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CB Shin

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Everything posted by CB Shin

  1. Castillo and Mike trodded on through the Desert day-by-day. Since they were expendable, both of them were somewhat afraid of Vash's fury if he found out, though they both also knew that Vash was already informed by Legato or some other spy Vash had following them. Castillo started to stare at Mike's leg with worry. The wound was beginning to rot. Castillo tore off a piece of his cloak and handed it to Mike. "Thanks." After Mike wrapped his wound, he spoke again. "Do you think we should go back?" Castillo niether talked nor moved. "You too eh? I guess we ought to finish the job." Castillo suddenly spoke, "We'll get caught sooner or later." Mike was somewhat surprised at the reaction. Mike replied, "It's a risk we'll have to take. Let's regroup at Augusta." Castillo nodded. It was kind of worrying to him because he was wanted there and a few aristocrats recognized him. They had to be low profile, though it wouldn'y be easy. He wondered if Kayla was doing well with Mai, Vash and Legato...
  2. The best war/action epic I've seen yet, is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. It is simply amazing with 3 times the action from The Two Towers. I saw it with some friends the day before Christmas Eve. If you haven't seen it yet, I'd definitely recommend it for any Lord of the Rings fans (But they probably have already seen it) :D
  3. Anything Yoko Kanno would do, such as Macross Plus and Cowboy Bebop. I especially love her work on Cowboy Bebop. I never really liked Jazz or Blues very much, but she certainly did change my mind :D
  4. We can make it up? Great, here's my signup. Name: Ctar Cuthalion Age: 127 Race: Sindar Homeland: Doriath Swears fealty to: Thingol and The Sindar Lineage: the only son of Beleg Cuthalion Weapons/armor: He wears standard Sindar Ranger Leather armor and he wields a longsword he crafted himself called "Neldoreth's Defense". He also wields a bow made of Yew Wood much like his fathers called "Taurdae" (which means Shadowwood in Sindarin, heh had to a little research for that one) Magic: The ability to wield his bow, which no other mortal can because of some enchantments. He also has an uncanning knowledge of healing and nature like his father. History: As mentioned before, Ctar is the only son of Beleg Cuthalion. He was raised with the noble life of a Sindar, but never took it for granted. As he grew older, his father taught him how to fight. Ctar even crafted his own longsword. His bow, though, was given to him by Thingol personally, from the Menegroth armories, as a sign of respect for Beleg. His very first battle was in the Forest of Neldoreth, to the north of Menegroth, when orc raiding parties from Angband came to pillage the forest and the Sindar living there. He and a few other Sindar rangers ambushed the party and killed thrice their number with his gleaming longsword, all while his father was in Brethil. Since then, the Sindar called his sword "Neldoreth's Defense" in rememberence of that day. He now fights bravely alongside his father, being a very intelligent leader and influence in Doriath. Personality: He is a very quiet and reserved elf. He seldom speaks, even to his father, and when he does, he deems it neccesary. He's also very intelligent, though some would say he lacks a little common sense. His true battle ability shines when commanding small numbers of troops against overwhelming odds.
  5. Wow! Thanks! I love my new banner. And the pink one looks really great too. The text and color are perfect. :love:
  6. Castillo was waiting for Mike on the outskirts of town. He limped toward Castillo, cussing. He finally asked, "Did you get the others?" Castillo shook his head and Mike understood. "We'll have to regroup and kill them another time. For now, let's just get back to the hideout. We've got punishments awaiting us there." Mike laughed a little as he said it. Castillo just nodded and helped Mike walk back. He wondered how Kayla was doing...
  7. Castillo was west of the town, almost a mile away, sniping down on the 3 people trying to find him. They were splitting up, but Sarah was headed in his direction, so he started sniping her first. Since she was running in a straight line, it was easy to predict where the bullet would hit. He aimed at her leg. A direct hit ensued and Sarah fell in pain. Julie and Knives heard the sound and ran towards him. Knives could now see him and ran in a very fast zigzag pattern. Julie went to tend Sarah. Castillo didn't care about them, his job was to kill Knives. For a second he lost Knives in his sight. He tried searching for him, but he was completely out of sight. Sudden'y he heard a gun click from behind him. "Drop the gun, I don't want to have to hurt you." Castillo dropped it and put his hands up. Suddenly he turned around and shot at Knives but Knives was expecting it and lept sideways. Castillo kept shooting until he was out of bullets. He only grazed Knives ribs and that was it. Castillo dropped his pistol, ran towards his rifle, picked it up and ran towards the town. He thought to himself, "I can't die, not yet, not until my job is finished." He wondered how Mike was doing against Nick.
