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Everything posted by Xyandar
Alright good to know :) Glad to hear we will see it in the future though it just saves time going to multiple websites and doing all that instead of attaching it from pushing a browse button =P Thanks!
Hmm I'm trying to think about how we can make a poll... I mean what all is being questioned here?? The reputation system is the main topic...But are we thinking about if its moderator controlled or not? Im thinking we could make a poll something like this....a bit technical but might work... Should OB Have A Reputation System? If So, Should it Be publicly controlled or moderator controlled only? a)Yes / publicly b)Yes / Moderator only c) No / Niether Thats the best i can think of. If that looks good feel free to start it up
Haha well if thats bad then i guess ive got a bad plan as well =P
I didn't know what to think at first because i can look at both sides of the story and see where they're going..But really..it shouldnt be that big of a deal. Just make sure your kid doesnt youtube Frosty the inappropriate snowman...I mean even seeing that title should steer them clear of it..
Im borrowing from a friend right now and I don't really know what to think about it... I love the graphics because they are amazing like Mass effect... and the story line is very in-depth like all of Bioware's previous games...But the difficulty of enemies are nuts. I spent about 9 hours straight playing my Dwarf storyline and it was pretty easy going for playing on normal. I had my party, i was doing quest after quest, while listening to 10-20 minutes of people talking at a time lol...And then i get this random quest telling me to clear a house of enemies... And I swear I spent 2 hours just tryingto empty 2 rooms...just because the tactics they expect you to be ready for in that game can be ridiculous.... Like each character has different spells'/skills so you're expected to know what to use before battle and during battle. And you can turn on tactics that get very technical...As an odd example you can make tactics like if you are fighting an enemy with less than 50% health(optional), your character casts the ice bolt spell to freeze him, or if your health is under 20%, you cast Heal or drink a potion. its neat but it gets too technical for me. The quest im on i cannot beat. Ive played it so many times I got so stressed out and haven't touched the game since.... There are so many storylines in the game because you can choose different origins of the races, like if you are a Dwarf you can choose like 2 or 3 different origins of the dwarf. i chose Noble. The same goes for Elves and Humans. The graphics and storyline are amazing like any Bioware game but the technical part of the tactics really turned me off of the game as well as the attack system. It is much like Star Wars KOTOR attacking, where you hit A and watch your guys health and make sure you dont die... and maybe cast a spell here and there.. Anyone else play it?? I want some other opinions in case someone got past that quest that suddenly got crazy hard out of nowhere:P
[quote name='Ace'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Great! Now pour it down the toilet. That's where it goes anyway and this way you don't have to suffer the taste. :D[/FONT][/QUOTE] Lol thats a good one =P Plus i'd have to agree it's where it belongs lol not a fan
lol yeah I think that would work! They should consider it =) as long as the pm's didnt become like 50 a day asking to rep this and that lol. Or if it ever got annoying to that point then maybe moderators can make certain people in charge of just the repping( doing the repping and taking care of pm reps/replies). Only if people got ridiculous with it lol:P
I dont know if the site has a limit on the size u can put in but if not then im not having a size limit. I just want to see some submissions :)
It took Andin almost half an hour to make it from the Shell News building to the SCPD. The traffic today was insane! It was understandable, seeing as it was almost 2:30 now. Children would be getting out of school and people would be finishing work and ready to head home. Today seemed more busy than usual though. He found a decent parking place, grabbed his black leather bag containing his paperwork, pens, and everything else he would need to get the job done. As Andin walked up the steps of the large building, he looked up at the building, not realizing how massive it really was. The building looked to be only 2 or 3 stories tall, but the building looked almost the size of two large factories. Red bricks lined the first and second story, with large windows every 3 - 4 feet, allowing the sun to shine in on the offices inside. The third story were all large windows. The sun was reflecting off the windows and hurting Andin's eyes as he observed the structure. He walked through the door and was greeted by a beautiful tall woman standing behind an office desk. ''[I]Hello, and Welcome to the Shell City Police Department! Is there anything I can help you with today? [/I]" Andin reached into his leather shoulder bag, pulling out a necklace, showing his identification as a news reporter. "[B]Hi, my name is Andin Grant. I am a news reporter for the ''Shell News'' newspaper. I have an interview scheduled with Captain Bates. I was supposed to be here earlier, but I was running a bit late. I hope that isn't an issue.