Box Hoy
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Everything posted by Box Hoy
Toshi looked a little annoyed but happy that Asunan and Celestia were okay. "Okay. I was about to bring Garren back before this all happened," Toshi said. Celestia made a weak smile as did Asunan. Toshi turned to Gaitei. "Remember that you'll exist within us, Gaitei," Toshi said. He held his hand out over Gaitei's head. "The time we spent with you was great. You'll always be remembered among us. We'll miss you Gaitei," Toshi said. Kieko, Rayne, Yeix, Celestia, Asunan, Merudian, Symoni, and Veil all watched the transformation happen. There was a blinding flash. Garren stood before the entire group. "Heys guys," he said. Meanwhile The kingdom of Rebbidon went up in flames. Screams could be heard from all over. A single Hawk copy stood in the middle of kingdom. Debris flew every which way and the flames created more devastation. "You chose to let this world be destroyed the hard way," Hawk said. He laughed. "I could have made it easy on everyone and in a flash everything would be gone. But you chose to let it go down the deathly slow and painful way. Soon you'll be begging me to end your suffering," Hawk said silently. Hawk began to turn when he heard a faint voice. "Who still lives," Hawk said. The smoke was thick. Nothing could see what was behind it. Suddenly a sword came through the smoke. Hawk smiled. "So you finally decided to show up. You're lucky you weren't reincarnated differently," Hawk said. Through the smoke came a warrior dressed head to toe in armor. He wore a black cape and his armor was silverish with a small green tint. "You're god type powers are no more, Odin," Hawk said.
Lex Van' Alastine walked into his classroom. His students all sat on the wooden floor in little circles of three that he had assigned. Lex's black hair went every which way. His pale skin was nearly ghostly and his once black coat hung down to his waist. Lex was old fashioned in his way of teaching. He was strict to his students. What other way was there to teach fighting than to be strict. Lex grabbed his swordfrom the sheath on his side. "Alright class. Let's see if that homework I asked you to do last night is finished," Lex said. There were mixed reactions around the class. Obviously some had not done their homework and were trying to cover it up and others were trying to get the "written portion" done as quickly as possible. Lex spun his sword around. "The written portion of the homework is to be turned in now," Lex said. A line formed and the students one by one handed in their homework. Lex noticed that some of his class was still sitting down. The ones who hadn't done their homework. "As I have said many times before. There is punishment for not turning in your homework," Lex said. Finally after everyone was sitting Lex decided it was time for him to get the non written homework. "Stand and withdraw your swords," Lex said. The class stood. Lex easily pointed out the faces of those who had not done their non written homework. "Now in your groups I want you to practice the sword sweep(I made that up)," Lex said. "I will be watching your group. If I do not believe you did your homework because you cannot preform this simple maneouver, there will be punishment," Lex said. The class began. Lex watched his closest group. Their homwork was simple enough. Like a leg sweep except with your sword. You must be able to dodge this move and be able to do it quick enough to prove that you could do the manouver and hurt your opponent. Lex walked through the crowd of groups. "Wayne, Reed, and Kail. I see you did not do your homework. Follow me," Lex said.
