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Everything posted by Adahn
I did not mean to say that you, poisontongue, mentioned religion in anyway. You merely brought up the topic/debate of absolute truth vs. relative truth. If I know Drix, (and I do know him) then he will reply to you and explain another perspective, which has alot to do with religion. If he doesn't reply, then it will be because of a great effort of will on his part. I truly am sorry if you thought I meant you were going to bring it up, I just wanted to warn you that it is very likely this will go off-topic if Drix replies the way I believe he will. However, if he doesn't, I will try to explain myself as best as I can, even though what I can say will pale in comparison to what Drix would say. Essentially, the idea of relative truth, that everyone's perspective can be different, and therefore there is no right and wrong, can be debated by the idea of a Supreme Being. I think from what I know of you, you are not a believer in God, and I hope you understand I am not trying to force my perspective on you. If there is a God, then whatever He thinks is right or wrong is an absolute right or wrong for anyone in all of Creation, whether the perspectives of mortals differ or not. It's a rather simple concept to grasp, and because of it, your "relative truth" will never be accepted by anyone who believes in a Supreme Being, whether you explain it with the most convincing logic or not. Again, I apologize. I respect your intelligence very much, and I feel the need to clear my name in respect to your opinion of me.
Oh, I'm definitely going to college. Thanks for enlightening me with respect to the difficulty in college. I probably will take the challenging courses that deal with writing. I do hope that classes in college allow broad topics where I can explore what interests me in order to realize the true extent of any talent or ability I posess. Also, it makes me feel better that I don't have to spend time challenging myself now. AP Bio is so much work :(.
That is scary. So many of those things are true for me (with exception to the flute ones). I NEED the link to that, so I can get it and print it out at school. This is not a want, this is an absolute necessity. I would not be able to live with myself if I didn't share this with my band. I play the trombone, and I'm awesome :) (first chair)
You just had to say there's no right and wrong, didn't you? *sigh* You do know that this is going to turn into another religion thread, don't you? Go ahead Drix, you know you want to...
I replace some "k" sounding letters with a "p". Hence, crap becomes prap, work becomes werp, and so on. I'm just weird like that. I just like saying prap "shrug".
Does anyone feel that they're not living up to their full potential? In classes such as Math and Science, I find I am challenged, but I can still pull of an "A" if I do what is necessary. I'm mainly talking about classes involving writing and English. I'll admit, I have to put time into the courses, but I don't have to do squat with effort. I can throw around whatever fancy words I wish, and intrigue any teacher enough to get an "A". That grade is supposed to stand for excellence, but I find it too easy to achieve. Everything I've ever written in my life was "enough" to get an "A", but it all seems meaningless, and I know I can do much, much better. I've thought about writing things, and it helps ease my mind a little (Thanks OB:)), but I know I am no where near my best. I think I'm more left-brained (logical) than right-brained (creative), because that is the direction we are pushed throughout our lives at school. Now I'm faced with alot of ideas and thoughts that are right-brained, and I don't know how to channel them. Perhaps I'll whip something up over at the poetry board. Well, that's all I need to get off my chest for now, and I would be happy to hear anyone else's thoughts on the matter.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]Think. Why do countries 'do' terrorism... isn't it because another country does something that annoys them, or because they want to depose a government? So, if people were fair to one another, and let them get on with their religions, then it would only be against a 'bad' government. Now, if everyone is going to try and flush them out if they do terrorist attacks, are they going to? No. If you don't grant them publicity, don't acknowledge their cause, then they lose the way to get more followers, and to have people understand. Eventually it will die out. I am not saying AMERICA NECESSARILY DID THE WRONG THING, BUT I THINK IT COULD HAVE BEEN RESOLVED DIFFERENTLY IF [I]BOTH[/I] PARTIES WERE MORE LENIENT. Damn capslock. I am going to leave this as is, coz I got to go, and can't be bothered re-changing that. But do you see my point? [/B][/QUOTE] First of all, countries don't do terrorism. If a country does something destructive to another country, we call it an act of war. Terrorism is, oh, say, a group of radical-Islamists flying hijacked airplanes into a couple buildings filled with innocent people, with every intent of killing as many of them as possible. Do you sense a difference? And about not granting terrorist groups publicity, I find that funny. You tell me how we convince the American people that two airplanes coincidentally flew into the World Trade Center, without any planning by a terrorist group. I suppose a good thing to do would be to pretend it never happened, and do nothing to retaliate or protect ourselves against a later occurance (sarcasm). What you said about both parties, are you talking about the U.S. and the Taliban? Yes, let's go talk to them. Come on, crawl out of your caves, we just want to talk. I have a hunch that that strategy wouldn't prove too effective. In essence, no, I do not see your point. If I'm missing something here, I would not mind being enlightened. I'm all for that :)
My parents aren't going to be able to help me either :(. I'm going to rely on scholarships, working on campus, grants, the FAFSA, and if I have to, student loans. I'm probably going to go to Grand Valley State University. If I absolutely have to, I'll commute there. I'm going into biochemistry, which I don't think I'll have too much competition in. I am applying tomorrow, and I vastly exceed their requirements, so I'm positive I'll be accepted. I'm not positive how things are going to go, but I know one thing; I'll make it work.
