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CB Shin

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Everything posted by CB Shin

  1. My god...every sentence makes up another statement from you. Some even being a part of the sentence. I'm getting tired just reading your post, your arguement is always the same, while I have proven different facts. Your being very narrow-minded from this, though I'm not surprised. Here's to sum it all up. I DON'T AGREE WITH COMMUNISM, I ACCEPT THE PHILOSOPHIES OF MARX AND ENGELS.
  2. Baron, if you would have read the last page, you'd of found out I apologized and took that back. That's why it helps to be well-informed :D Deathbug, you keep mentioning The Communist Mannifesto as my ultimate weakness, as if Marx and Engels had never wrote another work in their life and of course, you only state out the weaknesses, never the strength. What about "Das Kapital" or "The German Ideology" which shows Marx's philosophy on government, known as Dialectical Materialism? Marxism was a scientific form of government, a theory and a philosophy, that has never truly been tested. You must simply take another approach. The philosophy is simply the struggle of classes. You don't have to give up your individuality for that, it's simply another way of thinking. You speak of Marxism and International socialism as if it were the 8th hell of the world, but it's just another way of thinking. I believe there shouldn't be a conflict of classes, because the classes themselves form seperate "nations". Alright, I'll take it one step at a time. So far, every statement I made has provoked another counterattack from Deathbug. What's your idea on seperation of classes? After all, it is the whole premise for sharing a countries income, where as capitilists base their ideas on a free market of competition, in which the inpoverished cannot even participate in. On a side note, I am glad that Baron Samedi somewhat agrees with me, though I don't understand how anarchists got into this...
  3. I was trying to prove that Marx and Engel's ideals were beyond reasonable, even if all of their philosophies were old-fashioned. I simply strive for a more efficient type of system, and I know that you believe this is as far as we're going to get. My point's been made and it was perfectly valid, I support the philosophies of Marx, Engels and Socialist-Marxism. Unfortunately, it's either too late for another try because of the fear of another example of a Communism/dictatorship, or that people haven't learned to work together in complete harmony for a greater cause. I'm sure that statement will spark up another arguement...
  4. As I said before Deathbug, Communism drastically stretches the doctrine of Marx's philosophies, so therefore is irrelevant to what I'm talking about. I suppose that personal advancement is the most common motivation, but there are always others. What about unity and benifitting the country? In both Marx and Socialist's principles of thinking, as the county prospers, so too does the people who live in it. Of course that's not without it's downsides, yet you said that from every strength comes a weakness. You must admit right now that America's economy is pretty down, yet some people are either not or barely affected by this plunge, or once again, they simply don't care. Some people who live in America claim no loyalty whatsoever, not even caring who their leader is *Cough (BUSH)*. I believe that there has never ever been a country with raw Marx ideals, so you cannot actually say that Marxist countries, in which there are none, are destined to fail no matter what. Socialist Countries have been proven to work however, and some have even developed into capitilist countries.
  5. Good, your less hostile this time :laugh: First off, because of your arguement, I will take back "ambition as a weakness", though I still agree with Marx's plans. Very good point that I overlooked was the person of whom the ambition belongs to. I am glad you say you're an open-minded person. I too will listen as well as talk. Since you are an extreme anti-communist, because you have the experience to, and I respect that, let me start off by saying I won't try to sway you from your fondness of capitilists. I will, however, express my ideas so that I do not look like a total fool. I believe that Socialists and Marxists differenciates between communists. While Marx never kept a specific theory on his philosophies of economics and government, communists spread the doctrines even further. Even though they acknowledge Marx, does not mean that Marx would be proud of them. Marx is dead, he can't change the results of his work, which is communism, though his original intentions were amiable. The Industrial Revolution was the start of Capitilism, as I'm sure you know, but it had the same potential of a giant failure as Marx's philosophies. You must understand that during the Industrial Revolution, people were very unhappy, and they were also impoverished, while the owners of the factories bathed greedily in their wealth. It was a time when raw ambition engulfed countries and took advantage of the poor. If you think about it, communism has the same principle as the time of the Industrial Revolution. You make me sound like a terrorist who takes advantage of America, yet hates it at the same time. I'm here to tell you I'm not. While I agree with old fashioned Socialism and Marxism more, I am able to see both sides of the arguement. I agree with them because I believe the saying "Cooperation over Competition" would make a better country, even though some may argue it is impossible.
