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Everything posted by Tom222666

  1. Domon I think your deck is fine except for one thing. Just like Brolli said put in some stallers and also keep the equip cards in because you have the possibility to get an impenetratable monster wall while you wait for the moth to come out. Also i would add a revival jame and jam defender just to protect the cocoon while you will be able to make use of your barrels. That's my opinion.
  2. Kakashi thanks for reply I will try some suggestions out but why remove Lord of D and the flutes? And the barrel is needed where I live, burners are popular. sosome critique on your YVD deck. I would either add a warrior returning alive or drop it and also maybe drop the reinforcements or something because you only have a few warriors.
  3. Low Lv. Spear Dragon Cobra Jar Nimble Momonga x2 Cyber Jar Lord of D. Magician of Faith x3 Fiber Jar Mask of Darkness Spirit Reaper x2 Witch of the Black Forest Gemini Elf Tribute Monsters Blue Eyes White Dragon Barrel Dragon Tyrant Dragon Jinzo Magic Pot of Greed Raigeki Monster Reborn Mage Power United We Stand Card Destruction Flute of Summoning Dragon x2 Change of Heart Swords of Revealing Light Axe of Despair x2 Graceful Charity Harpies Feather Duster Shallow Grave Snatch Steal Trap Cards Spellbinding Circle Light of Intervention Mirror Force Needle Ceiling Call of the Haunted Barrel Behind the Door Pharoh's Treasure x2 Horn of Heaven Magic Cylinder So there's my deck please feel free to give an opinion. Thanks
  4. Can we use our own gods Domon? Tom222666
  5. I am Akphetnon. A new transfer student who hears of the tourney after he gets an invite. I am 5'10" and wear a light blue jcket and black leather pants. He is 17, his deck theme is a burst beatdown deck. my rarest card is a tie between Masked Beast Des Gardes and the Barrel Dragon. 1 Gemini Elf, I Barrel Dragon, 1 Chimera, I set of Berfomet and Gazelle, 1 Y Dragon Cannon, 1 Spirit Reaper, 1 Dagger of Ruma,1 Gearfried, 1 Raise Dead,1 Mystic Box, 1 Magic Cylinder, 1 Mage Power and United we Stand,1 Mirror Force,1 Bottemless Trap,1 Feather Duster, 3 DDVD, 1 Fiber Jar,1 Spellbinding Circle,1 Spear Dragon,1 Raigeki,1 Magician of Faith,1 Pot of Greed,1 Mystical Knight,1 Fusion Sage,1 Kuriboh,1 Raigeki Break,1 Heavy Storm, 1 Cyber Jar,1 Command Knight,1 Axe of Despair,1 COH, 1 Big Shield,1 Dark Ruler,1 Barrel B. the Door,1 Imperial Decree,1 Helpoemer, 1 Black Power Stone, 1 Masked Beast and Ritual, 3 Curse of Pain,2 Devils Sanctuary and 3 Breaker the magic Warrior.
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