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Everything posted by rx189

  1. I Will have to agree with you. I have the game demo(which I got from the Offical Xbox Magazien) And I have found it to be a varry good game. It takes place in Japan, and the demons you fight, if I rember correctly, are real Japanese mythical demons. The fighting reminds me of an anime, what I like the most is the super dash where you almost disapear because your moving so fast and wielding twin swords(You can equip Many weapons in the full verson to fit your fighting style:naughty: .) Well I guess thats all, I hope you guys will like the game as much as me:excited: .
  2. I would have to say Halo and Phantom Crash are my fav games.
  3. Here is a link to a Zeta Gundam sight [url]http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/8218/[/url] Have Fun!:cool:
  4. Ok I found a web sight all on Z Gundam.:) Just follow this link [url]http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Flats/8218/[/url]
  5. Well... I've only seen a few pictures and I cant rember too much about them, Sorry. I will try to look for some more info.
  6. I do think that Moblie Suit Gundam the 08 M.S. Team is the best gundam that has appeared in the U.S. But have any of you seen or heard of gundam S.E.E.D. it seams to have a good story its like a combo of M.S. Gundam with Gundam Wing and a little 08 M.S. mixed in just for the fun of It.
  7. Zeta Gundam takes place 4 to 7 years after the first gundam. The first gundam you see i think is the rx189 gundam Mk2 later on he gets a new gundam called Zeta wich can transfom in to a bird mode if you will. the Zions have ben defeated but they come back as Neo Zion But this time Char Aznabul(I cant rember how to spell his last name sorry.) changes sides and fights a long side Amiro Ray (The famous gundam pilot) on the side of good and fight the Earth Federation and Neo Zion! I think I got the story right. Because the websight i get my info is down, so every thing is from mermorry so it may be wrong. When the sight is up go to [url]www.gundamw.net[/url] then click on "Vault" the scrol down untill you find Z gundam and click on what you want.:)
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