  6. I guess I got more of an arguement than I asked for :laugh: There is especially a lot of controversy in my statement "Ambition is a weakness" (though I think that's irrelevant to Howard Dean's Confederate saying). Ambition may be a strength when you first think about it, but it has a great chance of turning into greed. You cannot honestly say greed is a good thing can you? It is a very common thing to have something good turn bad. I assume you've all heard the term "Cooking the Books" which is a result from greed. Concerning people, I made a fatal mistake of overestimating the majority and assuming that they can act in unity. There will always be lazy people who don't care about the county they live in, to the hard working people who care so much as to oppose anything different, like Deathbug for example. Boba Fett and Semjaza Azazel also pointed out that I was talking out of ignorance of Karl Marx. I assure you that I have done a fair amount of research on Marx, Engels, Luxemburg, Lenin, Trotsky and all the rest. Simply because you may have different opinions on their philosophy does not mean that I have misinformation on the subject. Deathbug, you say that I am differencing myself from the "masses" shows me your hypocracy. You assault my opinions, yet you don't acknowledge the "masses", thinking the word an insult. I do believe people should have their individual rights, but without damaging their sense of unity, not just one or the other. Not to sound two-sided here, but I agree that present day communists are cowards. They do rise to power with ambition and keep it selfishly for themselves, fearful that if others had that same ambition, he would lose power. Perhaps my ideas differenciate from Marx's, though the main premise is still the same...
  7. There are tons of sites to get good downloads. Go on Yahoo and type in Cowboy Bebop on the search engine and search manually. More likely than not, you'll eventually find some site with good downloads. Emily's Cowboy Bebop page has some good ones. I hope that Samurai Champloo sets the same standards as Cowboy Bebop, because that will be a real good anime.
  8. I'd love to see an open world RPG based on Cowboy Bebop, where you would make your own character and explore everywhere from Venus to Callisto. I think Trigun would make a cool RPG and first person shooter (maybe). They already have an Inuyasha fighting game I think for the PS1, but I'm sure that sucks...
  9. Wrist Cutter, I don't know where you live, but most people in my area are ignorant of Karl Marx. I guess your area just has higher expectations on history. Boba Fett, while your arguement is very intelligent (and hostile), there is a giant error in that Stalin was Lenin's protege since Marx was dead before he came to power. Concerning ambition, I believe it is a weakness. Ambition was the thing that lead present communist leaders to take advantage of the system. Had there been righteous leaders of communism, the world would see it very differently then that of today. NO communist country has ever had a decent leader. The idea is just ahead of our time and you obviously give people too little credit. I see no problem of my saying, "educating the masses" because based on my experience, people simply don't know him and they just don't care. If I don't know something, it's simply because no one told me or I never took the time to learn, so you completely twisted my words. Doukeshi03, I must apologize for what I put in the beginning of this thread. I won't deny I put it in there, but I take it back. If people don't know him, they are simply ignorant as I stated before, and there is nothing wrong with that. By the way, dreams are always the start of something real.
  10. I'm going to reply to those one at a time. First of all D*MN! That was beyond words Heaven's Cloud. Not only did you know specifics about his history, but you turned it into an awesome rap. I commend you for that, though I didn't mean freestyle like that :laugh: (You probably knew that). Next, Wrist Cutter, how many people do you know that are actually concerned with history that much? It is very important, yet the majority of the younger masses don't know a thing about him. Dan L, you have some great insight. You think just like me. I also believe that people are the reason for the failure of tolerance of Marxism, but you'd think that people have advanced far enough to be ambitious of further greatness. I guess it's just not time yet...
  11. Well...he's dead so I guess that answers part of your question. He invented Marxism, which in turn developed into communism. It's really a historical thing, so I don't expect that many people to know. For those of you who don't know, communism is a form of government, or economics rather, in which the masses of a communist country share the nation's income. China and Soviet Russia were communist countries, and the propaganda was started in the 50's I think. Actually, I don't agree with China and Soviet Russia's methods, because they twisted a system which was suppose to be glorious. The leaders of those countries kill a lot of their own people, and took most of the nation's wealth for themselves. My father called Marx a lazy lunatic because he hated communism, but I always thought that Marx was an ambitious dreamer. Even if Marx was a lunatic, I still would like to think that people have gone foward, enough so that there could be such thing as "perfect government". The thought might seem impossible, as some less enthusiastic people have told me, but if everyone gave up on what they thought was impossible, we would never have a lot of the inventions or achievements. So if your interested at all in the idea, do a little research, or join the E.R.M. (Equalist Republic of Marx: Only 6 people in my local area, particularly my school). There, does that somewhat make a reasonable thread? :D
  12. Concerning Zhang He's very recent lock of his post, this thread will be a more specific concerning post. Occasionally, however, we'll probably get off track. The main subject is the influence of a Mr. Karl Marx. If you don't know him, than you aren't intelligent enough to be in this thread (Forget that last sentence). If by some means you do know him, than post whatever you feel like, kind of like a free style thread. Whether you are anti-marx or pro-marx is completely oblivious to your qualifications to post. I hope this pleases the moderators to some extent and this thread will not be closed 15 minutes within its opening time...
