Box Hoy
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Okay I'll edit. Promise this wont get out of hand like Realms Trilogy. (Nice signature Hawking) Anyway. Ya I'll change. And get a new pic as well.
Kieko watched this madness from a tree branch. She'd hidden so that they would still have reinforncments if the main fighters lost. This was madness. An onslaught of enemies were being summoned here. First Shakia and now Rimnil and his army. Toshi stabbed a slug soldier. It fell to the ground and began to boil and dissapate. Rimnil laughed at their feeble attempts at trying to kill his hordes. Meanwhile Riv stood before Hawk. The two surveying each others powers. "Why do you keep bringing our enemies back to fight," he questioned. He sense Hawk's glaring eyes from under that mess of hair that covered them. "Those who oppose my power deserve this punishment. It is my way of seperating the good and bad," Hawk said. Riv gritted his teeth. "But who is good," he asked. Hawk did not answer this question. Instead, he turned his back. "Stupidity. Is that what existing entails. The answer is clear," Hawk said. Riv put Lemaria on his shoulder. "You mean those who believe that there is no point to existing are the good. The one's who fight and wish for to exist are bad," Riv said. Hawk nodded. "But then what does not existing offer," Riv asked. Hawk turned around again. He was facing Riv. "It is what is offered within existence that poisons you. It clouds your mind of the true reality. To not exist means that you will no longer be you or anyone. You will not be anything. There will be nothing. Nothing to represent nothing. And that will be what it is," Hawk explained. Riv clenched his fists in fury. "Then there is nothing to be. Nothing good or bad. Doesn't thar scare you," Riv said. Hawk laughed. "It is because of the good and bad in this world that I am doing this. To end all suffering and if it means ending all fun then let it be so," Hawk said. Riv couldn't take it anymore. "Then you must be stopped. We can bear the suffering of this world. The good that comes with existing is far greater than the bad," he said. Hawk smiled. "If this is your decision, I must stop you," Hawk said. Suddenly the blackness of Hawk's arm began to glow. A tatoo appeared. "You're fate is decided," Hawk said. OCC- I'm messing with your minds. AHAHAHA!
Toshi's eyes became wide as he realized that a familiar presence had returned to their midst. Riv was back. Shakia clenched his fist. "My master is getting impatient with you flies," he said. Toshi knew that the battle with Hawk was changing again and again with every flying moment that passed. Shakia turned around and took a couple of steps. He smiled. "But of course. No matter what happens you will not be able to defeat Hawk," he said. "It is impossible. I've seen how my power is comparred to his." Toshi wiped the blood from his face. His energy was decreasing faster now. Fast enough to feel. "How can Hawk's power be this great," Toshi questioned. Shakia smiled. "As you know Hawk is not existent within our world, our realm. His origins are unknown to even myself. I do know however that Hawk's power cannot be contained within this realm. So then the question is why is he here," Shakia explained. "He is not here. What you are seeing is Hawk's mind creating a puppet with the limit of power that can be contained within this world. I doubt even that even my superiors, Uni and Ios, know what his true form is," Shakia explained. "All we underlings know of his existence is what I have explained." Toshi shook his head in disbelief. "You mean to say Hawk is beyond our conception. We cannot understand him," he said. Shakia nodded. Rayne gripped his axe. "Well then. Until the time comes to fight this force we'll battle through it's minions." Toshi nodded with his eyes closed. "Precisly. We can't stop because of Hawk's overwhelming power. We can never stop. Even if our world is destroyed. Even if all the universes are destroyed. We'll never stop," Toshi said. Shakia smiled. "Then kill me first," he said. Suddenly a ring appeared between Toshi and Shakia. Within the ring came Arunue. The ring dissapeared. "Gladly," she said. Both of Arunue's arms raised and the tatoos began to glow. "This is for the pain that you have caused us all Shakia. For the endless returns, and for my restless nights. This is how I forgive you," she said. The beams came charging from her hands. It flowed through the air and finally touched Shakia. His last atom dissapeared. Arunue sighed. "Arunue. Aren't you supposed to be fighting Hawk," Toshi asked? Arunue laughed. "Of course. But I couldn't resist finishing that scum bag off. For the first time in my life I feel like he is truly gone. And I know that will be enough to keep him gone," Arunue said.
