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Box Hoy

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Everything posted by Box Hoy

  1. OCC- This always happens near the end of The Realms series. Nobody participates and it gets annoying. We three must keep it going strong. I've already deivsed the end of the series so I'll just have to get it into postition. IC- Rayne's red eyes became exposed to the light of the dim sun as he opened his eyelids. He sat up. He was on a boat. A couple men scurried around the deck. One man looked at Rayne and then hurried off to wherever he was going. He stood up only to fall and realize that his arms and legs were tied up with rope. "Damnit," he cursed. The man who had spotted Rayne was returning and with a slightly larger man who looked like a captain. Rayne eyed the captain looking figure but not taking his attention off of the other man. "So. The prisonor has awakened," he said. Rayne smiled. "Where am I," he asked? The captain did not answer put instead helped Rayne to his feet. With a quick motion of his hand three men came forward and untied Rayne. "Sorry that was for our own protection. We don't know you and we don't know what you might have done if you were to awaken untied," he said. Rayne nodded. He had to admnit that he didn't quite look like a good guy. "Capatain Locke of the Red Flag," he said. "We're on our way to the continent of Morile," he said. Rayne raised an eyebrow. "Morile? That's not familiar," he said. Locke rubbed his furry chin. "Um. This is a weird question but what world are we in," Rayne asked. Locke laughed. "You're on the planet of Mewn," he said.
  2. [FONT=Franklin Gothic Medium][SIZE=4]DEMON CIRCLE[/SIZE][/FONT] 1000 years before the five great countries were formed, a dark lord existed. His name was Klade. He was a great demon who led many other demons to war with the humans. With his dark powers he slaughtered many. Their souls became imprisoned within the shadow circle. The shaodw circle bound the human soul with the one who had killed its mortal being and had to work for that being. The Shadow Circle also fed a certain amount of power to the beings who owned souls. For every soul more power was added. Klade owned thousands of human souls. And thus he was very powerful. But with time Klade was destroyed like all things are. He was struck down by the sword of the greatest warrior in the human army: Amatsu Mikaboshi. The demon hordes were destroyed as well. The Shadow Circle took their souls and absorbed all their power. Then it locked itself from all interaction. Over time five countries formed out of the large nation. Lavis, Renma, Trei, Lorrek, and Erelle. 1000 years passed and the demon war were forgotton. Two countries: Lavis and Renma went to war. Through this war the demon war would come back into the minds of the human race. CRITERIA- I need these at least: Name Age Description Background MY CHARACTER- See Attachment If you have any questions about this RPG just PM me.
  3. OCC- Change the stupid animals name. That's retarted. This isn't the hitchhikers guide. It's a bit more mature. IC- A bright light appeared within Hawk's throne room and then he appeared with a grin on his face. "Finally. Everything is going to plan," he said. He dropped the sphere on the ground and crushed it thus leaving the group to themselves. "A promise is apromise. I am not liar," he said. "But you have made the biggest mistake Toshi. Arunue will never be able to stop me from getting the Robe now. And with it I can finally fulfill my goal," Hawk said. "Now I can enter Yggraidsil," he said. He dissapeared instantly. Meanwhile, Rayne leaned agains't a tree pondering the question: Where was Toshi? Veil looked worried...very worried. She was sitting down with her arms around her legs. Arunue was leaning against a tree opposite to Rayne. Everyone was quiet.