  8. In all my time on OB, I have not seen a general thread about, perhaps one of the greatest animes in anime history, Cowboy Bebop. I made this thread just so people can talk about the show in general, whether they like it or not, find anything odd, basicly anything. Here's a story of mine. I have a friend (who is a bit paranoid about things) who never liked japanese anime in general. He loved American ones though, like Simpsons, Futurama, and Family Guy (all great comedies by the way). Anyway one day I showed him the 5th session of Cowboy Bebop (Balled of Fallen Angels, one of the best) I had videotaped myself and he was showing mixed reactions. He doesn't really express himself that much so it was hard to tell. However, the next few weeks, he kept asking for more of my tapes, and he even saw the movie twice. Then I truly realized how great this single unique anime was. For example, this is one of the few Japanese animes with more songs in english than in Japanese. Yoko Kanno has since become my favorite artist/composer of all time. She's an overall balanced character when it comes to making music. In short, I believe that Cowboy Bebop was the greatest anime ever created. Praise to Shinijiro Watsanabe (Did I spell that right?). Any questions, comments, concerns?
  9. I disagree with zdude255 about Miroku and Sango. It would be great if they got together, but Sango's likely to get suspicious, even if Miroku isn't cheating on her. But hey, you can still dream can't you? Another pairing I found rather incompatible is Spike and Julia, only because of the fact that they died :( Same reason for Nicolas and Millie in Trigun.
  10. By the time Castillo got into range of the bus, it had already been moving and fast. He was going to shoot the wheels, but he couldn't calculate the distance and speed of bus in time, so instead he went for the windows. At on point, one of his bullets was an inch away from hitting Nick, but instead hit a civilian. Mike suddenly put his hand up. "We'll kill them at their next stop." Castillo nodded and him and Mike continued trekking through the desert. Castillo could only wonder what Vash had in store for Kayla and Mai.
  11. Funny you should say. I'm not getting anything for Christmas, not because of my parents, but because I choose not to. No, I don't believe the world has gone greedy or that everyone has forgotten the true meaning of Christmas, I guess they just need to be reminded. Personally, I don't celebrate Jesus's birthday, so I don't deserve presents. In the modern times, Christmas has no moral value anymore. It's all materialistic now, but the eagerness is the same as before. I also don't want to get presents because I'm a Marxist, and If I get presents, I would seem like a hypocrit in a holiday that has no true meaning, except for gifts any more. P.S. I'm sorry if I happened to offend anyone, I know not everyone has forgotten what Christmas is about.
  12. Castillo walked out of the building, his rifle at his side. With his left eye, he saw several figures going in away from him. He quickly pulled out his sniper rifle and began taking potshots at the enemy. At one point with his steady aim, hit a woman in the arm closest to the building, though it was no use, they were too far away. Mai came out screaming. "What the hell are you doing?!" Castillo simply pointed at the distant blots of the enemy. Mai couldn't see them and continued screaming at Castillo. Suddenly Legato came out. Mai suddenly had an outburst against Legato, "What do you want?" she asked harshly. "Knives, Nick and the others are there." "Oh... Well let's go after them then." "Patience my dear." It was Vash. "Did you kill anybody?" Castillo shook his head. "I see...then you, Castillo and Mike will go after them." Castillo nodded and Mike came out, anxious to kill his brother. Kayla suddenly came out and asked "So what do you want us to do?" "Mai and Kayla, come with me inside, I have a different mission for you 2." Castillo and Mike began the chase.
  13. Castillo got up and nonchalantly walked in without a word. Vash looked at him, his face expressionless. Castillo spoke. "You called?" "This is what I'd like to call a 'checkup' on my minions. So, Castillo, what accomplishments have you had recently?" "The 3 assasinations you wanted on the aristocrats in Augusta has been completed. I'm still working on Knives with the others." "Ahh yes, as you've heard, both of the girls got promotions." "Yeah, I heard them, they were babbling their heads off about it." "Hmmm, yes well, I don't know how to put this but...you're not getting one. This is because I can't find a better sniper/assasin then you. Everyone has their strong suits, yours just happen to be unique to me." "I understand." "Good, now then, wait outside for me to talk to all of you. By the way, where the hell is Mike, I was suppose to talk to him too." "I'll go look for him, we got seperated when he was checking the bus, shouldn't be far." "No need. He'll make his own way." Castillo started walking out again. Once again he spoke. "We're expendable aren't we?" It was more of a comment then a question. Vash stood in silence. Castillo walked out of the room.
  14. I like Trowa, not only because of Heavy arms, but because of his quite demeanor and attitude. He's also quite smart (though not as much as quatre) and very acrobatic with quick reflexes. I guess you can say he's a very balanced kinda character.
  15. Castillo stared in silence. A glint of anxiety sparked in his eyes, though no one in the room, except for legato, could tell because of Castillo's mask. He did not like this at all. Like Mai, he was not very fond of Legato, especially since he felt a sort of vulnerability around him. Mai suddenly spoke, breaking the odd silence. "Well, when is he getting here? You better have a good reason for bringing us here Legato, or else your head's coming off." "Patience girl. Vash will be here soon, I...know he will." After 10 minutes or so, Vash suddenly came in casually. He talked patiently and smoothly. "Mai, I need to speak to you in private." Mai hurriedly followed Vash into another room. Castillo decided to rest for a while, his gun by his side.
  16. Right now I'm listening to an anime mix CD i made myself. At this moment I believe it's playing Through the Night, which is the opening for Outlaw Star.
  17. My real name is Charlie and some of my friends call me Charles to TRY and tick me off, but I'd prefer Charles over Charlie anyday. They also call me commie, though I'm really a marxist. Don't ask.
  18. CB Shin

