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Zero Control

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Everything posted by Zero Control

  1. As I rushed to my 1st period band class I thought, I can't believe Steph's here. It didn't take her long to get here. I got to Mr.Johnson's class and right when I got there Mr.Johmnson said I had to go back to the office and get a slip before I could get in his class. I rushed down the stairs, "I hate it when I get tardy".
  2. OOC:Sorry for not posting earlier. I'm sorry. IC:Chaston heard Taylor's voice and walked to where Taylor was. "What is it?" Chaston asked. "You remember the new kid you was talking about?" Taylor replied. "Yeah what about it?" Chaston asked a little puzzled. "You know who the new kid is?"Taylor asked. "No, who is it?" Taylor said"It's Stephanie! She just got here from Georgia". "Really?" Chaston asked. Just then the bell rang. "Oh crap! I'm late!"
  3. As I always do I get up, and get ready to go to school. When I got to school I sat down and talked to my friends until it was about time to be dismissed to classes. As we got dismissed I noticed there was a new student at our school.
  4. As I always do I get up, and get ready to go to school. When I got to school I sat down and talked to my friends until it was about time to be dismissed to classes. As we got dismissed I noticed there was a new student at our school. This RPG is just for Guardian Storm, Ninja_Freak, and me. name: age: gender: appearence: personality: likes: name:Chaston Nealy age:13 (14 tomorrow) gender:male appearance:Brown hair, brown eyes, blue jeans, black shirt with dragon on it. personality:Kind, funny, shy, and carefree likes:music, writing stories or poems, video games, and reading mangas and stuff. Please join soon.
  5. Here's another banner I made. I hope you like it. Please comment on it.
  6. The monster screamed in pain as the attack took it's toll on the monster. The monster started to attack the whole group frantically. "This thing doesn't seem to want to go down" said Goken. Shojiro just smirked "It doesn't matter it can't hold up to another physical attack. Let's attack it all at once" Everyone said"okay!" Goken hit it with his Shadow sword in the back, while Shojiro threw a Shadow ball at it. Then Kaya used her claws of steel while Uriko used the Ice Sword on it. Also Diana shot an energy blast at it and Ramia used her astral projection to attack it's spirit. The monster screamed once more as it slowly dissappated into nothing.
  7. Zero Control

    Dark Starfire

    Kaworu just stayed quiet for a moment then said" So who was controlling them?" "I can't remember exactly what they were but I can guess it has to be connected with the things that are after us now." After Selenay said this Victor came to where they were "It seems you know what happened now, but there's more to it, the ones after us must want to harness are powers for some sort of plan." Kaworu said"What makes you thnk that?" Right when Karoru said that the ground began to shake. "These guys are really persistent" Victor said.
  8. Well this avatar is not as good as some of yours. It's kinda fuzzy, but other than that it looks good. 7/10.
  9. "I see... so the Dark Lords army is coming here first." said Goken. "This is some troubling news, how long should it take for the Dark Lord's army to get here?" asked Shojiro. One of the shamons said"They'll be here in about a day or two." Goken was shocked "That soon! We're gonna have to notify the towns about this!" "Also" Shojiro asked "what are your names?"
  10. That banner looks really good, much better than I can do. The pic looks really good. The quote is good as well. I hope to see more of your good work! Also how many books are in that series? It sounds interesting.
  11. Thanks for reserving a spot for me in your RPG. Name: Goken age:17 bio:He has gone through many years of hard torture from The Dark Lord's army as a prisoner. When he finally escaped he was told his family moved far away from his old home to escape the Dar Lord's clutches. Now Goken is looking for his family and prays every day that they have not been captured yet. personality:calm, agile, shy, and smart Class:Ninja attacks:Shadow sword, Shadow barrior, Shadow veil. description:[img]http://animelegends.net/coronet/kenshin/aoshi/aoshi08.jpg[/img]
  12. Well it looks much better now. Watch out for typos next time. 10/10.
  13. Zero Control

    Dark Starfire

    As Kyo came in he used his pshycho energy attack. The creature just shrugged off the attack and hit Kyo in the back. He quickly got back up and said "this creature is far greater than I imagined". As Tamaki got back up he said "you can't beat it alone we have to work together". Kyo just smirked and said " I don't need your help just stay outta the way!" Kyo tried to use his Earth raiser attack but the creature knocked him to the ground again before he could use it. "Well I guess I may need your help after all." Kyo said.
  14. Thanks for telling me what to fix, here's another banner I made. I hope it's better this time.
  15. Zero Control

    Dark Starfire

    Thanks Steph. Victor finally recovered enough to stand up "Thanks for helping me Selenay." Selenay:"No problem" Selenay then ran over to where Tsuki was. "Are you alright?" "Yeah I should be fine" Tsuki replied, "What's going on here?" "It's a long story" Selenay said. As Selenay was about to tell Tsuki what happened Kyo reappeared.
  16. This one is a little weird looking with all the little dots in it makes it look fuzzy. Other than that it's fine 8/10.
  17. That banner looks cool! Of course the only thing is there is a line at the left side of the banner. It's not a big but it kinda makes the picture look weird. I hope to see more of your work!
  18. Zero Control

    Dark Starfire

    As Tamaki was about to leave the school, he saw someone walk towards him. "Who are you?" asked Tamaki. ???:"My names Victor, I sense you have special powers just like me." Tamaki:"Yeah, why do you want to know?" Victor:"I wanted to know because I wanted to know if I was the only one with powers. Also who was that guy that was talking to you?" Tamaki:"I don't know what your talking about?" Victor:"What do you mean you don't know? I just saw you talking to him a second ago." Tamaki:"You must be mistaken for I wasn't talking to anyone until you came along." Victor:"I see well, I guess I have to explain all of this to you then."
  19. Thanks for reserving me a spot GuardianStorm. Shadow Control Name:Victor Velorius Age-15 Gender:male weapon:Eternity Staff attacks:Shadow Mist, Shadow Missle, Shadow Sword, Eternity ball, Pluto energy personality: Silent, intelligent, calm, and blushes easily. bio: Victor doesn't know anything about his family. He was brought up in an orphanage most of his life. Until he was adopted at age 7 by a man who taught him to use the mysterious powers he has. He also learned how to stay calm during most situations, but he doesn't act too calm most of the time. features: [img]http://deadnny.net/pictures/albums/Ayashi-No-Ceres/anc35.jpg[/img]
  20. This banner looks good but the person in it is kinda weird looking, the quote is good though.7/10.
  21. Those banners look really good! The avatar is a bit fuzzy but it's fine 8/10. The newer Rouge one is really good! I don't see anything wrong with it 10/10.
  22. That one looks good. Guardian Storm should like it.
  23. Thanks for the compliment! I used Zapf Ellipt BT for font. Here's a banner of Vicious I hope you like it.
  24. Woah your pictures are coming out with no fuzz at all! These are just looking better and better. How'd you make it have no fuzz?
  25. This is my first attempt at making an avatar I hope you like it.
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