[/B]" "[I]That isn't a problem! However, Captain Bates isn't taking interviews personally. Lieutenant John Cots is accepting the interview instead.[/I]" At first Andin was confused with the change of interviewers, but that wouldn't effect anything. "[B]Alright, that's fine. Where can I find Lieutenant Cots?[/B]" The woman smiled and pointed a finger behind her, towards a set of elevators. "[I]Take those elevators up to the second floor. Then turn left and go straight until you come to a dead end. His office is the last door on the right![/I]" Andin thanked the kind woman and headed towards the elevators. He followed the directions to a hallway that came to a dead end. He went up to the last door on his right and knocked three times. He waited a few seconds to hear ''[B]Come in.[/B]", and entered the room. As soon as he walked through the door, the first thing he noticed was all of the awards and certificates covering the walls. Andin didn't know whether to be impressed or intimidated. He looked over at the man sitting behind his desk, the light from the ceiling shining off his bald head. "[I] Hello Lieutenant Cots, my name is Andin Grant. I am a reporter from Shell News, here to interview you about the recent crimes that have been taking place across Shell City.[/I]" The man gave a big smile and sat up in his chair. "[B] Ah yes, welcome Mr. Grant. I've been expecting you! I will try my best to answer your questions. Some questions, however, I can't answer.[/B] Andin let out a smile and sat down in the black leather seat across from Cots. He grabbed his notepad and pen, and began his interview. "[I] Alright, thanks for having me here. I would like to talk to you about these recent crimes that have happened in the past day or two. I have heard that there were multiple murders that took place around the City, criminals being the targets as well; 3 rapists, a child molester and a drug dealer to be exact. I'm wondering what information you have on the matter.[/I]" "[B]Yes there have been alot of increased crimes happening lately all around Shell City. These murders are different though. Instead of innocents being killed, its criminals. And the ones killing these criminals, are vigilantes. To most they are vigilantes anyway. But to the innocents that they save, they are saviors. They look up to them afterwards, letting others know of their ''good'' deeds, although they committed a crime at the same time. The more people they save, the harder it gets for us Shell City Police to go after. They gain a reputation around the city and even though we do the right thing by bringing them down, some people won't see it in the same view.[/B]" Andin jotted down points as Lieutenant Cots began his interview. At first he was nervous, thinking that it would be hard to get the answers he needed. John seemed to be more outgoing and laid back than he thought. He wasn't about to overdue it however. "[I]That is understandable. Through the eyes of the police they are just like any other criminal. Through the eyes of the people they've saved, they are their hero. To the rest of Shell City, it is probably up in the air, with half thinking positive about them, the other half negative. I would like to begin by asking you one by one about the multiple crimes that have been occurring, starting with the murders that apparently started as rape situations.[/I]" John Cots took a sip of his hot java, allowing the surge of energy to take effect as he went into detail. "[B]Well lets start with the first one we heard about. A lady called the SCPD last night just after 11:30 pm telling us that she was sexually assaulted in an alleyway. When she was asked where the guy who assaulted her was, she said that he was murdered by a man who wore a white porcelain mask that looked as if he was crying. The rest of his outfit was black. According to the woman, she noticed the crying mask come out of the darkness from behind the man who had her cornered. As he went to pistol whip her, she noticed a glistening reflection come out of the darkness and go straight through the mans wrist, cutting off his hand which was holding the pistol. She said that he was stabbed in the stomach as he turned around to stare the masked murderer in the face, and then left behind a dumpster to die. The panicked woman noticed the figure holding a machete as he cleaned the blood off of it and helped her out of the alley. We found the man dead at the scene, soaked in blood, and all alone.[/B]" Andin was amazed at how much information he was getting from the Lieutenant. He knew already that this report was going to make his boss smile. As the lieutenant finished explaining the story, he reached for his cup of coffee and finished it off. "[I]So this masked figure is at the scene watching this happen, takes action, commits a crime, and saves an innocent all at the same time? That is quite an unusual circumstance.