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Everything posted by Xyandar

  1. I'm against iPods and iTunes and stuff.. I stick to Windows Microsoft stuff and not Macintosh.(No offense mac users. Just perferred choice) [size=1][color=red]Here at Otakuboards, there is a certain amount of quality in a post that members are suppose to meet. (A paragraph atleast) Your post does not meet that standard of quality that we're looking for. Next time, explain why you don't like iPods and iTunes and whatnot. If you have any questions, pm me or the other moderators. Phenom[/size][/color]
  2. I've only read the manga about the Twilight Bracelet. I have yet to play either of the games. I am intereted n playing them but cant find them anywhere around here.
  3. [LEFT] [CENTER][IMG]http://www.hillcity-comics.com/graphic_novels_2006/new_graphic_novel6567.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] I just bought this graphic novel recently. I know they made an actual novel also for the Homeland series. I bought the graphic novel and read it all straight through. It takes place in the Forgotten Realms and it is about a Dark Elf(Drow in Dark Elf terms) named Drizzt Do'Urden. He lives underground with the rest of his kin folk in a deep lair called Menzoberranzan. Here is where all of the Drow hide away from the surface, for they don't like the races above ground. They also hated the sun! On the night Drizzt was born, he was born into House Do'Urden. When a Drow is born in Menzoberranzan, they are born into specific houses, depending who the mother is. Now Drizzt was his mothers 3rd boy, meaning that he was to be sacrificed, on the night of his birth, to their god, the Spider Queen Lolth. However, Drizzts eldest brother slain his other brother, Zalfein. Because of that death, Drizzt was not sacrificed and was chosen to live. Drizzt was born with purple eyes which is unusual because Drows usually had bright red eyes. He had bright purple. Drizzt Do'Urden grew up learning basic fighting and dodging techniques. When he reached the desired Drow age, the weapons master, Zaknafein, gave Drizzt a choice between weapons and told him that he would be trained in whichever he chooses. It didn't take Drizzt long to choose 2 scimitars.(He's used 2 scimitars in all of his books. Weapon of Choice). Zaknafein trained Drizzt as best as he could until Drizzt was equally as good. As the book goes on, Drizzt goes to the Academy after learning the ways of a weapon. He goes to learn about the magical techniques of his culture. He really doesn't like using magic however. He excels quickely with his scimitars. Drizzt continues training for a few months and at the end, he gets hired to be a patrolman. So he goes out into the Underdark(tunnels of Menzoberranzan) with a group of other patrolmen and they slay any monsters nearby. Drizzt also aquires a new friend. A drow he knows keeps a Onyx figurine that looks like a black panther. This Drow could use the figurines powers to summon a beautiful Black Panther named Guenwyvar. This panther is vicious but only to whoever the Drow told it to go after. After some time, Drizzt finds that Guenwyvar starts liking Drizzt more than its own master. The Drow freaks out and tells Guenwyvar to kill Drizzt. Guen likes Drizzt more so she listens to Drizzt instead and disobeys his master. Drizzt and Guen get in a 2 on 2 battle and Guenwyvar helps him out. From that moment on, Drizzt made a life friend and protector. One night they are asked to go to the surface at night and kill a tribe of Faeries. Faeries are Drow's rival race because they are the surface elves.The Drows go and slaughter the Faeries, from women to little children. Drizzt, however, stands and watches the atrocity! He walks up to a little girl who just watched her mom get slaughtered. He tells thegirl to follow his moves, and he pretends to whack her in the face and stab her.He tells everyone shes dead when really she isnt. Lolth the Spider Queen sees this and notifies the Malice(Drizzts Mother) of house Do'Urden. Drizzt returns and goes to see Zaknafein. He goes and spars with him. They get in an argument with eachother and Drizzt ends up telling him that he didn't slay the Faerie child. Zaknafein is pleased to hear of this because Zaknafein is not too fond of the Drow's ways. Drizzt then finds out that Zaknafein is his father. He is shocked and happy to know his father thinks the same as him. Drizzt goes on another little adventure to kill creatures and while he is gone, Zaknafein is approached by the Malice and she tells him she knows he didnt kill the child. She tells Zaknafein that Drizzt will be killed when he returns. Instead, Zaknafein tells her to sacrifice himself for Drizzt to live. And so it happens... Drizzt returns to find out that his father was murdered by his mother. Drizzt freaks out and ends up running away from Menzoberranzan. And thats where it leaves off. I really want to get the second graphic novel for the series, as well as the actual novel so that I can read the more detailed parts that the graphic novel left out. I love Drizzt Do'Urden. I have 4 books of him and this graphic novel. I also have the Baldurs Gate game that Drizzt is in and I am hopefully buying his 2 Scimitars(Twinkle and IcingDeath) soon. I have done alot of research on him. Well thats my huge report. Anybody else want to share their theories on this book and on Drizzt in General? This is Drizzts one Scimitar, Twinkle [IMG]http://static.zoovy.com/img/888knivesrus/-/W/ws_500514_twink_closed.jpg[/IMG] And this is his other, IcingDeath. [IMG]http://www.mwart.com/images/pl/Fantasy_Swords_Drizzt_Sword_Icingde_M1103_1405.jpg[/IMG] And Here are a few pictures of Drizzt Himself [IMG]http://www.cattibrie.com/pimages/ad20.jpg[/IMG] [/LEFT]
  4. This RPG seems to be quite interesting once it starts up. I definately would like to participate. Is this going to be the thread we play on??? If so I will start my character and i'll join in :D
  5. Yeah since the first zelda its always been Hylian like 'High'lian. I know there have been some times and some other words in that game that have made me look twice and have to see if its pronounced right lol. But I pronounce it Highlian.
  6. Xyandar


