Box Hoy
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Everything posted by Box Hoy
Uni stopped before his father Hawk. Ios trailed and stopped also. Hawk looked to them from under his hood. Ios looked to Hawk with a suspision that his father had finally figured out how to keep the universe form turning back. "My sons. You've done so much over all these years and noiw your work will be completed. I have finally found out how the universes reconstruct themselves," Hawk said "As you also probably know, oour enemies have finally awoken. I've been monitoring them and it seems that they are trying to regroup. I want you two to stop them," Hawk said. ---- The group passed over a hill. Rayne looked back to see the city from afar. "So Izzy," he said turning his head to look at his reincarnated friend. "What's that cities name anyway," he asked? Izzy kept walking looking forward. "It's called Laderia," Izzy said. "It's the biggest trading post in all of this country," Izzy said. Rayne held his axe over his shoulder as he walked. "Toshi. Can you sense the presence of Arunue and Hiroshi," he asked? Toshi closed his eyes. Celestia looked at Toshi. He'd grown up so much since when they'd fought Morak together. Toshi opened his eyes. "They're still so far," Toshi said. Izzy crossed his arms. "Arunue. Hiroshi. Why do these names sound so familiar," he asked?
Rayne gripped a his drink. He took a gulp and looked to Toshi, Kieko, and Izzy. "So I'll explain this plain and simple. You remember the battle with Uni and Ios right," Rayne asked? Toshi nodded. Rayne closed his eyes and took another drink. "Well. From what I've found the Norns pretty much erased the universe and all existence with it. Something however began reconstructing the universe. It's still a mystery how we are still here to me but I think the naswer can be found," Rayne explained. "I woke up three years ago and I've been searching for everyone. I found you but you weren't awake so I kept you in hideaway. I guess I was gone when you woke up," Rayne continued. Kieko looked to Toshi. "Are you okay," she asked? Toshi nodded. "How'd you find this out Rayne," Toshi asked. His face had questions spread all over it. Rayne leaned back in his chair. It was obvious he couldn't explain right now. He looked at Toshi. "Sorry. If I explained how I know right now, you'd get too confused," Rayne said. Toshi nodded. "Whaddya say we get going. We've got to find the others," Kieko said. Rayne let the chair he was leaning in fal lto the ground. "Great idea. Toshi here should be able to find them," Rayne said. Izzy smiled.
Toshi sat in a cafe with Kieko. "Have you seen any of the others," he asked? She shook her head. Toshi sighed. "I think I know how we can find them," he said. Kieko looked up as Toshi stood. He closed his eyes and felt for their presences again. "Yes. I can feel their presence. If we follow what I see we'll find them," he said. Kieko looked to her side to see an axe coming her way. She ducked as it went flying through the window. The glass shattered and scattered all over the room. Toshi looked out to see where the axe had come from. A man with stood in the square. He had a hat over his head but he looked up. Two familiar red eyes shone from under the hat. Toshi instantly recognized the eyes. "Rayne," Toshi said. Kieko looked out to see someone in reseblence to Rayne. She raised her eyebrow. Why would Rayne have tossed an axe at her. "Come out her Toshi Kodurama," said Rayne. Toshi opened the door to the cafe. He walked out with his sword drawn. Rayne smiled. "You'll never change Toshi," Rayne said. People were staring at them. Toshi walked towards Rayne until he was close enough to fist fight. "What are you doing here Rayne," Toshi asked. The supposed Rayne took off his at. The same black hair shone off of the light. "How'd you know it was me," Rayne said. Toshi smiled. "Your appearance can't be hidden," Toshi said. Rayne grinned at Toshi. "You've finally awoken," he said. Toshi looked confused. "What do you mean I've awoken," Toshi said. Rayne put his hat back on and circled Toshi. "Let's take this elsewhere," Rayne said.
Thank god you showed up. I thought you were never going to join and I would have to keep the RPG going on without you. But thank god you're here. We all missed you lots.
