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Box Hoy

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Everything posted by Box Hoy

  1. Looks interesting Nefertimon. I'll join. Haven't RolePlayed in a long time. Name: Satoh Mikaboshi Age: 31 Gender: Male Appearance: About 5' 11". Pale skin tone and black eyes. Long black hair that comes down to around his eyes. Dark gray shirt under a black coat that comes to around his thighs. There's chains hanging from coat nd metal buckles both shoulders. He wears a pair of baggy black and dark gray camo pants. Black boots. Personality: A hard thinker. He has alot of wisdom. Silent when things seem at peace. Bio: Satoh was not originally from Raia but a large country at war. He was involved in the war in his earlier years, learning many things from war. After the war finished he'd become someone new. Once a person with alot of exctiment if fighting he became someone with guilt for the sins he'd commited. He learned of the ore when he'd come to Raia to escape his guilt. Seeing how the island was in need he decided to find an animal and help the islands population. After travelling for days he found a wounded fox. his heart could not bring him to kill the fox so he tended to it's wounds. Afterwards the fox did not leave him. Satoh took the fox in as the animal he would use as his dragon. Animal: Fox Animal's Name: Sai Animal Description: A small fox. A red orange fur color and a long tail. Very fast but weak. Sai is loyal to Satoh. He is also good at gathering various items.
  2. Box Hoy


    Alright thanks James. I'll follow your advice but I was jsut wondering if this had happened to anyone else or somebody had jsut been banned and was getting revenge by posing as myotaku and spamming people.
  3. Box Hoy


    Did anybody else get an email from somebody called Burt Stephenopolis or something. It had to do with myotaku and he claimed that I was going to be banned if I didn't do something to fix it by setting a link to my browser which would redirect me to AnimeCentral. I clicked the link and it lead to a disturbing pornographic image that I will hesitate to go into detail with. I wanted to bring this to people's attention because this guy claimed he represented myotaku. Mainly Adam or James, but I decided to bring this to the public's attention to be able let them say if they got the email too. That way someone can track this guy down. Here's his email: [email]burtstephanopolis@usa.com[/email]. Thanks.
  4. [quote name='Meggido']I'm not the biggest FF7 fan though I'm a large FF fan. I know of two spin-offs to FF7 being Advent Children and Dirge of Cerberus, but I have not heard of a third spin-off. What is this third spin-off and where can I find information?[/quote] Okay Here's a list of all the 4 new items coming out for FF7 Advent Children Before Crisis (Game coming out for the Cell Phone, hopefully for PSP or DS) Dirge of Cerberus (PS2 game to come out after Advent Children) Crisis Core (Newly announced game for PSP. Not much is known so far)
  5. I ahve and always will be a Sonic fan over a Mario fan. The only game I ever liked from Mario was Mario 64. These days it's obvious who is doing better in terms of popularity and gameplay. Let's two of the most recent games. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Super Mario Sunshine. They were released around the same time I believe. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle did far batter than Sunshine ever dreamed of accomplishing. Both had many different tasks you had to accomplish. In Sunshine your tasks became repetitive and boring. In didn't provide as much action as 64 had. The mysterious background story was all that kept me playing. Sonic Adventure 2 Battle provided alot of variety. You could be the good team or the bad team and follow that storyline. I admit it was a let down not being able to choose an individual storyline up until you beat the game and got stage selection. As well as variety, SA2Battle also had different modes of gameplay. And a load of extras. In my opinion Mario was a big hit then but now is just getting old where Sonic who was once not as popular is now hitting his stride. Go SONIC!
  6. I think FirePhoenix changed his name to something else. Like something that started witha Ka or and L. I can't remember. Anyhow. I joined yesterday. My only question is about the rpg set time period. Like is it in the future, past, present, medieval, etc. I made my character around kind of a past medieval feel so if I need to change it just tell me.
  7. Role: Dark Angel 1 Name: Lex Van' Poe Age: unkown Gender: male Appearance: Long gray and black dreadlocked hair. He wears a trenchcoat and black fingerless gloves. His under shirt is gray and long sleeved. His pants are baggy and black. And boots are also black. His skin color is pale and his eyes are red. Bio: Lex lived in a family of holy people. He himself was athiast. He loved all things evil. The color black, skulls, blood, horror stories, everything. One day he set off into the forest near his village and never returned. As he travlled farther into the forest it became darker. He loved the wicked feel of the deep forest. He started to train himself for what might lay further into the forest. He trained for many weeks, feeding off the dead of the forest. He gained strength and agility quickly and continued on. Finally at the core of the forest he encountered the true enemy of the forest. His own nightmares. nothing he had done could stop his own evil intentions from taking over his mind. He became obsessed with death and evil. He craved it. Weapon(s): He carried no weapon. Instead he uses his own creative mind to fight his opponents and confuse them. Occasionally he'll use knives for odd reasons.
  8. Okay. I don't know about many of you but this news somewhat irritates me. A fourth FF7 spinoff. Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core. It's getting a little old hearing about Final Fantasy 7 spinoffs. I'd like to see a spinoff from a different FF game other than 7. Apparently it was announced today (10/27/04) but I haven't been able to find any site with details about it. If anyone gets any info please post here. I'll keep searching and post what I find.
  9. Box Hoy


