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Everything posted by Tom222666

  1. Barrel Behind the Door. If you run into a Magic Cylinder or somone els's RoD.
  2. What were the cards used in the Umbra/Lumis double duel to protect Lumis from Kaiba's Ring of Destruction?
  3. A 2=Divide attack by half A 5=Lose 1000 attack points. A 6=Double attack points. Think that's it.
  4. Well, I was at a local card shop tonight and someone tried to use the Elma+Woodland Sprite combo on me. If you don't know it, Elma only comes back when destroyed while equipped and Sprite sends equips to the grave for 500 damage. He proceeded to say Upperdeck told him and all of this so I got up and walked away.Total lunacy.
  5. He used the card throwing trick to deflect him and also a steel bar. And the faux Tristan used a Kendo-like stick. What was the card used by both Arkana and Bakura that used a monsters soul as an attack?
  6. I think he is good and all but IMO he pales next to CED. I mean CED comes on the field and basically launches a nuke, whereas this guy takes a little more finesse to use. If you could set this up right to swarm, then CS is awesome. I don't have much time now so I will drop a rating 4.5/5.
  7. Name: Jason Lee Age: 18 Description: He is in an all american looking boy, who went goth. His blonde hair still shines through the silver tint, and he has piercing blue eyes. He is dressed in leather from head-to-toe with a leather trench coat (think Angel after losing his soul for the first time). Bio: He was a jock who went through losing both parents and thus turned gothic in nature. Millennium Item: None Millennium Item?s Power:None Monster:Reflect Bounder Monster Description: Tall, machine covered in reflective mirrors. These mirrors can fire back any attack sent at them. Reason for Playing the Shadow Game: To help find himself through saving the world.
  8. Shadowfire you are wrong BTW. But the answer was God Slime. And he also olayed Jam Defender. To Snodins Question was it Temple of the Sand? The one that let him get a Ritual Magic card after 3 turns.
  9. Premature Burial Call of the Haunted. What was the fusion card Marik used in his duel against Yugi to make his attacks useless?
  10. Big 1, And Nesbitt. If I'm right then ehat was Yugis strategy to save Joey from being attacked when he would've been gone?
  11. What was the card Pegasus used in his duel with Yugi to make Yugi lose life when his defense position mons. were desrtoyed?
  12. Rare Hunter(Other name Never Given)-Exodia Strings-Summoning Slifer Arkana- Summon D.M. and counter Yugis Deck. Odion- MANY traps and summon Serket and Ra. Marik (Since he is the Rare Hunters leader I think he is one)- Summoning Ra. Umbra- Mask M/T deck to counter everything. Lumis- Mask deck with monster support. I think that is all. I'll wait for confirmation from D-Bug though.
  13. What combination does Yugi use to defeat the big five's FGD?
  14. Morphing Jar and Man Eater Bug.
  15. I think it's great but I have one tiny suggestion. Maybe add in a Pandemonium Watchdog. Good card to have for protection. But, even without it the deck gets a solid 4/5.
  16. Well, I see a few things that could be replaced. Asura Priest for one, I know he has a good ability but what to do if you have no mons. in hand or field you draw him and your opponents field is full of stronger monsters? Plus, he's a spirit so if you summon hi, that's your summon for the turn and he will go back to your hand at the end of the turn. Also, if I were you I would take out Kycoo, he has an awesome effect but doesn't fit your theme. I would think about adding Jinzo or something to take other's "Tinzo's" out. And lastly why DFK? Unless you add Mirage to your deck or the correct fusion parts, I wouldn't use him. And lastly if you want to maybe throw in the XYZ sets if you think it. They are good light types (I think) and pretty good alone. All in all a good attempt.
  17. Well,l am finally getting around to my tourney deck. Here it is. Lv. 4 and Lower Reflect Bounder Fire Princess x2 Sangan Skilled Dark Tribe Virus Kuriboh x2 Fiber Jar Cyber Jar Gemini D.D. Warrior Lady Spear Dragon Witch of the Black Forest Wall of Illusion Gearfried x2 Archfiend Soldier Spells SORL Mage Power United We Stand Morale Boost x2 Butterfly Dagger x2 Confiscation G.Charity Raigeki Cost Down MST x2 Heavy Storm Harpies Feather Pot of Greed Change of Heart Dark Hole Monster Reborn Axe of Despair Double Spell Warrior Returning Alive Reinforcement of the Army Traps Call of the Haunted R.OD. Magical Cylinder Mirror Force Imperial Order BbtD Please feel free to rate/fox. Thanks!
  18. I think it is Kaiba. Not sure though.
  19. I don't see many differences between this one and your other dragon deck a few pages back, except you dropped two BEWD. I don't know why you have sinister serpent in there. I would drop one Ray of Hope and add the Wabokus for proctection. Other than that I give it a 3/5 because I don't see much differences from other dragon decks besides a few cards from DCR. Asheron: I am biased because I like CED but I think if you were going for a pure chaos deck, then it's a great job. And I like the use of Marshmallon. 5/5.
  20. Asheron is right. Go ahead.
  21. Alright, what is the Chaos Soldier a reprint of? Hint: it is a card used by Yugi in Duelist Kingdom.
  22. I was browsing around the internet and found something at Toywiz that caught my eye. It is a new TCG similar to Yu-Gi-Oh called Duel Masters. In this game, as far as I've heard, the cards are powered higher and you use "creatures" to battle. I have seen what we would call a starter deck for this game and it has two 20 card decks and a complete rulebook, comic book, and many different things. I thought people might be interested in this because we play a similar TCG so click on the following link to take a look. [url]http://www.toywiz.com/dumajacaga.html[/url]
  23. They are treated as three different monsters when summoned in the show.But, in the card game Harpie Lady Sisters is one card from Metal Raiders I believe.
  24. 9. Fiber Jar- The big reason for this is to recycle if needed. And if it's okay with Circeus. To go with saving our fiends from being lost in the fiber re-shuffle Miracle Dig- So we can bring back fiends for necrofear and put them back in the deck if Fiber is used.
  25. I had a question about Sakuretsu Armor. Now, whenever I play this card my opponents always say it doesn't negate the attack since the card does not say "Negate the attackk...". Well, I was wondering would it destroy the monster before it attacks, essentially negating the attack? If anyone can answer this for me I will be thankful.
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