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Everything posted by BlueCat

  1. Hello..... I only got 1 reply to my last post...:( Oh well.....Here's some grayscale portraits I did for a commission -nothing fancy, but I hope people will comment. [URL=http://www.bluecatsbasement.com/Comissions%20pages/Miyako.htm]Miyako[/URL] [URL=http://www.bluecatsbasement.com/Comissions%20pages/Ichirou.htm]Ichirou[/URL] [URL=http://www.bluecatsbasement.com/Comissions%20pages/Kadeth.htm]Kadeth[/URL]
  2. These two are composition and color roughs for a college assignment. I'd like to know which one you guys like better. Also they're the 2nd and 3rd times I've used Painter on a full blown picture, so I'd like comments on the coloring as well. [url]http://www.bluecatsbasement.com/Animepages/composition%201.htm[/url] [url]http://www.bluecatsbasement.com/Animepages/composition%202.htm[/url]
  3. Hi, I think that in general, your proportions are good and you know where to put the shadows. However, I'd like to see what happens when you soften the shadows. It can still look graphic, but it'll just push the contrasts.
  4. Hello, This is a Photoshop pic that I just finished yesterday. Its a different mode of coloring than one I usually use. I blended it more instead of laying down flat shapes of color. Anyway, see what you think. *note: I reposted this pic coz the thing looks blurry, then the attachment box disappeared when I edited it. Anyway, the pic is clear now. BlueCat
  5. Hi, I think the proportions ok - I mean sure the legs are long and the head is a bit big, but I think in Anime drawing you can bend the rules a bit as long as you don't overdo it. Did you make the background yourself? If you did the water effects look good. One suggestion though. With the white glow, make them less white and vary their brightness to show depth in space. BlueCat
  6. Hi Naru, That's odd...I downloaded "descend" this morning and another one of my pics turned up instead. That's why I thought everyone's commenting on the wrong picture. I've already fixed it since then and it should download the correct picture now. However, if you've seen that one, here's another one of my pics. Its kind of old but different from my usual. Its supposed to be Sephiroth and Cloud in the Shinra library, but its dark and hard to make out.
  7. Hi Everyone, Thanks for all your comments on the last picture (actually, that one should be taken down a long time ago - I didn't realise that everyone was still commenting on that one instead of this one). This is the new one I was supposed to post. Its done in mechanical pencil.
  8. Oh wow, I think they're cool. Nice, neat and not to cluttered at all. Can I ask what you use to ink your line art?
  9. Hi, The coloring isn't bad actually. However, I think that the head is too big for the body, or that the arms and shoulders are too small for the head.
  10. Hi, Actually, that's a pretty good sketch, lightsource is consistent and shading is balanced all around. Just a suggestion though, with pencil sketches, try to "auto level" the image in Photoshop after you scan it in. It makes it look much better.
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