  13. CB Shin

    Vampiric Legacy

    Elsewhere, Xu Tian Hong had troubles of his own. Him and several other of his Witchhunting clan heard of rumors of a female vampire or demon of some sort in an abandoned ghost town. "Split up and search every alley and building" Xu said. The others nodded and went their seperate ways. Xu strided toward the center, heading for the main building, each step so carefully planted, that not even he could hear his own footsteps. Purification was always a hard job, because very few (if any) would just give up themselves and admit they were practicing some perverse dark art. He found himself drawn to a bright light in an alley. When he turned his head, he found that the light was not from some thing, but a person. It was a beautiful woman with wings was resting in midair, looking barely 19 years old, unaware of his presence. Suddenly, his shoes made a sound in the dirt, and the angel slowly awoke gracefully. She rubbed her eyes and saw Xu. "Hi, I'm Kurumi. What are you doing here?"...
  14. Hmm, I'd guess you have to say that you'd have to be really passionate about, say an anime, to cry if your favorite character or his/her best friend dies (who you don't really like). That's pretty specific, so no, If Shin or Spike dies, which they do (decided not to block that one, since It'll be obvious anyway), I wouldn't cry, though I would feel depression for a moment. Really, everyone dies, it's just how you die that counts. On a side note, there's a movie called The Crying Game, and that's what really drew me in to this thread :laugh:
  15. Kitty is accepted :D Okay, we still need 3 bounty hunters and the boy and the girl. One more thing, Ryoko T.D.C, I already have the nickname "Longshot". I usually don't restrict these things, but It'll be akward for 2 people in the same group to have the same nickname :nervous: You can change it to anything else you want, or if you want to keep the name that badly, PM me and we'll compromise. Just edit your post instead of making a new one. Thanks.
  16. Great sign-up Black Phoenix. I only have one problem with the history. How do you have Tundra Wolves on a desert planet. :laugh: Other than that, you're in. Did I mention that we only take quality sign-ups? Well, we do (Unless desperation proves otherwise).
  17. Adding on to the story, the Lunar Witchhunters want to destroy the crystal for they deem it evil and unholy and are not afraid to kill anybody, including the girl, to get it. Bounty Hunters want it because it was the biggest bounty ever posted by a mysterious count, who also aren't above killing to get it. The boy and girl just want to survive and figure out the secrets of the crystal. Hope that give a clearer story :D Here's my profile. Name: C'tar "The Longshot" Age: 18 Gender: Male Weapons: Primary weapon is a Sniper Rifle using long silver bullets. He also carries a mystical longsword and a more advanced pistol, the Sig-Sauer P226, which also uses silver bullets. Group: Lunar Witchhunters Appearance: Short black hair, medium build, though very agile, usually wears rags beneath a desert cloak. Also has a mask, which enables only the right eye to see and regular desert shoes. History: Saw his parents murdered by the Lunar Witchhunters when he was very young, tramautizing him. The result has lead to him not speaking to anyone, except ones he trust the most. When his parents were murdered, the murderers took him in and trained him to be a Witchhunter. They first found his talent when he was out hunting a suspected cult member with some other witchhunters. Since they were all trainees, they were only armed with rifles. About 100 meters away, the witchhunters spotted the member. All of the witchhunters charged in a mad frenzy to get in range, when they suddenly heard a gunshot from behind them. It was C'tar and when they looked back, they saw the cult member lifeless on the ground. Since then he was given a Sniper Rifle and earned the nickname "The Longshot" for his abilities. He's also fond of swordsmanship and pistols, but he's in his prime when he's sniping out unsuspecting targets. P.S. Medieval weapons do not only have to be swords. They can be as creative as you want. The only exception to this rule is the Bow and Arrow, because of the creation of guns. Everyone join A.S.A.P. :D
  18. I've only been here since September, 2003 and since I joined, to me, it has always been a big community. In fact, I wish there were people that joined (more different posts). It's only natural that success evolves further and further into a "monster." I guess you can say now, instead of warm and fuzzy, hot and vibrant, so to answer your question, I'd like it the way it is now. Just my thoughts.
