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Everything posted by Xyandar
Yeah I hear ya i got right into mass effect when i first played it.. but once i got about half way done it, it just got boring as hell. Nothing to do but the same stuff go explore random planets for items and kill random guys.... With a boss here and there. Very nice graphics but definitely a piss off in the long run. Hopefully the next one will b e a bit better. I like that signature btw of ur gamerscore i need to get that lol. My gamerscores currently 33690 hehe i need the achievements ;)
"If I was asked 4 months ago my opinion on life so far, I would have answered positively. I had a good job, an amazing family, and a steady cash flow. The SCPD finally closed the case on my father which relieved me because I didn't have to worry about that case linking to me. I felt free again. I felt happy and relaxed for the first time in...forever. But that all ended. 3 Months later, it must have been karma that kicked me in the ass or something...I wake up and kiss my family good bye as I head to work for my usual 8 hours. Little do I know, while I'm interviewing police about a recent drug bust in the Back Wards, my precious family is being raped and murdered! By someone who was hired for entertainment for a children's party. What has this city come to?? How can something so devastating happen to someone in one day? I used to look forward to waking up in the daytime, ready to live my life. Now, thats all gone to shit. I live for the night air now. The only time you'll see me outside in the daylight is for my job with the Shell News. The only thing I have left, other than my precious ''Gurgles'' and a life of scarred memories. If I was asked 4 months ago my opinion on life...I would have responded with a positive comment. Now, I'd say that life isn't worth the stress. Humans live to kill each other. It is kill or be killed. Human instincts. Especially in this city with all the drug-filled assholes running the streets, overrunning police. Now I live to kill. I use my job to find out all the shit going on around Shell City in the daylight. By nighttime, I am choosing who would deserve to have the last gurgle....'' This night was colder than usual. Clown Face usually couldn't see his breath leaving his lips as he breathed silently, making sure not to be spotted. At least he was surrounded by darkness. He had no worries tonight. He had acquired his target through the SCPD Andin had interviewed a few days earlier. A child molester, with 3 separate charges of molestation, as well as several charges with possession of cocaine. He was just another junkie asshole who couldn't settle with the internet or grabbing a 'usual' on the corners in the Business Area to assist him with his pleasurable needs. Instead he needs to ruin others' lives. Not for long. Clown Face stood atop a roof of an old rundown building that was once a large factory. He was surrounded by blackness, his costume improving the darkness around him. All that could be seen is a pale face with black eyes, an evil look, and a sinister smile. He had been waiting three hours now for any sign of movement from the house across from the factory. He was a block away from the Back Wards, with not a soul in sight in between him and those ghettos. It was 3:35 am now, the coldness beginning to take over Clown Face. He wasn't ready to give up just yet though. Not Until he made sure that this man wouldn't be scarring any more children's lives. He had equipped his silencer so that nobody would hear the shot. Now he just needed some signs of movement. His target was described as a large man, approximately 6 feet tall and about 250 lbs. He had light blonde hair, and was in his late 30's. So far there was no movement in the house across from him. However, there was a black car in the driveway, meaning somebody had to be home. The light in the kitchen had been on earlier and was turned off, meaning there was some activity inside. After 10 minutes of scoping all the windows, Clown Face noticed a light turn in the window to the top left. He zoomed in on the window, awaiting any movement. ''Jackpot.'' There he was. A tall, hairy, half naked man entered the bathroom. His hair was light blonde and went down near his shoulders. He had a cigarette in his mouth, and he was inspecting himself in the mirror. Little did he know this was the last time he would ever see that face again. Clown Face waited for the perfect moment, he aimed in on the large man's throat, pointing straight for the windpipe. As soon as the man turned to face the window, all that was heard was the glass around the bullethole cracking as the bullet soared through the window and into the mans windpipe. The large man, now covered in blood, grabbed his throat as blood gushed down his body like a stream. He tried making it to the door but ended up slipping on his own blood that was creating a pool on the floor. He tried to save himself from falling, making his fall even worse and ending his painful moment with his head connecting with the side of the bathtub, rendering him unconscious. Seeing that put a big smile on Clown Face. He enjoyed watching his victims die a painful death. He always made sure his shots were not an instant kill so he could watch his victim panic and die slowly but surely. Clown Face looked around, making sure no one noticed what had just happened. Once he was sure he was in the clear, he opened up his black suitcase, which had many compartments to hold pieces of his rifle. He unloaded his rifle and took it apart piece by piece. When he was all packed up, he climbed down the ladder and ran back down toward the center of the city, where his new 1 bedroom apartment was located. Tonight was an easier night than most. Usually there was a lot of police activity during the night time because thats when the drunks and drug addicts come out to play. Tonight was different though. There must have been something else going on that distracted them from keeping an eye on the Back Wards. Oh well...I guess he'd just have to wait another day for Andin to find out the scoop when he goes to work next. Once Andin got all the face paint off, he took a quick shower and headed to bed. He had another big 8 hour shift of work the next day, starting in the early morning. He looked at the clock before closing his eyes. ''5:30...Jesus that took longer than it should have....Worth it though..heh''
Agreed that new album is a killer for sure :)
Xbox live is definitely worth it. certain places like Walmart and Future shop have a deal usually where you buy this box with a xbox cam, a year of xbox, and some arcade games and its only like 60 bucks. ive done that twice now. Very good deal.
