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Everything posted by Tom222666

  1. Well, can't blame me for trying. Name: Jason Lee Age: 18 Description: Jason is an evn six foot man. He has black leater pants that have hidden pockets, A plain looking white shirt, and a long black leather coat. Breed(s): Demon, Sayain. Special Gifts: He can cotrol, fom, and fire spirit energy, and summon/control monsters. Bio: Like Erika his parents were executed, for loving each other when they were never supposed to. He watched them die and swore forever to fight oppressive and archaic people. He seems to be a villain but really is on Erika's side.
  2. Um, can we please not have a big argument here. Altron you did not even rate the deck, just insulted Domon, his deck building capabilities, and signature. Come on, no one needs to get flamed. By the way Domon, sorry if I was rude earlier I will rate your deck. I give it a 8/10 because I don't hink all three could work in one deck.
  3. Sorry Domon, but as I was recently yelled at for, the gods are null and void in this game. I guess that means this is a "good on paper" deck, but must never be allowed. Besides if this deck could be used, 9 tribs is a little much...
  4. Okay this is my first time making an rpg, so bear with me on the mistakes. The story will go like this, you pick your side of this little rebellion, part of the Boxers, or the Europeans who they were fighting off basically. Here is what I want: Name: Age: Gender: Loyalty: (To the Europeans or the Boxers) Rank: if possible Bio: Personality: Any other weapons: And if possible a picture of what you want your charecter to look like. Other than that it is pretty open. I will appreciate anyones help and information if I have missed anything or gotten something wrong. Here is mine Name: Qua Sing Age: 23 Gender: Male Loyalty: Boxers Rank: N/A Bio: He is a loyal man who believes in his home and government, until he realizes that the government a his home are being slowly invaded. He immediately develops a dislike of the invaders and despretly tries to find a way to fight for his home. He finds himself a contigency of loyalists and they begin to plan a revolt. Personality: He is a quiet man, who, when when angered will fight for whathe believes in. Qua is a fierce protector who would give his life for a friend. When he believes in something, he never gives up on it. Weapons: Th only weapon he has, beside his armbands that are lined with small blades, is the sword his father gave to him. It is an assasins blade forged from the strongest steel. It has a large red band that says "Freedom Forever.
  5. In my opinion you should not worry about this. Speaking from my own opinion, if a guy likes you it should be for you and you shouldn't have to feel like you need to cahnge for somone to truly like you. You sound like a nice girl ad should not have to fel insecure about yourself. This is just my advice, it might be worth to you what it costs, which is noting, but please consider it.
  6. To anwer you Hero Bear, I have the Paladin for a replacement Sasuke. Buster Blader does not get powered up by the controlling player's dragon. And like I sid I threw this for a tourney about 20 min before it started. Also, alot of people are running dragons were I live. To comment on your deck three things come to mind. The first being why do you have a skilled dark with no D.Magician. Second, I woud say to put your Torrential Tribute in the side deck. Why, because you will want to keep as many monsters as possible to keep control. And last, why no Dark Necrfear? She is good for fiend decks, so you have a backup hitter that also gives you more control.
  7. I wish I could hlp you out with your deck Burori, but I am going through a brain freeze now. Anyways, here is a new deck I threw together to duel with. Tribute Monsters 1x Jinzo Ix Buster Blader Low Lv. 2x Magician of Faith 1x Fiber Jar 1x Skilled Dark Magican 1x Spear Dragon 1x Mask of Darkness 2x Tribe Infecting Virus 1x Don Zaloog 1x Cyber Jar 1x Witch of the Black Forest 1x Skilled White Magician 2x Gemini Elf 1x Giant Orc Magic 1x Raigeki 1x Change of Heart 1x Fissure 1x G. Charity 2x Riryoku 1x Exchange 1x Mage Power 1x Pot of Greed 1x Harpies Feather Duster 1x White Dragon Ritual 1x Heavy Storm 1x Card Destruction 1x Axe of Despair 1x United We Stand 1X Monster Reborn Traps 1x Spell Shield Type 8 1x Metalmorph 1x Ultimate Offering 2x Negate Attack 2x Thunder of Ruler 1x Imperial Order 1X Mirror Force 1x Magic Cylinder 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Barrel Behind the Order Ritual Monster(s) 1x Paladin of White Dragon
  8. This is a very nice trap. Bark of Creation: Permanent Trap. "When this card is activated, summon a mirage token. (Earth/Spirit Lv. 4, Atk 1000/ Def 1000). When a monster is flipped, special summoned, or normal summoned, add that monsters base attack to this monster. When this monster is destroyed search your deck for another "Bark of Creation".
  9. The reason Crump (I am assuming Big 2) is so obsessed with penguins was revealed in the 2nd ep. He liked the way that the parent penguins developed a personal relationship with their young. And he counted things to distract himself while his parents were out.