    Ive read a few posts about this game and personally I don't think the game looks too good. I see where it interests people with being able to pick up alot of stuff and throw it and you can go wherever in the city but.. its just not my type of game. I'm loving the first person shooters! :D Im definately going to try it out though because I gotta try it once.
  7. OoO GH3 sounds like its going to be interesting. I'm glad they are going to have metallica on there but still I would love to be able to play Pink Floyd. Still hoping :P Yeah GH should never stop. Its an amazing game. I hope they start makin different instrument games:D
  8. Sounds Great! Just let me know when we are beginnning! Pm Me
  9. Xyandar


    [quote name='NIKI12345']Well personaly without Bush the United States would no longer be the United States. It would be another part of the middle East that includes Canada. Not to disagree but my dad is in the Milatary and I have seen some of those unfortunate soldiers who didn't make it and it makes me mad knowing that some people think this war is a waist because if it ment that much to that soldier that he would give up his own life for it then I like to think his sacrafice wasn't a waist. The world will never be perfect if you think about it. Without any problems there would be alot of people out of a job. Like to say if we got rid of the Milatary. Alot of those people would be homeless and many would get desperate and steal to survie. So no matter what we do this world of our will never be perfect. Think about it.[/quote] I agree with what you mentioned about the soldiers giving their lives but.. I think they are getting the wrong confidence... Bush keeps giving updates and plans keep coming but they just send soldiers off and expect the job to get done.. I dont want to seem rude just seems odd.. Not a Bush fan at all... Harper niether lol our prime minister..
  10. I myself have not heard of Tsubasa but it does sound pretty interesting. I havent RPed alot before but I would love to RP sometime. If I could join in on this I would :D
  11. I have been a keyboardist since I was 6 years old and I am currently 19. I play alot of techno and rock on it like Avenged Sevenfold, The Used, Benni Benassi, and I make alot of my own stuff. Im going to be recording soon and post it on Myspace. I also have a drum set behind me. I played drums for about 5 years but i didnt really excel at it as much as i have with keyboard. A few years ago my friends and I made a band called Rebirth. I was the Drummer and my friends were guitarist,bassist and DJ. We did pretty good for a while but the guitarist got tired of playin the same songs at shows so we stopped. I am hoping to get into another band sometime soon. I also love to sing but I only sing on my personal time with myself. I dont sing in front of many people hehe.
  12. I'd go to Neverland in a second! Have you seen that place? I mean, sure Micheal is there but just give him a boot if he comes near you! Look at everything you can do there. There are rides, zoo's, parks, everything all in one! I hate Hillary Duff. Shes a waste of oxygen to me. Im not saying i like MJ either, just look at the property he owns!
  13. I think for the next Guitar Hero, Add more Oldies Rock. I loved the Guns N Roses and Black Sabbath but there needs to be Metallica and Pink Floyd definately! I would love to see some of Floyds songs in Guitar Hero. They should also come out with different versions of Guitar Hero. Like Guitar Hero Rock, Guitar Hero Metalheads, Punk, etc. That would put alot more songs in there :D
  14. Xyandar