Alone In The Dark. The worst game Ive ever played. Ive tried all three difficulties and found no problem beating it/ The storyline just takes you for a constant spin throughout the whole damn game. I bought it, played it for 3 days, and pawned it. Definitely not worth the buy unless ya find it for 10 bucks or less..lol
I play WoW... im not addicted to it like i once was.(spending 15 hours a day on it). Now i just play it for a few hours every few days. For free online games, Id have to say Dungeons and Dragons online. Its a really neat game that used to be a pay to play but they made it free. The only catch is they disable a few things unless you pay for it all...But its not really much that they take away.. an extra class,, a few areas and some items. Other than that Id say 4Story. Its your usual MMO you level up your character and do quests and stuff.. Its more a fantasy. Not a japanese-based one like Hero and Silk Road...Cant stand those.
I love the physics and graphics of this game. It was very fluent and well-balanced for running on walls and jumping buildings. The details on the characters were very well done as well. There were a few things that err'ed me about the game, most being little glitches when you have to do a crazy stunt to climb buildings but you can't get the timing right so you fall and die instantly. There were quite a few problems with that( way more on hard difficulty than normal) but other than that it was a sweet game. I'd give it 7.5 out of 10. Now I'm just waiting for the 2nd one.
Ive been waiting forever for this game i cannot wait for it to come out. I went to Blizzcon and grabbed some starcraft 2 shirts as well as saw a sneak demo of it which was awesometacular. As soon as that game comes out it'll be another 2-4 years of hermitism....at least haha.
The swine flu is very scary indeed. My uncle and grandma had it for a while my uncle lost so much weight. he was sick for weeks and it began getting worse. Luckily it passed and he is feeling a lot better now. My grandma got pretty sick as well and ended up in the hospital:( shes still in there as well. This flu is nothing to joke about thats for sure....
Ive been loving Death metal lately ive been listening to The Black Dahlia Murder nonstop. I love their song ''What a Horrible Night To Have A Curse'' its definitely a headbanger. Ive also been addicted to Job For A Cowboy. I got to see them last month and they were amaaazing live. Ever since ive been listening to all their albums. I also listen to other metal like Killswitch Engage, Cannibal Corpse, Cryptopsy, and Throwdown.
I was right into it when i was like 6 or 7 years old but my taste has greatly changed since then. i think its neat to bring him back for a movie but i dont think i'll see it personally lol.
Three Days Grace: Life Starts Now...who likes it?
Xyandar replied to Miko Hayashi's topic in Noosphere
I myself liked the album its a bit slower than their other stuff but they still have some decent songs on it. i like the ones with piano in them cuz ive been learning them. -
Im just creating a rough sketch of the Shell City. I read over all the details and tried to piece it together as best as i could. i figure if we get a decent sketch going, we can download the pic and use it in paint/photoshop to keep track of locations of whats going on and where vigilantes are. Let me know what you think and if you have any ideas for what else to add or anything, let me know. i tried adding the .psd but its too big to attach.