Toshi continued to walk along the path. "Something is telling me Celestia and Asunan didn't leave to find some food," Merudian said softly. Toshi looked back at her but didn't reply. He felt destruction. All around him. Rayne's black hair flew in the wind. [I]I feel it as well Toshi[/I] he thought. His eyes were watching every movement. "Hawk's on a rampage now," Toshi said out of nowhere. Arunue instantly perked up. "He's destroying everything," Toshi continued. The others were alert to what Toshi had said as well. "What do you mean," Gaitei said. Toshi stopped and turned his head to the right. "Hawk's power is limitless so he could make millions of copies of himself if he wanted too. And I think that's what he's doing...," Toshi said. He closed his eyes. Hard winds were starting to blow all around them. "He's going to destroy everything," Toshi said. Just as he said it two presences dissapeared from his feelings. "Uni. Ios," Toshi said. "He's destroyed them." Kieko and Symoni looked to each other in confusion. "Toshi. What are you talking about. Toshi turned around. "Hawk's destroyed Uni and Ios. I don't think he needs them anymore. He's going to do everything by himself," he said. Everyone was quiet. Uni and Ios were gone. "But that would only mean that his abilites have grown more and his power has heightened," Kieko said. Toshi nodded. "He knows where we are too. We haven't gotten far enough away from our last battle to ditch him yet," Toshi said. Hiroshi withdrew his sword. "Then it's time to fight," he said. Toshi shook his head. "If I die then he is even closer to getting to Yggradisil," Toshi said. Gaitei walked up to Toshi. "What are you hiding," he said. Toshi stared at Gaitei for a couple of seconds. "Uni and Ios were the first two verses of the universe. I'm the third yet I didn't know it until Hawk told it to me. He hasn't had enough power until now to ultamitly kill me. He was about to kill me when something gave me the power to eliminate his physical forms. I believe however gave me my new powers came from Yggradisil," Toshi said. Gaitei stepped back a bit. Toshi sighed. "Gaitei. With the powers I hold I could make you yourself again. As with you Yeix. We need your powers more than anything right now," Toshi said. Gaitei looked to Yeix who had approached. "I know we all want out old world back. Within each of us holds memories of our old universe. With these memories we can restore our homes and continue our world. Riv and Krii have returned because Izzy knew he could restore them with his memories. You must live as your former selves if our old universe is to return. With my new powers I can help you come back. And as your former selves we can defeat Hawk and go home," Toshi said. "Do you accept," Toshi asked?
OCC- Thanks Skitto. That explains one part. But still, how did you and Esdad get together. Edit that one post and explain please. IC- Toshi put his sword away and turned to the group. "What," he said. Arunue blinked a couple of times and Veil was wide eyed. Everthing was silent for a couple of moments. "What was that," Yeix finally said breaking the silence. Toshi scratched the back of his head. "What was what," he asked? Arunue shook her head. "You just annihilated Hawk when you fell. Using some sort of soundwave, you came out fot eh sky and just killed his copy," she said. "I know. I've gotten alot stronger," Toshi said. Rayne laughed. "You couldn't get that strong that fast. What is it really," he said. Toshi suddenly noticed the small army that Rimnil was leading. Arunue stepped forward. "Before any explaning is done we've got to finish this off," she said. Rimnil laughed. "Sorry doll-face. That's not happening," he said. She walked towards him. "I may have not been able to destroy you once but this time...," she stopped raising her arm. "I'll finish you," she said. Her tatoo glowed with immense light. Suddenly the beam fired but it was different this time. When it fired off it was larger and more violent and rapid. It hit Rimnil hard. Instantly his body dissolved. The other creatures and warriors that had been in his army looked to Arunue. "Get out of here or that will happen to you too," she said. The army fled quickly into the forest. She turned to the group. "So why have you gotten stronger Toshi," Arunue asked? Toshi looked to the group. "Well, before I explain. Can we eat something," he asked.
Rayne ran after Celestia and her group. "Where are you Toshi," he pondered. Gaitei watched the road ahead aware of everything around him. Yeix had heard what the girls had been saying. He didn't really know this Symoni person however she did seem very familiar. And of course he knew that he had been her lover in the past life and that he now had a daughter but he had a new life now. Something caught Rayne's eyes as he passed a clump of trees. Two red looking eyes were coming out from the shadow of the trees. Rayne shook his head and focused on the path ahead. "Do not look away Rayne," said a voice in his head. Rayne continue to run confused as to what had spoken to him. "I can see you everywhere you go," said the voice. Rayne shook his head. "Get out of my mind Hawk," Rayne said aloud. Gaitei looked over. "You're truly a risky one aren't you. But a fool. Wait until you reach the ruins of Krii and you'll understand why," Hawk said in Rayne's thoughts. Meanwhile, Toshi watched Hawk's every movement. The ball of light in his hands. "I can escape you know," Toshi said. Hawk laughed. "Not if you want to keep your friends alive for awhile longer. Remember. This body is only a puppet of my power