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Everything posted by Xyandar

  1. Wow i love your pictures they are amazing! I wish i could learn to be artistic like that
  2. Is it just me or has the population of this site went down the past while? i admit i havent been on it lately because ive been busy with life but Im used to posting 3 or 4 threads and expecting 5-10 responses in a couple hours lol. I dunno it could just be a slow few night but ive been bored and I think we gotta make this site known more so theres alot of people like there used to be :)
  3. lol i have never ever been a fan of egg nog and i never will be. However that doesnt make me a terrorist at all. I just cant stand the taste of it.
  4. hehe nice i play it on my piano i agree its qquite technical its more of feeling the way the song is played. once you get in the groove its easier =)
  5. Its a really neat game for sure I like the upgrades they added like now you can corner furniture instead of having everything against walls. And there is the whole town and everything is happening while you take care of the certain sims. However they slowed the ''speed up' option down alot which really gets annoying when you wait 5 minutes to wake up and go to work where you wait another 7 or 8 minutes lol.. And i just felt bored after an hour of playing. i havent really given it alot of play yet and i plan to give it another shot(my pc doesnt handle it the best either) but after i try it again i'll post my decision for the sims 3 =) What do others think??
  6. lol that old game was awesome i used to be addicted to it. i remember my cousins always had it onher computer and i never had a decent pc at the time(loong ago lol) so every time i went there i spent every morning playing Pitfall =)
  7. Yes I agree with you with the airport mission for sure. It gives you a different perspective instead of always being the hero it's the complete opposite. I personally loved it the first time around haha. As for the fuzzy glitch i havent noticed it yet but I will keep watch in case i notice it. It could have been some lag or something. If i see somethin i'll let ya know =)
  8. Im assuming you mean the song I'm Yours by Jason Mraz. Yes its a really good song with alot of meaning behind it. Hes has a really good voice as well.. Next time be a bit more descriptive ;)
  9. I couldn't find a review for this game on this site so I am going to make one right now, because it is definitely needed! Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 was definitely the most anticipated games of the year! After playing it myself, I understand why! I bought this game the day it came out not really knowing what to expect of the game but as soon as I watched the intro, I was hooked. [B][COLOR="Red"]Graphics[/COLOR][/B] Every time a Call of Duty game comes out, I ask myself ''How can they possibly improve the graphics more than they are on this game??'' When I saw the graphics in this game, that answered my question once again. The graphics are intensely realistic! The shadowing and lighting effects are amazing as well! There are little things that really pull you in once you notice it. Like when you are aiming with your sights at someone, it will focus in around the area you are aiming at and the area outside your sights is all blurred so it feels like you are really trying to focus in on the enemy. The environmental graphics look amazing as well. If you are in an office building filled with cubicles, computers and filing cabinets and you roll a frag grenade in there(frag grenades keep rolling when they're on a slant) it will blow up, shooting papers, pieces of computers and chairs everywhere. Its really gives you the feel that you are in the body of your character. [B][COLOR="Red"]The Plot[/COLOR][/B] Im not getting into the plot too much because I don't want to waste an amazing storyline for you guys! All I will say is America is under attack and you gotta defend your Country! There is also a mission I mention at the end of this review because it actually disturbed many people. [B][COLOR="Red"]Multiplayer[/COLOR][/B] Well anyone who has played any of the newer Call of Duty's should know how popular the online modes are for it. You get the ability to level up your soldier by gaining experience for every person you kill online. Theres also a whole bunch of different games like Capture the Flag, Demolition(teams tryin to blow up each others bombs), Team Deathmatch, Free For All, and more! When you level up you got perks that you could put onto your classes to make yourself a bit better. Some perks made bullets do more damage, and some made you run for longer distances before getting tired. There were also challenges for each gun you used that would unlock better upgrades and sights for the guns as you unlocked them. Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has all this and more! They now have perks that level up so they do multiple things when you have them at the highest levels. There are many more challenges to complete with the guns, the game modes, killstreaks, deathstreaks, and more! There are now Killstreak rewards that allow you to choose your own killstreaks so it isnt always the same stuff to expect like the other Call of Duty's with their helicopters or dogs. They decided to add in some new game modes such as 3rd person demolitions or team deathmatches. This brings a new feel to the game because it is no longer first person. They still have the Prestige modes in this game but you must be level 70 to hit the prestige modes now. There are now some emblems and callsigns you can upgrade for your character so people see them when you kill them. They are unlocked depending on what happens in the matches. Specific things unlock them and there are a whole bunch to unlock. They have definitely PERFECTED the multiplayer in this game! [B][COLOR="Red"]The Mission That Disturbed Many....And Excited Everyone else![/COLOR][/B] Alright I dont want to ruin anything but there has been so many arguments on this mission that I have to