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CB Shin

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Everything posted by CB Shin

  1. Actually, to me that kinda reminded me of Spike and Julia's situation in Cowboy Bebop(The Real Folk Blues part 2). It's a sad situation in my mind. Two people being torn apart, then rejoicing only to have your loved one die again. Or maybe a seperation from your parents, Having to venture out on your own finally and finding out that life is harder then you think, but there will always be something there to cheer you up. But it might not be enough...
  2. One of my favorite characters is from Final Fantasy Tactics. Beowulf is a very quiet, reserved man. He also fights really well with his Magic Sword Skills, which are like the oracles, only better. Plus he's in love with Reis :)
  3. Actually, the story does progress. The crew are bounty hunters and, as such, each bounty is different leading up to the final conclusion. Really, the main plots with Spike are all the sessions with Vicious. There are many sessions where it tells of an individual crew members past, for example, Session 10 Ganymede Elegy tells of Jet's life in Ganymede. There is a plot, a rich one, it's just showed in an unorthodox way.
  4. In contrast to everyone's opinions, I basiclly like everything about Cowboy Bebop. The story, plot, music, art, even the hidden secrets as DBD had said. I agree, it is a "thinking man's anime". Some people just can't appreciate "A work which becomes a genre of Its own will be called...Cowboy Bebop." Also I wonder what a Cowboy Bebop/Trigun will be like. They're remotely the same, but it would be interesting to see for myself. Thank you all for your opinions.
  5. I agree with both of you. Both the show and the music are very diverse. That's probably why It's my favorite anime of all time. My friend from school hates it, because she think's boring. She's an Inuyasha Fan. I am too, just not as much...
  6. Xu headed back to the Main Red Dragon Ship. The Elder saw the suitcase and realized what happened. "You failed?" "No I got the red eye and the money back." He took a vile out of his coat to show him. "Why do you still have the money?" "Rouko...He betrayed us. All of my men were killed. I also ran into our old friend Ma feng. He's dead now, but I can't help wondering..." The elder showed frustration. "People nowadays think they can push around the syndicate! Who dares make a mockery of us! There are traitors everywhere now. We're starting a hunt and you're going to help us. You're not as worthless as I thought." Xu started walking back to his quarters. "Traitors everywhere..." He thought.
  7. Have you ever noticed how culturally diverse The music in Cowboy Bebop is. Anything from Heavy Metal to Opera is in there. I'd call Yoko Kanno a genius for being so diverse in so many genres of Music. Theres always something to like in there, No matter what kind of music you like. Me, well I like all of them. Your thoughts please.
  8. I absolutely love Star Ocean 2. I beat it a year ago and I'm still playing it. I like it because of It's diverse story line, dealing with Expel, which is almost like a medievil type place with The federation, which is like a futuristic goverment. The elements combine so perfectly, you just can't go wrong. Also the skills system is perfect. You can cook your own food(with ingredients) Or make your own weapons or even illegaly copy a certificate. The characters are also diverse and different and there is an ending for every character or pair of characters, different for each one. Well, that about wraps it up :)
  9. Xu Tian desperately shot after him in his ship. He was gaining fast... He realized that Rouko wasn't in the ships but Rouko probably had the others take the suitcase. He fired his ship's guns at the enemy. Both ships went down together. Xu then landed on a nearby spot. "In the name of the Red Dragons, surrender the money and Red eye back to us." He said pointing his Sig at them. One man inside a ship suffered an internal injury and had died. The other stepped out wearing a grey trench coat. "Long time no see, eh friend?" "Ma...Feng?" The man drew his gun. a glock 30. "Yep, in the flesh. You'll get the money. If you can beat me." Without answer Xu fired at him, but he missed. Ma retaliated by shooting rapidly at Xu, But he had already ducked behind the ships. Rolling under the ships, he shot again, Grazing Ma's chest. Ma stumbled and Xu fired into his head....
  10. I like the picture and the detail in it a lot. Actually I can sort of see the text, at least the last part. It still deserves recognition for your efforts :)
  11. Xu Tian and some Syndicate members arrive on Ganymede in a few days. They take their ships to the La Fette bar where a man dressed in black was waiting. Xu Tian: Are you Rouko? Rouko: Yeah, are you the Syndicate guy I was suppose to meet? Xu Tian: Yea, lets talk inside the bar. The 2 men walk inside while the rest stand guard outside. Rouko: This new stuff, It's even better than before. It's purer than ever. A Batch like this doesn't come cheap you know? Catch my Drift? Xu Tian: No negotiating, I'll give you the original price offered. Take it or leave it. As soon as he said that, as if on que, Shots were fired from outside and screams filled the air. Xu jumped behind the counter, while Rouko made his escape with the Money outside. Xu Tian: Damn, you can't trust anyone these days. The men started walking in armed with a new version of Sub-Machine gun. In an surprise attack, Xu rolled out and shot 2 while moving towards another table. The men kept shooting at the table until they ran out of bullets. They had to reload... Xu popped up and shot even more in the head. The rest escaped with the Syndicate ships. Xu Tian got into an untaken ship and rode towards them...
  12. Xu Tian walked in the headquarters. "You called?" A man dressed in a fine, black suit replied "Yes, We've got some business to do here. Take a few of our men and make the transaction with the Red Eye. His name is Rouko Jabaar and he'll be waiting in the corner at 1st and 3rd by the 'La fette" Bar." "You know how much I hate that stuff, why send me out?" "Because...you're expendable." Xu scoffed and walked out. "People who go against the Syndicate end up dying...maybe not...."
  13. Thanks for all the time and effort you put in this for me. I hope we can continue to chat and PM each other about stuff :)
  14. This arguement(specificly mine) is getting no where, so here's the summary of what I thought about all the topics above. I disagree with war and that it is never justified. I DO however realize its neccesity in life. If there were no war, America would not be the SuperPower it is today. The revolutionary war was a war for "Freedom" but to Britian, we were still a bunch of rebels. Every war has a motive, whether it would make sense to you or not. What was the motive with the war in Iraq? The United States security, correct? We struck first before they could was the point. Wouldn't that be threatening Iraq's security? I absolutely hate Saddam and I never tried to defend him. America has been involved in far too many foreign relations. Wouldn't that make us Dictator of the world? We order a country to surrender their weapons because it threatens our security. What about our weapons and the capabilities we have? You may think that America will never use its weapons unless to defend the country, But maybe other countries feel the same way. They only antagonize the U.S because they feel threatened. But it's for OUR security. Does that make it right? I hope I have gotten my point out and no more confusion will be spread about where I stand.
  15. CB Shin