and that I am on a higher plain of existence. I can use as many as I need, when I need them, and where I need them," Hawk said. Toshi continued to watch Hawk. "You wouldn't," he said. Hawk smirked. "If you're quick you can save them. Or you can fight me here and now and lose your mind to me," Hawk said. Toshi contemplated this in his mind. It was him or his friends. but if he went with his friends, he'd have a shot at keeping them alive. "What's it going to be," Hawk said. Toshi held the light in his hands. It was hot. Burning hot. Somehow it seemed as if it was telling him he'd made the right decision. "I choose to save my friends," Toshi said. The light glowed harder and blinded Hawk as it approached faster and faster. Hawk dissolved and nothing was left. "Now time to save my friends," Toshi said. He disapeared at the mountain where he'd nearly been killed. "They're not here," he said to himself. Toshi closed his eyes. The lights shown again under the darkness that his eyelids provided when closed. "Alright. Time to go," he said. His feet came off the ground. "Here I come guys," he said. Toshi flew through the forest. His speed created an imense air tunnel that followed him. Rayne instantly realized what had just happened. He saw the thing jump out from the shadow of the tree. It disapeared. Rayne stopped walking. Hawk appeared before him. Gaitei and Yeix stopped when they noticed this. Rayne withdrew his axe and flung it at Hawk. "You're truly pathetic," Hawk said. He grabbed the axe and flung it and Rayne into a tree. This form was smaller than the last and only wore a black cloak. It's arm had extended from under the cloak to stop Rayne's axe. Gaitei dissapeared and tried to attack Hawk. He punched at Hawk's head only to be flung form Hawk's backside to his front. Yeix withdrew his sword and went in for a killing blow. Hawk dissapeared and reappeared behind Yeix. "Pitiful," he said. He kicked the back of Yeix's head which made Yeix fall face first into the ground. Symoni gasped putting her hand over her mouth. Suddenly Celestia and Asunan appeared before Hawk. Merudian came running from behind and the three did a triple punch. Hawk created a barrier around himself of energy and the three went flying backwards. Kieko glared at Hawk. "I thought you wanted to relieve the pain in this world," she yelled. Hawk smiled. "Not without some fun," he said. Kieko attacked only to be smacked in the face. She hit the ground hard. Symoni watched Kieko fall. Veil and Symoni stood in fear of Hawk's power. "Hmm. He's late," Hawk said. Symoni turned to see Toshi landing on the ground. "Wipe that smirk off your face Hawk," Veil yelled. She stuck her tounge out at him. Symoni did the same. "Let me handle this," said a voice coming from behind Hawk. Arunue stood there before Hawk.
OCC- You know. I have no lcue as to what the hell you're talking about. Infinites infinite and decimels and the smallest. Try editing that so it makes some sense. That's the reason why it's slowing down. Nobody understnad anything. And also. Esdad and Arunue are the only two in Yggradisil. Everyone else reapeared mysteriously after the blast that Uni and Ios created which sent them away. Please edit again. IC- The feather of the crow floated before Toshi. "You're mine now Kodurama," Hawk said. Toshi closed his eyes. "I won't stop yet. Not after all that we've been through. I can't let you," Toshi yelled. Suddenly a light came from within Toshi. His entire body was enveloped in it. "W-what is this," Hawk said. Toshi was surrounded by mysterious light. It started to fade into a ball of in Toshi's hands. A voice came to his head. "If you truly wish to save your world than you must come to the result. All consequences and decisions must be taken into consideration. This power will stop your enemy in the physical world but beyond here there is nothing it can do," the voice said. Toshi realized that the power he had would destroy Hawk in his physical copy.
Wow. that's one awesome banner. Thanks Doukeshi.
I didn't see any part with Esdad being killed by Riv Skitto. I have no clue what you are talking about. Anyway. If that helps you catch up and understand Noelle that's good otherwise let me explain. So far the group has returned in a new world which is the reamde version of Myrith (our old world). So far most of the group has returned together. Although some of us have been reicarnated in new forms and can only faintly remember ourselves. Riv is Izzy/Yeix is Rein/Gaitei is Garren. We're still missing Kano and KuroKy. I don't remember anyone else. Some of the old villans have been returned by an unknown force. We discover the unknown force from a mysterious old man named Esdad wo later on turns out to have come from Yggradisil which is the universe that sets the laws of existence into action. More is explained on that in my last post. Anyway, Hawk arrived with an arsenal of old villans. SOme from stories that you guys did not take a part of. (The Dark, legend of Riv) Riv's body returns out of Izzy and he battles Hawk and wins. We figure out that, that was only a form in which he uses to enter our world and that he is in a different plain of existence and very strong. Uni and Ios show up and nearly kill us all but dissapear and meet up with Hawk. Riv sets off to Krii for some reason. Maybe he could explain that because I don't really understand why he did. Toshi appears before hawk on a deathly world. And Arunue appears in Yggradisil where Esdad appears and explains everything to her. So there you have it Noelle. NOW PEOPLE POST! WE'RE NEARING THE SECOND PAGE.