get it out. In the game you play this random mission where you are undercover with these terrorists and you start in an elevator. The leader tells you ''remember, no russian'' as you all walk out of the elevator into the first floor of an airport full of civilians. At the same time all of the terrorists(including your undercover guy) lifts the guns and starts killing everyone. The realism in this level is intense... When I first played it, I just LOVED the feeling of power personally lol... Feelings best left for video games =p..But going through the level, seeing people all fearing you, crawling away and bleeding out as i casually walked up and shot them, it really almost felt too realistic. Like in a game like Prototype or Grand Theft Auto, I can kill hundreds of civilians without a thought of sorrow for them lol. But this whole mission as neat as it feels, it makes you feel a bit wrong as well. The whole point of the mission is to go through this airport killing everyone so noone lives. I personally loved it lol but i can definitely see why people would be angry about that. All in all I'm giving this game a 10/10 because its amazing in every way. Amazing storyline, Beautifully realistic graphics and feel, and the multiplayer is veeerrrryyy addicting.. almost too addicting haha. I hope you all enjoy the game as much as I did And I hope you enjoyed my review on it as well =) -Xy
  10. [B][COLOR="Green"]Xbox 360[/COLOR][/B] Since it came out, Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 has not left my Xbox 360. I'm trying to grab every achievement for it and i'm almost there :D [COLOR="Green"][B]Nintendo DS[/B][/COLOR] I have been playing Scribblenaughts because thats an amazing game. You can think of anything and add it into the game to help you beat the levels. Very neat
  11. Before they released the elite, they made sure to fix the problems the normal versions were having such as burning rings into the game CDs and the cd drive not going in or coming out. That has been fixed and I myself have an elite and have had no problems with it. It is almost 2 years old and my friend owned it before me. I went through 2 normal xbox's before this and i'm happy i got the Elite its worth it. Plus like goldenboy stated, they have a 3 year warrenty so if something DOES happen, then you're fine.
  12. I have this game and I love it(however i admit i havent played much of it since Modern Warfare 2 was released lol). I just finished typing a review about it so I will submit it here! Borderlands was a very anticipated game that alot of people couldn't wait for. I was one of them. For a first person shooter/RPG, it was definitely worth the wait. The plot of this game is kind of confusing. You are in the land of Pandora looking for an ancient vault thats supposed to be filled with secrets and treasure, So you have to make your way from zone to zone on your way to this ''Vault''. The graphics in this game are pretty good if you like Cell shading. I personally thought it had amazing graphics but I have heard otherwise as well. One being that the graphics tend to get glitchy..like if you zoom in close on something that looks really good, it might end up being very pixelated and look worse than it should. However the graphics look more drawn and animated which gives it a good cartoon feel. The gore is pretty good as well. You can blow limbs off and watch them go rolling down the hill, spurting blood the whole way =P Weapon Selection - The weapons in this game are endless. There are literally over 100,000 guns in this game. You will find many guns of the same type( smg, machine gun, pistols) however every weapon has its own little difference. For instance on my character i have about 10 different machine guns. One has like 25% less recoil, with +30% damage and a slight chance to catch enemies on fire. my other one is the same but it also has radioactive abilities as well. The selection makes the game really neat for choosing the best way to go about your missions. There is also a rarity for these guns you find. The rarity goes from white-green-blue-purple-orange. White is the most common weapons you'll find with not too many upgrades on it, and orange is verry hard to find and is definitely worth the find lol.(i have yet to find one myself) The World - Pandora is a big place. It is an open world so you can run or drive anywhere you want to at any time. However you go from zone to zone andd there are always tons of creatures awaiting your arrival. Creatures tend to randomly respawn near you when you are in a bad situation as well. That can get annoying but if you bring enough health packs, you'll be fine! Creatures - You will see so many creatures in this game from mutated wolves to Psycho Midgets with shotguns(Not joking lol..) theres alot to kill in Pandora and alot that is out to kill you. There are also bosses in the game; usually one or 2 in each area. They can take some time to kill but they usually drop some awesome stuff. Glitches?? - Yes there are a few glitches in this game. One being when youre walking in a bandit town or something sometimes enemies tend to hide inside buildings and shoot through the walls and stuff. It gets really confusing but if you see a doorway thats pitch black(like blacker than it should look), then you can probably go in. That gets annoying but doesnt happen too much. I wouldnt call this a glitch, more annoying. When you are in your vehicle driving around the land, you'll notice alot of debris and rocks and stuff just laying around. Your vehicle gets caught on the cheapest little piece of rock and wont move again. Its happened to me a few times...Luckily there are places where you can respawn your vehicle. Other than that I think it is an amazing game. It has so much to do in the game that it will leave ya playing for hours and hours for 2 or 3 quests. Theres alot of missions to do, you never get bored. All in all id give this game an 8.5 because its got amazing graphics, sweet gameplay and gunplay lol, only thing it really lacks is storyline.
  13. Xyandar