Awesome good to hear. this should make for a fun adventure
So I've been trying to think of ways to increase some activity on Otakuboards, so I came up with a little idea I would like to call the weekly top 5! It's pretty simple. I will think of a topic for the week and people can participate by creating and adding a piece of art that has to do with the topic for the week. People can also comment on the artwork being submitted during the week. At the end of the week, I can look at the artwork and come up with what I think would be the weekly top 5 best pieces of artwork :). it might be a little slow to start but i could see this getting quite interesting =) As for this week, because this is the first weekly top 5, I am just going to pick a simple topic: [B]General Anime[/B]. Just make a piece of an anime that you like and submit it here :) On Friday, December 11th, I will announce the top 5 of the week, as well as start another topic! I will also be reviewing the submissions throughout the week and leaving feedback as well =)
lol so true
Yeah I hear yah life really takes over once you hit the 20's. I was too busy to come to this site on a daily basis for a long time. Was too busy with school, job hunting, and with friends. But once I got my relaxing nights scheduled then i began coming back here :) Ah WoW...I put waaay too many hours into that damn game lol didnt even get to the highest level..that games like a drug if you dont play it in pieces it'll take you over lol. I admit i havent checked much of OB World but i will do so after i send this. And I will think of a decent Weekly top 5 for this week and make a thread =) see how it goes.
Yeah I understand the complications for sure. What if we added certain Weekly Top 5 things....like for instance. The art topics. People put alot of work into some of the art that goes onto the boards, and many of them dont get the appreciation they deserve. I think it would be neat if we had a Weekly Top 5 best Art pieces or something. Every week an admin or moderator of the art boards can choose a topic to work with such as a certain anime, certain emotion, scenery, environmental picture, etc...And give them a week to make some drawings. I mean any work can be welcomed like photoshopped pictures, drawings, paintings, etc... Then maybe you could hire some members as Weekly judges or something. Their job would be to review the artwork and give some insight. Then at the end of the week, the judges talk amongst eachother and come up with the weeks top 5 pictures with detailed explanations of why they made the weekly top 5 and how to improve so others' pictures can make it on the next top 5. I think that would make the artists on this site more determined to work with this website trying to design the best picture they can for the topic of that week. It would be very interesting. We could also make other Weekly Top 5's such as short stories, poetry, and any other art or literature related subjects. I thought of this last night before going to bed lol. Let me know what you think about that idea. It would be very neat. It might be a slow start at first but i think that once people noticed how neat the weekly top 5 really is, i can see more people taking part in it every week. =)
Name: Andin Grant Vigilante Name: Clown Face Age: 30 Gender: Male Costume: If the victim actually gets the chance to see Clown Face before they die, then all they will see is a pale white face with black makeup around the eyes, a big black smile on his lips, and sinister looking black eyebrows. Everything else will be as dark as night. He wears a long sleeve black shirt, black jeans, jet black steel toe boots, and a hidden bulletproof vest underneath. Appearance: Andin is a very skinny man. He doesn't weigh any more than 150 lbs, and has no intention of doing so. He has long, jet black hair that goes just past his shoulders. His eye's are a dark hazel colour. Even Andin agrees that he is not that good looking. He has quite the wrinkled facial features due to a stressful past. His nose is long and skinny. Weapon: His cherished sniper rifle, nicknamed 'Gurgles' was taken from his father.The sniper rifle has had some upgrades(larger clip for more ammo capacity, as well as a silencer which was hand-made from his father) and has been painted black. If someone does manage to get close enough to see Clown Face, he will bring out his throwing stars and take them down before they let out a shot. Day Job: Newspaper Reporter for ''Shell News'' Personality: Andin was a very outgoing person growing up. He was well known and had alot of friends. A series of downhill events, however, left his personality scarred forever. Living in his 30's, he is now a very quiet person who tries to keep to himself rather than have to deal with others' problems. He has no friends or family, making Andin quite the loner. He still tries to get through work day by day so he can afford to live where he is. Some people have said they've never seen him smile... Bio: Living far from Shell City, he grew up as an only child with both of his parents. His parents were rich and well known at the time, making Andin pretty spoiled for his age. In his late teens, Andin found a job working at a restaurant as a waiter. His life was still looking up, as were his parents. However, a sudden change began tearing the family apart after some time. Andins father lost his job in the stock market due to stock crashes. He tried finding more jobs but noone would hire him. He became angry and started drinking more and more until he began physically assaulting Andin and his mother in front of him. When Andin became 20, his parents planned to celebrate his birthday by making a nice cake and relaxing with some movies. Andin's dad ended up having too much to drink that night and starting a big argument with his mother about how he hasn't moved out yet. He got so furious that he ended up throwing the hot cake in her direction, luckily just missing her as she ducked. Andin watched that happen and anger took over him. He ran into his parents room and opened his fathers gun closet. The first gun that caught his eye was a shiny, black sniper rifle, fully loaded and ready to go. He grabbed the gun, ran into the kitchen, and without a second thought, put the barrel to the back of his fathers head and pulled the trigger. As scarring as that was for him he knew he did the right thing. Knowing he had just become a wanted criminal, Andin fled with his mother, catching the next train going as far as they could go(which ended up being Shell City). Years went by and things began looking up for them again. When Andin was 25 he met a very sexy lady, named Jennifer, who cared alot about him. They fell in love and ended up having a beautiful daughter. 