    I made a thread here like this a long long time ago and got the same results. I like TaTu. I think thier awesome but they need a new CD because their getting seriously old.
  10. I've started noticing that every anime, gaming, or some sort of convention people cosplaying has been on the rise lately. So does anyone here have pictures of themselves at a convention cosplaying as sme sort of anime/game character.
  11. Box Hoy


    [CENTER][SIZE=3][FONT=Palatino Linotype][COLOR=Red]Götterdämmerung[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE][/CENTER] [CENTER]Chapter 1: The Ragnarok of Gaia[/CENTER] The world of Gaia lived once as a peaceful world of kingdoms, harvest, and magic. But that peace was only a fragment of the world's history. Soon after the attack on the kingdom of Khalid by an unknown enemy. A hooded black figure with a blue aura led the army which literally destroyed Khalid. Khalid was only the start of the slaughter. Many kingdoms and countries fell to this dark army. Many mortals believed and prayed that the gods of Midgard would come and save them from this nightmare. But they never did. It soon became apparent that if nothing were to be done than the fate of the human race would be extinction. This was the Ragnarok of Gaia. The end of the world. ----SIGN UPS Name: Age: Description: Background: Personality: Weapon: ----MINE Name: Shea L. Meos Age: 24 Description: Shea wears a gray long sleeved shirt under a black army trenchcoat. His pants are a dark army green. Shea's skin is pale, his hair is black, and his eyes are blue. He wears a pair of black boots that overlap the end of his pants. Background: Shea fought for his kingdom of La' Ruse. A kingdom far off into the forests of Gaia. He fled after they overtook his kingdom and killed his family and friends. Shea vowed revenge once he was stronger. There was a rumor that on Mt. Remoria, an old mage lived in peace, named Amatsu. A hermit who had been a great sorcerer for Khalid before it was attacked. Shea was going to find this Amatsu and learn the skills he needed to destroy the dark army. Personality: Confident, intent listerner, stratagist. ---- I need about 5 people for this RPG who are willing to stick around for 3 chapters. Ciao.
  12. Toshi walked out the door of the building to find himself in a city hovering over clouds. "Within the room of history time passes faster. Already the people of this city have found a way to lift the city and the ground under it from the surface," Dyne said following him out. Toshi walked into the city followed by Dyne. "So you say that a couple of people are troubeling the residents of this world," Toshi said. Dyne nodded. Toshi withdrew his sword. "I've got to find them then," Toshi said. "And fight them." Dyne nodded. "Undoubtedly the dark one will find his henchmen and continue after you and...the book," Dyne said. The wind blew hard up here in the atmosphere of this world. "This world is endless. No one ever can escape unless they can travel through the darkness back to the plane of existence," Dyne said. "Heh heh heh. So he finally made it up here. Hawk's business is going to get a hell of a lot harder now that Toshi is here to protect that book," Shakia said. He was hiding behind a wall where he could see Toshi and Dyne walking through the city. His red hair blew everywhere in the wind. "I'll have to help my master and stop Toshi," Shakia said. Toshi stopped in the middle of the dirty street that were walking down. "I sense something," he said. Dyne looked to Toshi. "What is it," he asked? Toshi turned to see Shakia a couple of yards behind him. "I can't let you stop Hawk from fulfilling his goal," Shakia said. A red beam went flying out of his hand at Toshi.