Lol. JeshiNam Arunue! Name: Lex Van' Alastine Age: 29 Sex: Male Apearance: See Attachment Teacher Class: Teaches Single Sword combat. Possesions: A long black sword with a blue handle. Small Bio: Lex came to Kurakow training Avademy as a kid and studied the art of single sword batteling As he grew older he became more and more interested in sword fighting. After he passed his final exam he became a teacher of his favorite class and thus has taught the single sword class every year. Now this year, the new group of kid is coming and he is ready to challenge them harder than he has any other group before.
Toshi held his sword. New and reconstructed. Rayne held his axe out at Shakia. "We're going to kill you Shakia," Rayne yelled. Toshi looked up from his sword to Shakia slowly. "Rayne back off," Toshi said. Rayne looked as Toshi began to step forward. "I will kill you once and for all," Toshi said. Shakia withdrew his sword. "Fine," he said. Shakia lifted his sword above his head. Toshi slashed at Shakia but his slash was blocked by Shakia's blade. Toshi jumped backwards. He launched off the ground and made another attempt for a slash. Shakia swung his sword at Toshi. The sharp blade connected with Toshi's arm. Blood fell on the ground. Toshi put his sword in it's sheath and gripped his bloody arm. He looked at the cut. Long and deep. "Damn," Toshi said in a raspy voice. Shakia smiled. "Your power has decreased greatly," Shakia said. Toshi unsheathed his sword and swung hard and Shakia. "You wish," Toshi said. Shakia blocked with his own sword. The two stood in a hard stance. Their swords locked together. "Don't stall," Shakia said. Toshi shook his head. "I'm not," Toshi said. He backed up. "It's you who needs to pick up the pace." Toshi put his sword in his sheath again. "Let's truly fight," Toshi said. He rushed forward. Shakia did not put his sword away. Shakia swung at Toshi. This time his blade connected with Toshi's face. The cut spread from between Toshi's eyes and down to his nose to the middle of his cheek. Toshi put his hand on his face. "Like I said before. Your power is decreasing fast. I could kill you easily," Shakia said. Toshi looked wearily at Shakia. Blood dripped from his chin.
Toshi ran through the forest. He had instantly sensed Hawk's presence. He'd sent Veil to the cave to grab anybody who still was in the cave and all their equipment. Toshi reached for the handle of his blade but found nothing but an empty sheath. Toshi dodged the trees and launched off the ground as fast as he could. His hair wiped backwards in the air. Suddenly a red haired being came towards him. Toshi instantly recognized Shakia. "What are you doing here," Toshi yelled. Shakia smiled. His fist came flying towards Toshi but Toshi landed on the ground instantly. "Hawk summoned me. I am one of his agents and have been for a long time now," he said. He stopped in mid air and plunged downwards at Toshi with his fist drawn back. "Die," Shakia yelled. Toshi jumped out of the way. Shakia's fist connected with the ground. Rocks came flying upwards. Toshi landed a couple of feet away. "Sorry Shakia. Can't play with your right now," he said. With that Toshi took off. Shakia climbed out of his large hole. His black crow wing extended from his body. "My true power is about to be revealed," Shakia said.