Lol. I'll explain everything over in Arena Underground for you Noelle.
[CENTER][FONT=Arial Black]CHRONICLES PART 1[/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER]CHAOS[/CENTER] (Rates R for Scenes of Gore and Intense Violence) During the night they would dance. The Κακό spirits. With every night came a death. And with that death was a celebration. The Κακό spirits were dead souls of great leaders who had died. Not wishing to give up their souls to the afterlife they killed each night to sustain their somewhat living state. To show their gratitude they danced around their kill. Rumor spread of these spirits and a search came for people with a strong sight of the dead who could pass these dark spirits on. A small group came forth and banished the Κακό spirits from the mortal world. But not without a price. Each member was cursed by the Κακό spirits. The curse would make them die in 3 days whole days. Each member fell. Excpet for one. His name was Rumiko. A quiet soul. Rumiko forced himself to banish the curse from his soul. And thus he gained a power beyond any other. The power to create, destroy, or uphold, curses of any sort. One day however a new rumor spread that a demon of great power and will was on it's way to Rumiko's town of Limora. The demon's name was Lewd of the Dark sky with the ability to control wind and lighting. This would be Rumiko's first time using his new found power. But what waits ahead is even more dangerous. And he'll need all the help he can get. CRITERIA-- Name: Age: Speical Powers: Description: Background: Weapons: MY CHARACTER-- Name: Rumiko Mikaboshi Age: 22 Speical Powers: The ability to create, destroy, and uphold curses of any sort. Description: Black hair, blue eyes, white skin. He wears a black cloak and under it has a gray shirt. His pants are baggy and black as well. He wears black slip on shoes. Background: Until he was 15, Rumiko had no idea what he wanted to do with his life. But when his parents were killed by a demon that had entered his town and killed many others Rumiko instantly knew that he wanted to be of help to innocent people. So instead of following the warriors path Rumiko studied and trained in the art of magic, empathy, and other such powers. His power grew and he conquered the demon who killed his parents. After going into hiding afterwards to train and become stronger so that he could help other people he was summoned to be part of the group that would lift the Κακό spirits. (You know the rest) Weapons: None except for himself. -- So there you have it. A new Box Creation.
Anime Wow... they're just like me!: Characters you identify with
Box Hoy replied to Balinese's topic in Otaku Central
I think I identify with Jim Hawkings from Outlaw Star. He's alot more mature than Gene who is older. That's the same with alot of my friends. I can say that I'm definetly more mature and I do like to do business and computer types of things. Ya. Jim is definetly me. -
My request is a banner with a black background that has Inuyasha, Vash the Stampede, Jim (from Outlaw Star, and Spike from Cowboy Bebop together. Maybe some text with a cool slogan or quote. Thanks.
I think this is one of the best contreversial bands around. It's a great mix of rock and industrial music. The two main singers of TaTu claim to be Lesbian partners and are fairly cute as well. On their Cd titled: "Going 101 Miles in the wrong Direction" they have a song titles something in German. It repeats the word "Munchigay" over and over. At first you wonder what their talking about but it sounds to me like something about a Gay Mall Chick. I haen't researched into it. Anyway. Even if they are lesbians I think their great and I can't wait for their next CD.
For some reason I don't know alot of people who can remember this song. It was originally done by the group: "Baltimora" and then redone by some other band called Flipper I believe. Anyway I think it was in the non animated Ninja Turtles Movie #1 or #2. I can't remember. I like the part where it sounds like Japanese singers are chanting "Ohaoeoaoeo," or something like that.
Yay. Noelle. I love you so much. You're back! Hope you can catch up on the story so far however. It's 108 posts in.
Aight Runue. Sorry for the wait everyone. I edited my pic, bio, and age so there you have it.