  13. This sounds kind of weird but I guess I'll join... Name: Josh L. Reese Age: 25 Gender: Male Nationality: American Job: Deliveryman Special Skills: Crazy driver. Appearence: Long naturally black hair, tan skin, blue eyes. He usually wears somewhat goth type clothes. Black baggy pants and either a blue, black, or red shirt. Black skater shoes. Bio: Josh came to Fat Pizza after he moved to Hashville for a slightly higher paying job with a respectable company. Unfortanatly they required him to cut his hair and he refused so he lost the job. He came to Fat Pizza because he couldn't move back home and needed money. Personality: Josh is constantly searching for new thirlls. He loves high speed driving, wrestling, heavy metal, etc. So how was that.
  14. Alright. Both of you are in. This is going better than most of my other RPG idea's. Anyway. A 2 or 3 more people and I'll start the RPG.
  15. This'll be my first horror RPG so bear with me if this sounds....odd. ---- STORY In the night, the battles are waged. You see the warriors everyday but you don't know their secret powers. Some know the secret, others don't and and follow the knowing. They were black to draw in the power of all elements. Other parts of their outfits are for show and some are for self defense. In their dwellings, they hold their weapons, for the daytime showing is always prohibited. You see them and wonder why they dress like they do. Like before, some know why, and others don't. The secret that divides the knowing from the unknowing. The body is actually a tool used to protect the soul. Without protection, the body dies and the soul must leave the world of the living. To protect it power is drawn from the color black to the body and held there. Their weapons are ancient but still used at times. Swords, daggers, and knives. The power that is contained within the body can be taken from one person to another through death. Learning of the secret is the start. Then using the knowledge you protect yourself. Evil beings search within the night for these people. Always hunting. Searching for power. They are the Followers of the Darkness. To know the secret is to be powerful. To know the secret is to be hunted... ---EXPLANATION I wont give these people a name but I guess you could say they dress gothicly. That's pretty much an explanation of the people. Once you learn of that you are controlled by your soul and your body is the tool in the mortal world and that if that tool is destroyed you leave for the world of pain or the world of joy. Staying in the middle is the only paradise because too much joy or pain is bad. The color black is a mix of all other colors and they each represent an element. Each element has power. So black is a mix of all that power. The power is absorbed into the human body. The more power there is the stronger you are. The Followers of Darkness, follow the same criteria, but kill to take power. They have constantly waged wars during the night because the night is when you are most powerful. Finally the Followers of Darkness have a leader who wants to take all the power from the none followers. No one is safe. I'll develop more of the story as we go. So that's the whole sum up. ------SIGN UPS Name: Age: (Any age is good) Background: (How did you find out about the secret, what you are fighting, anything signifigant that has occured) Description: (Gothic style is the base here) Personality: (Key for your characters development in the story) -----MINE Name: Lex Van' Alstin Age: 18 Background: Lex found out about the secret when his friend, Shea, introduced him to it. Lex slowly learned more about it but didn't exactly believe until his friend was killed by the Followers for his power. Lex than realized the that this was the truth. He took up the belief firmly and began preperations to exact his revenge upon the followers. Description: He has black hair, blue eyes, and skin tone between pale and tan. He wears a gray long sleeved shirt under a black short sleeved shirt. His pants are baggy and black with two chains heading from the two back belt loops to a pocket near the front of his knee-caps. Personality: Laid back, but also courageous at times. He can be silent when something is bothering him. Alright. Ciao.
  16. Box Hoy

