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Everything posted by Alter~Ego

  1. Well i edited this for someone hope you like it;)
  2. No I don't mind as long as it doesn't gat out of hand;)
  3. oh sorry i didn't mean for it to be assumed zero was a girl. well here is another banner. enjoy;)
  4. Well Heero is winning cuz Zechs sux so ha :2women: big pimpin
  5. Zero the only reason you like the one that you rated it a 10/10 is because you stare at that char all the time... well here is another banner i made for zero. Enjoy;)
  6. Well Sir Complain-A-Lot... how do you like this one? And thanx for the good rating.;)
  7. I rate it... 3/10. Only because i don't get the point of hamtaro. What is its purpose? kinda like pokemon. i don't like pokemon cuz i'ts ghetto gipeddo. (meaning unknown)
  8. Here is another one I did in my spare time. Enjoy;) .
  9. Well I hope this one will get you to quit complaining. Enjoy!
  10. [FONT=century gothic][COLOR=darkred][B]Thanks. Yeah i agree I was just in a hurry so I just stuck with what I had. Here is another one. Hope you like it;)
  11. WEll here is another banner i made through a pm. hope ypu like it Zero control
  12. Oh ok thanx. I will keep working on banners. This one I made through a pm request. I use MS Paint
  13. Hey how do you add an attachment when you are replying? Because I have another banner I made I just don't know how to put it up in a reply.
  14. I just started today making banners. the characters are Vincent Valentine and Sepheroth
  15. what is the size requirement n~e way.
  16. How do you think this banner is? I mean what is it's rating? Sorry Syk3:bawl:
  17. it is SSSSOOOOO awesome!!!!!!!!!!!! thanx;)
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