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Everything posted by Xyandar

  1. Well the fact that making out with a girl would increase your sexual hormones then i think its pretty normal...now posting it on a forum to let the world know....kinda weird..lol =P
  2. im trying to get myself into the christmas spirit its been so long since ive been excited for christmas but now that ive got my own place finally i can plan on puttin up decorations of my own :)
  3. Yeah i know what you mean shy this site is based on anime but alot of the population of this site isn't really a fan of anime. I mean I dont watch much anime myself. I used to when i first joined this site but ive just grown out of it with age. But the other topics like RPG and the video game boards always keep me interested in coming back. I know this would be a bit of an Extreme for otakuboards.com but i suggest that admins of this site should consider changing the site to focus more on the general topics of the forums more than primarily anime. I mean I know its hard to with the name of the site and everything but you dont have to get rid of anime...but perhaps add some video game hero pics(super mario, Link, master chief examples) on the front with the anime guy and maybe some cool hero dude from a movie just to make the site look like we welcome alot more than just anime. I notice thats what i see when i come on here that i feel expected to go to the anime boards and check it out, but i would have no clue what to say on anything in there:P i dunno i know my ideas a bit extreme but i think something along those lines would help the overall population of otakuboards in the long run.
  4. haha sorry man i didnt know you made a thread before me on this. It was just on my mind one night because I check this site every day for updates. But I would love to see the population increase like it used to be before. And yes id be interested in helping advertise this site in any way :)
  5. [quote name='visualkei']I agree with Nerdsy in that being clean by "a lot" of people often refers to organization or vanity. But I think that these people are usually teens/young adults that have parents who mop floors for them or scrub their tub for them. So to them, unclean is the little mess they make that mom and dad didn't put up for them. They don't realize what clean is until they live by themselves or with some other slob. When you become a competent adult, or the cleanliness is just in your blood, you'll know. I don't think most adults consider a disorganized work space or unironed shirt unclean. Me? I'm messy. Because of my work, I have a tendency to leave papers..... everywhere. But I don't consider my messiness dirtiness because I can just easily stack/reorganize my mess, it doesn't mold, kill, smell, or stick. [B]Xyandar[/B], what is up with roomates? Half of the roomates I've had in college were absolute slobs! I wasn't perfect, but geez! The dirtiest thing my roomate ever did was..... Gave her boyfriend a haircut in our bathroom. She didn't clean it up. Left the apartment for Thanksgiving break right afterwards without cleaning up the mess! Her boyfriend wandered into our bedroom, and ofcourse I didn't realize this until I got home from school and decided to do some sit ups on the carpet, and my back was extra itchy. Looked around and noticed the gobs of hair camouflaged into the carpet! Then found the little suprise left in that bathroom. I DON'T UNDERSTAND HOW SOME PEOPLE CAN THINK THAT'S ACCEPTABLE!!!!![/QUOTE] Wow that is pretty bad lol. I agrree with ya man i dont get how some people can be so bad with cleaning up. Ive still been naggin him to clean his room since i posted this and he still hasnt.. I got family commin over tomorrow that i havent seen in 8 years and id like to have a good impression for them...but it doesnt look like thats going to happen any time soon lol.....ugh... sick of dirtiness... I wasalways dirty until i began living with him...brings dirtiness to a whole...notha...level.
  6. Yeah i got snow for the first time last night as well around midnight. I live in Canada so our winters are pretty bad lol..So i am not looking forward to whats coming ahead but at least it'll look nice outside. It'll suit all the houses around me that are covered in lights already lol..
  7. [quote name='Jabberwocky'][FONT="Palatino Linotype"]I like your taste lol. I've got an updated list of favorites (which means, almost every band I like lol) [LIST] [*]10 Years [*]The Acacia Strain [*]AFI [*]All Shall Perish [*]Arsonists Get All The Girls [*]Asking Alexandria [*]Atreyu [*]Between the Buried and Me [*]The Black Dahlia Murder [*]Blessthefall [*]Blue October [*]Breaking Benjamin [*]Bring me the Horizon [*]Cattle Decapitation [*]Chevelle [*]Chiodos [*]Circle Takes the Square [*]Coheed and Cambria [*]Cold [*]Converge [*]The Devil Wears Prada [*]Escape the Fate [*]The Faceless [*]Fair to Midland [*]Faith no More [*]Fear Before the March of Flames [*]Flyleaf [*]Genghis Tron [*]Heaven Shall Burn [*]A Hero A Fake [*]I Set my Friends on Fire [*]In Fear and Faith [*]In Flames [*]Iron Maiden [*]iwrestledabearonce [*]Janus [*]Job for a Cowboy [*]Lady Gaga (You heard me right, L.A.D.Y. G.A.G.A!) [*]Lamb of God [*]Linkin Park [*]Ludo [*]The Mars Volta [*]Mastadon [*]Metallica [*]Misericordiam [*]Mudvayne [*]My Chemical Romance [*]Norma Jean [*]Obscura [*]Our Last Night [*]Owl City [*]Pearl Jam [*]Protest the Hero [*]Queens of the Stone Age [*]Red [*]The Red Chord [*]The Rise of Science [*]Soasin [*]Seether [*]Senses Fail [*]Silverstein [*]Silversun Pickups [*]The Sound of Animals Fighting [*]Suicide Silence [*]System of a Down [*]Tool [*]UnderOath [*]The Used [/LIST] If music were STDs, I'd be the sickest person to exist in this world. My all time favorites are Between the Buried and Me, Coheed and Cambria, Chevelle, Fear Before and The Devil Wears Prada.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Very nice lol I like your taste as well! Almost all the bands i listen to are in there lol except for a few. Metal is amazing. The way metalheads can connect music together to sound like that is amazing. I know maaaany people hate metal for the screaming and stuff... But really, I dont listen to it just for the screamin, I listen to it for the instruments because they are always insane at playing them, especially drums(Im a drummer so Ive always been interested lol).