  10. I was so angry at Ryan! He had first got in my way in the fight, causing me to almost lose, and he had hit me when that new guy had turned up. I got up after getting hit, and took off to go on a walk. I was walking down the block when I got the urge to go ad get a drink from a nearby cafe. I walked around the block, found the small cafe, and walked in to sit dwn. As soon as I walked in, I heard a loud voice that was really familiar. I looked around and saw Ryan and the new guy sitting at a table. I walked to the back, taking care to avoid them, and sat down to order. As my drink arrived I realized that I was compleatly diferent from those two. They had great families and I had no one. I couldn't believe I hadn't realized it before! So, I made a deal with myself, I would never allow anyone to get close enough to think they know me again. I looked up fro my drink and saw both of them getting up to come over to me! I started to visibly shake my head no, but they ignored me and walked anyway. So I told Ryan with renewed vigor "Don't forget, we still got the finals for me to get your Apophis!" And I turned to the other guy "I don't know your name, but don't worry that won't stop me from beating you!" I said ths last thing loud enough for them both to hear "The next time either of you get in my business without me asking, you will end up like that thief earlier today!"
  11. To answer Domons queastion, to duel Mako you have to defeat all of the people in the aquarium. Well, Gouf I am just as stuck as you are and I don't know what to do. I hope someone can figure it out to help the both of us.
  12. I was walking down a narrow pass between two buildings when I heard someone say "Give me your cards and live." I turned around and replied "Show yourself so I know who I''m about to beat within an inch of life" I backed away and saw the little punk who had dueled Ryan after stealing a little girls cards. "Why you little.." and with that I jumped straight at him and watched his eyes go wide the second before I punched him in his chest, knocking all the air out of him. "This is for all the people you stole from!" He started to catch his breath as I caught him with a kick to the face causing his nose to bleed wildly. At that very second Ryan appeared and yelled "Akphetnon stop!" and jumped in the middle of the two of us. I saw Alucard start smiling and threw Ryan out of the way and got hit with a right cross to my chin. Alucard did what I had done, and kicked me while I was down. I layed on the ground and played dead so he came closer and as soon as he did, I let loose all the anger, sadness, and loneliness I had been saving all these years. I hit him hard enough he landed in a slump by a garbage can. I went over planning to start beating him with the can, but, Ryan stopped me. I looked over and saw a new guy standing next to Ryan. I stood up after hitting Alucard one more time and walked to them stopping only to learn names and left, spoiling for another fight.
  13. After telling Ryan the story, I excusd myself and left the room to go for a walk. As soon as I got out the door, I started down the long road. All the while I walked down the road all I could think was "How did this happen? How did I get involved with these people" I knew I shouldn't think these things, but I knew having friends was a weakness and I couldn't afford any weakness if I was to win. As I was thinking about that I stumbled on someting. I turned around, ready for a fight but found only a Pepsi can. I continued realizing I was never going t get my train of thougt back, and decided to find a duel. I went on a search, down to the beach, back by the hotel, but could not find anyone. "Hmm, that's odd, thee is almost always duelists around here." I went around back and found a little zombie like kid. At first glance I thought he was actually the living dead, but no. I walked up to him and asked him for a duel. "Ok, but know this my ghosts will win." I just shrugged and we started. He went first setting a monster face down and a M/T card. I went first and drew my hand. I had Serket, Fiend Megacyber, Giant Trunade, Mirror Force, Magic Cylinder and Giant Orc. I played Giant Trunade, summoned Giant Orc, and set Mirror Force. "Go, Giant Orc, attack his face down card!" And with that my Orc took his club and destroyed the clown. I ended my turn and Zombie Boy summoned a Crass Clown and set M/T card. He attacked my card and I activated my Mirror Force. I drew my card which was Jinzo. I sacrificed my Orc for Jinzo, while he tried to activate Call of the Haunted. Well, Jinzo took his card and smashed it. I then attacked his life points directly bringing him down to 1600 LP. I ended my turn and let Zombie Boy go. H e summoned a Dream Clown in attack mode and set a M/T card facedown. I drew my card which was Monster Reborn played it, and ended the duel with reborning my Giant Orc and tributing it for the Fiend Megacyber. I had Fiend Megacyber attack Dream Clown, and Jinzo attack directly. He came up and I got the last two locator cards and I a Call of the Haunted. I told him to have a good trip home and left. I started back on my walk contemplating my new friends, my past, and ways of getting my drive to duel back
  14. I was walking back to the hotel to go to sleep, and I was caught in a really big dust storm. I was looking around after lifting up my coat and I could swear that I saw the dark black of a Rare Hunter like cloak. So, when the storm was over I dusted off my coat and looked at my cards to make sure hey were fine. After thoroughly checking everything I set off back to the hotel. When I arrived at the hotel, I went straight to sleep after a shower and putting everything away. I woke up several hours lter and set off to find someone, anyone and tell them about what I had seen. I started on my journey and after about a half an hour, I found Ryan. I walked up and said "Hi" and all that and started int the story.
