I am Akphetnon. A new transfer student who hears of the tourney after he gets an invite. I am 5'10" and wear a light blue jcket and black leather pants. He is 17, his deck theme is a burst beatdown deck. my rarest card is a tie between Masked Beast Des Gardes and the Barrel Dragon.
1 Gemini Elf, I Barrel Dragon, 1 Chimera, I set of Berfomet and Gazelle, 1 Y Dragon Cannon, 1 Spirit Reaper, 1 Dagger of Ruma,1 Gearfried, 1 Raise Dead,1 Mystic Box, 1 Magic Cylinder, 1 Mage Power and United we Stand,1 Mirror Force,1 Bottemless Trap,1 Feather Duster, 3 DDVD, 1 Fiber Jar,1 Spellbinding Circle,1 Spear Dragon,1 Raigeki,1 Magician of Faith,1 Pot of Greed,1 Mystical Knight,1 Fusion Sage,1 Kuriboh,1 Raigeki Break,1 Heavy Storm, 1 Cyber Jar,1 Command Knight,1 Axe of Despair,1 COH, 1 Big Shield,1 Dark Ruler,1 Barrel B. the Door,1 Imperial Decree,1 Helpoemer, 1 Black Power Stone, 1 Masked Beast and Ritual, 3 Curse of Pain,2 Devils Sanctuary and 3 Breaker the magic Warrior.