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Everything posted by Adahn

  1. Yes, Baron Samedi has his right to be pessimistic, I'm sure it makes up a great deal of his personality, part of what makes him unique :) As for the 50 million dollars, the ***** probably doesn't even care about her husband, if she's willing to get every penny out of his death as possible. Her husband would probably want her to accept it and deal with it, not show the entire nation that she's a, well, TN hit the nail on the head there.
  2. If you're 14 years old, you're not a little kid. You're worse, you're an [i]adolescent[/i] (shudders). Good luck, young man, good luck. Also, I just want to make sure it's okay to advertise other forums in your signature (hint hint, nudge nudge moderators).
  3. Licking the last droplets of blood from his lips, John slowly breathes in and out, out of habit rather than necessity. It hits him then, [i]blood[/i]. He just drank blood. He bit the monster's neck, and sucked the blood out of him. That wasn't what hit him the hardest, though. The worst part was that he [i]liked[/i] it. No, wait, he [i]loved[/i] it. As he realized these things, fear gripped him like an iron clamp. He sat, shocked, completely unable to speak. He didn't know how long he sat before more thoughts came to him. "What just happened?" he asked of his captor. "Yes! It worked! Well, of course it worked. Heh. Anyways yes, we have much to talk about." As the creature beckoned John to him, John glanced into the mirror, and saw the most terrifying thing in his life. [i]It's hideous![/i] John looked closer at the reflection, and shifted to get a better view. As he watched the image in the mirror move, he realized that it showed himself! [i]I'm more disgusting than the creature that did this to me![/i] The monster saw the look on his face, and began to laugh his sputtering, coughing laugh. John tried to cry, but could not produce tears. He realized that he was no longer John, no longer [i]human[/i], he had become a monster, and his new name was [i]Gristle[/i].
  4. There's this funny little thing about faith, if it's proven, it's not faith anymore. Faith requires belief in something that cannot be proven. To argue that you will never have faith in anything because it can't be proven, is, well, I'm sure there's a word for it :). Belief without proof is the definition of faith, and I don't understand what you are trying to say. Other than that, I am glad you can see where other people are coming from, and how it could be possible that they might be correct. I do wonder if there is some explanation for your position on faith, or if you truly didn't know what faith implies.
  5. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. It's written by Steven Covey. The title does seem a little long-winded, but it's to the point. If you truly want to know more about this topic, get your hands on it. It is repetitive, but I think that's for reinforcement. I'd get more enjoyment out of it if I wasn't reading it for my Senior Civics class. I am absolutely serious, you will get more out of that book than you will ever get out of a discussion here. I've noticed that Drix has been using a lot of its principles in his discussion, and he's become, for lack of a better word, effective :).
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]1. OF course I think before my fingers move. They wouldn't move if I didn't think it. I do not dispute that our greatest ability is to think ahead and beyond. But what I [i]was[/i] saying, is that this will eventually go into circles, from the lack of facts, and the stubbornness of people. This leads to my other part, about opinions. 2. People are basically stubborn. From this discussion, I don't think anyone is going to refute their religion, or suddenly disbelieve Evolution. Sure, they may have another viewpoint on the matter after reading this thread. I don't need to think about my opinions- because they are not holdfast. How can they be, when nobody has [i]all[/i] the facts? 3. I believe that Evolution happened, however I am open to the possibility that a supreme being started it, and has helped us along. I am not narrowminded- maybe you are if you think that everybodys opinions must be holdfast and need to be constantly re-investigated? Not that [i]that[/i] is narrowminded, just set-in-your-ways. 4. I don't need to question my opinions. They are strong enough, for they are effectively based on all the facts that have and can be presented at this stage. 5. Of course everyone can change their opinions. What kind of stupid statement is that? I never said they couldn't change their opinions, I said 'no-one is [u]going[/u] to change their opinions' not 'no-one can change their opinions' Read my post again. 6. It is extremely unlikely that people are going to significantly change their opinion from some fact presented by othe rpeople. Look at Vash's Girl (Sorry to pick you but...) 7. She came in here and said her piece. Do you think anyone changed their opinions because of her? 8. I don't. This is so people can state and support their opinions, but the opinions are all pretty similar- in regard to evoultion anyway, so not many changes will occur. 9. Basically, I do not think you read my post correctly. I never said people 'couldn't' change their opinions. 10. Oh, and why isn't this discussion ineffective? Hhhhm. Who was it that started this thread? Uuuh. Ooh. Almost have the name...tip of my tongue...A-a- Uuh. Adahn! Thats it! 11. Sure we can ponder it, but it isn't going to get us any further down the path of discovery, really. Is it? [/B][/QUOTE] I like how Drix did the numbering of paragraphs, and you made it easy for me :D. 1. Who in their right mind would want to discuss something known as factual. That, my friend, would be pointless. I chose this controversial topic for that very reason, the sake of discussion. As for people being stubborn, you're stereotyping the entire human race. Stubbornness is seen as a [i]flaw[/i], and I would bet it doesn't apply to everyone. 