  19. "What a surprise." said Mike in a mesh of fear and shock. "We don't tolerate failures." Chaple replied coldly. Suddenly a click was heard in the backround. "Hold it." Castillo held his pistol to Chaples head. "Castillo, interesting move. We also don't tolerate traitors." Right after he spoke, Chaple whirled around knocking Castillo's pistol out of his hand. Not wanting to miss the oppurtunity, Mike pulled out his cross guns and started shooting fanatically at Chaple. Castillo dived aside to grap his pistol and sniper rifle and began shooting at a fleeing Chaple. Both men were joined together now, shooting at him, though by some supernatural force, missed completely. He suddenlly turned around and shot his gun while running backwards. A cloud of dust blew in front of Castillo and Mike, halting their fire. In a moment, Chaple was gone. Mike, being fatigued, spoke. "He'll be back. Might even be tonight. We'll have to take turns guarding." Castillo nodded and the two fled toward the Inn, hoping for some cover before anything else starts firing down upon them...
  20. That is a very good point Dagger. I too am a little "disappointed" at the series lack of a main plot, but it's not without it's advantages. The characters pasts may be predictable, but what really drew me into this anime was its mesh of Realism with Science fiction. If observe this anime closely, you see all aspects of our society today. There are aristocrats, poverty (and lots of it), government issues, religious cults and scandalous corporations to name a few. The bounty hunter theme wasn't original, but all of its different themes were. True, there were some depressing episodes, but that's life. On the bright side there were times when the crew actually got a bounty head. That's the true genius of the anime in which few others are based upon. Realism in a creative manner.
  21. A week after the incident with Knives and company, Castillo and Mike were finally within range of Augusta. Mike spoke wearily. "Finally! I need something to eat." Castillo nodded and, at a rapid pace, they reached Augusta at last. They found a tavern on the south side of town and quickened in. Everyone within the vincinity immedietely turned to glare at them, then they resumed their previous engagements. Castillo noticed a short, stocky man leaving the tavern. The two sat at a table while an attractive waitress walked toward them. "Can I help you gentlemen?" "Yes, two beers and I'll have a steak." was Mike's reply. The waitress turned to Castillo. "Anything for you sir?" Mike spoke once again. "He'll have anything you've got." The waitress nodded and walked away. After 2 minutes passed, a large number of uniformed men came in. Castillo went wide eyed as he recognized one of the men there. "There he is, Shoot him!" he shouted. They immedietely aimed and fired. Purely on instinct, Mike flipped the table and Castillo glided behind the bar. "Damn, never even got to eat!" Castillo heard Mike say. With quickened reflexes, Mike began to roll sideways while shooting. While they were distracted, Castillo popped up with his pistol and shot them as well. In an instant, all the men were dead, except for the man Castillo recognized, who ran out right after he shouted. Mike walked toward the waitress. "Is our food ready yet?" The waitress nodded in fear and hastily brought them the food. "Finally..."
  22. I guess to answer your question, I'd have to say to some extent I am. I absolutely love anime, but I wish I could watch more. I am also limited to the stuff on TV, because DVD's are really expensive ($75 for an Outlaw Star box set!). I'm not as much of an otaku as my ex-girlfriend though. She has watched anime I've never even heard of. I never really noticed really how many anime shows there were. Everything from Excel Saga to Cowboy Bebop. On the bright side, there are more genres to choose from :D
  23. Dark_dragongirl, if you have a VCR at your dads and some empty video tapes you don't need, you can tape Cowboy Bebop. Now-a-days, it's at 12:00 am. If you want to record, be sure to set the date to the next day, because It's the first minute of the next day. I usually record from 12:02 - 12:32, to skip the beginning commercials. Hope that helps (and I miss the old days too :))Shinmaru, the movie was one of the best anime movies ever (probably is). I'm not give any spoilers, but I can almost guarantee you'll love it if you liked the series. I got my DVD at a blockbuster when they were selling stuff. It just glanced my eye and I immedietely had to have it :D
  24. I'd hate starting an arguement like this, but maybe it's the fact that people have different opinions? Me personally, I hated Gundam SD because, as you mentioned before, It was too childish for me. That doesn't neccesarily mean I want it off air, I just don't watch it. I actually liked G Gundam for the most part. The storyline and plot were good, and characters developed like real people, but I hate having the idea that only one Gundam can represent their country. I like army v army kinds of Gundam shows, like Wing and 0080. It just appeals to me more I guess.
  25. Not to get off subject here, but it's strange. When I was younger (11) I first saw Cowboy Bebop. The very first episode. Somehow, I thought it was somewhat boring, but it really made me think. The ending of that one touched my heart in a way. The action wasn't that bad compared to the more comical sessions of Cowboy Bebop, but then I was comparing that one to more action-packed anime like Inuyasha or Outlaw Star. Since then, I've been a fan of Cowboy Bebop and it has been my favorite anime. So, to answer your question, I'd say no. I don't give up on an anime simply because of its first episode. Who knows? I might find a new anime that I like better then CB. (doubt it :D)
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