[/I]" [B]Try connecting all these crimes that happened in the same damn night. Definitely a stressful. Now I don't have too much time left so I will have to be quick about the other crimes that occurred. We arrived at another scene as a man with blonde hair came out of the alley all bloody and beaten telling us that him and his girlfriend were going for a walk when two hooded guys trapped them and began beating him with chains. As they went for his girlfriend, a person wearing a silver mask came out of the blackness and beat both the thugs to death using a metal staff and a hammer. Again the vigilante let the both of the innocents go free as he disappeared. We got another call about an assault in an alley a few blocks away from the Back Wards. A woman was assaulted by a drug dealer trying to force her to take a syringe of drugs. Then a woman came out of nowhere wearing large sunglasses that covered most of her face, and wearing all black clothes with what the woman explained as throwing knives around her thighs. Apparently she took him to the ground but then got shot in the shoulder when she turned her back to check on the woman watching this all happen. She said he was then struck with a throwing knife to the throat and left to die. We searched for traces of blood from the gunshot wound but it was covered with ammonia. The woman was taken in for questioning and was found with drugs on her. Then we got yet another call from the Back Wards. A man was found in his upstairs bathroom dead at the scene. He had a gunshot wound through the throat. We don't know what kind of gun was used yet but we are waiting for the autopsy and should have results in a few days. The call was at 3 :45 am and it seemed to be a silent strike. The door was locked and all the windows were closed. All that was found was a bullet hole in the bathroom window that must have connected with his throat. The strange thing was that when we did a thorough search of the house, we found a 8 year old boy trapped in a dog crate, wearing no clothes. We discovered the boy had been missing for over a week and a half. We are thinking this had to connect with the murder. We have no evidence as of yet but we're hoping the bullet will give us a clue. Last but not least, a little girl was kidnapped a week ago from her parents. Last night she ended up back at her home waking her parents up. The girl didn't have much to say, but she said she and many other kids were being held captive in this apartment from this mean woman. She said that every time she said it was time to eat, a child would disappear and wouldn't come back. She said she was about to be slapped when the woman suddenly fell to the ground. She saw what looked like a guardian angel come out from behind where the lady was standing. The girl told us that this person took her back home to her parents. She also added that she asked her 'savior' if she was an angel, and they replied 'no.' We don't know anything else on the matter. All of this happened in the past day. This city's crime rate is increasing so much, making it harder and harder for police to take action. We are hoping to see the crime rate decrease in the future.[/B] Andin finished writing down the last sentence and looked back up at Lieutenant Cots, with a look of confusion on his face. "[I]I can't believe all that happened in a single night. All in different parts of the city. Who knows if they are connected somehow or totally different. I hope you don't mind me asking one last question before I take my leave?[/I]" Cots nodded his head and made a gesture with his hand, hinting to make it quick. [I]Thanks sir. I'm just wondering if the Shell City Police have a plan of action to find these vigilantes and take them down?[/I] The Lieutenant's face went from a smile to incredibly serious in an instant. "[B]I'm sorry but that information is confidential and I cannot get into the matter.[/B]" Andin noticed Cots begin looking around as he finished his sentence, then grabbed his cup of coffee quickly, hoping to grab a sip, only to see that it had been empty for a while now. "[I]Oh really? I have heard rumors around the city about a certain plan that the SCPD are trying to take into action to capture these vigilantes. Is this true?[/I] That question made his face go as red as a stop sign. "[B]This subject is confidential I have no further information for this interview. Thank you for stopping by. Take care.[/B]" And with that, he pointed his finger toward the glass door behind Andin, and looked down at his paperwork as if Andin had never been there. He left John's office, totally confused. That last comment made him think that there was a possibility of a plan being created...Unfortunately thats as close as Andin would get to finding out anything about it. Clown Face on the other hand.....He had other ways of getting information. He would try putting that to use. Andin ended up back at the Shell News building, walking into his bosses office and handing him the finished copy of the interview, typed on paper. "[B][COLOR="Green"]Holy shit you came back! You were gone almost two fuckin hours! Do you know how much shit I had to take care of while you were gone? You need to get your ass in gear if you want to continue working here! Now leave my office so I can read this paper![/B][/COLOR]" Of course. Andin did everything he could to please his boss and try for a smile, just to get reamed out and threatened once again. He didn't care though. He knew that Mr. Vent would like the interview. It had everything he wanted, maybe more. As Andin closed the door to his office, he looked back at his boss who was reading the paper. He noticed a slight snicker on his older wrinkled face. That made Andin's day. Now to go home for a nap and wait for whatever the night has to offer his alter ego.