  4. Toshi suddenly felt faint. He looked up at Arunue. She was falling towards the ground. Out cold. His vision blurred and he fell towards the ground as well. The next thing he knew he was in a pitch black room hanging from the wall held by shackles. Hawk approached him through the darkness. His mere presence made the darkness fade. He smiled and stopped before Toshi. "The end has come," he said. Toshi struggled to become free, but the shackles were tight around his wrists and ankles. "The time has finally come for your demise," he said. Toshi stopped struggeling. "Where are my friends," he barked. Hawk looked away from Toshi and pulled something from his coat. He turned around again. The item concealed from Toshi's view. "There's your problem," he said. "Your friends are in this buildings prison. Together, they would easily be able to escape but they have been seperated throughout the building. And to make sure they do not escape, copies are heavily guarding them," Hawk said. Toshi looked confused towards Hawk. "You said that there was a problem though," he said. Hawk took the item out from his coat sleeve. It was a energy sphere. Toshi looked at it with great curiosity. "This is either your death or your friends deaths. It is linked to all of you and I can choose who to kill when. I however will save your friends...for a price," he said. Toshi looked up from the sphere to Hawk's face. "What is it," he asked? Hawk tossed the sphere up and down in his hand. "You can save them by terminating your own," he said. Toshi's eyes were wide. "But if you choose to die then I can enter Yggradisil. But until I get the Robe I will not be able to destroy Yggradisil. So there's the circumstances of choosing to end your existence. We obviosuly know what will happen if you choose to not lose existence," he said. Toshi was breathing heavily now. His mind was racing. Sweat dripped down his cheak. Hawk smirked at Toshi. "You're smart Hawk. It's a shame your genius had to be used for this. Kill me," he said. Hawk smiled and then tossed the sphere up inthe air. It stopped. Hawk waved his hand over it. "Any last words," Hawk said. [I]I'm sorry guys[/I] Toshi thought. This thought travelled to all of the groups minds. Hawk touched an area on the sphere. "Goodbye," Hawk said. Toshi nodded to Hawk. Toshi's head suddenly fell limp. Slowly but surely his body and soul began to dissolve. Hawk turned and left the room. The last bit of Toshi's existence was destroyed. Something in the farthest reaches of the universe appeared. A small light. Toshi opened his eyes. "What's this," he said. Suddenly Arunue, Rayne, Veil, Kieko, and all the others dissapeared from their cells. They appeared somewhere in the wild. Arunue looked to the rest of them but someone was missing. "Where's Toshi," she asked? OCC- Nobody mess with Toshi right now. I'm still in this. I've got both Rayne and Veil.
  5. I bought this awhile back. It's awesome. I love the songs Duality and Circle. Both are really good. That doesn't mean that there are ones that are bad in it. I love all the songs. This is actually my first Slipknot album.
  6. OCC- Okay. It just seems a little far fetched that she knows everything that Hawk's doing. IC- Toshi looked through the forest. He was looking for Rayne. "I can't find them anywhere," he said turning back to Arunue. She shrugged. Toshi felt Merudian's energy signal suddenly drop greatly. He turned. "Hawk. God damnit," he said. Arunue put her ahnd on his shoulder. "What's wrong," she asked? Toshi looked to Arunue. "Hawk's attacking the group. We've gotta go back and help them," he said. Arunue nodded. "I have a feeling we'll find Rayne and Kieko there as well. He's probably got his copies out searching for everyone so he can bring us all back together and get us done with fast," he said. Toshi nodded. "That explains why we can't find Rayne and Kieko," he said. The two turned around and started heading back fast. A Hawk copy fell to the ground near the group, holding Rayne and Kieko. Veil, Garren. Celestia, Asunan, and the wounded Merudian watched as the two walked towards the group guided by the Hawk copy. The real Hawk laughed as he watched them. "You're all so pitiful. Giving up so easily," he said. The Hawk copy began to fade. It turned into a sphere and flew towards Hawk's hand. It entered and dissapeared. Hawk looked up from his hand. "As I speak, my copies are travelling this entire world searching for your split up group. And once your all together again I'll be finishing you off," he said. Veil looked to Hawk with disgust. "Are you taking Toshi and Arunue back here as well," she asked? Hawk laughed at the question. "Of course I am," he said.
  7. OCC- Nefertimon explain how in the hell Asunan knows that Hawk is coming from his dimension. A man walked out from behind the Hawk copy and smiled. "My newest one yet," he said. Celestia was shocked as were the others. Who was this? The man made a few moves with his hands and the Hawk copy launched itself towards the group. "You've fought against my will for too long," he said. Veil stepped forward. "Who are you," she asked? The Hawk copy smiled as did the man. "I am the true Hawk," he said. Veil stumblled backwards. "Why do we have to fight you Hawk. Why can't you understand existence and let it be," Asunan asked? Hawk laughed. "I've heard you say this before. What if he could be changed," Hawk mimicked. "I've laughed every time I've heard this. You cannot destroy me and you cannot beat my will to destroy all existence. You must understand that this is for your own good," he said. Garren clenched his fists. "So this is our enemy. Some guy who wants to rid the universe, no all the universes of existence," he said. "Well. I've had it with your god damn nonsense. You're going down," he said. Garren rushed forward towards the real Hawk but the copy stood in the way. Garren instantly obliterated it in one punch. Garren stopped. He was breathing heavily and was glaring at Hawk. OCC- Okay. The real Hawk is very very powerful. It's going to take every last one of us to finally finish him off. This is not the climax! He's going to survive for now.