Rayne rushed down the mountain side. Slipping at times. Finally he reached the edge of the cave. People were missing. "Damnit," he said. Where could they be at this time of night. Hawk lauched himself of the side of the cave and began to continue down the base of the mountain. Toshi was near the beach with Veil. Rayne could feel it but...Arunue. Where was she? Rayne kicked off from the ground now and grabbed a tree and spun himself around it. He landed on the ground with a thud. Symoni! Rayne looked as he saw Symoni on the ground. He walked forward but instantly realized that Kieko, Asunan, and Celestia were all here too. They were staring blankly at him. "Um. Hi guys," he said. Kieko shook her head. Meanwhile Arunue walked through the small forest that surrounded the mountain. She was getting further from the mountain than she wanted to be. "You're walking to your doom Cascade," said a voice that sounded similiar to that of Shakia. Arunue whirled around. Nothing. "Face your death," said another voice. Deeper than the last and unfamiliar. Arunue looked at a tree that she hadn't seen before. Suddenly an arm grew out of the tree's trunk. It grabbed at Arunue. She jumped out of the way but it persued. "Don't run Kalamara," said the voice that sounded like Shakia. Arunue turned her head. The hand took this opportunity and grabbed Arunue's wrist. She looked at the tree. Her sword was back in the cave. Arunue struggled to get free of the firm grip of the arm. Suddenly out of the tree came the rest of the being. It had a large black hat and it's hair covered it's entire face. Two large demonic wings shadowed Arunue. He wore a large coat and had dark red pants. He smiled. "You have no clue who I am do you," he said. Arunue shook her head while still struggeling. It tightened his grip upon Arunue's arm. "Existence is no mystery to me my dear. Fear is what all existence is made for," he said. It's arm was gray and somewhat scared by cuts. His fingernails were long. Arunue suddenly realized something. She had the power of the robe at her command. She quickly lifted her arm to Hawk's body. The tatoo lit up fast and the beam fired off from her hands. It shot through the beings body and it dissolved. Arunue watched the hand slowly dissolved. She sighed. What was that thing. "You think you destroyed me dear," came the voice of Shakia again. Her eyes became wide and her body stiffened. "There is no way to kill me," the voice said. The being began to take form again behind her. "You know who I am," he said. Arunue searched her mind. It came quick to her but it only frightened her more. This was Hawk.
Toshi leaned up against a tree stump. What had he just done. The sun was going down. The water came back and forth on this shore. He loved another. But he hadn't wanted to leave Veil. Feelings of loniless came to Toshi's mind. What if the one he loved didn't want him. Than he had made a terrible mistake. Veil would never take him back. Toshi stood up. He looked at the sunset. His mistake had cost him something dear to his heart. He now knew that Veil was much more dear to his heart than Arunue. He knew it. And now she would never have him back. Toshi sighed. Now what to do. Toshi began to walk along the beach. His heart crumbling with every step. But how did he know that Veil wouldn't want him back. It wasn't worth not trying. Arunue had someone. And that someone was Garren. Toshi knew Arunue well. She would not give up hope that her love would return and Toshi would not interfere. Toshi closed his eyes. He felt Veil's presence not to far from here. Toshi dissapeared and appeared before Veil. Her eyes met his. "I'm sorry Veil. I love you," Toshi said. Veil looked confused yet overjoyed. "If I'm to go with any danger, it's going to be with you. If I had to die with you I would. I made a mistake and I'm so sorry," Toshi said. Veil shook her head. "Just shut up and kiss me," she said. Later that night Rain poured hard on the mountain. Rayne's face became stern. "Hawk," he said.
[QUOTE]Besides, how would you like to be out with your girlfriend, and having every slobbering guy drooling over her? hey? How comfortable would you feel walking around without anything on, hey?[/QUOTE] You've got a point. Maybe the strongest. The reason the goverment does not pass a law saying "Women can walk around with their boobs uncovered" is because they want our people to feel comfortable. As for the high rapes and abortion thing. It would rise. Believe me. And no. Out of the billions of people in this world, even after time, there would still be people who would rape and abort. Also think about this little far fetched idea (but still relevent) idea on the opposing side. Our population is going to be spilling over in another 13-20 years. If we did let wemon walk around topless, the need for sex would go down but again, there'd still be that select few who cant get over boobs. Anyway. Our sex drive would go down and the population would decrease. So is it a good thing or a bad thing to let women expose their breats in public?
OCC- Thanks god nobody said anything about the kid thing. I decided to screw that idea. Got a better one planned. Man those last two posts were seriously emotional. IC- "You're not alone," Rayne said as he sat on a ledge near the top of the mountain. He had heard Kieko's thoughts. They were strong but sad thoughts. Rayne shook his head. "If only I had the courage to tell you...," he said. Toshi looked to Veil. "I'm sorry Veil," Toshi said. Veil looked up. Her expression showed fear. "Sorry for what," she asked? Toshi tried to be a man and not make this hard upon both of them. "It's hard to say this. We grew up together and have known eachother our entire lives but now...," he said. "Buuuut," she said slowly. Toshi took a deep breath. "I can't be with you anymore," Toshi said. Veil looked at Toshi with a sad expression. But Toshi had lost his love of Veil recently. To another. Toshi put his arm around Veil and held her tight. "I'll always care for you," Toshi said. Tears began to roll down her eyes. Veil looked to Toshi. She sniffed. "I want you to be safe. If anything ever happened to you I don't know what I would do and that means...I can't be with you," Toshi said. Veil shook her head desperetly. "I don't know what I did," she said. Toshi sighed. "I'm sorry," Toshi said. Veil stood up. She looked at him. "All I can say is that I can't believe this," Veil said. She began to run. Toshi watched as his former lover went of sight. He sighed. "Did I do the right thing," he said.