Gamur tagged along with the rest of the pack following Michael. He didn't notice the change in temperature, and he didn't care. He would taste sweet, sweet blood tonight. He saw the hunger in the eyes of the other werebeasts, waiting to fulfill their insatiable apetites. Gamur would have his blood, and he would have it tonight, soon. His heart danced in his chest with anticipation, and he didn't bother to wipe the drool that had begun to run down his face. He barely suppressed the urge to howl out his rapture, and the killing had not even begun...
I think that if any country has 3,000 people murdered in a matter of hours, they're going to be rather perturbed. 3 days after 9/11, the house and senate voted (almost unanimously) to allow the United States to use any means necessary to deal with any group or country "he believed" that aided terrorists involved in the attack on the WTC. They specifically made it so that the president had complete judgement over who was involved. If the president believes Iraq had something to do with 9/11, then the president can act accordingly. Bush is doing what he was told by the people that represented almost everyone in the United States. What would you do if someone murdered a member of your family? If anything, we're being too nice. If someone killed someone in my family, I would probably tear them to shreds before coming back to my senses. Over 3,000 people MURDERED. Tell me the name of ONE country (non-communist/dictatorial) that would do less than their absolute best to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Well, when you sleep, your breathing rate goes way, way down. It may require some conscious thought, but force yourself to breathe less often, and perhaps staying awake won't hurt as much. I'm not an insomniac, but that seems to make sense to me *shrug*.
Gamur went over the battle in his head. Yes, he was seen to transform in front of the vampire, but nobody noticed as he slid into the shadows, merely watching the fight. Not even the werewolves knew he didn't leave with the rest of them. The vampires were the worst of them all. Weren't they supposed to be intelligent? Gamur had emptied his mind of all cognative thought, breaking himself down to "track" and "hide". Not even the masterminds had sensed him. Now he knew where the bloodsuckers were hiding during the day. Yes, Michael would be pleased...
I've had a little more time to think, and perhaps maturity has more to do with distinguishing between what is important, and what is not, rather than parental instincts showing their face. I believe if someone could put things into perspective in their daily lives, and act accordingly, then they are mature. Everyone makes mistakes, even the oldest in any society, but they have learned, from experience, what truly matters. I was wondering if he have anyone rather aged on these boards, and it would be interesting to know their opinions on the matter. So far it's been people in their teens (including me), and the words of someone perhaps in their late 20's or early 30's would be able to draw from their life experiences and enlighten us. *Note*-If you are of such an age, and you have posted, I'm sorry for not noticing.
John ambled among the myriad of streets, his mind distant from his body. He'd gotten used to walking home from work since his car had broken down, and yet he suddenly felt very lost. He gazed up at the starless sky, feeling small and alone. Almost imperceptibly, a hand slipped into his back pocket, ever so gently. John snapped back into reality, and ran towards the thief who was casually walking away. However, John's heavy footsteps alerted the thief, who broke into a sprint. "Help! Thief!" John yelled, but nobody really seemed to care. Angry at himself for being so careless, he picked up his pace, fueled by rage. The thief turned into a dark alley, and John followed only about 20 yards behind. When he got to the alley entrance, panting, he stopped and let his eyes lose focus so he could detect movement. He saw a shifting in the shadows near the end of the alley, where a chain-link fence blocked the entrance to a side-street. John ran down to it, and started to scale it when he felt a sharp pain in his hand. He jumped back off the fence and cradled his hand. He looked up at the fence to see blood glistening in the moonlight, lightly covering the barbed wire which had escaped his notice. Lost, bleeding, and broke, John sat down to collect his thoughts.
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
Adahn replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
Yes, it would be nice to get rid of situational emotions, but that's rather impossible to do on a global scale. However, one can condition oneself against such situational emotions. One's mind is under one's complete control, it is only the barriers one sets up oneself that prevent such paradigm shifts. If one really doesn't want to love anymore, it will be hard, but anything one desires to change will change if all one's will is exerted in the direction of the change. -
I think people who display that flag either really haven't put much thought into what it stands for, or don't have much of a mind to use in the first place. In essence, unless they truly believe in one or two of the things it used to stand for, they're just complete idiots who want to impress someone, or piss someone off.