  8. [B][SIZE=4]THE QUEST OF SOULS[/SIZE][/B] Long ago, demons ravaged the world of Mewn in search of a great power that could give them strength above all beings. This power was called Aaj. The Aaj was contianed within spheres scattered all over the world. A single Aaj sphere gave a being a boost of power. All power was held within their soul. When one who held an Aaj sphere died their souls power went free. The demons searched all the world, killing any who stood in their way or were thought to have one of the spheres. An order was created to stop the demons path of annihilation. In a great battle between the demons and the order, their founder was struck down. His name was Hadan. In memory of their leader the order became known as "Hadan". --World of Mewn: There is no land on the surface of Mewn. The holds the land in the sky. There are very very large trees that grow out from the oceans of the surface. Both the floating islands and the trees are populated. Flying ships transport people between the islands and trees. --Criteria: (This is a serious RPG so if you plan to join, be mature) Name: Age: Background: Description: Weapon: And anything else you can think of. I'm also allowing people to be demons or civilians if they wish. --My Character: Name: Shea Black Age: 18 Background: Shea lived in the village of Mu-Ri. When the demons came and killed all his family and friends in search of the Aaj, he vowed to get revenge. He gathered his things and left the village. On his way he found the Order of Hadan. Shea told them his situation and they agreed to let him join after he trained a little under the guidance of an expert fighter named: Ku Rei. Description: Shea has pale skin, black hair,and blue eyes. He wears a black long sleeved shirt and black baggy pants. He wears no shoes. His forearms are wrapped up under long stretches of cloth. Weapon: He doesn't have one just yet. But he will gain one. Ciao
  9. Yeah. It was really really late when I came up with this Aaj idea. Anyway. The Hadan consists of people who want to protect the people of Mewn and seek revenge upon the demons for something they've done to their life. Anyhoo. I'll think up someway for the Aaj to be changed so that whoever possesses an Aaj sphere can give it to another. I think I'll dump the idea of the 1 year old thing totally. That way Aaj is a limited "resource" and you have to collect all the existing spheres to be unbeatable. Doing this means you don't have to kill anyone (including babies) If anyone has an idea for the Hadan so it's more detailed, please tell your idea's.
  10. For the past couple of months I haven't been able to come up with some really genuine idea's for new RPG's. But today I decided to brainstorm a bit and I came up with an idea I think might get the attention of people in the Arena. Here's my brainstorm: -Unique demons. Graphic and horrific looking -Floating chain of island hovering over ocean -Ocean sprouts enormous trees that are also populated like floating islands -Demons ravage the world of trees in search of Aaj spheres - Aaj changes soul attributes and makes beings better in many area’s. - Aaj is also capable of being taken from others souls when they die - When someone collects all the Aaj they are unstoppable - Aaj is created when a being becomes one year old. - Hero’s name is Shea - Shea’s family and town is destroyed by the demons and they make of with powerful Aaj - Shea sets off after them but not before he meets a traveling order of warriors who all have some connection to the demons. - The Order’s name is Hadan named after the founder who died fighting a dark and mysterious demon. - World is called Mewn - Title is called "Quest of Souls" So here's my questions: 1: Anything needing to be changed? 2: Anything that can be added? 3: Anything that needs to be disposed of? Ciao
  11. Well. The Legend of Riv takes place way earlier than The Dark. Toshi's grandfather is travelling with Riv in this. I've been trying to read this story and so far it gets really really confusing with people going off by themselves, sudden background changes, and switches between past tense and present tense writing. And just lameness all over. So my suggestion is that we just toss the old one and make a new Legend of Riv within Adventure Inn and make it clean. Maybe some plot changes. We got near Rimnil waaaay to fast. I'll talk to Skitto m'kay. [URL=http://www.boyis.com/html/download.php?id=1426&sort=4#][COLOR=DarkRed]Hawk's Lair[/COLOR][/URL] If you click this you see an image. This is Hawk's lair. Inside is the throne room you heard about a little earlier. I'm thinking just outside of this lair we'll stage the final battle.