    OB banner

    I think we need a new skin for the site. I know it's asking alot but it'd be awesome. The blue skin and geisha skins are both getting quite old. Hurry James! Before my head explodes.
  17. The man with silver hair smirked. "We've been waiting for you, for over a century. For this day to come," he said. Toshi looked weirdly at the man. "Um...why," he asked? "We've live in fear constantly of the prophecy," the man said. Toshi scratched the back of his head. The man walked past Toshi to the book. "This book contains every detail of history from the beginning. We of Yggradisil have been protecting it for all the ages. If it's pages are destroyed than all of time will be no more," he said. Toshi shook his head. "Um. Would you mind telling me you're name," he asked? The man turned to him. "It is Dyne. I am the ultamite guaridan of this book," he said. Toshi watched Dyne close the book. "What is the prophecy that you people are so fearful of," Toshi asked? Dyne sighed. "Two beings are to come into Yggradisil. One is of light and the other of the dark. It does not say who comes first. But if the dark being came first than the universe would be doomed. But if the ligh one came first than he would help defend the book from when the evil one came," Dyne said. Toshi smiled. "How'd you know I was the light being," he asked? "I could tell from looking that your intentions were not evil," he said. "But the intentions of the others who have came here were different. Although they have not been able to get past the doors to this building they have caused alot of trouble," he said. Toshi instantly knew who Dyne was talking about. Uni, Ios, Shakia, Morak, and Rimnil. "Can I help you fight them," he asked. Dyne smiled. "Many would appreciate it if you would. Although the beings who reside in this world seem empty they are full of thought," he said. Toshi nodded. "Guess I'm going to have a little fun while I'm in this world," he said.
  18. It's the end of the world people. Yet another Final Fantasy 7 sequel. Look at the attachment. Vincent's our new hero. Oh well, here's what [url]www.rpgamer.com[/url] had to say about it: Square Enix has announced that Dirge of Cerberus, which was recently trademarked in North America, will be the subtitle to their newest sequel to Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus will be Vincent's first foray into being the main character of his own game. The story takes place approximately one year after the end of Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children. It has been implied that the story will revolve around Vincent fighting a group of enemies, who at the present, are known only as "DC". Dirge of Cerberus, like Advent Children, is scheduled to be released on both DVD and UMD formats. Unlike Advent Children, however, Dirge of Cerberus will be a playable game of an unannounced genre for the Playstation 2 and PSP consoles. This title is currently scheduled for release on the Playstation 2 and PSP in 2005. Now, the interesting thing about this is that the biggest reason a PS2 FFVII remake wasn't made was because they'd have to build it from the ground up. Now that they have this, though, I imagine it wouldn't take much to do the remake. I hate to do this, 'cause I'll probably be wrong, but I predict by next summer they'll have announced the remake, probably to cap off this whole FFVII influx of games. I'm still not totally convinced that this is real. We can only hope. Ciao.
  19. Box Hoy