    Confucius Said "Respect yourself and others will respect you." If everyone could stand by that rule, that would make the world much better. People don't have enough respect for anybody else anymore. We are all judgemental. We see someone doing something or saying something that we don't agree with and we judge. Look at President Bush! Who Doesnt he judge? I am a Canadian and I'm sorry if you like Bush but he is seriously the next Hitler.He is ruining our world by going to war with other countries. Look at the kill count from the war thats been going on between America, Canada and Iraq! As long as people like Bush are leading our countries, this world is not going to survive much longer. I myself don't agree with our Prime Minister, Steve Harper. He is like Bush's best friend. He's the reason Canada started fighting in this war and now Canada is in the middle of it. Sorry im leading on with different topics but they all revolve around this 'perfect wprld' we try to imagine. Fact is, this world is too far gone to be perfect. It will never be perfect. Sure in time we can close the hole in the ozone layer, and sure there will be more votes for presidcency so we can have a chance for better presidents and prime ministers,...but the way us humans are, we are too disrespectful towards eachother and towards the Earth itself to make this world better. With that said, if we HAD a perfect world, I would like to imagine it with no Bush, no Steve Harper, no idiocy for presidency. There would be world peace meaning all nuclear arms would be disposed of seeing as we wouldnt need them and whoever had them would be imposing a threat to everyone else. I dont know.. i cant imagine a perfect world because it can't happen...maybe in the beginning but not now.
  15. Wow thats a tough one.... Really if i were in this situation(may sound rough) but I'd go insane from stress of that and off myself. I dunno.. if i HAD TO then i'd choose loved ones....3 or 300.. Would You Rather..... Live your life without any music whatsoever, or live with this one song you hate and it happens to be the only song EVERYONE knows? lol toughie
  16. Xyandar

    Family Guy

    This show is by far my favorite cartoon put on the air! Im Canadian myself but that family is the best disorderly family i've ever seen! I have every episode of it on DVD up to season 5... waiting for their newer one to come out..wont be for a bit. They do get rough on some of their shoes.. It can be quite crude and unjust at times but...what shows aren't these days?? In my head Family Guy beats The Simpsons and King of The Hill(even though that shows sweet). I just wonder how long they can go...will they be the next Simpsons?? Be great for years and then suddenly something better comes out when they are at season 14 lol...
  17. Xyandar