  12. I have to say that this was one of my favorite 2004 summer movies. It showed alot more emotion in the Predators kind. That's all I'm spoiling for you people. Anyway. It has a well thought out plot, awesome action scenes, and better graphics. I was going for Predator the entire time and let's just say that I was satisfied with who won. I recomend this mvoie to people who love the Predator/Alien movies and any other action movies. You will love this. [color=darkblue]I merged your AvP thread into a previously existing one. Please check for similar threads on the first 2 pages before starting a new thread. --Manic[/color]
  13. Glass shattered upon the floor of Hawk's throne room. He held a peice of the mirror he had broken in his hand. Slowly he cut open his hand with the glass to take out his anger. "Hmm. What's this," Hawk said. He saw Arunue and Toshi leaving the group. "Heh. Looks like my chance has come," he said. Hawk stood up fro the throne and closed his eyes. "If I limit my power to the maximum that the universe can withstand then I should be able to go in person," he said. "They will not defeat me this time," he said. He dissapeared from the throne room. Meanwhile Arunue and Toshi continued to walk through the forest. Both were quiet. Arunue was watching the ground as she walked. Her attention was suddenly attracted by a person walking through the forest. "It's Asunan," Toshi said quietly. "Why's she all alone," Arunue asked? "Dunno." The two approached Asunan. "Where's Rayne and Kieko," Toshi asked. He had a worried look on his face.
  14. Okay TI. Understand that if you had sex now to this girl, who've you've been dating for 4 months now you'd be wasting you're first time on a girl you're unsure that you're going to love into your old days. I know you're thinking that yopu'll be with her forever but give it another few weeks ad something's going to happen that will threaten you're relationship with her. I don't know if you said you're going to keep this a secret but all I can say is that if so you're going to be in fear constantly of the day you're parents, her parents find out and that fear will drive you to break up with her. [QUOTE]We've already been together for over four months, so it's definitely not some passing phase. I know you guys may also say I'm too young for love, and that I'm not really in love with her, I just think that I am due to hormones or something, but I am really in love with her and I know it. [/QUOTE] If you do love her you won't take the risk of hurting her.
  15. OCC- Sry bout that. Changed everything. IC- Toshi shook his head. "You don't quite understnad Hawk fully yet," he said. Celestia looked up at him. "I heard your thoughts," he said. Celestia stood up and slapped him. "Sorry. Your feelings were strong and I just wanted to make sure you okay." Celestia sighed and sat down again. Toshi looked at her. "Okay. From what I've concluded--," he was cut off by Arunue sitting down next to him. "Sorry. I'd like to hear this as well. Toshi nodded. "As you know from the past universe, gods lives in Asgard. I don't know if you've already heard this but they're not quite the highest. There was also the Norns who governed Yggradisil which is the universe that supports our own," he explained. "Hawk's orgin lies within Yggradisil. I'm not sure why he was created but it will be revelaed before our quest ends. If we can we will keep him from dying so he can live in peace instead of torture." Celestia nodded. Arunue looked to Toshi. "And how'd you know this," she asked? Toshi sighed. "Being a verse of the universe has it's benefiets. I'm continously getting information from Esdad now that he knows I know my destiny. He's been researching through the archives of history that are held in Yggradisil," Toshi said. Arunue laughed. "He sure knows alot. Hey, that reminds me," she said. "Whatever happened to KuroKy and my son, Kano," Arunue asked? Toshi shrugged. "I imagine they're still energy that was going to be used to create Hawk's army of agents that would slowly but surely destroy everything," he said. Arunue clenched her fist. "I will rescue my son," Arunue said.
  16. Rayne sat against the rock. Frozen to it with fear. Kieko and Asunan stood next to him also in fear of what was coming towards them. Hawk smirked as he walked slowly through the forest. Within his realm he laughed. "You'll pay dearly for your mistake," he said. "You should've never left the group," he said. Hawk came closer and closer. Rayne shook his head. He was sitting against a rock in fear. That wasn't him. He gripped the handle of his axe and charged towards Hawk. "Pitiful," Hawk said. Hawk ran for Rayne. "You're not gonna' kill us Hawk," Rayne yelled. Kieko shook her head. Rayne needed help. She turned to Asunan. "C'mon. We've gotta help him," she said and with that took off towards Hawk and Rayne. Rayne withdrew his axe and swung it at Hawk but he dodged. Kieko came running behind Hawk and slashed him with her two daggers. She stood there behind him for a couple seconds. Hawk smiled. Rayne looked him with confusion. Hawk turned to look at Kieko. "You do seek death don't you," he said. A demonic arm came from under his cloak. He grabbed at Kieko. Rayne watched the arm go flying towards Kieko's stomach. He picked his axe up and swung it at Hawk. It landed it his back. Asunan finally got to the scene. She watched Hawk fall to his knees. Rayne made sure Hawk was gone. He diteriated into dust. He quickly rushed over to Kieko. "Are you okay," he asked her. She looked up at him. Rayne suddenly realized that he was embracing her.
