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CB Shin

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Everything posted by CB Shin

  1. I'm glad to say that my life is alright. My school life is especially good as I've made many friends and established a reasonable reputation to everyone, although by no chance am I considered popular. Life is really what you want it to be. No one can really decide your life ahead of you, except for you. If a few bad things have happened to you in the past, just remember "Humiliation is a virtue. Only through humiliation do we truly find the person inside all of us." That lesson alone can guide your life.
  2. Name: Castillo "The Longshot" Age: 26 Gender: Male Weapon: A long sniper rifle that is a meter in length, the bullets can pierce tank armor and an old fashioned pistol. Description: 174 lbs. and 6"4 tall, he has a patch on his right eye so he can concentrate better on a target. He has a cape to travel in the desert with and rags on his body. Bio: One of the gun-ho-guns, Castillo is a very quiet, reserved man. All he thinks about is his loyalty to his master and the target he is to exterminate. He rarely ever speaks, not even to the other gun-ho-guns. His past is a mystery and he seems someone to be "expendable" in nature. Niether Bloodthirsty nor merciful, Castillo is an Iron-Willed follower to Vash. Side: Vash
  3. My friend Ryan has seen most of Evangelion, and he compares it to a lot of other high-ranking animes like Cowboy Bebop and Trigun, so I'd save money. I've never even heard of the other anime and Dagger IX1 said that you could get the whole series of Evangelion cheaper then Fist of the North Star(which I've never even heard of by the way). Better save your money and be patient then resent it later.
  4. A couple of my friends and I have planned to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King next Tuesday. Before that though, I'm going to see Matrix Revolutions with my family. I have high expectations for both these movies and I hope they'll out as what I've thought of them. I've heard good things about Matrix Revolutions so that's a plus. :)
  5. Name: Xu Tian Hong Age: 22 Gender: Male Personality: Humorous at times, but completely serious in battle or politics. A man of relative good morales with no material desires whatsoever(a bit of a pervert though). Race: Witchhunter(Human) Appearance: Chinese/American, Black hair, brown eyes, medium build, his vampire hunting suit consists of a flexible kind of material(kinda looks like Shin's syndicate suit, see avi), black shoes. Weapons: A Sig-Sauer P226 armed with silver bullets(pistol) History: Part of the "Zhui Bu Wu Shi Ji Tuam"(Chinese for witch-hunting clan), an organized group based on the knowledge of a newfound taoist teaching that all things perverse in nature such as, but not limited to, demons, necromancy, witchcraft, vampires and voo doo shall be exterminated to cleanse the remaining purity of all souls on Earth. Xu Tian Hong was banned from the organization for sympathizing with a female white angel and for letting her go. He was suspected of being possessed, even though he's not, and is current being hunted by members of his own clan. P.S. I have a friend coming to join, could you just a little while longer? Oh, and don't start without me :)
  6. I definitely agree with that :), Xenosaga for the ps2 would make a great anime. Another one that would be a great anime, in my opinion, would probably be anyone of the Castlevania games. This might seem strange, but I also would like to see Armored Core games as animes, as long as they dont turn out to be Gundam Wing ripoffs. Heh.
  7. I hope this isn't spam, but I would look like Shin from Cowboy Bebop. I especially like this syndicate suit. Instead of describing him, you could just look at my avi :)
  8. All of your responses, except for wrist cutter, has been hateful and negative towards those actions. I myself don't agree with hate crimes (I'm chinese/american) but I do understand why this happens to some extent. First, I think that the living conditions since you were young affect your attitude towards those different from you. All of you are lucky that you dont live in a hateful state or country, or even if you do, were raised towards a positive attitude from your parents. If you were born, say Mississippi, and you were raised towards feeling superior to other races, then obviously, it will affect your mind until you die. Worse yet is the fact that it passes down to your children and generations after that. It is a weakness in humans in general. Yes, humans are the most intelligent beings on Earth, but we still have a limitations. The problem is that people can't think open-minded enough to accept others differences. There are also people who abuse their heritage, and purposely accuse someone of a hate crime. Once again, a weakness in people, like the saying "What do all men(women) with power want? More power." Also, people who don't understand something is automatically afraid or hostile to it, same thing applies to culture(Thats why we have social studies classes). On the positive note, I do believe that society as a whole has advanced towards the acceptance of everyone.
