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Box Hoy

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Everything posted by Box Hoy

  1. OCC- Hmm. Kinda' giving me an idea for the prolouge. But again, shouldn't Arunue have ended it this time. She still hasn't been able to end the Realm saga. Here's the idea. As I said before Uni and Ios don't really exist although they are part of the universe. (Difies Logic eh. But that's the kind of game we're playing) Uni and Ios remain and watch the universe return and destroy all parts that return. But as like skitto, said we are reborn as well but someone knew we were to return so we are brought to the neighboring universe type thing (gimmie idea's for it because it needs to be some sort of place that controls our universe. And from there our game continues. And the place that controls our world is called Yggradisil. And this time guys , we will go with the flow. This time it wont be hard to follow. Here's my final post for this book guys. IC- The universe flew blankly through all the other universes. Infinite surrounded it. Endlessly venturing. Unlike this universe, the others glowed. An unlit universe. Within it the potential was still there. It needed no light to exist and was impossible to destroy. Suddenly a small light returned to this universe but quickly faded. Uni returned and looked to his brother. "Father will be dissapointed," Ios said noticing that his brother had returned. Uni squinted as he watched the returning sun blow up. "If this continues than we will have failed our father. He wants it all gone forever and never returning. Our job will become more and more difficult if we have to keep going like thi--," Uni was cut off by a glowing being walking towards them They bowed and as the glowing being started to get close it's glowing light faded into a being with a pointy hat. He smiled. "My children. I have returned. Three universes have fallen now, including this one," he said. Uni looked at his father. "But do you have any thoughts on how to destroy infinite. Do you know how to destroy all the universes forever?" he asked. The father walked forward and looked at his son. "You know it defies logic to destroy the universe but is defies logic to be part of the universe and not exist. The rules that govern existence have been corrupted. And that is why we can live. Our answer lies somewhere within that concept," he said. Ios closed his eyes. "The answer is simple. It lies within the area that controls all the universe. We must find it," he said. OCC- So just notify me if you get a hold of Arunue so we can think of when to start part 3. But that was the END!!!!. M'kay. No more. NAda. K. I know I don't govern this rpg but it needs to end. END.
  2. Toshi looked at her. It was the ugly maiden of the three Norns he had met in that mysterious place. She walked forth. "The fate of all the universe rests upon this battle. Now that the realms of Myrith are gone, as was known to happen only by the Norns, you are the only life that exists. It is your role to decide what happens now. If all of you die now the universe will never be able to be returned to its former self," the Norn said. Toshi looked to the others. The entire future, the fate of all rested on this groups shoulders. Not only them but Uni and Ios as well. Toshi looked back to the Norn. "But how do we return the realms," he asked? The Norn laughed. "Can't you see. It's all around you," she said and with that she dissapeared. The clouds passed over and all was black again. Arunue looked to Uni and Ios. Toshi turned as well. He withdrew his sword and gave the two a glare. "So. What are your thoughts," he asked the two devils. They smiled. "It is time for existence to fade. Our father's will is only to bring all to nothingness. So there is no existence. So there is nothing. We are his weapons. His hell bringers. And we do his bidding no matter what the case," Uni said. Ios turned his gaze from Uni to the group. "Within this nothingness there will be no white, no black. No color to represent it. Something impossible within reality. Something in which all fear," Ios said. Rayne took his axe out and swung it in front of him easily. "Well then. If your to do that than something has to stop this from happening," Arunue said. Toshi stepped forward towards them. He was the closest to them in the group. "So. Let's fight," he said. Uni smiled. The same tatoo that Shara had on her wrist was on Uni's. A beam started behind him. Toshi walked up to Uni and was looking the horror in the face. "Ready," Toshi said. Suddenly a light blinded all. Toshi fell to the ground and as the light disappated they could see Uni holding his hand fully extended outwards. Toshi was dead. OCC- Don't worry. I'm not leaving yet. We still have part 3
  3. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex and Yelena re-entered the basement. Yelena sighed and sat down on the couch. Lex walked into the kitchen and got the blood out of the fridge. He eyed it. "Wonder how it tastes," he thought aloud to himself. He popped the cap off and drank all little. "So that's how it tastes. I think I'm going to like being a vampire," he said. He took another drink of it and put the cap back, and put it back in the fridge. Doll had come in the apartment now and was sprawled out on the love seat. She was snoring. Lex walked in and sat down next to Yelena. He noticed that she was sleeping now so he stretched out and lay next to her. --the next night-- Lex woke up. He had heard something coming from outside so he went to the door. He could hear voices outside. He started to feel a craving coming on. He turned, Yelena was still laying upon the couch asleep and Doll was totally knocked out. Lex looked around the small basement. He then opened the door and left only to find Rook. "I heard it too. Come on. We have to go and see what's up," he said.