OCC- You do know I was going to find Veil. Lol. But that's okay. I'm happy mow. IC- Toshi and Veil sat alongside the beach. He looked into her eyes. Veil was so beautiful. He loved her. He leaned in for a kiss. Their lips touched. Toshi emraced Veil. She had no clue how much he had been worried and had missed her. She looked at Toshi as he pulled back slowly. He brushed the hair out of Veil's face. "You don't know how much I missed you," Toshi said. Veil looked up at Toshi. "I love you so much," she said. Toshi's smiled but knew that he had regrets. Meanwhile... Rayne looked at the group. "Hey guys listen up," he said. Hiroshi and Gaitei instantly perked up but others took a bit longer. "I'm going off to meditate. I'll be back tonight," he said. Gaitei raised his eyebrow. "And what's so big about you meditating," he said. Rayne hit Gaitei over the head. "Hawk is after the Robe correct," Rayne said. Gaitei nodded. "Then I need to clear my mind and find out where his presence is. His presence his very hard to find," he said. Hiroshi walked up to Rayne. "Hurry up," Hiroshi said. Rayne nodded knowing that their time was limited. If Hawk was on his way than it meant Arunue was in danger. Kieko looked at Rayne. "How much concentration do you need," she said. Rayne glanced to Kieko. "Quite alot actually," he said. Rayne turned. "Don't worry guys. I'll be back tonight. I don't want to be caught off gaurd when he arrives. And I look forward to fighting him," he said. Rayne jumped out of the cave mouth. He grabbed a rock sticking out of the mountain and began to climb. "The best place to do this is up," Rayne said.
It was seven years since the devastating fire. If only humans knew what happened if you were bad in the mortal life. Willis A. Matthews had died in that fire. His house on Redlace Street had been burned to the ground by a mysterious force. No suspects were found and so the case of the death of the Matthews family was put to rest just like their souls. Willis had been only out of high school when he had died. He was a clerk at a thriftway at the edge of his town: Lewenville. His father was high on the business chain as an inventor of new machines and such. And his mother was a stay at home mom with Willis's two younger siblings. "Wake up Willis," said the quiet voice. It came from all around him. He opened his eyes to see nothing but light all around him. Light appeared everywhere. "You've been chosen," the voice continued, "to stop the evil within the world of the mortals." Willis only wished he knew what this voice was talking about. "What do you mean," he said standing up. The voice turned. "A secret evil has inplanted itself upon your world. It is the same evil that destroyed your family and yourself. Because of this the job has been given to you. Hunt down the evil within your world and stop it from continuing it's rage upon mankind," the voice said. "What evil," he said. The voice did not respond. The light around him faded into his world. Willis stood in the middle of a street. What evil? --- Okay now that, that it over let me explain what's going on here. Willis was killed in a fire by a mysterious evil and now some higher being wishes him to destroy the evil. Little does Willis know that as he progresses he will become more aware of the powers imbeded within him that no mortal could ever posses. ---CRITERIA NAME: AGE: DESCRIPTION: BACKGROUND: SPEICAL TECHNIQUES: WEAPONS: ---Box
[B]EXPECTATIONS[/B] I hate it when people come into my house and say think that it runs just like there's. For example: When my step sister moved in with us she kept saying "Aren't you going to turn the light off in your room" If I want to leave my light on I can. [B]IMMATURITY[/B] People who are like 15 and are still watching Sesame Street and want you to watch it too. And that's all.