2. You repeat yourself here, but I think I've got the gist of it. You're the only one I've heard say that questioning one's opinions and beliefs is a [i]bad[/i] thing. I think it's a very good thing, because it allows us to step back and take a look at why we chose our opinions in the first place. As for having all the facts, that would leave little room for brain-stimulating discussion, wouldn't it? 3. Here you say you're open to the idea of Intelligent Design. Hmm, since that seems to be where this discussion has taken a slight turn, wouldn't this be an effective way to aid in choosing to take a stand on the issue? The rest of this paragraph makes little sense to me, perhaps it could be explained? Apparently holdfast (never heard that word before) means weak and without a strong foundation? It may just be me, but that seems to be the opposite of how it sounds. I don't feel like opening a dictionary, but perhaps you could post its definition? 4. Again, this discussion doesn't rely much on facts, because a discussion of facts truly isn't much of a discussion. This is all about [i]ideas[/i], which require a bit of intelligence to discuss. You also say your opinions are strong, and therefore don't need to be questioned. A bit of advice from me would be, [i]the strength of your opinions depends solely on how much they have been questioned[/i]. 5. In saying that nobody is going to change their opinions, you are inherently stating that they cannot be changed. You stated it as a fact, without any questioning tone whatsoever, so I took it that you saw it as a fact yourself. If you want to say something that you don't know as a fact, use words such as "probably" or "almost." Otherwise, it will be taken that you perceive it as a fact. 6. Again, you're insinuating that every human being is incurably stubborn. If I'm not mistaken, most intelligent people [i]know[/i] that the strength of their opinions is derived from the thought put into them. Also, not everyone who reads the thread is going to post on it. It is possible (note the uncertainty) that people's opinions [i]are[/i] being changed, though we will not see the effect of it. 7. Again, I believe (more uncertainty) that it [i]is[/i] possible. 8. Again, you're stating things as fact, when you truly aren't sure whether they are true or not. The uncertainty strategy will protect you from many biting comments. 9. Again, in stating people [i]aren't[/i] going to change their opinions, you are insinuating that they don't have the ability. 10. I think you were trying to be sarcastic here, but with your wording, you are saying the discussion isn't innefective, which makes it effective. You then go to say that I was the one who started this [i]effective[/i] discussion. I thank you for the compliment :D. 11. Ah, but it will get us further down the path of discovery within ourselves. As we see other people defend their opinions, and find flaws in others', we are expanding our horizons. If we didn't have such discussions, we wouldn't be able to incorporate the well-thought-over beliefs of others. This is a melting pot of minds, and I, personally, find it to be quite an enjoyable, worthwhile experience. Ah, I really do like Drix's strategy, it's so satisfying. I truly am enjoying this. Would you care for another round? ::cracks knuckles::
  7. I haven't been shocked by the actions of other people, but I've shocked myself. I recently went against my personality to the utmost extreme, and it felt [i]great[/i]. When it comes to girls, I am beyond shy, I'm a bona-fide chicken****. Well, there was this girl that I found myself attracted to, and I decided to tell her that, just for the hell of it. I don't think she believed me, but it was amazing. It's like taking a wrecking ball to a wall you've built inside yourself. I think I'll convince her I wasn't just kidding, because it really is extremely against my personality. If you've ever wanted to go back in time and kick your own *** for something you've done, you can't. What you can do is mutilate what you don't like about you in the present. It's the most eye-opening experience I've ever had.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]Drix- In relation to your post Re: Positioning of sun etc., think of all the planets that [i]aren't[/i] positioned correctly for (what we know to be the conditions for survival). Now, we know very few planets and systems, but we know that their are many [i]millions[/i] more [i]at least[/i], so, does that not suggest, that despite the awesome odds of it happening, there is another planet out their with similar conditions? That there is enough planets to make the odds, not so bad as they seem? Of [i]course[/i] this is all theoretical, but then again, so is yours isn't it? We will never be able to know these things, and this discussion, whilst preparing me for future studies, is vastly ineffective, as no-one is going to change their opinion, and all opinions have been stated. [/B][/QUOTE] Do you think before your fingers move? This discussion is anything [i]but[/i] innefective. If pondering that which we cannot currently understand is innefective, then all of technology is the result of innefectiveness. The greatest thing about being human is the ability to perceive beyond our immediate reality. As for opinions not being able to be changed, I cannot even begin to describe how ludicrous that sounds. If there is ONE thing everyone has, it's an opinion, [i]and the power to change it[/i]. I suggest you put a little thought into your own opinions. If you think nobody else can change theirs, then do you believe you don't have the power to change [i]yours[/i]? I remember a quote from 7th or 8th grade, though I don't remember who said it. [i]"Simple minds discuss people, average minds discuss events, and great minds discuss ideas."[/i] If you don't question your own opinions, how strong can they truly be?