  17. Rayne passed a large rock boulder. "Krii is close," Asunan said. Rayne seemed a little annoyed that Asunan had come along. He'd only agreed to let Kieko come along because she was quiet and content. He held the handle to his enourmasly large axe. He felt danger around every corner. Hawk was watching them still. Kieko was being watchful. Rayne looked to his right. He'd thought he'd seen something out of the corner of his eye. He looked to his left. Nothing. Kieko was starting to breathe heavily. Asunan didn't seem to notice however, that anything was going on around them. They continued walking. "Who's tired," Rayne asked? Both the girls piped up instantly. They sat along another boulder. "Something's stalking us," Rayne said. Asunan turned to Rayne. "What," she asked? Rayne sighed. "Something is in the forest and it's hunting us down," Rayne said. Asunan raised an eyebrow. "What is it that's following us," she asked? Rayne shook his head. He pondered the question for a couple of minutes. Why hadn't they been killed last night by Hawk? Rayne rubbed his tuft. "It's Hawk," he said. Kieko looked at Rayne. "How do you know," she said. "I'm not positive. All I'm saying is that Hawk didn't attack us last ngiht because we were with Arunue and Toshi...but we don't have powers like them. We wouldn't be able to get rid of Hawk as easily as they would. And thus we split off from them and Hawk's picking us off from the group," Rayne said quietly. Kieko nodded. "I get it," she said. Rayne froze instantly. Off in the distance of the forest he could see a wolf walking towards them. "There he is," Rayne said. Asunan looked. The wolf transformed into one of Hawk's more noticable forms. "We're screwed," Kieko said.
  18. Hawk laughed. "So they've finally figured it out. That I do exist but in a different dimension," he said. He sat in a large throne room. His hair was black and he wore a long black cloak that sweapt to the ground. He stood his hair dropped to his shoulders. No other part of his body was shown. "Those fools in Yggradisil created me to make the balance and yet they have no idea what true balance is. This is their punishment. I am their mistake," he said to himself. The throne room he stood in was the dimension in which his mind controlled. In order to keep himself protected he had created this dimension so that anyone who managed to get here would be destroyed instantly. Even his own creators would have trouble getting to him. "And with that stupid former god, Odin, walking around it'll be much harder to get the Robe from Arunue and kill Toshi. But maybe another onslought of my copies will do the trick. I can distract Odin and then I can get to that group. A couple copies should be able to get the job done," Hawk said. His eyes closed. He flinched. Copies were beginning to appear everywhere around the world.
  19. Recently I've taken an intrest in wrestling, trampoline tricks, and diving board tricks. So I was wondering if anyone has some cool and unique dives, flips, and originial wresteling moves. One of my favorite flips off the low dive at my swimming pool is called the Swanton bomb. First of all you ren and get a good jump forward. Throw your arms backward like your getting them pulled and then flip forward. And just for fun. A cool way to get the lifeguards wet is to first of all jumo really high off the board towards them. Grab your ankle and then qas you hit the water wip your back down at the water. It makes a great splash. So that's all for now. Ciao.
  20. The sun started to rise. Toshi was the first to wake up. He sat sat against a tree. Rayne, Asunan, and Kieko and continued on without them to get Riv. Once they were back Toshi would bring Rein back through Yeix. And then they would finally be able to set off and fight Hawk. And go home to Myrith. Toshi picked up his sword and walked into a little area where he wouldn't bother the others. With his sword he trained. He lifted off from the ground and was now floating in air. He slashed the air. Thoughts passed through his mind. Why was he the third verse and who had given him these powers to aid Arunue. He thought about this for awhile but continued to train. To him all he needed was his sword. He slashed the air again. Arunue came into the clearing. "Woken up I see," Toshi said. He fell to the ground and turned to look at her. "Just seeing where you went," she said. Toshi smiled and the two walked back into the small camp they had made. "So I have to save the world," Arunue said jokingly. Toshi laughed. OCC- Sorry so short. Gotta go eat.