Andin was awoken the next morning to the phone ringing. At first he couldn't even open his eyes, trying to open them so he could check what time it was. As soon as he noticed that it was 11:30 am, he knew who was trying to get ahold of him.. His boss. He was late for work, by over two hours to be exact. Andin darted out of bed and ran for the phone. "[B][COLOR="DarkRed"]Hello?"[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="Green"]"Andin? Jesus boy where the hell are ya? You were supposed to be here over 2 hours ago! Get your ass over here right now we've gotten a whole bunch of news we need prioritized for the headlines, and Captain Bates wants a reporter to stop by the SCPD. He has some news that would prove useful for our newspaper. So grab a coffee and get your ass down here! I don't pay you to sleep dammit!"[/COLOR][/B] [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]"Alright Mr. Vent. I will be there as soon as I can. I apologize for being late for work, I had a late night last night. Talk to you soon."[/COLOR][/B] Andin could tell in Mr. Vent's voice that he was pissed off and was sick of Andin being late for work. This obviously wasn't the first time he was late. It seemed like almost every time he became Clown Face, he would end up staying out later than he should be, and sleeping half of the next day away. As soon as Andin made it to the Shell News building, he ran into the elevator which took him to the floor Mr. Vents office was. As soon as he approached his bosses door, all he could hear on the other side is a deep voice bitching people out over the phone. ''Heh..hes just warming up to yell at me.'' Andin gave a deep sigh, knocked twice, and walked into his bosses office. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]"- I don't care how long it takes you to get to his office, you will have that interview by the end of the day today or you won't be coming back to my god damn building again! Got that? We're already behind on 3 murder stories that all happened in the past two days. So get me my damn story now![/COLOR][/B] Mr Vent hung up the phone and looked at Andin, anger filling his eyes. [B][COLOR="DarkRed"]You're lucky boy! You don't understand how behind those 2 hours just made you, not to mention our whole company. The paper doesn't write itself you know! Now read this and tell me what you think."[/COLOR][/B] He threw a newspaper across the desk, sliding right into Andin's hands. He picked up the paper, reading the title first. This was a copy of a smaller newspaper company in the Shell City area. They always tried getting the latest scoop before anyone else, but they usually failed every time, not knowing that Andin was always on the job(if he woke up on time, that is..). Today though, was a different story. Their top headline wrote ''[B]Vigilantes Strike Again![/B], with a title underneath stating: "[B]Three Rapists, Child Molester & Drug Dealer Murdered, Kidnapped Girl Found All In One Night![/B] At first Andin was overwhelmed. He obviously knew about the murder of the child molester, but he was unaware of everything else that had happened that night. He was even more surprised that such a smaller newspaper company could beat him to all the top stories! Then again, he was over two hours late. "[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]See what happens when you sleep in?? The shittiest newspaper company in this town beats us to all the top stories. You know how much this loses me? [/B][/COLOR]" [COLOR="Green"]"I'm sorry sir I will try my best to change my schedule so I make it here earlier from now on." [/COLOR] John looked at Andin, his face as red as his coffee cup on his desk. "[COLOR="DarkRed"][B]You better. I turn down 5 resumes a day to keep you here. I can easily find a replacement! Now get your ass over to the Shell City Police Department! Captain Bates is waiting for his interview. He declined every other news team, so get over there before he loses his patience! I want a good, detailed interview! Take the Business car. Just make sure to fill 'er up before yoy bring it back![/B][/COLOR]" Andin was used to getting reamed out by his boss. He was always being threatened by him, hearing he could be replaced any minute. Although he knew John didn't have the guts to fire him, because he was his greatest asset. Even if Andin was late, he always got his job done before the day was over. Not only that, but(up until last night), Andin was the only reporter who could find out all the details on one certain Vigilante, Clown Face. As Andin left Mr. Vents office, he began wondering if Vent had any suspicions on the fact that every time Clown Face struck, Andin had the full story the next day... As he got into his business car, he let out a little laugh, knowing that he was thinking too much. John Vent was a smart man, but there is no way that he could figure out the pieces between Andin and Clown Face. He started the car, let out a long sigh, and thought to himself, [I]This is going to be a looong day.[/I] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OOC: I didn't want to write the news story too quickly just in case people have more to add. If not i'll write it up tonight =)
Clown Face/Andin doesn't really know alot of people. Hes not really the sociable type unless he is working. Then he is just doing his job. [B]John Vent[/B]: [I]Boss of ''Shell News''[/I] John is Andin's boss at work. He is a taller man, average build. His black hair is short and gelled back every day, letting the silver underneath show through. Hes got the personality of someone who just left the Army. He is very strict, making sure his workers know ''they are just business associates. Never let business associates and friendships get mixed up. It never lasts.'' He has always lived by that as well. John is really the only person Andin will be associating with other than the SCPD and the more important characters in Shell City.