  9. John ended his search of the room instantly, and forced himself to look upon his aggressor. "What is this....thing?!" he thought to himself. John looked over the rotting flesh of the creature. Something in such a state of decomposition should not be able to live. It must be afflicted with hundreds of diseases. Something snapped into his mind, and he said "Replace who?" The creature looked at him, snarling "They said I could have one, ONE! So I had one, and what does he do? He ****ing dies. That's right, he dies. Now they'll never let me.....wait." Something that might be called a smile crept over the creature's face. He turned and looked into a cracked mirror. "Yes, yes, it all makes sense. We're all the same, they won't even notice!" The creature started trembling and gagging, wait, was it....laughing? "Wha-what the hell are you talking about?" asked John with a little apprehension. The creature stopped and looked at him, its eyes seeming to burn a hole straight through him. "You'll find out, oh, you'll find out indeed!" The creature started laughing again, except now it was walking straight towards John. Something different about it, it's mouth, maybe? John backed towards the wall, petrified.
  10. Let me just say, Drix, that I'm glad I don't have to debate against you. I was going to respond to some of the posts, but, now I don't have to. I like the points you have taken, and am in eager anticipation of intelligent rebuttal, though it will probably prove futile. As for Dagger, I hope you meant "billion" when you said million, otherwise Drix's response should prove most appropriate. I think Poisontongue needs to get in on this action. I love the absolute mutilation of each other's posts, it's the best way for observers to see both sides.
  11. I'm sorry for not wanting religion to be brought into this much, but I swear I saw somewhere that threads pertaining to abortion or religion were likely to be deleted outright. We can get amino acids from gases apparently, and I'll take your word for it (I'm going to be a biochemist :) ). I was wondering when we would be able to create a cell from inorganic matter. There aren't many natural occurances on earth that we can't simulate or copy, and we know what makes up a cell, correct? Perhaps in a few decades, or centuries, we will have the nanotechnology that allows us to construct cells from scratch. If we want to actually test the way it must have happened naturally, all we have to do is put all the right chemicals in a controlled evironment and see how far they get to becoming a cell. Since it wouldn't take alot, this could be performed thousands upon thousands of times instantaneously. My guess, however, is that we will never be able to create a cell, even with our technology at its absolute peak. I believe it is simply out of man's league. What truly eats at me is how people shun all religions because they think evolution, the big bang, the cosmic pool, are all fact. It's ignorance that gets to me, and I started this only so people could question the beliefs in life that they have merely accepted. It all comes down to a question of faith, because neither form of creation can be proven, ever. You either believe our live's have some sort of meaning, or we are a byproduct of evolution. The funniest thing is that if we are evolved, it was evolutions greatest mistake. We shape the world with our hands, and in doing so destroy it.
  12. So far, only James has even mentioned what my post, and this thread, were originally about. I want to know what people think about the origin of life. You all start at monkeys, I want to know how the cell came to be. It's really all about the basics. Re-read my first post, and see if you can guess the focus. If you can't even address the origin of life itself, then you shouldn't be able to assume evolution is even close to truth. I have little time, so I may be rambling, but please, talk to me about the very beginning of life, and how you think it was possible from an evolutionary standpoint.