I've seen alot of replies, and some of them beat around the bush a bit, but I believe it's becoming clear. A large part of maturity is simply parental instinct. Recently (within the past year), I've become very protective of my 14 year old brother. He seems careless and reckless at times, and I always tell him to be careful, or plead with him if I have to. I worry about him all the time, and just wish he would grow up and become responsible. He has a real knack for getting on my nerves, and yet, I still care about his welfare every second. I think that showing such signs of parenting skills is a way to know that your mind is truly developing in a more mature manner.
Name: Gamur Age: 70 Height/Weight: 6', 170lbs Breed: WereBeast Answers: D, C, C Description:Human: Pitch black hair, lightly tanned skin. Sharp facial features, enchanting smile. WereBeast: Four legged, black furred werewolf, with lean, powerful limbs, red eyes, and a mouth full of dagger-like teeth. Bio: A lean, young werewolf that likes to attack from behind when its dark. He has a knack for setting up ambushes, and his midnight black coat makes him very difficult to spot. He likes taking orders, but follows them in his own manner. More than anything, he enjoys the first taste of blood from a resisting vampire, and grows more and more fierce from the taste of it. Class: K-9 (extreme strength and stamina)
If you could erase one human emotion..what would it be and why?
Adahn replied to Bishie's topic in General Discussion
Do you ever wonder if we're missing some emotions. I'll admit, we know what we know well, but what if there's something beyond the scope of our current human perception? What if an emotion, or more than one, has already been erased? There are some feelings that people simply cannot describe. What if these are resurfaced emotions we once knew in the past? I think the United States has lost its heart as a complete nation. We are standing divided on every issue. Perhaps our progression in efficiency is keeping us from reaching our true potential emotionally. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by animangademon [/i] [B]Adahn..please describe your dream once more for me.. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm on a white plane (not an airplaine, kind of like a plane of existence) and there is a big black glob. I have an opponent, or if not that, then some sort of resistance. There are three consciousnesses (referees/judges?) that I can't really perceive except for that they are different and they communicate. The object of the "game" was to push the glob around mentally, trying to move it to one side or the other, or split it, or combine it. I don't really know the rules, just that there were some while I was dreaming, and I knew what I had to do. "I" wasn't touching the glob, but I willed it to move against the will of my resistance, and it seemed to go on for a long time. I don't know if I "won" or not, because it was a long time ago. At the time I had it, I was in my early teens, and it was indescribable. I knew it was weird, though, really, really weird.
Wow, I'm glad I'm learning Spanish. All those japanese rules boggle my mind! As for Max, your teacher probably uses the same strategy mine does. Tough it out, it works better than you could ever imagine. You'll be speaking spanish faster than you can think in no time at all.
Again, the logic part of my brain won't leave me alone "prods his brain". Anyways, if I were to grow up as a girl, I would be different in every aspect. All of my experiences would be different, and I truly cannot guess what would have happened. The only constant in my life would be my parents, and they would have treated me differently. As for my brother and sister, who knows how they would have turned out. Their genetics might have even been completely different due to my actions that affected my parents. All in all, I would be an entirely different person, and any characteristics between a female-me and myself would be mere coincidence. I'm sorry for being so logical, but that's just the way my mind works sometimes.
If you had supernatural powers what would they be?
Adahn replied to Max's topic in General Discussion
Hmm, I think I'll take this logically. I personally don't want to be dissected by the government, so I'd take something supernatural that is a little less perceptible. I would want to have an impression of how people feel about me. No matter how much one denies it, one cares about what others think. Today, so many people live superficially, acting against their character to profit from their impure motives. To have an understanding of anyone's true nature would probably be more accurate. It would be undeniably helpful, and unless I'm not careful, I won't end up on the wrong end of a scalpel :) . -
There isn't a thread about this on the first page, I believe, and if it is a repeat, I would be happy to be redirected. I want to know what people think signs of maturity are, and whether they think themselves to be mature or not. I'm not very old (17), and I've thought myself mature before, but I believe I was incorrect. I think I was merely [I]intelligent[/I] . One can be mature, and unintelligent, or vise-versa. Anyways, I think I became mature when I realized that what I want more than anything in the world is someone to love and start a family with. I know I'm not ready yet, I have to do the "finish high school/go to college/get a job" thing first, but it sucks that I feel the way I do now. I have to wait so long, and it's like an emptiness inside of me. Well, thanks for listening, and I'd be glad to hear any input on the subject.
I think I don't need as much sleep as I get. I can't remember the last time my alarm clock actually woke me up, and I set the stupid thing for 5:45 a.m. I always wake up to make sure I pushed the little button that sets it, and that's usually between 4 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. I really hate that, but when I do get up, it takes no help, and I practically jump out of bed and go eat something, after which I take a nap :)