Toshi watched Kieko enter the square. He was amazed. How had the both of them come to the same place. He stood up and began to walk towards her but then there was something telling him not to. He could feel her presence. Arunue. She was here too. She was in this world. Toshi kept walking towards Kieko. Then he felt another presence. Hiroshi. Was he here too. Toshi closed his eyes and searched the world. Within the darkness of his eyelids covering his vision lights appeared. He was in the middle. Beyond himself he could see three lights travelling together, although one was held back. it had to be Arunue and Hiroshi. But the other one was still unknown. Kieko was close to him. He looked for the others. He wouldn't be able to identify them but he knew that they were here. Nothing came into his vision. Toshi took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Kieko was standing before him. "Kieko," Toshi said. She towered a little below him. She was smiling. "You look surprised to see me," she said. Toshi laughed. "Well yeah. I have no clue where this is or what happened after he fought Uni and Ios," he said. Kieko shook her head. "We shouldn't think about those things right now. Let's just have some fun right now," she said.
Toshi held his sword over his shoulder as he walked along the stone path. Only a couple minutes ago he had woken up to discover that he wasn't in Asgard, The Realm of the Gods. He was in a city. A large city at that. Bigger than any he'd ever seen. A shadow flew across the path. Toshi looked up to see a massive ship. He watched it fly. It was even more amazing than things he'd seen before in the Realm of Technology. He looked around the street he walked on. Children played in the streets and their parents watched while doing normal household chores. beyond this street was the town square and beyond that was the castle. As Toshi walked he stared at the castle. It was large. Magnifeicent looking. Towers surrounded it and then these neighborhoods. A ball rolled along the path. Toshi wasn't watching and it he stepped on the ball. His foot slipped and he fell. Three children ran over and looked at him. "Are you alright mister," one asked. He was about 3 feet in height and had dirty blonde hair. The two other children watched. "Yes. I'm alright," Toshi said. He lifted himself up. "Thanks," he said. The kids smiled and ran off with their ball. Toshi watched. He resumed walking. He reached the townb square. Merchants bustled about selling their wares and people inspected them wondering they wanted to buy what the merchants had or not. Toshi passed a sign. He stopped and looked back at it. There was a play tonight. A merchant walked by and noticed Toshi looking at the sign. "I can sell you tickets to the play tonight if you wish," the merchant said. Toshi looked over. He smiled. "No thanks. I don't think I'm going," he said. The merchant shrugged and walked off. Toshi sat down on a bench and put his sword back in it's sheath. "I've got to figure out where I am," he said. His black trenchcoat hung over the bench. A girl entered the square. She was wearing black clothes and and had black hair. Toshi looked up to see who it was. Kieko!
[CENTER]FINAL PART[/CENTER] [CENTER][FONT=Lucida Sans Unicode][SIZE=3]THE REALM OF INFINITE[/SIZE][/FONT][/CENTER] [CENTER]All things that start end...or do they[/CENTER] In the final moments of the Universe the Norns came and wiped all existence off of it in hopes of creating peace after it finished reconstructing. In doing so they sacrified themselves. But peace would not come easy. Uni and Ios did not become wiped off the plain of existence. Their father came forth and explained that the Realms would reconstruct themselves and so he would need time to think of a way to keep them from coming back. He sent the two off to go and destroy more universes while he waited for the solution. 3000 years passed and the universe had now reconstructed itself. And so life continued on unknowing that darkness would return. Arunue Kalamara's eyes opened. She was laying in a forest full of vegatation. But what was this place. Her face showed no sign of any expression but on the inside she was confused. The trees stretched higher than she could see and the cover of the branches and leaves let almost no sunlight into this area. Were sunlight did come through plants were growing together. She turned her head to the left. The forest continued. Where was this place? How did she get here? These questions started to flood her mind. Arunue sat down and looked at the plants growing in the light. The light faded for a couple of seconds and then re-appeared. She looked up at the patch of light coming through the trees. Nothing. Arunue stood up and walked to her right. Hours passed as Arunue walked. She thought about her last feelings. Fear. The fear of never living again. Something caught her eye. She turned to see the one thing she did not expect. A body lay on the ground. Shara. The former Rail who had reincarnated and become stronger than ever lat before Arunue. She surveyed Shara. She wasn't dead looking but then again. Arunue kneeled down and held her hand out to Shara's hand. There was no pulse. A lifeless body. Shara's face held no expression. Only lifelessness. OCC- How'd you like that for a mysterious start.