  21. Lex watched the girl carefully. He hated to have to tell off people. He watched the group pass by him. Heero had noticed Kelsey but had continued to walk. Lex had seen it all. What he would give to be young again and still learning how to use his blade. Just as that group was about to enter the lunch square a couple of students passed by the detention group. One of them was holding a tray with lunch on it. He grinned to his buddies and they looked over to Kelsey. The boy passed by Kelsey and pretended to trip over her leg. His tray of food splattered all over the gorund. Heero watched this happen. Anger burned inside be he had to hold it back. Kelsey looked at the boys. A face of confusion and shock came over her face. The boy stood up and looked Kelsey in the eye. "Watch what yer doing kid," he said. Heero walked out of his group. The teacher looked at Heero as he walked off towards the kids. Lex say Heero. "hey stand back," Lex said. Heero ignored the teachers words. He walked up to the boy and punched him across the face. The boy fell down. His lip was bloody. Lex walked forward and pushed Heero off. "Back off I said." Lex looked at the wound. "Get up," he barked. The boy stood up clenching his mouth. Heero watched the teacher care for the boy although he knew that the kid was partially to blame. "You stay here," Lex said to Heero as he walked off to help the kid.
  22. Toshi walked over to Veil. She smiled at him and he put his arm around her. "Sorry everything is so weird right now," he said. She just put her arm around his back. "It's okay hun. As long as you tell me everything is going to be alright than I'm alright," she said. Toshi bent down and kissed her. For what seemed like ages they kissed and finally Veil pulled away slowly. "How's that for saying everything will be alright," Toshi said. She hugged him. Rayne rolled his eyes as Toshi passed. The slow movement of everything was getting on his nerves. [I]Wonder what happened to Riv[/I] Rayne thought. He stood up and began walking along the path again. He passed Kieko. "Where do you think you're going," she said. Rayne smiled. "To find some action of some kind. I'm getting a little sick of just waiting here for something to happen," he replied. She stood up. "I'm coming with you so that nothing stupid happens," she said. Rayne shrugged. As if he cared. The walked off along the path.
  23. Lex waited in the detention room. The three students: Wayne, Reed, and Kail were to show up today. And they were already late. He heard a couple of other teachers walking through the hallway. [I]Guess they'll be getting another detention[/I] Lex thought. The three students came roaring with laughter into the detention room. "You're all late," Lex said. The three stopped their laughter and looked straight towards Lex. "You'll all be receiving another detention and a not home. Don't let this happen again," he said. The three took their seats. There were a couple more students sitting around the classroom. "Since our janitor is on vacation this week I've decided that all of you here today will be helping clean the school," Lex said. There was a slight groan throughout the room. Lex smiled. "Well that's what you get when you're being a trouble maker," Lex said. Lex began to lead the students out of the class to the janitors room when he saw Hakaruu pass by. "Hello Hakaruu," Lex said. The boy smiled as he passed. [I]If only all my students were like that. Maybe then I'd actually see some results[/I]
  24. These are awesome Arunue. I like "Song of Rain" that one was great. This Kahlil Gibran guy really chooses good words to describe with and his descriptions are phenomanol. Can you post anymore of his poems?
  25. You'll fail Hawk," Odin said finally. Hawk laughed at Odin's first few words than looked him straight in the eye. "What power do you have that my other enemies don't," Hawk said. "Even with the power of the Robe, Arunue has yet to find my true self. And when she does it will mean that the end of your world has come." Odin shook his head. "You're mistaken. She is cautious enough to avoid your attacks and when she does find you she'll destroy you," Odin said. Hawk laughed at this comment more than the last. "There are parts of her I have yet to see. Her feelings are a mystery all together. Her reactions to situations are always unexpected. You'll see that she can outsmart you Hawk," Odin said. Hawk did not reply. "The least I can do is help her by destroying your copies," Odin said. He rushed forward. Hawk was taken by surprise and stabbed in the side by Odin's sword. Hawk looked down at the sword within his body. "Curse this physical world and it's drawbacks," Hawk said. His body dissolved to nothing. Odin stood in the sunset. The fire burned out of control all around him. "I wonder. What has become of Asgard," he said. Meanwhile... Rayne sat back against a tree. He didn't much care too get involved in all this love drama. His axe lay next to him. [I]How long is this going to take[/I] he thought. The sun was nearing the edge of the land now so it would be getting dark soon. [I]Might as well go and get some fire wood and food. This is going to be one long night.[/I]
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