  4. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex held Yelena in his arms as they watched the sun come up. "For the first time in a long while I get to see the sun," Yelena said. She looked up to Lex. He smiled down at her. "I wonder if there's anyway to get more pills so were resistent to the sun. Otherwise this will be the last one I ever see," he said. Yelena moved up and embraced Lex. He looked down at her eyes. They were beautiful. He leaned downwards and kissed her. The sun came fully up. Doll looked at it. It felt good to be in it again. To feel it's glow upon her skin. So long she had been in the dark. Hiding from the light and now she was sitting right in front of it. Rook smiled he had new friends. It was weird. He had become friends with the beings he had tried to not become.
  5. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex put his hand on Rook's shoulder. "Whoa there," he said as Rook spit the blood out of his mouth. "Sorry about your friend," he said. Rook looked up at him. His eyes were watery. Lex looked to Doll. "I guess we need to get underground now," Lex said. The four walked silently in the night. "So Rook. Where's an underground hiding place we can get to," Yelena asked? Rook turned and walked backwards. "I've got an okay place," he said, "It's a basement of an apartment with not windows. I stay there sometimes if I feel the need," he said. Toshi nodded. "Then lets get going," he said. They walked a couple blocks further and came to a large apartment building. There were two sets of stairs. One went into the apartment and one went down into the basement. Rook went first and led the others down.
  6. OCC- You need to explain your posts better. I don't have any clue as to what just went down. Tell me if what I write isn't following what you just said. IC- Toshi flew down a tornado of light and dark. He spun around to see the others following him. But then he didn't see Arunue. Where was she? He spun around again to see her ahead of him. He hadn't seen her in front before. He was quite amazed at how fast she was. Toshi could see the void coming at him. Somehow they'd stumbled across a gate. Rayne withdrew his axe. "Toshi. Get ready. We're entering the void. Uni and Ios are probably down there," he said. Toshi nodded. The impace of this fall made his hair go flying widly back. Suddenly he landed. It didn't hurt. He looked around. The others were around him. It was a dark area. The only light was the ground. Toshi realized that if this was the void there'd be stars and planets and the realms of myrith all around him. Rein seemed to notice this as well. He could sense all of which the void was as usual but it looked so different now. It was indeed the same place but there was nothing anywhere. He suddenly realized what had happened. He looked up and saw the Realm of Reality. It glowed very bright that it was iluminating the area around him. Toshi drew his sword. He could feel evil stirring everywhere around him. Toshi closed his eyes and tried to sense the hatred of evil using his powers of empathy. He located it far above him some ways from the realm of reality. It was growing in power. And then it happened. The Realm of Reality exploded. A tear rolled down Arunue's eye as she saw her own home destroyed. The ground was no longer ebing illuminated by its glow. Toshi looked up at the area where it used to be. Suddenly it occured to him that Asgard and the Realm of Imaginations and all the other realms were gone. He fell to his knees. Tears were rolling down his eyes. It seemed the others had came to understand this as well. Uni laughed at them from above. "This is the end for all of you. Come and face me now," he said.
  7. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex looked at the approaching person. She looked hesitent yet kept walking. Yelena recognnized her. "I've seen her before. In the park," she said. Lex nodded. "Yes. I remember seeing her as well," he said quietly now that they were getting closer to her. "Now's my chance to fufill what I said I would do and be back to question them," he said. Yelena nodded and the two continued on. These four met exactly in front of the window of the room Lex and Yelena had stayed in. OCC- Sorry so short. I'm in class and have to work.
  8. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex and Yelena walked back down the street. Lex had alot on his mind. "That poor kid," he thought aloud. Yelena looked at him. "What do you mean," she asked? Lex sighed. "He's denying what he really is. I couldn't live like that. Living my life trying to escape my ownself," Lex said. The two continued to walk and for a time it was quiet between them. Finally Yelena turned to Lex. "So you're saying that if there was some way to return to your former self against your will that you would not hide it," she asked? Lex sighed. "It would be easy for me. I was just a human a couple of minutes ago. I know how to live life like one," Lex said. Yelena wanted to continue this conversation but somehting had caught her eye. She pointed ahead. Lex looked ahead and could see someone. A girl from the look of it. "Who is that," he asked? Yelena smiled. "I saw her earlier. Her name is Doll and she's a vampire like us," Yelena said. Lex drew his sword from his trenchcoat. "Well then. I wonder if she wants to fight," Lex said.