    Piano Playing

    I play the piano. I've played it since i was 6 years old (no joke..Im 21 now.) i just had a dinky keyboard at the time but i learned the basics on it. Then by the age of 9 i got a decent keyboard for my time. Learned everything i could on that until i bought my new Yamaha a year ago. Will never need another hehe. Ive always made my own stuff up. I never took lessons becayse i could not learn what they wanted me to(i have a skin condition so it made things more difficult..however i work around it). I play everything from classical music to rock and metal music. Alot of my songs are slower and very melodic, however on my angry day i break out the metal lol. Piano has always been an amaazing instrument to me. It is hardely used in the music i listen to(until recently) and ive always tried encouraging piano because it is a stress reliever, a mind soother, its really hard to explain when you're really into it hehe. I Also play the drums ive played them for about 5 years now. I tooke 3 classes in highschool doing percussion and band where we'd do little shows for public schools. i also had a band for a while with some friends but it didnt last unfortunately. Im more of a metal head on the drums unless i get a touch of the blues genre hehe. If i could learn an instrument i do not know yet....it would have to be the bongos. They seem so simple but they have so much technique to them.. ive tried them once.. lol drums and bongos are verry different haha.
  14. [quote name='Gavin'][SIZE="1"]Well if a great piece of music is needed at any point in a game, significant character deaths are probably the most important. But yes it can be surprising just how much a good piece can generate an emotional response you didn't expect. I always considered [spoiler]MGS3[/spoiler] to be more of an interactable movie rather than a game due to how involved you felt with the characters.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I agree with you for sure. Metal Gear Solid 3 was an amazing game. The Storyline was unbelievable how they portrayed it all. That ending choked me up. In fact...every MGS game choked me up lol.. [SPOILER] In MGS1, When Meryl was shot,[/SPOILER] that made me tear up. However i was 11 at the time and that was the first game with a true storyline that stuck to me. In MGS 2, [SPOILER]When Otacons sister died,[/SPOILER] that whole scene made me choke up incredibly. Especially when [SPOILER]the parrot was talking to him after she died...[/SPOILER] so emotional. That series has an unbelievable storyline that needs to be made into a movie. And not like Escape From L.A. lol jeez.
  15. Xyandar

    Fallout Boy

    Fall out boy.... not a band i'd ever listen to ever again... I admit they play some crazy stuff sometimes but most of its dumb like ''Dance Dance'' and crap like that. ugh...
  16. Xyandar