  13. First things first, I do NOT want this to become about religion. If you want to talk about religion, take it elsewhere. Just because you mention something does not mean its opposite has to be brought into the picture. Secondly, I don't want idiots to post. There's just something about stupid people that turns a good forum into a bad one. If you don't know what the hell you're talking about, don't post. Third, I want to discuss MACROEVOLUTION, which is not microevolution. If you don't know the difference, don't post. Ok, now to the point. I don't like things that confuse me, and the concept of life having begun as it must have according to evolution boggles me. If you don't understand why something so simple could confuse ME, then thanks for the compliment, an I'll try to explain myself. The most simple, living lifeforms are single-celled organisms. If you aren't exactly sure what makes up a cell, go back to school. A "simple" cell is made up of many complex organelles, including the nucleus, which contains DNA. None of the parts of a cell can work without another. There is no appendix, everything has a function. A cell missing any of its organelles would simply die. I would like to know how the hell one of those "happened" from a [I]scientific[/I] viewpoint (notice how I didn't say religious). Essentially, there was a "cosmic pool" of elements an compounds, all churning around together. Then a cell suddenly "exists". Everything comes together precisely at the same time, creating a perfect cell capable of mitosis, with all the incredibly complex organelles functioning perfectly. Okay now, we've got a cell. I can almost see that happening, evolutionists, and I won't even go into the probability of such an event occuring. Let's see, where were we? Oh, yes, a cell in a cosmic pool. I don't want to go through all of the elements and compounds that must be surrounding this one, living cell, but I'll assume that all the ones required to make it are in excess, and there are probably different elements and compounds than aren't required to make a cell, but are there as products of the thousands of chemical reactions that occurred instantly. These excess chemicals immediately leave the cell due to a random environmental occurance, because most of them would kill any such cell. At the same time, elements and compounds required for cellular respiration come in contact with the cell in not too large or small doses so that it can divide and develop. Next, it survives the cataclysmic birth of the planet, which is always described by scientists as having much to do with tectonic shifting, volcanoes, deadly gases, and explosions. It then undergoes mutations, which in almost every case kill the organism that undergoes them, which happen to be beneficial to the cell. Then you get your whole classic evolution chart that traces us to fish and monkeys and whatnot. I'm not going to say that it's impossible, but the probability is what boggles me. I haven't even mentioned the exact positioning of the suns, planets, and moons in our solar system, which would allow for such an occurrance to happen in the first place. If I'm horribly mistaken, and there is another scientific explanation for the origin of life, I would LOVE to hear them. It truly would put my heart to rest to know the truth. I'm all for learning. Also, if you take what I've written to be generally true for what conditions must have allowed life to exist, I'd like to know how you can not only believe in it, but take it as absolute scientific fact. I'll repeat myself here, NO RELIGION. I don't want this thread closed, because I really would like to know what intelligent people think.
  14. Be something absolutely stupid. My brother won a Halloween contest recently, and guess what we was. He was a table, a freaking table, and he won. I won't describe it, but, he was more or less a walking table. If you have to, spin around in your house with your eyes closed, pointing in front of you, and choose whatever mundane object fate selects. What you want to do is get recognized, and nothing gets more attention than stupidity.
  15. I'm just like you, Drix (In respect to unattainable magnolia). You want something so badly you imagine it on a pedestal out of your reach. You can reach and yearn with all your heart and soul, but they will decieve you. You want it so badly you assume it is unattainable, while it is truly within your reach. In essence, ask her if she wants to get a freaking cup of coffee. You have NOTHING to lose. You care too much about preserving what you have right now, and it's time to take the next step. Take a leap of faith. You have so little time, every day your chance slips away, and you think to yourself, "Tomorrow." Soon, tomorrow, she truly will be out of your reach. The best things in life are not gotten easily, but that sure as hell doesn't mean you shouln't try. If you don't do it, you will regret it, possibly for the rest of your life. Good luck.
  16. Ok now, I'm going to post the deepest truths about myself. Feel free to rip your heart of out your chest and place it in this thread, right next to mine. I'm not going to rhyme, and it may not be very poetic, but this will probably turn into a poetry thread, and I don't want it closed/moved. So, here goes... I seek what cannot be found because it is everywhere I hide from others what I most want them to see That which I have pushed away has bounced back the hardest, and now it rules me I do not wish to become someone else I only want to be more of myself My greatest want is my greatest fear Only one can help, but his wisdom is not enough to fight what rules me, and he leaves when dreams come I have made the decision All that is left is to act on it I will defeat what rules me, though it will be quite a battle There, my beating, veiny heart. It's right there, out in the open. I know it's a bit of a riddle, and if anyone wants me to explain it, feel free to ask. I won't explain it if nobody cares. Again, feel free to rip out your own and lay it smack dab in the middle of the thread. We can talk about it, we might even make progress on what we see to be problems with it.
  17. When someone asks you to be normal, they're really asking you stop doing something that they consider socially acceptable. They are either wondering why you are hurting yourself socially, or are embarassed for you, and if they are friends with you, they fear you are tarnishing their social reputation. If you truly don't care what the asker of the question thinks, tell him that you are being yourself, and if they can't handle it, then they really don't care what happens to you anyway, and they're just curious. However, if you just happened to stumble into an act of idiocy, excuse yourself, call yourself an idiot, and laugh at yourself.