    The Breed War

    The werewolves attacked swiftly, surprising us all with their enhanced fighting abilities. Their first wave penetrated our brewd and took down 5 Vamps. We retalliated quickly, pulling out guns, blades or just thinking of strategies. Klin allowed me to direct the strategy. I ordered 5 blades to escaped and come back from behind. The rest were ordered to scatter and fight them head on while the masterminds were to give mental support. Jinth took a more interesting route of attack. He shot down one, ran to the next and kept going in a similar pattern. His arrogance got the best of him though, as Michael and several others surrounded him. We were losing badly, even with the mastermind support. I pushed back the surrounding werewolves that cornered Jinth and he took down the ones that weren't fallen, Except for 4. Then the blades came from behind...
  16. Stereotyping is wrong in any way, and in now way does this topic have to do with it. The great thing about democracy is that we can express our opinions in any way. Don't forget that Sadaam is Dictator of Iraq(or was) and he could control the media in any way he wanted. A dictatorship allows you to control all aspects of a country, but that doesn't mean the people have to agree with it. And do you really think that you've had more hardships than the Iraq citizens? I'm not trying to sound like a hypocrit by disinvaluing everyone's hardships, hell I've had a lot of my own as I'm sure you all have. But the hardships In their country are beyond comparison. Even Muslim Americans have faced a lot of hardships. I'm not disinvaluing anyone's problems, I'm only giving pity. Can you not understand that?
  17. Drix, Not all Iraqi's feel the same way. That would be called stereotyping. That's why they took down the Statue, remember?And I was not talking about Saddam's point of view, I was talking about the people of Iraq. You can't judge a race by a certain individual. You have no idea what they feel or what they are thinking, maybe unless you have talked to every one of them. You've never been in Iraq. Maybe you should consider experiencing their pain before you mouth off to me.
  18. Name: Xu Tian Hong Age: 27 Country: China Bio: Life wasn't easy for Xu in the 30th century. Poverty and Corrupted Communism has taken much of China. Now, a chance to gain power and save the peoples of China, Xu has volunteered for this new force. Perhaps China may see a Marxist future after all... Job: Marxist Activist (Beam Master) Appearance: Grey Trench Coat, Black Hair, Black Boots, Blue Pants, "Ni"(bad luck) tatoo on his left hand and "Sung" (good luck) tatoo on his right hand.
  19. I disagree with you Drix D'Zanth. No human life should be taken away by something they're not even involved in. If everyone had your attitude, the world would be a mess. No war is really justified, think about it. From the beginning of mankind to modern society, man has fought, and for what? Conflict of interest. People have always fought for what they believed in, but it's never justified. Before you judge the enemy, know your enemy and more importantly, know your enemy's enemy, that is, yourself. You have no right to criticize Iraq's current state. Would you still be so bold if you were in Iraq? Remember, think how the Iraqi citizens feel about this(not Saddam).
  20. You know what I give the others ;) but the Spike and Faye one is great! It's blurry but that only adds to the effects. I give it a 10/10. (Was this the one you wanted me to look at?)
  21. The third paragraph summed it up for me too. And one more thing, We wouldn't be having this conversation if life were simple so keep that in mind :)
  22. Even Better, I can't keep up :) Here's another one off the top of my head. Death and Depression, In the world, Are not the only things one can see, True happiness lies within one's mind, Keep digging for the truth, And when you find what you're looking for, Cherish it forever more, And never take things for granted.
  23. My favorite quote is the one I made up in my signature. I hope the rest of you like it as well :)
  24. Both persons have strong points of view, although I would have to agree with Charlie Levoy. You can't solve military/terrorism acts by using more military acts. If we try solving the problem this way, some other terrorist group might start attacking the U.S. because they were pissed at America's decision to bomb the Iraq cities. Simply put, you can't end blood shed with more blood shed(not to sound like some penniless hippy, no offense).
  25. Wow, you're a great poet, and I saw your poems in the other thread too :) Here's another one I JUST made up. An Inferno of Emotion, Always dwelling in my heart, My mind restless as I watch her move, Passion burning, Soul swelling, The longing of her grace and touch, Can you see...her?
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