    Halo 3

    Yeah I see the slight damage imbalance but at the same time I like the extra challenge. I dont know if you're a Halo fan or not but I was really impressed with this game overall.
  17. Hey before I begin to create this, I would just like to know that if I do create a Starcraft RP, are there people on here that are knowledgable of Starcraft that would be interested in joining?(Depending on Storyline and plot of course=D) I just really want to make or be in a Starcraft RP and I cant find them anywhere so if anywone else is interested let me know and i'll start it up. [size=1][COLOR="Green"]Xyandar, these type of threads belong to the Arena Underground. You should also mention something about the storyline as well, seeing that you realize people's choices depend on it yourself. - Sandy *Thread moved*[/COLOR][/size] Sorry about having this in the wrong place. I admit I have never made my own rp before however i have participated in them. I would just love to have a Starcraft Roleplay because I am a huge Starcraft fan and I could see alot of good stories going into an RP of it. So please if anyone wants to either host a RP of it themselves or give me some ideas on storyline i'll definately help to get this started up =D [SIZE="1"][COLOR="Green"]Please don't double post either, but use the edit-button instead. - Sandy[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. Xyandar

    Halo 3

    Do you mind explaining WHY you think legendary and the AI is a joke because I thought both were well done.
  19. Right now I'm listening to [B]Our Sick Story(Thus Far)[/B] by Atreyu. Atreyu is an amazing band and this album has me hooked on them. My favorite songs at the moment on this album are [B]Our Sick Story(Thus Far), The Theft, and Exs and Ohs[/B] The whole album is great though either way. After this i believe I will put on some [B]Silverstein[/B] and rock out to them!
  20. As amusing as it seems... it also seems quite pointless...but definately a good way to waste time
  21. Xyandar

    Halo 3

    My friend bought Halo 3 at Midnight the night it came out and i went with him to the big opening at EB Games. He bought it and we played it until we beat it. I must say that the graphics have improved and look beautiful. The environment was amazing. Trees and bushes sway with the wind and leaves fall off trees and stuff...looks nice. The enemies are awesome. The AI is challenging but not TOO challenging... Some enemies have improved in armor and weapons. Of course there are new weapons, enemies, and vehicles to make the game that much better. The storyline was pretty good... a bit different than other halo games but still awesome. Overall it is definately a good game i'd give it 4.5/5 myself.
  22. [IMG]http://card.mygamercard.net/h2o/rubber/Les+Da+Destroya.png[/IMG] [B]Xbox 360 Games Owned "(O)" For Online[/B] : Gears Of War(O) Call of Duty 2(O) Call of Duty 3(O) Def Jam Icon Saints Row(O) Test Drive Unlimited(O) Need For Speed Carbon(O) Import Tuner Burnout Revenge(O) Project Gotham Racing 3(O) Fight Night Round 3(O) Oblivion Condemned: Criminal Origins Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter(O) Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2(O) Bullet Witch NHL 2K6(O) NHL 2K7(O) The GodFather: The Game Over G Fighters Marvel Alliance Enchanted Arms Perfect Dark Zero(O) I've been collecting 360 games since it first came out. I had all my original Xbox games stolen on me so im making sure i can get as many games as i can that i love before the next system comes out =P. Just beat Ghost Recon 2 Last Night....it was amazing! Well if anyone wants to keep in touch get ahold of me~
  23. Yeah I was at the store the other day and i saw this DDR for PS2 only for 15 bucks CDN called Drumming Revolution. Comes with a pad that goes around you like DDR but you hit with sticks. would be difficult but interesting
  24. Thats a bit rough for a movie review... I havent seen it yet but I think it looks pretty interesting. Ive never been big on GR but Marvel superheroes are cool so im going to see it(But waiting for DVD)
  25. I must say that this topic of onversation is definately an odd one.... For one its in ''Music, Movies and TV''.. and another is that i agree with Boo saying it sounds like you are going to take your fathers weapon and go shoot up a school... Im just going to leave it with this.
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