  15. I saw Kaiba come and helpme out of the ropes and watched the end of the duel. I heard the creeps say that they were gonna fall to their deaths, atthis second I met Kaiba eye to eye and we had a meeting of the minds and took off. He went to grab Yugi and I dived over to where Ryan had been a minute ago and reached down, catching and pulling him up. At this I said thank to Yugi, Kaiba, and especialy Ryan, for saving my life. I told them all I needed to go and re-examine myself and tat I would see tem all in the finals. This is when I went down to duel wherever I could find one. I was walkingaround when I found Espa Roba and said "Roba, I chalenge you to a duel for 2 locator cards. Deal?" He agreed and we started right there. I went first and drew my hand which was Holy Chalice, Seal of Serket, Fiber Jar, Mirror Force, and Temple of the Kings. I played the Temple first, then the Chalice, and finally the Seal sumoning Serket. And I placed one M/T down. Espa took his turn and set a M/T and summoned Reflect Bounder. He stated to say "The mystical energies tell me..." I interrupted by saying "They tel me you're gonna lose!" He ended his turn after that. I drew a card and almost laughed my head off! I summoned an Giant Orc. I had the Orc attack Espa's Bounder and took t damage but he was compleaty empty! So, I had Serket atack him directly, taking him down to a measly 1500 lp. He went and summoned a Fiend Megacyber and played Monster Reborn on his Reflect Bounder. Just as he launched his attack, I yelled "Trap ACTIVATE!!" And he watched all of his monsters be destroyed. As he was about to end his turn he remenbered that Fiend Megacyer was a special summon. So, he summoned another Fiend Megacyber and a monster face down. I took my turn and played Nobleman of Crossout on his face down which was Cyber Jar, so I had to remove mine. After I drew I tributed my Orc for Jinzo. Roba got a look on his face like he had just seen death. I had Serket attack the Megacyber, which activated his attack absorption ability. And finshed the duel by having Jinzo attack him directly. As soon as the duel ended, I walked up to Espa to claim my 2 cards and his Reflect Bounder. I wished him luck as I walked away to go and find the last duel I would need to be done with this tournament.
  16. After talking to Ryan for a little while he told me he had to go and rest. So, I nodded goodbye and went back to my memories. All I could think of after telling my story was how my family had been so mean and abusive to me. When I finished my drink, I looked around the room and saw all the children with their loving familys and felt anger like I had not felt since before the tournament. After this I started on the trek back to my room and swore I heard someone or thing behind me. So, I prepared for a fight and turned around to ee not 1 but 2 men coming at me with guns. At first I thought they had bullets, but saw darts instead. I dropped low to avoid the first volley of shots and leaped forward taking one down with a knee chop. The 2nd one caught me in the back with a dart but, I refused to go down and stood to fight again, barely getting a hit on him before fell unconcious... I woke up to se a duel about to start all heard was "help me save Akphetnon." And then I was looking around to see those two creeps who ambushed me. I managed to somhow hit my deck to Ryan and told him to take my Soldier. He resisted, but I told him tha "my friends will always have my help in some way." After this I set to work on getting my small pocket knife out, to start cutting out to help Ryan and Yugi. And this was when everyone said "Duel!" And this began the battle for my life..
  17. I found myself wondering where the time had gone. It seemed like so long ago we arrived at this island and started this tourney. I was just so exhausted but, I new I had to keep on a strong face like I always had, and perservere. So, I found myself alone with Ryan and I had to tell him just one thing. "I wanted to tell you why I was so intent on beating you. I was raised with an alchoholic family and always felt like if I was the best then I would have the respect I wasn't given." To this he said .....
  18. I made sure to stick around a little so Ryan could find me. As I saw the end of his duel, I took off to where I was going at a reasonable pace to keep him rushing and out of step. When I was nearing the little spot, I slowed down and waited to see where he was. Oh no, I had lost him in all the confusion! So, I waited at the door for a while and while my back was turned I heard his voice say "Hello." So, I turned around and saw that there was Ryan and Joey. We went inside to sit down and talk and could not find a table. So we went to a corner after ordering our drinks to wait for a able to open up....
