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Everything posted by SubaruFan
heres the second one
I drew and posted these a couple of months ago,but the pictures were extremely poor quality,but i finally got around to scanning them and id like people to take a look.
I do think the confict that Inuyasha has between the two girls,one whom is the woman he loved in spirit,and the other the one in flesh,is torture for him and seeing how he learns to deal is one of the many things I enjoy about it.And giving it more thought,i still more fervently disagree with people that shout "stereotypes" at Inuyasha.Someone said Kagome was a little school girl who discovers she has super powers and stuff,well,that may be true,but even before that happens,when shes still a "frail mortal" she continually shows a side of uncommon bravery when she and her companions are in danger.Inuyasha isn't a superhero,he does get injured and he does have weaknesses,which I think is important for people to realize about him,and Miroku isn't just a perverted monk,at least not deep down,he knows he doesn't have long to live and is trying to get the most life out of the time he has left.
Well,I think one main villian is important,it provides a counterbalance for the good guy.It also has a dual role of raising sympathy for the protagonists and increasing hatred of the villian,so when the good guys do at last win,its a bigger deal.And also,never beating a nemesis,and like Kagome's always losing the shards,it's an expression that you can't always win and that stories don't always have happy endings.
Then obviously I wasn't referring to you,Dagger,I was talking to the people that don't like it because they're friends don't,or people in the forums don't,I was just asking those people,not you,to give it an honest chance,and I'm not a bandwagon fan of it either,I bought the manga on a whim and i went crazy for it,so I did it for myself.Also,I would apply that same expectation to bandwagon fans,they should forget about what they're friends like about Inuyasha and judge if they actually like it themselves.And finally,like I said,why does everything have to be original? so what if jokes get old? If that mattered,friends would have been over a long,long time ago,its just entertainment,sheesh...
I used to know next to nothing about Inuyasha,and I'm still fairly clueless,but i love it now.I'll admit that the show isn't that awe-inspiring,but I've fallen in love with the mangas and have been buying them up (in the past week I've gotten volumes 1-7 and will get more as soon as i find more money) as fast as i can.Also,I wish people would stop talking about "stereotypes" and everything,I mean,why must everyone be so jaded? Can't any of you ever just sit down and enjoy something without it having to be totally original and out there? And even if you can't,not everything is stereotypical about it...I've never seen a perverted Buddhist monk with a black hole in his hand before in an anime,so where does that fit in? I bet half the people that have jumped on the hatred bandwagon have only seen the show once or twice on cartoon network or something,read the mangas and give it a chance before you judge...
I've had my own experiences to show that dreams can,and often do represent your mind processing things your waking mind either cant handle or wont stop thinking about.My most recent and convincing one was when I wouldn't stop thinking these paranoid thoughts about my boyfriend (or exboyfriend,or whatever he is,even he doesnt know what hes thinking half the time,and yes im a guy too,im bisexual,so get over it lol) and that night,i dreamt he told me that he'd found someone else,a girl,and that he was really happy,and at the end of the dream i was going to kill myself...i woke up and almost screamed and started to cry,it was awful....so yeah,dreams suck lol
Hmm...I'd wanna visit the UK,Ireland,France,and Japan,and only because i like food and all those places have great food....but,i wouldnt wanna eat any tofu cashew stuff like I had a thai restaurant once...blech
When I was little,i fell off a rocking chair i was standing on in my room and busted my eyebrow open on my toybox,had to get like 10 stitches...countless scrapes.scratches and bruises,and my dog bit me really bad last week,its just now all healed,but,i deserved it,shouldnt ever provoke a poodle lol
I hang out at waldenbooks alot and one of the clerks has a really thick british accent,i love hearing her talk,and theres this indian substitute at my school named mrs ahmed,shes so funny,but all my frirends have the american "non-accent" so,i miss out lol
Anyone hurting animals makes me cry,sometimes a song will do it...or just when i get into an argument with a friend and they upset me,otherwise im usually a not-crying person...if thats a word,anyway,i dont even cry at funerals so people usually think im heartless...oh well.
I didn't have any bad teachers,but one teacher at my school went insane and hit a kid with a stapler...but my old algebra 2 teacher was always yelling at us to shut up,and i think she told us we were stupid once,them messed up a problem right after,so that was a good laugh.Also,my old biology teacher (why are bio teachers evil?) was told by a student that he was the devil,so he turned the heater up all the way to make his toom into "hell",so by the end of class we were sitting on the floor where it was cooler,which taught us all a valuable lesson about convection currents...lol.
I like it,it looks alot like something I would draw,except I have no idea who that character is.
thanks everyone for your comments,i plan to redo it in my sketchbook,ill probably post a picture of that here too when im done
I've decided to never color any of my pictures because I dont really know how to do it and I'm afraid of destroying my work lol.
lol,i never thought id draw a picture well enough that id be accused of tracing! of course i didnt trace it,you can tell since theres still errors,and its on thick printer paper which is just about impossible to trace through
Woohoo! ok,after advice and reading the response to the thread,i fixed the picture up and im finally happy with it,heres the final result
lol,the chin is big because the first time i drew that left eye,it was much bigger and threw off the scaling,and it cant really be fixed unless i give her a huge neck so *shrug*
I decided i'd post another drawing,but I wasn't sure how to go about it so,ill apologize in advance to the moderators if im doing it wrong.i know its sort of messed up and i need some help fixing it.(and this ones a digicam picture too,im sorry i dont have a scanner lol)
i just wanted to add that this wasn't scanned,its a digital photo,so that accounts for some of the things that may look like errors,but I will admit its not perfect lol
I made this sketch of Inuyasha last night and tried to submit it for fanart,I either did it wrong or it wasnt accepted,so I'll post it here.