Yeah. Who's going to stick around that long. Besides there is also a limit in the amount of characters you can have in one post. I tried posting the un-edited versoin of Realm of Reality in the Former Literature area. I went over the limit.
Toshi yelled out in pain. Hawk stood before him in one of his existing forms. "So. I finally have Toshi Kodurama within my grasp," Hawk said. "With you I can finally destroy your allies." Flames surged all around the two of them. Toshi's eyes were closed trying to resist the pain. He was failing though. "It's time to reveal your true past Toshi," Hawk said. Toshi opened his eyes. He was tied up to a burning hot rock. "You are the third verse of this universe. Like Uni and Ios, your were chosen to hold the laws of universe so that nothing that isn't supposed to happen, happens. However as you can see. The universe has been slowly falling apart. You are the one being keeping this universe stable. Keeping the rules of existence here," he said. Toshi shook his head. "That's a lie. I can't be. I would've known," he yelled. Hawk turned his back to Toshi. He reached into a pocket and took out the feather of a crow. "Uni and Ios did not know either. That left them vunerable for me to use. You three are beings that were put here by Yggradisil. You three are the links between the two worlds. Yggradisil sends it's power of law through you to uphold this entire universe. It's power has been limited now however," Hawk explained. Toshi lay there on the rock. Helpless. Hawk turned around again revealing the crow feather. "Over the years I have perfected this power of manipuation. It will be your downfall along with the entire universe," Hawk said. He let go of the crow feather. It floated in mid air. "The Art of Crow. Using the darkness of the universe I turn this feather into a manipuative tool. It makes you a drone under my command," he said. Meanwhile Arunue stood before the hooded figure. He removed his hood to reveal the face of Esdad. "Hello Arunue," he said. Arunue shook her head. "What are you doing here Esdad," she asked? Esdad smiled at the young women before him. "I am here to provide the answers," he said. Esdad put his hand on Arunue's shoulder and motioned for her to walk with him. Suddenly the light faded into Trinia, or a copy of Trinia. They walked along the streets of the great Kingdom Realm. People hustled about. Busy as ever. "Arunue. You have been wondering why you are the one who is chosen to posses the Robe," Esdad said. Arunue nodded. Esdad smiled. "You're answer has arrived," he said. The background changed. They were now walking in the rubble of the buildings in this city. "This is after Shakia destroyed his kingdom and killed his people," Esdad said. He walked over to a large rock in his way. Esdad tapped it with hand. The rock shattered. Arunue approached Esdad. Where the rock had been was a tunnel. "This is the pathway of the souls," Esdad said looking to Arunue. He stepped into it and beckoned for Arunue to follow. "The souls of all who died from Shakia's war on Trinia came here. For a long time Asgard was not ready for dead souls so the souls wandered the world in search of purpose. They came here to find a way to stop Shakia," Esdad said walking along the tunnel wall. Arunue listened intently. Finally the two reached a chamber. A bright light shone in the middle of the chamber. "And so they found the way to stop him. By joining their souls together they became the Robe," Esdad said. "But without someone to physiclly use the power they had to give itwas useless." "So what happened. How'd Rail find the Robe," Arunue said. Esdad laughed. "More like how did the Robe find Rail. The Robe's power is too strong for any mortal to posses. They needed an immortal to use it. But the only one who could use it was evil. Rail had come to destroy Trinia and found the Robe. Now. You must understand that the Robe could not take things out of existence like now. Only badly damage," he said. "She offered an alliance with Shakia before she found it but he refused. Rail stumbled upon the tunnel and took the power of the Robe. This was perfect for the dead souls of all the citizens of Trinia. She used it on the Realm, knocking Shakia into the newly built: Realm of Imaginations," Esdad said. Arunue nodded not seeing how this made her the chosen one. "Now. For your answer. Rail dissapeared for many years. During those years