  9. I would have to go with Tank, written by the musical genius Yoko Kanno. I never used to really be a fan of Blues or Jazz, but she definitely changed my mind. I can listen to any of her musical compositions. They're all different "genres" of music but her talent has made me like them all. Tank is just a cool funk kind of music that makes you want to watch the show :)
  10. Here's something I think the crew from Cowboy Bebop would say Spike-"Yo what's going on. I'm not here right now, probably because I'm dead. Cya." Faye-"Hey, I'm not at the phone right now, which means I probably don't like you so leave me alone to my gambling." Jet-"Ehh? Ain't at the phone now, probably cause we're chasin another bounty head right now. *sighs*, I'm gettin too old for this. You know what to do. Ed-"Ohhh. Exploration, Experimentation, Exploration, Explanation! *Starts laughing*. This is Ed and I'm not here right now, so leave a message, or not! *Starts laughing again*. Come here Ein! *Sound of a dog yelping* (P.S. Ed's was hard, because she's so unpredictable.)
  11. One of the most stunning quotes in anime acting history is from Cowboy Bebop. I believe it was said by Vicious right before he killed the final elder on his execution day. "And you will shed tears of scarlett." It was one of the most evil thing a villain could have said to his former master. If you watched it you would know what I am talking about.
  12. Name:Xu Tian Hong Age: 24 Appearance: Chinese, Black Hair Brown Eyes, Medium build Bio: A foreigner from the west, He was a swordsman and a scholar who actually learned Japanese. He carries Black Pommel, a long sword that can cut through iron like butter and his reasons for his exile is kept to himself, even though he joins Kenshin for this new quest of "purification"
  13. The only other grunty is the Iron grunty for .hack//infection. Sorry, but I'm not sure what foods to feed it. Have you watched .hack//liminality. There are a few keywords that appear on there, if you put it on slow, for example, when Mai is in the library. The dungeons the keywords give you have great treasures in the last room.
  14. Anime, more or less, can be catergorized as a book. Something that makes you wanna keep reading/watching. Of course there are many other factors in an anime that make it more interesting then a book or manga. One of the most important things to me is music. It adds the moods and it truly lets you feel the story. Yoko Kanno for her work in Cowboy Bebop and Macross Plus should be recognized, if not already. Also, a good anime needs a past, ex. Cowboy Bebop or Rurouni Kenshin, something that adds another element to make you want to keep watching. The past really affects the plot and what happens in the present of an anime. The most important factor to determine a good factor is, of course, what it's trying to achieve or what the point of watching it was is recognized clearly. If you can identify it whatever it was suppose to be, then the director has achieved the purpose he/she was trying to fufill through the anime. The more elements to an anime the better, like Cowboy bebop.
  15. I've got a few anime girls I would never want to date. Fey Valentine from Cowboy Bebop definitely, because she takes your money and pisses it away at gambling. She's hot and all, but I'd rather by single then be broke. Excel from Excel Saga, well we all know the reason for that. She is really cute, but just a complete ditz, as well as useless. Sailor Moon for the same reason, but not to the extreme of Excel. I also hate Kikyo from Inuyasha, cause she's insane. I don't blame her for being so, I mean she was raised from the dead to a doll and was killed by, what she thought, as Inuyasha. I do like a lot of the sailor scouts and almost everyone from Final Fantasy though.
  16. Cowboy Bebop has absolutely changed me. Shinijiro Watsanabe and Yoko Kanno have inspired me to a) write better poetry b) spark an interest in all different types of anime and c) To follow my path of ideals and not let anyone get in my way. Cowboy Bebop, among others, is the godfather of all anime to me.
  17. Like every Bebop fan out there, the last episode, especially in the last scene when [spoiler]Spike just ended his duel with Vicious and he's walking down the stairs at dawn, and his last words were...bang. Also when Julia dies and her last words were "Its all a dream..."[spoiler] Those two scenes really got to me, and, since I was alone, I cried for a few seconds. Another one from Bebop I think is one of the best is in Session 5 Balled of Fallen Angels when [spoiler]Spike duels Vicious and he ends up getting thrown out the window and he's having all these flashback moments with Vicious and Julia while green bird.[spoiler] Pure and simple, Shinijiro Watsanabe is a genius.
  18. I'd have to say, for my #1 choice for a date, would be Ami from Sailor Moon. She's really cute, intelligent and has a really "pure" soul. In other words my type :) . Malfina from Outlaw Star is my second choice for the same reasons. I wouldn't really like a clutz for a date, but that's just me.
