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CB Shin

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Everything posted by CB Shin

  1. In a Chinese goverment building two men are talking in mandarin. Man #1: What's the current status of our "visitors" here Xu Tian? Xu Tian Hong: They are all comfortably settled here in Beijing. Man #1: Damn foreigners. They act as if this is their own home, they show no respect. Xu Tian: aren't you forgetting something? Man #1: You and your wife are different. You have our blood and your wife is also Asian. Xu Tian: But we're still foreign. Is this not our home that we live in? Man #1: Forget I ever said anything... Now back to business. I want you to get your men and monitor every one of them and remember...we don't exist. Xu Tian: As you wish.
  2. Name: Xu Tian Hong Age: 22 Job: Red Dragon Syndicate Weapon: Sig Sauer P226(formerly owned by Shin) Appearance: black hair, Brown Eyes, White Shirt, Gray Trench Coat, black pants, boots, Chinese heritage. Bio: Raised as an orphan, Xu Tian had strong ideals when he was a child. As he grew up, he realized the ideas he had are Marxist. Even so he strives for those ideals and joined the syndicate to gain power. While still young he practices Tai Chi and Marksmanship everyday to strenghthen himself. Noted as the youngest syndicate member, he is quite smart in strategy. Now hearing of the legendary Spike Spiegal, he searches for his comrades Jet and Faye to learn more about the Legend....
  3. [spoiler]I wasn't really surprised at all when Spike died. The cat story he told to Jet foreshadowed his death. Even so it was still very sad...[/spoiler] Maybe they should have a prequel to Cowboy Bebop. [spoiler]Like how Jet quit the ISSP and what Spike did for the Red Dragons and the final episode could be like the seperation of Julia and Spike. You could find out if they were married that way.[/spoiler]
  4. I agree with KnightOfTheRose. Your RPG needs more sub characters with different skills and personalities and a deeper grasp on the story. Make it interesting for all kinds of people rather than just for yourself. Your game sounds like a short adventure type thing. I mean after all, one man can't save the world.
  5. Hey i just activated my account. Well, Katana, Cowboy Bebop's last episode name was "The Real Folk Blues" and it had no relation to what just said. I don't think FLCL and .Hack//Sign had those kind of names either.
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