for the rest of her life, and nobody would ever be able to know.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]So, are the parents saints, or are they the worst kind of sinner? Only [i]they[/i] know the answer to that question. I imagine that they fall somewhere inbetween, though.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Since their goodness/evilness is not known, we should be able to explore their decision under the assumption that they are the worst parents in the world AND the best.[/size]
[size=2]Boo,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Whatever I write, for whatever reason, gets bashed, so I believe the answer to your question is 'yes'.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Niki,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]In taking this stance on Gay Marriage, I am hardly a model Christian myself. Christian politics is the largest barrier in the way of gay marriage being legalized, and we outsiders can discuss the inconsistencies between Christian politics and Christian values. I think gay marriage is a good model for drawing out these inconsistencies.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]Azure,[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]If you would like to treat it as an article, then you may. Articles are often the subject of discussion here on Otakuboards. This is different in that I am here to defend what I wrote, or change my position based on any arguments or comments that are made.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2]My intention was to post something I wrote for a different medium here, because I had hoped it would merit some amount of discussion. If it doesn't happen, then the thread will pass into oblivion like so many others. I did not edit the 'article', because I had a headache, and anything I write here tends to open me up to the bashing Boo has already suggested.[/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size] [size=2][/size]