  19. Like many here, my favorite anime has got to be Cowboy Bebop. Even though the setting takes place in the future, it creates a feeling of real life you just have to respect. The characters are cool, the storyline is nice even though they get off track sometimes. Yoko Kanno is my favorite composer. She can create anything, like from classical to Heavy Metal and everything in between. Really, Cowboy Bebop is the best, period.
  20. That was very beautiful. Hope you don't mind an extension Hope still dwindles in my heart, Feeding light to the darkness, An endless Abyss fueled by emotion, Still fighting, Never Faltering, For within the dark, There is a light, Courage and compassion, Feelings of love and grace, The rose petal, Taunting and laughing in silence, But a ray of light, Strengthens your spirit, As you grab the petal, New Feelings, Of warmth and love, Emcompasses your mind, For within the dark, There is always a dark Hope you like it. It's not very good since I wrote this in haste...:)
  21. What a coincidence, I'm chinese(a guy) but that has nothing to do with the question. Well, I asked just asked this girl to go to the dance. I gave her a gift though, a personally made CD, full of stuff she likes. Music works well enough, or if she doesn't really have any favorites, make her laugh. If you're not usually a humorous person well...
  22. Forgotten Rogue, You can't be Samir Duran. He is too important of a major character for you to play. Make your own profile instead of taking own from the existing universe. By the way, Terra, this story takes place right after Mengsk takes over the confederacy and progresses on into the UED, So the beginning of the story is still in the 1st Starcraft era. We're going to "bend" The original storyline. So basicly be creative.
  23. What I meant was that don't "bend" the story and make it fair. Yes you're right, you have control of all the zerg, except for Kerrigans brood. That's excatly why you have to be fair in your posts. that's all.
  24. I'm sorry Drix, but kerrigan is too important of a character to be choosed as. Remember, we're making our own characters in this RPG. Yes you can be the Overmind, but don't take advantage of your role. Also, James The UED haven't arrived yet. this is between the arrival of the UED and the fall of the Condeferacy. You can still be UED, but it will be a quite a few posts before you actually reach The Terran sector. You can make a few surprises though, such as random Zerg attacks, but make it detailed.
  25. Welcome to Starcraft, Between the Blood RPG recruitment. This is an entirely fictional story made by me, but takes place in the Starcraft universe. For those of you who don't know, Starcraft and Starcraft Brood War is a futuristic kinda strategy game. The story takes place right before the UED arrive from Earth and currently the Emperor Mensk is ruling the colony planets. There are three races in the RPG. The terrans, which are the humans, the zerg, which are a bug like alien species, and the Protoss, an advanced cultural psionic species. Units for Terran are as follows: Marine, Firebat, Ghost, Goliath Pilot, Siege Tank Pilot, Wraith Pilot, Battlecruiser commander. Zerg can only be Cerebrates or The Overmind(Leader of the zerg). Protoss can be Zealot, Dragoon, High Templar, Dark Templar(exiles), Archons, Dark Archons, Scout Pilots, Carrier Operator(carrier is a giant one manned ship). You can also make your own weapons if you're terran(Up to 2), but the standard weapons are, Marines=8mm C-14 "Impaler" Gauss Rifle, Firebats=Plasma-Based Perdition Flame Throwers, Ghost=25mm C-10 Canister Rifle. These are only if you are on of those units and remember those are only standard issued. Class also varies. The classes ranges from military ranks to mercenarys to Protoss roles in the army. Zerg have no class, as their unit is. Sign ups are as follows. Name: (first and last) Age: Weight: Height: Species: Unit: Class: Weapon(Terran Troops Only): Appearance(Armor Recommended): Bio: Here's mine. Name: Charles Xu Age: 27 Weight: 148 Height: 6 2" Species: Terran Unit: Ghost Class: Mercenary, Former Nova Squadron Special Ops Weapon: Sig-Sauer P226 and 20mm C-12 Sniper Rifle Appearance: Grey Trench Coat, White shirt, Black Boots, Blue Pants, Black Hair, Brown Eyes.(No armor, I need to be light.) Bio: A former Nova Squadron Black Ops Unit in the Confederacy, He was nearly killed because the Confederacy had accused him of treason and betrayal to join the "Sons of Korhal: Rebels. In truth, his friend had backstabbed him and told the Confederacy this lie in order to gain rank. Escaping with his wife, they are now Mercenaries paid to fight against the Zerg...
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