    Dane Cook

    I like Dane Cook. He is a really good comedian! Sure his jokes can get repetitive but he tries to keep them as funny as he can. I have his "Harmful if Swallowed" CD/DVD and his "Tourgasm" DVD. They are really good. Tourgasm was an hour long comedy of him doing stand up. He hardely swears either. Many comedians use alot of swearing to increase humor in their jokes. He moves his voice and acts alot to bring comedic humor. In Tourgasm he went on a country wide tour with 3 other comedians(Forget their names atm) and they live to deal with eachother for 30 days straight doing 1-2 shows every day. Its pretty stressful for them but I loved it. I also got to see his new movie "Employee of The Month". that was a really funny movie. He was a great actor in that movie he had that humor that fit right in with the situations as well as with everyone else. His cartoons were pretty sweet also. His koolaid skit was hilarious! I loved it A+ from me haha. I hope Dane Cook keeps going and makes many more jokes as well as DVDs so i can get them.
  18. I would have to say a really great quote that sticks with me is a quote taken from the song "Omerta" by [B]Lamb of God[/B]. "[I]Whoever Appeals To The Law of His Fellow Man Is Either A Fool or A Coward. Whoever Cannot Take Care Of Himself Without That Law Is Both.[/I]" I also love Gumps Quote:D "Life Is Like A Box of Chocolates, You Never Know What You're Gonna Get".
  19. Haha i finally got to see that movie. Im a huge Weird Al fan myself(just got a white and nerdy shirt and the weird al show on DVD) and seeing that movie made me laugh till my stomach hurt. I loved when [spoiler]Al is Rambo[/spoiler]. That scene is hilarious. Its a good movie and as stated above its only a $5.99 type movie because of the year it was released! [SIZE=1][COLOR=Indigo] Added spoilers. -Clurr[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. Xyandar


    I haven't played Bully yet but I've done quite a bit of research on this Rockstar game. I think it looks pretty neat. I like how they aregiving the game a GTA effect but giving you different situations...and you are a kid now instead of an Italian running the streets of Liberty.(not badmouthing GTA..i love that game). Graphic-wise, doesn't look too improved than the other games I've seen released for the PS2 lately. It has some decent effects(fire) but lacks certain lighting effects in places. The Storyline seems to be the most interesting part of the game, as Bombu stated. At first it would b e great to stuff kids in trash cans and lockers..but after my 300th locker-stuffed-kid, I wouldn't want to play it anymore.even for storyline lol..Its good just repetitive. Overall I'd give it a 7/10. i have yet to play it but it looks like a game I would rent to see what its like and if it entertains me enough to play it the next day, then I'd buy it.
  21. Hey sorry for that. i havent been here in quite a long time so i forgot:s wont happen again. Alright i uploaded my banner onto the site so im hoping this works now.. please let me know Alright it didnt work. i cant see it. So I guess I'll ask if i can get a banner thats black with interesting font spelling Xyandar and below it "Beholder of Darkness". if you can find a decent warrior drawing or artwork that would fit behing the lettering and have a fading effect. Thjats what im looking for and i need it to be 140 x 140 and for it to be 20 kb or less.
  22. Hey everyone I need a simple edit in my Banner. I need to make it an Avatar that is 140 x 140 and is 20 kb or under. If someone could make it so it fits "Xyandar, Beholder of Darkness", and has the warrior to tthe left side kind of behind the letters and faded a bit. I'd do it but my photoshop is not liking me... so please if someone can do this i would be very happy:) Thanks alot and get back to me ASAP. -Xy
  23. That was my first time there so to me it was awesome. I went on Saturday and Sunday but Saturday was the best day because there were so many people in costumes and it was just cool. i bought a Ghost in The Shell window Blind for $20 CDN and a really nice Cloud painting for $10 CDN. i was proud to go and im going next year too. im dressing up.
  24. Hey Xyandar here. I haven't posted in months but I just went to Anime North 2006 this weekend and got back today! I took so many pictures of peole in amazing costumes and oi bought a whole bunch of amazing stuff! It was my first time going to an anime convention but it was unbelievable! I'm going again next year My favorite costumes had to be Chun Li and Sephiroth n Cloud. Did anybody else happen to go?
  25. [B]Liam Lynch[/B][I]My United States Of Whatever[/I]:I can't stand that song! It's the dumbest, most annoying song ever! I don't even know how he made it onto MuchMusic! [B]The White Stripes[/B][I]Seven Nation Army[/I]:The band in general is just weird.... Its a brother and a sister.... The sister has like 5 drum pieces including symbols and the guitarist looks like Micheal Jackson... The song is extremely Dull. [B]The White Stripes[/B][I]Hardest Button To Button[/I]:Same reason as the second one lol...
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