NES - Duck Hunter- I don't care if you get to use a gun. After awhile this game gets so repetetive it's funny. and that stupid dog really pissed me off. SNES - (never played any games I've thought were bad on SNES. Then again haven't played many) Playstation - 007 The world is not enough- This i have to say is the worst 007 game of all time. i hated the slow loading times the most. N64 - Quake 2- This has got to be the most boring game of all time. Low loading times and hard controls made this even worse. PS2 - Stuntman- Nearly immpossible stunts are added to wanting to crash just for the fun of making a point to this game. X-Box - Excempting KOTOR and HALO I think all XBOX games have sucked so far. Gamecube - Animal Crossing- After beating the game which took three minutes. Just Kidding, the game lost point other than gathering money for something to do. I even tried Action Replay codes on this to add an actual two minutes of almost fun time. PC - Starcraft- I couldn't think of anything to say so this is probably my least favorite game of PC. First of all. It's pretty hard unless you use codes and if you use codes you can beat the game in a finger snap. The expansion pack doesn't add more than some more story and some new things I can use to kill my enemies even faster. If there was one thing good about this game it would have to be the fact that you can go online and make scenerio's to kill others with. HAHAHA. Sega Genesis- Frogger- Worst game of all time. This includes all Frogger games. I actually enjoyed making the stupid frog get crushed or drowned. GameBoy- StarWars Return of the Jedi- Talk to me if you could beat the first level and I might have some sympathy for this game. --Box
Thankee Phoenix. Don't mean to put anybody down but I've been sending emails and PM's like crazy to Arunue through the email option you can do here and on all other sites I've traced her down to. The last time I heard from her was back on my boards a couple weeks ago. (LOL. What if she died) Just kidding.
Oh yeah. Man I'm sorry Kieko. I'll edit that. I can't remember some things from the dark. I've decided that after Cyriel posts if she likes it and I haven't heard from Arunue in two days I'll start the RPG but we're going to have to incorperate her alot in case she does join.
I may just give up Arunue but I'm scared that she'll try to join halfway and be mad. If Noelle is ever she can join. I'm starting to lose hope. Oh and Veil played by Cyriel in the Dark and carried over by myself may join. This is going to be cool because it's going to be a reunion of The Dark and the Realms series people. Some of you will have not met unless in another RPG. --- REALMS- ArunueShekamari FirePhoenix727 Box Hoy Skitto Kieko Noelle THE DARK Cyriel Skitto Nefertimon Box Hoy Sammich (Banned) Kieko That's the list of all the people who joined in the entire series.
OMG. This is great. You know how cool this will be if every one joins from the original. I can't wait. And as for you Skitto. You should be glad Kieko joined. We missed her alot and you and I should do everything in our power to contact her. Have you tried emailing her. Thanks for joining again Kieko. I'm so happy. I'm really really sorry for making the game really confusing and like I've promised over and over. This will not turn out liket he first two. I've given as much of a make over as possible to make it look clean so people can understand. Now all we need is Arunue and Noelle and we're set and I know that they might want to join and I dont want ti give up on them. So everybody here. Like I've said. Do everything and anything in your power to get them two here. THIS IS GOING TO BE THE BEST RPG EVER.
Kakashi looked to his left. A large blade was coming towards him. He ducked and swung his sword at his attackers legs. It connected and his attacker fell. He tried to stand but fell instantly. The push of others in battle was enough to kill a man. Kakashi stood up bracing for another hard push. It didn't happen. A demon with a brown mask on and bulking muscles came at Kakashi. He was holding a large axe. The axe went flying towards him. Kakashi lept out of the way and looked back. The axe hit one of the angel warriors. He sighed. He was fighting everyone here. Devils and Angels alike. He wanted peace in his world. Sadly, it was going to be hard to find a way for peace to come. An angel came from behind and grabbed Kakashi. He tossed him to the ground and swung his large sword at him. The sword hit Kakashi. Blood splattered all over. He'd been hit on the arm. A large cut ran across it. As the angel came in for another swipe there came a light. The yells of pain and anger stopped and there a being walked out from the light. The angels saw who it was and started fighting harder than ever against the demons. It was one of the Hell Knights. Kakashi had heard about her before as Umi. She'd been taken at Helo's gate by the angels and became God's right hand assistant. Rumor had it she left to fight and bring peace. Kakashi listened to many travellers talking about the war. News had even broken out on Earth about this great war. Bur the mortals couldn't do anything but wonder what was happening. A demon came from behind the angel who was fighting Kakashi and bit into it's neck. The angel fell. Kakashi looked as the demon saw him and began to head for him. Kakashi got up and using his sword, killed the demon by driving his sword through its head. Kakashi looked over to Umi. She was killing devils and demons left and right. Kakashi watched as a demon started for her. He took off towards that demon killing anythig that got in his way. The demon jumped. Kakashi leapt into the air and stabbed it. Umi looked to Kakashi. She raised her eyebrow and knew his intentions were to help her instantly. She slashed a demon that came at her. "Thanks for killing that demon," she said slashing another demon. Kakashi smiled. "My pleasure," he replied.