OCC- Maybe it's time for a twist. IC- Toshi ate the delicious hog leg. Cooked to perfection. He looked over at Celestia who had been sort of quiet lately ever since she had been reuinited with Merudian. Who was this Maridra? Someone who had a lage frudge against Celestia and her group. And now him and his friends. Arunue sat next to Hiroshi talking. Siblings. Toshi took another bite of the hog. He missed his own sister Ora. He would never see her again. He looked over at Rayne. Although they were sworn brothers, Toshi didn't have alot of knowledge about Rayne's mysterious background. Izzy. The reincarnated mentor of Toshi's. Now it seemed like he was the mentor. Gaitei was the reincarnated lover of Arunue: Garren. Kieko. She was always so quiet yet on the inside she had such a good personality. Toshi downed the last piece of hog and stood up. Arunue watched Toshi head for the entrance to the cave. "Where are you going," she asked? Toshi smiled and turned his head. "To find Veil," he said. Arunue stopped biting her food. Of strip of the hog hung out of her mouth. Hiroshi watched Toshi leave as did everyone else. Veil. Toshi's true love. Celestia has said she was on a beach near this mountain. Toshi jumped out of the mouth of the cave. "I'll be back guys," he said.
Rayne looked out at the sky. It was going to be a cloudy day. Toshi rubbed his head. He smiled with his eyes closed. "Well. I guess it was worth the pain," he said. Arunue growled. Toshi backed up a bit from her. "But if this keeps up, it may not be at all," he said. Rayne lit a fire and started to cut the hog up. He smiled as the two of them flirted around a bit. Gaitei watched this too. Somewhat jealous but at the same time realizing what it would be like to be with Arunue. Kieko walked over to Rayne. "How's the food," sher questioned. Rayne looked at the cooking hog meat. "Cooking just great," he said.
OCC- That was probably the funniest post I've ever seen you make. IC- Toshi rubbed his head as he walked with Rayne. That one split second was bliss. He chuckles and continued to walk. Rayne found a suitable open area. "Here we go," he said. Toshi immeadiatly got into a fighting stance. Rayne laughed. "Ready to fight already eh," he said. "Well. Let's just say I'm in a pretty good mood," Toshi said. Rayne held his axe out before himself. "Well then. Let's get going," he said. Toshi didn't wait for Rayne. He immeadiatly launched himself off of the ground. His foot slipped however. Toshi fell and landed on his face. Rayne stood before Toshi laughing heartily. Toshi's face was covered in mud. He stood up with a large chunk of mud in his hand and toosed it at Rayne. The mud nearly hit but it landed upon Rayne's sword. "And you think that was supposed to hurt," Rayne said shifting his eyes from the large mud glob on his axe to Toshi. "Meh. Nevermind sparring right now. I'm so hungry I can't concentrate," Toshi said. Rayne looked around for some food. They found quite a bit. Rayne even found an average sized hog. He held the bloody, wet, pig on his back. Toshi helped by holding his axe. They reached the cave. Toshi rubbed the bump on his head again as he walked in. Arunue's gaze instantly switched to Toshi. He made a small smile as he walked in. OCC- I am the Miroku wannabe.
OCC- Okay, I'll slow it down for you okay Pheonix. Until u get back. IC- Toshi awoke the next morning. The mist in this forested mountain was very thick. He looked over at Arunue who was still asleep. Last night the two of them had collected all the peices to his sword. They were in a bottle now. If only Symoni were here. She could restore the sword. Rayne was already awake. He stepped past Toshi. "Morning," he said. Rayne picked up his axe. "Where are you going," Toshi asked? Rayne turned his head. "We've been in this cave for long enough. I need to get out. So I'm going to go train in the forests for awhile. You want to come," Rayne asked? Toshi stood up. "Sure. Maybe we can spar together. Just go easy. I don't have my sword on me," Toshi said.
Oh, umm okay. Thanks Alan.
I'm not quite understanding the public groups thing. It's been here since I joined and yet there hasn't been an open group membership thing. 1: What is a public group? 2: How do you join one? 3: What do they do? Thanks.
Could someone make me a banner with evil or dark characters from games and anime shows. And please don't put my name on but have a witty comment and a border as well. thanks.
First off I have to say this. Although I have not seen the movie if anyone watched the commercials and was told this was the Matrix prequel might just believe you. In the animatrix the machines rebel and nearly destroy the entire world and that's sort of what it looks like is happening here. Second of all there's a rumor that Will Smith went out for the part of Neo in the orginal Matrix movie. So it's very peculiar that he's in this one. Other than that I plan on seeing this movie. Looks like a good one.