  18. I have a personal flaw that makes me limit myself. I do what is considered excellent by others. I would go deeper into a subject, but I don't have to. I will always do what is amazing for others, unless I decide to write something to impress myself. Perhaps I will do this, but first, I must read the greatest piece of writing on earth.
  19. Everyone is extremely unique, different compared to everyone else. If everyone is unique, then uniqueness is normalcy. To try and be like others is to take away their uniqueness, and yours, and become like that person. That would make you, and your target, very abnormal. Therefore, uniqueness is normalcy, it is part of what makes up humanity. To embrace conformity is to kill a part of what makes you human. That, my friends, is a bad thing.
  20. You'd better hope I never get my wish. I'd wish that nobody would ever be able to have a wish granted in some supernatural way. There are too many bad things that could happen, and it's, well, so unnatural. Hey, I think it came true! Wait a second, ouch, paradox. I hate those :(
  21. Adahn


    I apologize if I'm only repeating what someone else said, but there's no possible way I'm reading all those posts. What everyone has to understand is how unique everyone is. It is absolutely insane that no two people are alike. If you want to pick out one or two things about a person, whether it's something they can control or not, you're not even scratching the depth of that person. Putting people into different categories is absolutely pointless. I, unfortunately, have been brainwashed into perceiving people differently due to their aspects, but perceiving a difference in someone is no sin. People with blonde hair and people with brown hair have a distinct, recognizable difference. If you try to make friends with someone because of any perceived difference in hopes to feel better about yourself is just as bad for the conscience as any other judgement. If someone seems interesting to you, or sees something interesting in you, get to know them. If not, leave them alone. Someone who steals is a thief, but he is not "only" a thief. Someone who kills is a killer, but he is not "only" a killer. The same goes for everyone when you take a certain aspect out of them and focus on it. I personally, would never consider a romantic relationship with someone who smokes, because I find it a repulsing habit, and could not even force myself to be with someone like that. That is not a bad judgement. It shows lack of concern for personal health, and if the person is concerned, and wants to quit, it shows a lack of willpower. If someone has a different color skin, from that only, you can make absolutely no inferences as to their character. I do not judge, I observe.
  22. John brought his hand up to his face, and a sharp pain shot through him as his hand brushed his cheek. More tears of pain stung his eyes. He slowly tried to stand up, but something took his mind off his cheek immediately. His leg was not only broken, but twisted is some weird fashion. One word shot through his mind, "Hospital." John tried to drag himself out of the alley, but the pain was too unbearable. He tried to yell, but that just produced a spittle of blood. Now, a new thought came to mind, "****, I'm gonna die." A surge of willpower burst through him, and he began to crawl out of they alley on his stomach, despite the pain. The last thing he remembered before blacking out was a lady on the side of the road screaming, "Oh my god!" while covering her mouth and pointing. Then, everything went black...
  23. Drix told me about Kanojo. I suppose the only thing I can say is that she is unique. So few posts, and, well, you'll have to see them for yourself. I personally thought she was gone, but as soon as she sees her name, she posts immediately afterwards. She is the only person on OB that I can say I know absolutely nothing about. It intrigues me that she can post so few times, and yet still check OB, searching for her own name. The mystery has a certain allure that I cannot describe. I can infer whatever I wish, but I know nothing, and I probably never will know anything. This saddens me :( However, keep up the guise, Kanojo, never let go of your uniqueness. You have helped me realize that their is a person behind every action performed by that person. It makes me realize that there are some things I will never know, some experiences that will never happen. It shows me how limited life truly is. I will try and seek the true character behind everyone I know, because everyone is so unbelievable unique and interesting, and I will share what experiences I can with them while there is still time... Wow, I really have no idea where any of that came from.
  24. John, still angry about having his wallet stolen, slowly walks towards the stranger. He squints his eyes in the darkness to see if it is the thief, but he still cannot tell. He takes a closer look at the sack of garbage, and feels a sense of unease as to what might be inside it. John, taking a leap of faith, decides to approach the stranger to find out if he is the thief, or if he saw where the thief might have gone. "Excuse me, sir, but I was wondering..." John said cautiously, unsure of how the stranger would respond. John glanced down at the bag one more time before looking back up to where the stranger's face was. John's words were caught in his throat, as several realizations immediately forced themselves into his mind, threatening his perception of reality itself.
  25. Let me just say, oww, my head hurts. I may be able to reply coherently and understand what you just wrote, but I'm tired now. I'm sure you make sense right now, but if I try and understand it at this point, I'm going to get a nosebleed :). Hopefully, I'll dredge up some wisdom by tomorrow.
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