Alright, Arcadia. We made it quite a lot longer than before and added even more background to it. I think we're going to start now. Hell_Knightumi told me to start the Adventure so it'll be in The Adventure Arena in a couple of moments. ----Chao
We need more people to join. Only 4 people so far. maybe 1 more. As you can see I'm sort of co-working this RPG with Hell_Knightumi. Sometimes he needs help spelling Lol. JK. Anyway. like I said earlier this is going to be really free will game. Almost anything goes accept getting too overboard. If someone doesn't join soon I think we're going to be starting however.
While flipping through my newest EGM I saw an article on the newest serious Zelda game in awhile. I thought Legend of Zelda: The Wing Waker was sort of cheesy and kid like but screens from this new one look like its going to be the best ever. So far, from what I've seen, Link is now grown up and is better looking than ever before. I was wondering if anybody has some info other than what I have on this.
The year was 2055. Ten years had past since the discovery of the scrolls. The scrolls are an ancient telling of the future. The future that was to come. Within the scrolls it was said that unimaginable human made forces will be used to fight during the last years of the Earth. With these man made weapons is something even more deathly. Something the humans would create. They would use it as a physical link between all living beings. And if this creation was destroyed so was the rest of the planet. The scrolls were never shown to the public but the government found that a weapon like this being link had already been created. It was called Neg0. Humans had found that all souls cycle through a ring. Using this ring they created the Neg0 so that they could harness all souls. No one was ever informed and the government found that they could stop and promote both birth and death with Neg0. A war finally broke out when the Neg0 was discovered after a japanese theif was in the process of armed robbery and suddenly died. All countries of Earth attacked the United States. Using all its wealth the US created the first War Machines. Some were able to be controlled by humans but others were completely controlled by A.I. The fate of all humans rests upon the undying courage of all. The war has begun... ------Criteria Name: Age: Description: Country: Class: (Available classes are) >Land Soldier- Basic soldier-ANY COUNTRY >Suicide Bomber- Willing to kill oneself in battle-ANY COUNTRY EXCEPT US >Mecha Soldier- Control of Mecha Battle Warriors-US ONLY >Airstrike Mecha- Aerial Mecha Battle Warriors-US ONLY >Underground Soldier- Fights in old abandoned underground cities-ANY COUNTRY >Sniper- Seeks out important politicol members-ANY COUNTRY >Weapon Development- Creates new weapons for country-ANY COUNTRY -Anything else you can think of that isn't to unrealistic Background: -------My Profile Name: Traves Elders Age: 26 Description: Long black hair, white skin, blue eyes. Wears a gray long sleeved shirt most of the time. Black baggy pants. Black boots. Country: US Class: Weapon Development- Creates new weapons for country Background: Traves was born on 2039. He grew up loving machinery and creating weapons. During play with his friends he would always be the one who made new weapons for their little war games. As he grew older this little game became reality as the war broke out. He joined the army and with his talent was recruited for Weapons Development. He helped design the Mecha Battle Warrior and the Airstrike Mecha. In doing this he and his sector became targets of losts of hostility. Traves went into hiding a month later with many of his fellow weapon development co workers. The army needed an add on for the Mecha so Traves came up with the idea of creating turrents on both arms that shot homing missles at a specified target. But being stuck within a bunker in the middle of a desert didn't appeal to Traves so he decided to try and find a way to escape and continue his work elsewhere. Alright. Hope it sounds cool. Chao---
It wont be confusing. I'm waiting for Arunue to finally join. She was the one who started the whole series and she's supposed to be in the final one also. If you want to understand this rpg you need to have a good imagination and a mind that can understand the defiance of logic.