Im sorry for the response I really did not mean for it to sound 100% just wanted to be encouraging is all and I enjoy the idea for his character :) Can't wait to see where this story goes!
lol im surprised this thread only got 3 posts for a call of duty game. i mean i know its been out for a while but still lol.. thought it was a sweet game i played through the story on veteran and then began playing online. I ended up getting addicted to the multi player online until I was level 50 and then it became too hard and annoying to level up. Another thing was that there were way too many glitches in the online matches. People could hide inside rocks for an entire match and not die once, or float 10-15 feet in the air so you can snipe everyone on the ground... etc. Thats about it though. The Bouncing betties became extremely annoying after a while lol... Another big thing about that was the Nazi Zombies. Everyone got addicted to that. You could fight zombies and see how far you could get before the zombies made it into the building and killed you. You could also play that on coop (as well as the campaign as well) so you could make it farther before dying. They also added some map packs so people could download more zombie maps and multiplayer maps. It was a sweet game, however im not the biggest fan of their older war games anymore... theres been too many of them. However it was still an awesome game and is still worth some thumbs up and good talk for. Now that modern warfare 2 is out noone will even look at World at war anymore haha
Very nice i love all the descriptions i think this storyline can go many ways and will be insanely interesting no matter where it ends up. @CaNz Good description The RPG just started last night So I think you made it just in time ;)
lol ouch that 'pun' hurt my brain =P Nice effort though... ugh -holds head-
lol wow... all it takes is one or two comments on a year old thread and its back in business ;)
Otakupedia Entries/Suggestions/Discussion thread
Xyandar replied to Charles's topic in General Discussion
Hey is the Otakupedia still being updated or has it not really been updated in a while?? Just wondering because I have some memories of it as well since ive been on the OB's for almost 10 years if not more. =) Let me know! Thanks -
lol i agree CaNz if 5 guys watched a video of a dude getting kicked in the nuts, all 5 guys would feel the pain to some effect lol:P
My First manga series I read was the .Hack/ series. It was an amazing series that I got right into. Unfortunately it was only 3 mangas long :(
This isnt a big issue or anything I just thought i would post it because others may have had the same issue at one point or another. I went to send a buddy a picture i created over a private message but there was no ''Manage Attachments'' like in the threads. I had to post it in a thread where everyone could see it instead of just being able to show him. Again its not a big issue just something to keep in mind because im sure it wouldnt be too hard to change. just a bit of coding. =)
[quote name='AnbuKira13']Very true. Seen it happen already on a different forum. Either people use it as "LOL MY FRIEND IS AWESOME!!" over every stupid post imaginable... or eventually people just start ignoring it cuz it gets a bit annoying or they just get bored with it. Then again I suppose on there it was mostly the n00b's doing the spamming of the system. They kinda littered the forum with random posts that had nothing to do with anything giving eachother rep points for no reason... yeah we got rid of that quick. I dunno though it kinda depends on the site's traffic. Like what kind of users you generally get or currently have. So far I haven't seen anything near the above mentioned around here so it could work out.[/QUOTE] I kinda see what youre talking about but it seems you are talking about the fact that people will post like 2 or 3 word sentences just to get their post count up. Along those lines anyway. If im wrong im sorry hehe. I think it would be a decent idea as long as their reputation only went up if people chose to rep them. And maybe if something like what Anbukira said did start happening like a bunch of people repping eachother over 2 lines that have nothing to do with the topic, then you could make the rep rules more strict so only moderators of the forum can rep you. Like if its in Sight & Sound and is a good update on a certain band or something, then the moderator can rep them to show that they impressed the moderators or something....Itd be better than anyone just repping eachother..if that started happening anyways.
Ah yeah i definitely agree with Mortal Kombat Vs DC. My friend bought the limited edition for like 90 dollars and brought it over. we beat the game got all the characters and storylines in a day... i mean there are some interesting things to it but it was definitely not worth the money...More of a game to rent for a day or two.
That is true. i dontknow what to get my family this year. im going to get my mom a GPS for her car because shes always getting lost so that would help her out. i dont know about my sister yet however...
[quote name='Kikyouchanx']I love how I'm not liked here because of my username. I guess I'll be going elsewhere besides here.. No one is friendly as they make it sound. This whole website is just a plain set up. No one has showed respect towards me yet as they do everyone else.[/QUOTE] Hey kikyouchanx...I have not seen this negativity you are speaking of. And i have no clue what your name even means other than the fact you want to kick me lol... You're all good in my books man give the site a chance before ya go insulting it :) We're here to be friends! Not put people down. Some people may sound like they are being negative towards you but this is just the freedom of opinion in the forums. All the topics are always filled with debates because theres always some people that agree and some that disagree with the subject =) So Welcome to the boards i hope you give it another chance and if you have any questions feel free to message me! As for the other new members Welcome to the boards and feel free to send a message if ya's want a friend to talk to or if you have any questions=) -Xy
lol omg they actually made a game for napoleon dynamite? Wow...I cant even imagine how dumb that game must have been lol. I think thatd hurt my brain