OCC- That last post nearly killed me. Anyhoo, dont be gone a whole lot okay Arunue. The story wont work without you. Toshi shook his head at Arunue. "Let's get some sleep before we act," he said. That night was the longest night Toshi had ever had. The truth had finally come forth. And it felt great. Toshi smiled as he lay on his back staring at the ceiling of the cave. "We'll win," he said. Meanwhile... Uni and Ios bowed to their father. Nothng stood before them but darkness. A red eye appeared out of nowhere. Then another. A dark outline of a figure appeared. "Where is the Robe," Hawk asked? Uni looked to Ios realizing they had lost the one thing they needed more than anything to defeat their enemies. Hawk darkness formed into a being. Hawk's face was hidden under a black hood. He was average sized pre-teenager looking. His robe covered all his body except for three claws that were held at his side. "You will regain the Robe or cease to exist," Hawk said. Both the brothers stood there, confident of their jobs success. As the two left Hawk dissapeared into the darkness. "I need that power or I will never be able to make it to Yggradisil," he said.
Here's the lyrics: Wake up Grab a brush and put a little (makeup) Grab a brush and put a little Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup) Hide the scars to fade away the Why?d you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable You wanted to Grab a brush and put a little makeup You wanted to Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup You wanted to Why?d you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to I don?t think you trust In, my, self righteous suicide I, cry, when angels deserve to die, die Wake up Grab a brush and put a little (makeup) Grab a brush and put a little Hide the scars to fade away the (shakeup) Hide the scars to fade away the Why?d you leave the keys upon the table? Here you go create another fable You wanted to Grab a brush and put a little makeup You wanted to Hide the scars to fade away the shakeup You wanted to Why?d you leave the keys upon the table? You wanted to I don?t think you trust In, my, self righteous suicide I, cry, when angels deserve to die In, my, self righteous suicide I, cry, when angels deserve to die Father, father, father, father Father into your hands, I commend my spirit Father into your hands Why have you forsaken me In your eyes forsaken me In your thoughts forsaken me In your heart forsaken, me oh Trust in my self righteous suicide I, cry, when angels deserve to die In my self righteous suicide I, cry, when angels deserve to die --- I've been wondering what Chop Suey is about for such a long time. It's probably one of my most favorite head banger songs but no one I know can explain what Chop Suey's point is. Self Righteous suicide and Angels deserve to die only lead me to one thing. Someone is trying to kill a hot girl. Does anyone have any theories as to what Chop Suey is about.
OCC- Man that was hard to understand. Maybe try to add some periods and less rambeling. IC- Arunue sighed and sat back against a rock. She looked at the tatoos. "These things. What are they," she said. Toshi shrugged. "I was told that their power might be able to save the old universe," he said. Arunue stood up. "And who told you this," she asked? Toshi remembered that he had never told them about how he'd met with the Norns. He explained how he had gone to fight Uni and Ios and had come back with the information from the Norns that within his group was a chosen one who could save the universe if she obtained their enemies power. But he had been to late and the universe was destroyed. Arunue shook her head in disbelief. "So what you're saying is that I'm the chosen one and these tatoos are my power. And we have to save the universe with them," Arunue said. Toshi nodded. "But there's still so many questions I have. Why am I the chosen one. How did these tatoos originate," Arunue said frustrated. "I can answer these questions," said an old man at the edge of the cave entrance. The light blocked out what he looked like but from his eclipsed shadow he appeared to be a hunched over man whering a large robe and holding a great wooden stick. Arunue's eyes shifted to him. Toshi went for his sword but realized that it was still shattered. He also realized trhat Izzy had left now. Rayne gripped the handle of his axe just in case this man was a problem. The old man walked towards the group. The man came into their vision. He had a long tuft on his chin that curled and his robe was green with black stripes. "My name is Esdad," he said properly introducing himself. Esdad bowed to the group. Arunue pulled the arms of her trenchcoat up to reveal the tatoos upon her arm. "Answers. Are they all you seek," Esdad