I was one of those ones who made it out of control. LOL. Always trying to create a revolution against the ops. Sorry G/S/B Master. Anyway. Like they said. There will never be a chatroom again. All though it would be like the coolest thing it wont happen. Sorry dude. If you'd like to see what happens in chat rooms and an example of what happens in these just go to [url]www.teenflirt.com[/url]. Not a very good site. People can get away with using inapropriate words and can even use racist terms. I think alot of chat rooms are like this and its really hard to find ops who can take the pressure and not let people get away with stuff. Chao---
Are you listening at all. He didn't create Uni and Ios. He just took them under his control. I said that staight up. Anyway. If someone can get in touch with ArunueShekamari, I would greatly appreciate it. In other news, if some people dont join soon I'll be starting the story soon. We need Kieko, Noelle, and maybe some new people to join. I've been explaining what's happened so much I've memorized the story. LOL. Chao--
Yes. He is the mysterious "father" of Uni and Ios. He can bring them back anytime he wants. Hawk is part of the series back in the earliest prequel that I am currently writing. let me explain more about him. When the first parts of this universe were being made Hawk was created. He watched the realms develop and how the gods governed them. He hated the gods and the way they treated the people of the realms. But that's only his perception. he also hated how the humans treated each other. He came to the conclusion that all beings live to hate one another so he started to create a plot in which all existence must be destroyed so there is no hate. He developed an art called Crow in which a being was infected by love and hate and with hate destroyed all. He tested it on Hodur and it did exactly what it was supposed to but existence was not destroyed. So Hawk found two of the three verses of the universe: Uni and Ios. He infected them so that they were under his control and sent them to destroy this universe. In doing this he figured he would see their true power. If they could destroy the universe then he could destroy all universes. And they followed through with his expectations using the Robe. So that's who Hawk is. Like I said earlier he does not exist and he lives. He is really powerful so it's going to be hard to kill him.
Yay. Phoenix is here. This is gonna rule. I promise this one wont get out of hand like the others sort of did. Now let me go over the characters from past games and give a little info on each: Arunue Kalamara (Played By ArunueShekamari): Went crazy after her brother Hiroshi was killed by Shakia. She went on a killing spree and stole jewels but eventually was caught by the goverment of The Realm of Imagination and was sent to the Realm of Reality where she made some friends who motivated her to return and seek vengance against Shakia. She was killed by Shakia at the End of the Realm of Reality. Afterwards she was revived by her brother Hiroshi and was supposed to be alive for two months but was killed once again by demons living within the Realm of Rivers. She later returned to help fight against Rail. She also reveals to her lover Garren that they have a child named Kano. Hiroshi Kalamara (Played by ArunueShekamari): Was killed by Shakia. Right before Arunue died at the hands of Shakia she chanted a prayer which would return Hiroshi to life. He returned in The Realm of Imagintions two years later and brought Arunue back to life. After accidently returning Rail to life Hiroshi helped Arunue and the others chase her down but then when Arunue was killed by the demons once again he looked to Rail for help. She comforted him and the two became lovers. Hiroshi saw through this trick when Rail turned into Shara and fought against his sister. He helped the group fight all the way until the end. Toshi Kodurama (Played by Myself): Was born in the Realm of Imaginations in the Kingdom of Sera. He had one sister named Ora and his parents were killed. He was taken in by the kingdoms elder who was also mentoring a girl named Veil. Toshi grew up with Veil and Ora. As a child Toshi was split into two beings: Himself and Rayne. When the time came for knighthood Toshi's task was not easy. He had to warn the neighboring kingdom of Arrav of an oncoming army. He did so but was caught up in the battle. His new task became to kill Morak. Toshi chased Morak to the gateway and after Morak was killed and his powers were taken by the Deatheater Toshi fought it as well. A couple years later he met Arunue in the Realm of Reality. He fought with her all the way and killed Shakia in place of her death also finding out that he had a sworn brother named Rayne who he had once been the same being with. He met up two years later with all his old friends who he had travelled with to fight Shakia and he died after trying to kill