5 years went by and alot had changed. They found a larger house that would fit the three of them and Andin acquired a job working as a Newspaper reporter for ''Shell News". His daughter, Ellen, was almost 5 years old now and attending school. She had alot of friends and was very outgoing. Andin was still scarred from the events that happened 10 years beforehand, but he learned to love the life he had and became happy once again. This didn't last for much longer. On his Ellens 5th birthday, Jennifer planned a surprise birthday party by hiring some entertainment for the party. She decided on a funny clown. Andin couldn't make it to the party until later in the evening because he was overwhelmed with work. He tried calling home 3 or 4 times to wish his daughter a happy birthday, but noone would answer. When he arrived home after work, he expected to see a driveway full of cars and balloons with kids running around everywhere. However, what he saw, gave him a chill he had never felt before. Outside of his house was 5 police cars, and around his house were several officers. At first he thought that maybe he had been caught for the murder of his father, but instead, it was far worse. He found out that his beautiful wife was brutally murdered and her daughter was raped and drown in a kids pool outside. Andin felt like a heart attack was kicking in... When asking who did this, the officer answered ''A large man dressed in a clown suit. He was hired to entertain the children for your party. Unfortunately he fled the scene and has yet to be found.'' The next 2 months killed Andin. He could not believe what had happened. He took some time off work to relax and try to get his mind back in one piece....however he could not stop thinking about the murder....the clown... He began staying up night after night, researching local entertainment for childrens parties and other options for finding this clown. When he finally found an identity on the killer, he promised his family that he would avenge them. Pulling out his sniper rifle from the basement, he found the destination and planned his attack. That night, he grabbed a bunch of black clothes and some steeltoe boots, and found an old abandoned building in the area of the victims house. Andin sat on the roof from early evening until about 3 in the morning, when he noticed someone suddenly opening the door to the building. He aimed his sights in on the tall, obese figure walking out of the doorway and began panicking, wondering if that was who he wanted or not. He could not see much of his face until he stepped into the light. Thats when he noticed facepaint around the victims eyes. He aimed in on the victims throat, trying not to make it an instant critical hit, and pulled the trigger. Once he saw the target go down, he darted over to him, full of anger. When he reached him, all he could hear was constant gargles. He managed to hit him in the windpipe, making his breathing impossible. As he listened to the gargling man laying on the doorstep, Andin looked at his gun, then looked into the victims eyes, and said '' I think I will name this 'Gurgles'." Then without thinking twice, he put the barrel to the bloody victims head, and ended his life. Ever since that murder, Andin began enjoying the feel of killing... Especially since he had nothing else to live for anymore. He began painting his face to look like an evil sinister clown, trying 3 or 4 times before getting it just right. He still worked during the days, but as soon as he got home, he would turn on the news, read newspapers, and listen to police scanners, waiting to hear for any murderers or child molesters/rapists so he can make sure they get what they deserve. What was once a nice News reporter with a nice family was now a nearly insane man with a horrible past and a horrible future...And right before his prey's life is ended, he makes sure they remember one face while they are in hell, Clown Face... Let me know if this is alright :) i know its very desciptive and a bit morbid but it makes it all better ;)
Well what if we all came up with some petition thing and we all sign it just to show admin how many people are really considering this in the otaku community. I'll be signature #1 :P
this seems to be interesting i would like to be part of this adventure for sure. I am just confused on the two people talking in the middle of your story with deborah17 and andiforshort. Other than that it seems like it will be a neat adventure :)
lol i really dont understand how people can be that grubby... I mean I have a physical disability which makes life much harder to live than normal, but I still live in my own place, I always keep it clean, I take care of my pets, and i still end up being bored all damn day while hes at work for 2 weeks straight cleanin **** outa other peoples houses.. ugh its non understandable lol... Trust me this has been the #1 stress issue ive been going crazy over for the past....2 years?? lol.... I mean when i was younger i never cleaned either. I had my mom to clean everything up so i didnt have to worry. But now i realize how easy it is to get it over and done with... and if you keep it clean...its easier to clean every time lol... some people just dont understand... humans..lol=P
I am kind of half geek, half metalhead lol. Im a gaming and computer geek they are my life and i love the forums and all but I also love metal music which takes me away from the geekiness and more rage lol:P