  19. I left my hotel room an while I was riding the elevator, I was thinking about why Ryan had given me the Emperor. Maybe he wasn't trying to soften me up maybe he was being a friend. Hmm, the thought of a friend amused me, as I had always been really alone most of my life. So, I got off the elevator and walked out into the brisk day. I was walking down the street when I got an urge to explore. I was walking around twn and heard the start of a duel. I went to check it out and saw Ryan being held in a lock by Weevil Underwood. I could not beleive it, here he was caught in an amtuerish trap again! I saw the look on his face and laughed, he really did not know how to get out of this! So, I caught his attention and yelle "Caught in a little spot again? Jeez, you must not be as good as I thought!" As I said this, I thought of something to say. "Ryan, if you ever finish dueling these amateurs, come and find me, I will teach what dueling is all about!" With this I turned on my heel and walked away, much to everyones amazement.
  20. Get staples like Jinzo and at least 1 barrel behind the door. Maybe 1 more Marrionette and Summoned Skull. Basicaaly more tribs. A marrionette is not much on it's own, no offense. So basically add more power. ok
  21. I was so shocked that Ryan had been nice to me. No one had ever been nice to me, that is why I started this game. Anyway, he wasn't being nice, somehow he probably hoped this would make me leave him alone. Well, no I will crush all. The next thing I know some kid had came up and said "My dad helped me with this deck, it is guaranteed to win!" I said "What card are you putting up?" He said "I have an PerfectlyUltimate Great Moth, and you?" I simply said "you don't need to know, you won't win!" We started up our duel disks and I drew my first hand. I had Chaos Soldier Messenger of the end, Foolish burial, Card Destruction, Mirror Force, and Giant Orc. I went first and drew my one of my only light monsters Skilled White Magician. "I play foolish burial putting my Skilled White Magician in the graveyard, then I summon Giant Orc and place 1 m/t card down." He took his turn and played the pitiful moth combo of the petite moth and coccoon. I took my turn and drew Jinzo. "Now, I will tribute the Giant Orc for Jinzo, but that is not all, I will special summon the Chaos Soldier by offering the life force of Skilled White Magician and Giant Orc!" And with that my new Chaos Soldier came forth with all his swords and armor. "BUT, that is not all, now I will equip The Soldier with Axe of Despair AND Mage Power, raising his attack to 5000 points strong!!!" And with this my soldier started to power up with blue mystical energy, and gained an axe. "So, Jinzo attack his coccoon!" Jinzo powered up his galaxy blaster and fired destroying the coccoon. "And Soldier, attack his life points directly!" My soldier took his axe put all the energy into it and double slashed with his sword and axe. "There", I said "Give me the Moth" After this I set off to find Ryan.
  22. I got to the main arena and saw the crowd. The first thing Kaiba did was call myself and Ryan up. Well, I was finally getting some of the respect I deserved. Kaiba introduced Ryan and I to the crowd and said he hoped they could give us a challenge. "Ha" I thought "They couldn't beat me or for that fact Ryan on our worst day and their best."Kaiba was halfway throught his speech when said to Ryan "Watch yourself Ryan or you'll be minus Apophis and losing to me!" He said something you don't really need to know it isn't important, but I was thinking about that and Ryan just exploded. He started yelling at Alucard, who I cannot say did not deserve it, but he not need to worry about that newbie. He needed to worry about me. Because one day very soon we will be in a very close situation and his smugness will end up making him lose. Oh and in case you were wondering, yes I am better than him.
  23. Don't care really at all. This was something you have needed to have said to you for along time as I see it. It doesn't matter if you were talking to Domon or me, to call anyone a nOOb when you have no right to is wrong. And more to the point you realy shouldn't insult anyone anyway, because we have been through this before in another thread. So, I realy would like it if you would stop insulting people seeing as how you already got in trouble for it. And if you are going to "educate" these so called nOObs then at least use the right names! Who knows, maybe you are the friggin' nOOB. I am sorry if this offends anyone this is my own personal opinion, as such, I will not be back to OB. Thanks
  24. Well, you don't have to worry, this "noob" won't be giving any more advice. I really don't appreciate the insult from you Altron, simply because I won't be back. Yor attitude hs taken care of that. I am sure I am not the only one with a problem being insulted for what they say. And it seems from the way certain people act that I am not the only nOOb. Oh, and it wasn't a pleasure to meet you!
  25. I got out of the taxi and paid the little Indonesian man. I searched the streets until I saw the Kaiba Corp. limo with the custom license plates for Kaiba. After I lose the limo I started walking around the town and saw a card shop, it sold Duel Monsters so I went in and bought a pack. "Hmm, these will all help" I thought. So I walked to the appropriate spot in town, and wandered when the announcement to kick the Tournament off would happen. While I was waiting, I sat down on a bench to relaxe and check my deck. Some kids came up to me and said, "are you really..." and I muttered a quiet "yes". They got the hint and left. While I was waiting I checked the deck one last time and tool out a Great Angus and replaced it with a Fiber Jar. This is when I saw everyone gathering, and followed as the speech began...
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