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Zero Control

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Everything posted by Zero Control

  1. Woah that avatar looks good! It's not fuzzy or anything! I think is your best one yet! 10/10.
  2. This one seems pretty good, but the quote was kinda weird.7/10.
  3. You know you don't have to call me an imbecile. Anyway I think your new banner seems just a little bit better than your others since it isn't fuzzy also the quote is funny. 8/10.
  4. Your avatar looked a little fuzzy but it was alright, 7/10. Your avatar of Vicious looked pretty good but it was kinda hard to read the words but thanks anyway, 8/10. Your next banner looks a little fuzzy and it's hard to see the words since the Ninja is blocking some of the letters, it's good none the less,6/10.
  5. Alter Ego told me to tell you that is alright for you to use the avatar Vincent fan. He couldn't reply because he's making a banner at the moment.
  6. Uh... Alter Ego. You should put a reason to who you think is the most complicated GW character, not just come in here and say something like Heero rocks and Zechs sucks. I think you should change what you said before you get in trouble.
  7. I think the most complex character is Zechs because he acts very power hungry but he isn't as evil as he acts. Also what Zechs believes conflicts with what Heero believes is right.
  8. Well I like your first banner a lot because the quote was funny 8/10. Also I thought the second one you made was just scary! What was up with putting yo err on it!? 2/10. The next one you did was of much better quality and was one of the best so far 10/10. The DBZ one was good but it was hard to read 3/10. I couldn't get the looking down one because of the same reasons Stun Gun Milly said. Anyway, your next one was really awesome! I like the quote 9/10.
  9. My best character on SSBM is Marth. He is my best because he is fast and I can dodge easily with him. He also does good damage even though he's a fast character.
  10. I saw the first two episodes and I absolutely HATE this! The show was a complete waste of time! I mean with the annoying kid, talking gundams, and really stupid villians, this is defianetly the worst anime I've ever seen!
  11. I know! Why would you put the teacher as an option? Also the "kiss kiss" girl is Haruko.
  12. So you finally made the topic eh? Well you must remember not to spam like you just did you have to talk about FLCL.
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