Uni at the end of Realm of Imaginations. Ora Kodurama (Played by Myself): Toshi's little sister. She dissapeared at the end of The Dark and was not seen again until the Realm of Reality where she had been transported. She helped Arunue along the way but was killed by Rayne during a fight. Rayne (Another played by Myself): A sorcerer gave life to Rayne by splitting Toshi's soul into two. Rayne wandered the Realm of Imagination for many years until he came to Shakia who promised to give Rayne's life purpose if he helped him. Rayne followed Shakia. When the time came he revealed himself although Toshi did not know who he was. Later he killed Toshi's sister Ora. He fought Toshi in the forest of the Realm of Imaginations near Hiroshi's old dojo. Their bodies switched by Shakia so that Rayne would live in Toshi's body and stay alive and Toshi would die in Rayne's dying body. Rein came and switched it back so Rayne died. Rayne realized his wrong ways and helped Toshi fight Shakia. In the Realm of Imaginations Rayne appears again and is revived. He helps the group with their battle against Rail, Uni and Ios. Riv the Legendary Warrior (Played by Skitto): A dark being named Rimnil destroyed Riv's village and Riv seeked vengence. He followed Rimnil and killed him easily after mastering the power of his sword Lamenia. Later he joined Toshi to fight Morak. He was a great mentor for Toshi who didn't see him again until The Realm of Imaginations when Riv appears and claims to be Arunue's brother but has been fused with Hiroshi. (I'm missing some parts) Rein the Fire God (Played by Skitto): Rein appeared in The Realm of Reality and switched Rayne and Toshi's bodies back. He revealed Shakia to be Hodur and helped Toshi fight Shakia along with Garren. In Imaginations, Rein hooks up with Symoni and it is real love yo. (I'm missing some parts) Kano Kalamara (Played by ArunueShekamari and Firephoeniz727): Kano is the son of Arunue and Garren. He is really young and during Imaginations Toshi wishes to train Kano but Garren and Arunue refuse (That ticked me off). Afterwards Kano is taken like alot of other humans to the gateway where Uni and Ios are making an army. He is made into energy and is mindless. He is lost like all the other humans when the Norns clear all existence. Symoni (Played by Noelle): Symoni is really quiet. She made friends with Arunue in Imaginations and travelled with her all the way to the end. Rein took an intrest in Symoni and the two become lovers. In imagiantions Symoni and Rein really start to show their love even more. She announces that she is pregnat but never exists to have Rein and her own child. Kieko (Played by Kieko): She is also one that made friends with Arunue really quick in the Realm of Reality. She helped Arunue through the way. (Kieko didn't join Imaginations so we just carried her along in it) In Imagiantions Kieko was at the reunion at the start and while heading back to Sera fainted. Toshi helped her by taking her back to Sera for safety. She would've been killed if Tyr didn't show up to save her from Hiroshi. Garren (Played by FirePhoenix727): Just look up. He entered his entire bio. Veil Kodurama (Played by Cyriel and carried on by myself): Veil grew up with Toshi. They were pretty good friends. When the time came for knighthood, Veil accompanied Toshi on his quest. She helped him all the way. At the end of The Dark Toshi and Veil hook up. She isn't seen in Reality because I didn't start The Dark until after it. She appears in Imaginations when Toshi brings Kieko to Sera for help and he visits with Veil. He picks her up later when everyone returns to Arunue's Apartment. She is cleared from existence just like everyone else at the end of Imaginations. Tyr (Played by Skitto): Tyr is Reins grandfather. He only appears in Imaginations. Tyr saves Toshi and Kieko from Hiroshi and brings them to Asgard(Home of the Gods). He taught Rein alot about being a god. (I'm missing some parts) The Star Knights (All played by Nefertimon): Asunan, Merudian, and Celestia are the members of the StarKnights if I'm correct. They were in the Dark and helped Toshi fight Morak. This group met Toshi when the were going to Arrav and there was a little bit of a confrentation but in the end they helped him. The rest of the bio is in Nefertimons post. Kioto Kodurama (Played by Sammich): Kioto is Toshi's grandfather who died at Toshi's birth. He helped Riv fight Rimnil along with and one of the Star Knights. Kioto was really funny (Sammich got banned for some stuff in other forums so he wasn't at the end of The Dark or The Legend of Riv) Ki (Played by Sammich): Ki was another one of Toshi's helpers against Morak. He helped Toshi fight and was killed when when Morak went into the gateway. ENEMIES Shakia/Hodur: The former god of the first realms called Trinia. He used to be the ruler of the great realm but the father of Uni and Ios decieved him and made him evil using a