    In the August issue of Newtype, the famous group of Clamp turned 15. They had small reviews about each of their manga. I saw a cool looking manga of theirs called X and I was wondering if anyone has seen it, read it, etc and also if anyone knows if this one is still selling. It looks awesome. It's about a guy called Shiro Kamui who is being fought over by the seven dragons of heaven and the other even dragons of earth. Shiro holds the key to apocalype. It looks awesome and I really want to read it. Ciao.
  20. OCC- You're not leaving us yet! I'm not finishing without you Arunue! But yes. We're nearing the end. IC- Toshi began to walk. The hooded figures seemed to not notice him at all. He watched them closely. The buildings were so large. Toshi walked the streets of this mysterious world in confusion. Finally he sat down against one of the buildings. Hooded beings continued to strode by. Toshi closed his eyes. "What the hell is this place. Who are these people," he said to himself. Pictures of his friends began to flow through his mind. A tear formed in his eye. "I miss you guys," he said. They were his closest friends. He opened his eyes. A small hooded figure stood above him. "Hello," it said. Toshi was taken aback from his presence for a second. "Why are you crying," it said. Toshi realized a couple of tears had rolled down his cheek. He rubbed them away. "No reason," he answered. "Who are you," Toshi asked standing up. "What is who," the hooded figure said. Toshi raised an eyebrow. "What's your name," he asked? "Name," the thing questioned? It shook it's head and walked off. Toshi watched it leave. "What's wrong with it," he said. Toshi began to walk again. Sadness seemed to plague this world. He reached a unique looking building. Hooded people walked in and out of the building. Toshi decided to see what it was. He entered the building. Everything became white. Everyone dissapeared. Toshi looked around. It was everywhere except one place. A black dot floated in mid air. Toshi approached the black dot. He touched it. It became a book. He turned a couple of pages. Text was being written as he turned the pages. It was a very small text. "You've finally made it," said a voice from behind Toshi. He turned to see a man with spiked silver hair and a black coat. His pants hidden by the coat. "Welcome to Yggradisil," he said. Toshi nearly fell over. "I-i'm in Yggradisil," he said. The man nodded. Meanwhile aboard the Red Flag, Rayne paced back and forth. He was thinking. "What in the hell happened to get me here," continued to pass through his mind. Something caught his eye as the ship was turning. He squinted to see it. It was barely visible. An enormeous tree in the distance. The clouds had built over the day so he couldn't see the top. Locke walked up to Rayne. "That's the tree of the god, Lash," he said. "We'll be heading there to trade and restock our inventory. You can go there if you wish," Locke said. Rayne nodded. "I'll check it out," he said.
  21. Unreal System of a down albums. PS2's for a buck. Yeah. Ebay is a room full of conartists.
  22. Toshi opened his eyes. Three hooded men hovered over him. Their faces hidden under the hoods of their cloaks. Toshi looked around. He was laying on his back on some sort of large cliff. All around the cliff were white and black clouds. Toshi stood. "Um. Where am I," he questioned. The men were silent for a few moments. "You are no longer existent. You play no part in the universe any more. This is your final resting place," said one of the men. Toshi sat down. "How do I get back," he asked? The men chuckled to themselves. "There is no way to return to existence once you are taken out of it," they said. "Damnit. I have to help my friends. There's got to be a way," he yelled. The men turned away from Toshi. "Who are you guys anyway," Toshi asked? The men stopped. "We are nothing more than simple beings like yourself," the last man to talk said. They walked down the cliff. Toshi sighed. "So I've got to spend eternity in this place," he said. He looked out over the cliff. The clouds touched the cliff. "I wonder what happens if I go past those clouds," he said. "Well. I don't exsit anymore. Guess there's no point in not trying," he said. Toshi backed up a bit and then ran towars the cliff. He jumped off. The air swished past Toshi's face. He reached the clouds. The white mist covered Toshi and to his surprise it was quite warm. He continued down. The clouds went for a while. Finally he passed them. He gasped as he saw an enitre world before his own eyes. He watched all the glowing lights. Towers and large buildings came into his view. The land came towards Toshi fast. He flipped and landed on his feet. He looked around. Large blue towers surrounded him. Black hooded figures strode all around. OCC-Again nobody mess with Toshi at the moment. I've got a good story worked up for him right now.
  23. So tell me why you posted if you don't even like ICP? Yeah, they get old after awhile but they're better then Eminem. Who wants to buy a CD about some guy who whines about his stupid life.
  24. Veil staggered through the deathly hot desert. Two suns shone down on her, burning her skin and stressing her beyond imagination. After a few steps she finally fell to her knees. "God, where the fuck am I," she screamed. A tear rolled down her cheak. It fell from her chin and landed on the desert floor, and quickly evaporating. Veil cried hard now. "Why did you have to diee Toshi," she yelled. Meanwhile on the planet of Mewn. Rayne watched the water pass as he leaned up against the guard railing on the side of the dock. "Wonder when it ends," he said to himself. "When it ends," Locke said walking up. Rayne turned to him. "Are we near land yet," he asked? Locke shook his head. "Far from it." He turned and looked into the sky. "There is no land on the surface of this world," he said. Rayne didn't seem shocked. "No. All of the land is in the sky. We're in a blank area where there is no land at all. But you'll see. Once we reach the trees you'll see where all the land is," Locke said. In another universe, Hawk flew through the golden skies below Yggradisil. He smiled and continued on. His speed was mind boggeling. Finally a large black island in the sky came into his view. "Yggradisil," he said. "The barrier is gone," he said. He began to fly faster than ever.
  25. Insane Clown Posse's last Jokers card is here. The Wraith: Hells Pit. I thought because more people like Eminem and that Insane Clown Posse isn't that well known too many people that I would create this thread. For all the Juggalo's out there. This is the most historic day in all of Insane Clown Posse history. They state that this one is going to be the best ICP Albuym ever. Everything is going to be unleashed. Secrets will be revealed. But unfortanatly, I cannot buy this because I'm under 17 and the stupid Fred Meyer people won't let me buy it. So I'm pretty screwed. Ciao.
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