Asgard allowed souls to come to finally. The souls of the Robe wished to finally rest in peace. They tortured Rail so finally she decided to get rid of it. She gave it to an old women. A very cunning yet peaceful and loving women much like yourself," Esdad said. "And that women was your ancestor Arunue. The Robe knew that it could escape now but at the cost of someone's joyeous life. So it made your ancestor younger and stronger. Your ancestor strengthened it also. Enough for it to be able to destroy existence itself. Thus attracting the ever watchful Hawk. The Robe linked itself to your ancestor and lived within her. The two became one. Hawk never got the Robe because of your ancestors strength. Although she could not kill Hawk she kept him from his dream," Esdad said. Arunue smiled att he thought of her ancestor being strong. She would have to live up to that. "Hawk finally got her however. She stopped his pursuit by killing herself. The Robe diminished and the souls became free," Esdad said. "Then how come I have the Robe now," Arunue asked? Esdad frowned. "If it had not been for Rail the RObe would be gone still. Rail returned to wreak havoc and she gained the Robe by seeking out all the old souls in which it inhabited. SHe forced them to combineand she took it. Now the Robe has a new quest to fulfill. To defeat Hawk. Touch it Arunue," Esdad said pointing at the Robe that stood before Arunue. They had remained in the chamber through that lengthy explanation. "With the power of the old Robe and the Reconstructed Robe they should become one more powerful Robe that may be able to destroy things that do not exist. And thus giving you the power to destroy anything. Hawk and his sons," Esdad said. Arunue nodded. She touched the glowing light. Suddenly her tatoos glowed lighter than ever. A blinding flash of light surrounded the the chamber. New symbols appeared on Arunue's tatoo. "It understand me now. That I will free their souls after evil is diminished. Thank you Esdad," Arunue said brightly. Esdad smiled. "Now one of your friends is in trouble. You must rescue him. But remember. Only with a great deal of damage may be you finally destroy Hawk," Esdad said. Arunue nodded. "I will take you out of here. Arunue. Know that Hawk is not existent. A being of great mystery. He is not in the physical world and you must find him elsewhere," he said. Arunue nodded. Esdad made a hand motion and suddenly Arunue dissapeared to rescue her friend.
I tried making an RPG a while back called "When Angels Deserve to Die" Here's the story: It was seven years since the devastating fire. If only humans knew what happened if you were bad in the mortal life. Willis A. Matthews had died in that fire. His house on Redlace Street had been burned to the ground by a mysterious force. No suspects were found and so the case of the death of the Matthews family was put to rest just like their souls. Willis had been only out of high school when he had died. He was a clerk at a thriftway at the edge of his town: Lewenville. His father was high on the business chain as an inventor of new machines and such. And his mother was a stay at home mom with Willis's two younger siblings. "Wake up Willis," said the quiet voice. It came from all around him. He opened his eyes to see nothing but light all around him. Light appeared everywhere. "You've been chosen," the voice continued, "to stop the evil within the world of the mortals." Willis only wished he knew what this voice was talking about. "What do you mean," he said standing up. The voice turned. "A secret evil has inplanted itself upon your world. It is the same evil that destroyed your family and yourself. Because of this the job has been given to you. Hunt down the evil within your world and stop it from continuing it's rage upon mankind," the voice said. "What evil," he said. The voice did not respond. The light around him faded into his world. Willis stood in the middle of a street. What evil? --- Okay now that, that it over let me explain what's going on here. Willis was killed in a fire by a mysterious evil and now some higher being wishes him to destroy the evil. Little does Willis know that as he progresses he will become more aware of the powers imbeded within him that no mortal could ever posses. ---CRITERIA NAME: AGE: DESCRIPTION: BACKGROUND: SPEICAL TECHNIQUES: WEAPONS: ---Box So what's wrong with this. I only got 2 people to join?