said. Toshi looked to Arunue. Did this man want something in turn for the answers to his questions. "I want to know what the hell these tatoos are," she said. Esdad sat down. He closed his eyes and set his large wooden stick on the ground in front of him. "These tatoos are a powerful force formed from dead souls. In the old universe they were formed when the first realm known as Trinia was built. Their leader had gone crazy and had began to kill his own people. Arunue, you know who he is," he said. Arunue clenched her fist. "Shakia," she muttered. The name pained her to say. He had been the one and only enemy of hers. Esdad nodded. "Shakia who had once been Hodur had been the leader of Trinia and had been corrupted by a mysterious evil. That evil made him kill his people and destroy the once prosperous realm," he said. "You know this much for you've learned this over your quest," Esdad said. Arunue nodded. "But ou do not know the evil that corrupted Hodur," Esdad said. Arunue perked up. Esdad took a deep breath. "Uni and Ios are not the strongest enemy that you have," he said. "Their father is the strongest being in all the univers and he created a deadly force that could corrupt anyone. Using the power known as the crow he infected Hodur with a virus and slowly, with Hodur's anger, the infectgion grew into a powerful wing of a crow," Esdad explained. Toshi's eyes widened. Morak had a wing like that also. But he'd never seen Shakia's. Esdad nodded as if he knew what Toshi was thinking. "Eventually Hodur became Shakia and Shakia destroyed his people and his realm. With the death of so many came a power beyond conception. The Robe is what that power on your arms is. And it is the power that was created many years ago," Esdad said. Arunue sighed. "So these tatoos are actually an ancient power made by the deaths of the people of Trinia," Aruneu asked? Esdad nodded. Toshi remembered the power he had felt when he had worn just one of those tatoos. Esdad sighed. "Having to relive these memories is something I hate doing but if this universe is to be saved than I must relive them," he said. Toshi looked to Arunue who was looking at him. "But that's not it. If you think Shakia gained the Robe you're most definetly wrong. You're last enemy. Rail appeared in Trinia and she gained the power. She destroyed all of Trinia. Shakia was not killed but he was sent all the way to The Realm of Reality. As for Rail. She was killed and sent to the Under Realm," Esdad continued. "And she held onto the power in the Under Realm. When Toshi asked Hiroshi to revive this dead sister Ora, Rail took this opportunity to return to the living world. I'm sorry to tell you this but Ora was coming to the gateway between life and death but she was destroyed by Rail. Rail used the Robe to destroy Ora forever," Esdad said. Arunue put her hand over her mouth. Toshi dropped to his knees. Hiroshi's eyes were wide open. "It's my fault for her death," Toshi said suddenly. Esdad looked to Toshi. "No. It is Rail's. Just because you wished to have our sister again does not mean that you are her killer," he said. Arunue looked at these tatoos. They were more of a destructive force than a helping force. A tear rolled down her cheek. "So what do Uni and Ios's father plan to do now," Gaitei said out of the blue. Kieko had been listening to all of this. So many things had been revealed. "Uni and Ios's father's name is Hawk. He plans to destroy this universe again but permanatly. And he is close to figuring out. Toshi. You visited the place where the universes soul is. Yggradisil," Esdad said. "Where the Norns where," he said. Toshi's eyes became wide. "If Hawk finds out about Yggradisil and destroys it than this universe and everything in it will never exist. They will be nothing and they will never return," he said. "Hawk is a being who does not exst himself yet he is phyiclly here. You may find it hard to destroy him," Esdad said. Esdad stood. "Now I must leave. I am glad to have helped you but now my time is gone," Esdad said. Toshi held out his hand. "Wait. Who are y--," Toshi was cut off by Esdad dissapearing. They had learned soi much today.
The Jay and Silent Bob thing is pretty hilarious. I wonder what they'll be doing tonight on 1996 and 1997. I wonder that if in another 15 years or so they'll make "I love 2K" or such. Makes me think of the future when it's 2090 and they're doing I love the 90's again. Bet they wont get that far. I look forward to the Furby thing also. Maybe that's tonight although I think it might be 1998. Kind weird seeing all these weird things. So far from the commercials their going to have the Peeye Herman masturbation in theater issue. Lol. -I don't think I'll ever get over what they've used the dancing baby for.