  8. Yeah I do agree with you there for sure. They make too many expansions for one game and then just bring out the same game with a new # making us think its CRAZY! lol However The Sims 2 didnt seem to have nearly as many expansions as the first one did...But then again i never really looked into it. And if they made a Sims 4 with everything in it, itd be sweet until they made sims 5...lol:P
  9. I don't have a Wii myself but I do love Super Mario and every time I watch the commercial for that new game on TV, it makes me want one because it looks like the good ol' Mario I started with when I was 5 years old...just in 3d! and you can play with friends which i think is just awesomeness!
  10. [color=#4B0082][edited out][/color] if not ive used Avira and its good. AVG im not a fan of cuz all you seem to be able to do with viruses is quaruntine them, not actually delete them... but Avira is better. Ive also used Kaspersky. [color=#4B0082]No links to warez sites, please. - [i]Desbreko[/i][/color]
  11. My roomate is the dirtiest person in the world hes 4 years older than me and i have to tell him to clean his room and i tell him to every time he comes home from work and he still doesnt. i swear ive seen wrappers and dishes in there for the past 6 months its disgusting ive never seen anyone thats that bad... and never showers either ugh.... i mean hes a good friend of mine but damn he needs to smarten up..
  12. American Dads on right now but im just waiting for my dinner to finish cooking lol... Not a big fan of american dad but i love Family guy :)
  13. I would have been 16 and i would have told myself to practice driving morw while i had my liscence(expired) I would have told myself not to take up smoking and toking and drinking' I would have hung out with my old friends who have passed away in the past 5 years and let them know how much they mean to me. I would have told myself to stick with school And id know its me...itd be obvious.
  14. [quote name='Recaldy']Prestige one level 41, 360. I get my share of "No life." comments but its not like I'll see them again. ^_^![/QUOTE] lol nice im level 41 now not prestige yet lol and ive got nothing to do but play video games and take care of mt pets all day and night lol
  15. [quote name='Magus'][size=1][color=navy]I don't know Liquid all that much outside of what I saw in MGS2. (I gotta play MGS1) I'm more of a Ocelot fan, especially when he was young. The flashy gun twirling sold me lol.[/size][/color][/QUOTE] lol yeah play MGS 1 and you'll see alot more into Liquid Snakes storyline. Its amazing if you understand all of it lol. I must agree when i first posted mine i had a hard decision between Liquid Snake and Ocelot because he is definitely an awesome character lol hes got crazy gun skills hes cocky and he also has a sweet storyline.
  16. Music is what gets me through the day. if i couldnt listen to it i dont know what i would do. I am a metal head i love metal music and Death metal music. my top 10 are #1 Job For A Cowboy #2 The Black Dahlia Murder #3 Killswitch Engage #4 Lamb of God #5 OLD Slipknot (Their IOWA album was amazing..Downhill afterwards i think) #6 War of Ages #7 Darkest Hour #8 Dope #9 Protest The Hero #10 Metallica
  17. [quote name='Sangome'][FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][SIZE="1"]For some odd reason, I decided to try my hand at Sega Superstars Tennis. I played it, like, once when I got my 360 [as it came with it], and hadn't touched it since. And, it's surprisingly fun. As well as surprisingly hard. Or I just suck at virtual tennis. Which is weird, considering how I played the crap out of Mario Tennis on the N64. Ahh, those were the days...[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Haha i have that game its awesome! Its a good time waster and if you have it for xbox you get some easy achievements :)
  18. I think the coolest villain from a video game is Liquid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid series. Its purely because of storyline because its just such a detailed game.
  19. Yeah I can't wait for the next one... probably won't be until november 2010.... or 2011... but it'll be worth it =P Multiplayer is so addicting. I had to take the game out today and put Borderlands in so I could get a break because I bought Call of duty the day it came out and havent played a game since lol(i have like 65 games now lol). and my favorite weapon right now is the RP 90 with Red Dot :) What levels everyone online?? and PS3 PC or XBOX 360?? Im level 39 so far(havent worked on it too much.. just finished campaign on Veteran.) and im playin it on a Xbox 360
  20. Hahaha for sure this game can solve any problem lol;P
  21. Sara I love your idea i was having similar thoughts we need to make the site more known and Sara's idea is awesome! If we could all get people into participating in that, I think it could work!! =)
  22. I see where you're going with it Kikyouchanx but at the same time it might improve the traffic on this site because people will want better reps making them update more often.
  23. Xyandar


    That looks awesome i love how the fur looks very well done =)
  24. Very well done i especially like the girl with the yellow dress at the end the effects in that are wonderful :) Keep it up!!
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