trick. Hodur killed everyone in Trinia thus creating a power called the Robe that Rail obtained. She used it to completely annihilate Trinia but not destroy it. Shakia was flung across Myrith until he fell unto the Realm of Imagiantions. He killed many in the Realm of Imaginations, finally killing Hiroshi causing Arunue to go Cascade. The group chased Shakia down but not with out causing casualities. Arunue and Ora both died because of Shakia. In Imaginations Shakia appeared to tell Toshi not to fight Uni and Ios but he was ignored. Morak: The ruler of the demon army. He seeked to get to the gateway where he heard of the Deatheater. he wanted to steal the Deatheater's power so he found a kingdom where they had a portal to go through Realms. (back in the Dark we couldn't Realm Warp) He was usccesful but the deatheater killed Morak. Rimnil: Rimnil killed Rivs family and only seeked more death. (Way little info because Skitto and I should be working on this) Uni and Ios: The two verses of the universe or something like that. They fed off of the darkness and their father drove them to hate existence itself. They killed Rail and then stole the Robe from her. Using it they destroyed all the Realms. Uni killed Toshi. In the end the Norns tried to stop all fighting by killing themselves and clearing all existence in the universe. Uni and Ios were different however and remained. Their father sent them to destroy all the other universes and that's what they've been doing for three thousand years now. Hawk: Hawk is the mysterious father of Uni and Ios. He was the one who corrupted Shakia. He hates existence and wants there to be nothing. Toshi has seen visions of him as the pointy hooded man. Hawk does not have any emotions and is to powerful to take a physical form within the Realms akthough he limited his power and cloned himself and that clone lived in Trinia until the clearing of the universe. He lives but he does not exist just like Uni and Ios. So that's it. All the characters I can think of. Add anyone and I'll have the reincarnation of Rayne soon. Later all.
Okay Skitto. You can have your little recreation thing but I'm still Toshi and I'm just waking up in Yggradisil. In case anyone wants my guy's description here it is. He's been in three games!!! Name: Toshi Age: If your following the alternate universe of Yggradisil where I appeared it's been only two days so I'm still 20. If your following the Realms of Myrith he's 3020. Speical Techniques: He is an empath. He can only feel people's hate, pain, and fear. Description: he has blue hair (sort of like Goku) He wears a black trenchcoat and black baggy pants. Black buckles boots and a gray long sleeved shirt benath his trenchcoat. He now carries a chain necklace as well. Background: In the Dark, Toshi had to become a knight and kill the dark demon lord Morak. Morak was after the deatheater within the gateway of all realms. The deatheater ate souls for life. Morak wanted it so he could use it's power to become powerful beyond comprehension. Unfortanatly for him he was killed by the deatheater who was killed by Toshi and his band of friends including Veil, The Star Knights (Asunan,Celestia, Merudian), and Riv. After killing the deatheater he hooked up with Veil. Afterwords in the Realm of Reality, he had to help his new friend Arunue seek revenge upon a man named Shakia for killing her brother. He meets Garren, Rein, Symoni, Kieko, and Rayne in this. Toshi kills Shakia for Arunue who died. Two years in Realm of Imagination, Arunue's brother Hiroshi appears from a chant by Arunue. He summons Arunue back and but only for two months. Toshi tried to get Hiroshi to revive his long lost sister. Hiroshi by accident brings back a demon named Rail. They chase Rail around Myrith for fear of her powers. They find another pair of enemies called Uni and Ios. They kill Rail and then destroy the Realms. In the end of Imaginations the Norns which are higher than the gods eliminate all existance except their world that Uni and Ios do not know of. Uni and Ios are not elimated however because they don't exist. They're existence is still a mystery. Their father (not really, the only one who could tame them. he does not exist either) returns and tells them to go and destroy all the universes. He still has to think of a way to keep the universes from recreating themselves. And here we are 3000 years later.
I cant wait. This is going to be really cool. Basiclly from what I hear from Hell_KnightUmi this is going to be a pretty free rpg. The main theme is the war between heaven and hell and all the main stuff inbetween.
Writing I'm writing a manga if you care to read it! [E]
Box Hoy replied to *Tatl&Tale*'s topic in Creative Works
Hmmm. If I were you I'd try to add just a little bit more detail to the Proulouge. Anyway I like the plot. It has a lot of possibilities. If you just keep it up this could be as good as Naruto or some Manga like that.