    the lone star

    Outlaw, Don't post six consecutive times in a row, lol. That whole thing could've been one post. Just go to edit on the bottom of your posts next time. (lol, I can't believe I'm saying this, I sound like a moderator)
  19. I salute you Milliefan. Those were the best ones yet. Really creative and humorous :D Here some more from Cowboy Bebop. Julia: I'm not here right now and I'll probably never be. I'm on the run so you'd better find some other way to find me (gunshot heard in backround). Annie: Damn that Spike! Oh is this thing on? It's Annie, I'm not here so leave your message and go! Chessmaster Hex: Eh? What's going on? Anyone wanna play chess? I wonder what this does. *beep* Decker (Woody Allen from Heavy Metal Queen): Huh? Oh, ummm, I'm not here so leave your message, that is if you want, I mean ehh no one's forcing you or anything. Anyone want explosives? Domino Walker: Hey man! What's going on?! Now, I'd be interested in your message if you wanted some mushrooms. Old Man Bull: I am not here right now. You meant to call Running Rock(Jet) didn't you? I know you were because I'm an indian with an answering machine. Victoria Telpsicorei (VT); Ya, whatta ya want? I ain't here right now, so leave your message, Unless your a bounty hunter like my husband, then I've got nothing to do with you. Thanks to [url]www.otaku.com[/url] for reminding me of the names from the series.
  20. It's agreed that Outlaw Star and Cowboy Bebop are very similar, although I prefer Cowboy Bebop, as someone has told me on OB, "It's the thinking man's anime." Indeed Outlaw Star is visually stunning and it's plot is very original, but you just have to respect the "realism" quality in Cowboy Bebop and every character in Cowboy Bebop has a remarkable past that drags you into the storyline. The animation itself also "glides" (like a Rolex lol) and is visually pleasing. Music also plays an important role in good anime. Outlaw Star has nice music (especially ones that Malfina sings) but Yoko Kanno will forever be the master(ess) in Cowboy Bebop. It all comes down to what you prefer, creativity and imagination or realism and dynamic characters. P.S. I'd pick Faye over Malfina any day :D
  21. Here are some more Cowboy Bebop ones Vicious: (very deep voice) This is Vicious. Leave your last message because you're about to be dead. Periot Le Fou: (his demonic laughter) Let's have some fun. You try hiding and I'll come and kill you! (laughter) Leave your message so I can find you! Gren: Hey this is Gren. Leave your message and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. I'm probably busy right now. Shin;(tense, panicky tone) You shouldn't have called. They're after me right now and I'll probably be dead after the beep. Lin: This is the syndicate. What's your reason for calling me! I'm obviously not here right now so leave your message. Ed's father: Hahahaha. I'm not here right now friend, probably makin some maps, so leave your message. Macin... whatever where are you?! Mao Yenrai: Hello, you have reached the Yenrai mansion, please leave your message after the...(hear a throat slitting in the backround). I'll try to think up some more. In the meantime, I'd like to compliment everyone else's messages. These are pretty hard to do :laugh:
  22. One question. What are you comparing Outlaw Star to? Have you even seen any other animes before? I love Outlaw Star, but I have seen some better animes. Just a thought.
  23. I'm only 14. Honestly, I've seen better poetry on other threads that could easily outrank me. Thanks for your high rating.
  24. CB Shin


    You should try posting one of your poems in [url]www.poetry.com.[/url] You have a very good chance of winning $1,000 for your outstanding poetry. Heck, even I made it as a semi-finalist. :laughs:
  25. This is a poem that got me into the semi-finalists of an international competition and my very own page in "Eternal Portraits", a chronology of poems by different people, and in Noble House publishers. Anyway here it is, Hope you like it. The Sunset The sunset, A velvety scarlett Hanging into the air, A blazing fire of life, Encompassed in the Autumn colored sky, The sight of souls, Passing on in solitude, The fringe of dark and light, Fading away in a single glance, A bright glare tranforming the sky, Into the most lively red, A fallen angel gliding down, Finally finding peace, The essence of Earth, Giving hope to all those in its presence, I can not only see the sunset, I can feel it... Nothing fancy about it, just raw poetry. I hope you enjoyed it. :D
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