OCC- Arunue. I had my sword. Celestia restored it for me. So can you edit your post. IC- Uni smiled. The blade's pointing directly at his face. "And you believe that you can defeat me," he said. He grabbed Arunue's blade and pushed it away. He did the same for Toshi and Riv. "Father wants you dead all gone. I will grant him his wish," Uni said. He put his arm into the air and then brought it down to the ground fast with a hard slam. "I've been waiting to use this. I thought you'd be dead by now but I guess not. Here it goes," Uni said. The ground began to lift from under everyones feet. Ios woke up. He looked to Uni. "I'll help," he said. He did the same motion as Uni and the ground began to lift. Toshi watched as the ground below him crumbled and floated into the air. Tree's fell into the pit that continued to get larger and larger. Rayne looked over to see where everyone else was. He heard a scream below him. He looked downwards to see Kieko dangeling over the edge of a floating rock about to crumble. "Hold on," Rayne said. He leapt downwards and grabbed Kieko's hand. The rock began to crumble more. Rayne jumped from the rock holding Kieko and grabbed a higher rock. Uni watched as the floating ground continued to rise. "Time for the finale," Ios said. Uni nodded. He put both hands on the ground. A sphere of darkness surrounded him. Ios smirked. "You're end has come," he said. The dark sphere began to shoot beams from it towards the floating rocks. The dark sphere released itself from Uni and followed the beams. The hit the rocks. Toshi watched as he was engulfed in dark burning energy. "We'll return," Toshi yelled. His body dissolved in the darkness of the beam. Arunue's eyes opened her eyes. Light surrounded her. She stood up. "Welcome," said a voice. Arunue turned to try and find the voice. "Welcome to Yggradisil," the voice said. A cloaked figure appeared in the light. It had a hood over it's face so she could not see who it was. OCC- Check the Realms Saga thread in the new forum. I'll explain Yggradisil there and what just happened.
Yeah. I've been thinking about that too. It would be great. The Dark was a really good RPG and I think everyone in it had fun writing it. It'd be a great addition to the Realms saga as a whoe. Regarding the whole Legend of Riv thing. Skitto and I need to get that going again. Maybe edit a couple of posts and read back on it so we can return it to greatness. Anyway. Regarding my latest post. I can't remember if I've explained Yggradisil yet. Yggradisil is the universe that is controlling our universe. Setting the rules so things don't get out of hand. Our group did not die. Before we were able to be killed someone from Ygrradisil recused us. Now understand that Hawk found out about Yggradisil just a little bit ago and he needs the Robe to enter so since Arunue is there he cant get it. Let me do the explaining of who the hooded figure is in my next post. *cough* Esdad. Over and out-
Toshi clapped his hands as Riv turned. "I guess someone finally decided to show up eh," Toshi said. Riv smiled and scratched the back of his head. Suddenly a light came from nowhere. Toshi turned putting his arm up to block it. Celestia and Asunan appeared out of the lgiht as it dissapated. "Where you guys been," Toshi asked? Celestia walked up to the group followed by Asunan. "We had to teach my little sister a lesson in fighting and now we must teach that lesson to Hawk," she said. Arunue shook her head. "You still don't get it do you," Arunue said. "Hawk won't listen to what you say. He doesn't care about you. All he wants is desctruction of everything an--," Arunue was cut off by two beings approaching their group. Kieko's eyes widened. Uni stepped out of the fire that still rages across this the battle feild. "Looks like father got here a little earlier than expected," Ios said coming out of the fire too. Toshi drew up his sword. "Take another step," Toshi said. Riv and Rayne come to either of his sides. "It does take us quite a long time to make it within the realm. The Norns did a good job of making their sacrifice protect this world from us," Uni added. "Why'd father come early any way," Ios said. Uni shrugged. "He's quite the mystery." Arunue came up to Toshi, Rayne, and Riv and stood in their group. "I'm not sure you want to fight us," she said. Her tatoos glowed dimly as a threat. Toshi smirked. Celestia and Asunan came to another side of Uni and Ios. "If they fight we're going in too," Celestia said. Gaitei looked to Kieko and Yeix. "We gotta help," he said. They came to the other side of Uni and Ios. Arunue began to speak but another girls voice came from up the hill. "Wait you're not fighting without us," Veil said running with Symoni. "We're not letting this fail," she said. Toshi's face brightened. Yeix watched Symoni with complete concentration. She'd only just returned to the group and now she was ready to fight. The two had been up in the cave waiting but it was obvious they didn't want to wait. "You ready," Toshi said.
(This new Forum is going to help alot. Thanks James. You da' man) Anyway. I started this thread so the group from: Legend of Riv, The Dark, Realm of Reality, Imaginations, and Infinite could work together to make sure that the series is clean and we have an understanding of what's going to happen so that there is no confusion. So the things that need to be covered in this thread are: -Anything that has come into the The Realm of Infinite that is confusing -Editing the Realm of Imaginations and Reality. (We really messed that up) -The format in which our stories will be published together. -And anything else you guys can think of. Basiclly if you have a question or are confused come here for help. And we'll figure out a way to help you be un-confused. (So once again thanks James for the awesome forum. This'll help tons) -later