  9. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex howled in pain but that pain suddenly lifted from him. It was over. He sat up and looked to Yelena and then to Rook. They were both staring at him. Suddenly he realized what had happened during this transformation. He felt around in his mouth using his tounge. He could feel fangs. Yelena smiled at him. "Are you happy now," she asked? He nodded and then looked to Rook. "Listen. Being a vampire is part of life. You either are or your not. If you do something that alters this balance than something even worse is only to come," Lex said. He stood up and then helped Yelena to her feet. Lex turned to Rook. "So the choice is yours. Accept yourself or live your life a lie," he said.
  10. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex slept with Yelena in one of the rooms of the bottom floor of the chrurch. This room was located right next to the street neighboring the church. The preist walked out of the church and began to head down this street. Lex could faintly hear the preist pass by the room. Although he was asleep he was still barely attentive to his senses. The preist continued to walk down the street. He did not know however, that he was being followed. Lex heard another pass by the room. It was even quieter than the preist. This made him think. Someone was following the preist. Lex got out of the bed. As soon as he looked over at the window he was hiding behind a table. He looked around the table and saw a being floating along past the room. Lex waited for the floating person to pass before he came out from his hiding spot. Yelena was awake now. "What are you doing," she asked. Lex sighed and sat down in the chair next to the table. "The preist just past the room. I think he's going home," Lex said trying to hold back what else he had seen. Yelena obviously saw through this. "And what else. The preist wouldn't scare you into hiding behind a table," Yelena said. Lex grabbed his pants and started to put them on. "I saw someone float by a few minutes later. H ewas holding a shotgun," Lex explained. Yelena got out of bed. Lex slipped on his trenchcoat and equipped his sword and his chain whip. Yelena looked at the fang marks upon his neck. "You should not hurry to use your new strength Lex. You have to ease yourself into it," she said. Lex looked at her. "Are you going to come with me. I'm going to go see what that man is going to do," Lex asked? Yelena nodded. "I'll come," she said. A few minutes later Lex and Yelena were hurrying down the same street. They ran quickly down the dark street. Eventually Yelena spotted the man ahead of them. Rook could feel new blood around him. His craving was out of control even when using the pill that relaxed it. His prey had escaped now. He clenched his fist and held up his gun towards the two who had been following him. Lex's eyes widened as he saw the floating person holding up his gun. He ducked as a bullet passed his head. Yelena smiled at the floating stranger. Lex knew this sign. She was going to hurt this person. Lex hurried to catch up with Yelena because she was running very fast now. The man shot his gun again at Yelena. He missed like before and in two seconds he was pinned up against a wall. Lex caught up. He was panting. "And you said that...I should control my power. All I did was run," he said cheerfully. Rook struggled around. Yelena smiled. "Do you want to die," she said. Rook shook his head. "Then shut up and stop squirming."
  11. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex kissed Yelena. All his worries were dulled when he was with her. He pulled away and the two just looked at each other for a few seconds. The preist re-entered the massive ceremonial room and walked back to the alter. He motioned for Lex to come to him. Lex walked forward and became attentive to what the preist had to say. He pulled the book out again and let Lex look at the page he was marking with his fingers. Lex read the text. It was something about the blood red moon crystal. Lex's eyes moved back and forth across the page. [i]And so the blood of the cursed passed through the one who used the sacred jem of blood and every time it was used a new line of heritage of the cursed was created.[/i] The preist looked at Lex with a somewhat fearful look drawn upon his face. Lex closed the book and handed it back to the preist. "You see now. I am scared of what may happen if you actually use the Blood Red Moon Crystal. I have a theor-," the preist was cut short by Yelena, standing now. "Every time the blood red moon has been used the user has become a vampire and then started his or her own clan of the so called cursed," she said. Lex rushed forward as Yelena started to fall over from using to much energy to get up. He caught her in mid fall. She lifted herself up out of his arms and stumbelled for a second. Lex helped her walk over the seats just in front of the alter. "So you're saying that if I use the blood red moon crystal I will become a vampire," Lex asked Yelena. She nodded. He rubbed his chin and sat down in the seat beside her. "And that means I will have the one responibility of being the head of my own clan which I will not do," Lex said. Yelena looked strangely at Lex. "Why don't you want your own clan," she asked? The preist raised one eyebrow at this question and then realized Lex's judgement on the matter. "Because Yelena. If I do start my clan I would want you as a pure vampire of my blood in the clan but you are already vampire. I want to be close with you. I wont distance us from each other by being a pure blood you being partial. But there is one way both of us could be the same," he said. Yelena's eyes widened. "You mean you want me to bite you," she asked? Lex nodded in approval.
  12. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex stared down at Reaper. She was starting to feel pain again. When they had first met this same experience had happened. It was a surge of emotion that overtook her body it pain. Lex found this to be an opportunity to reveal hismelf. He jumped off the building. The group saw him. He withdrew his sword and ran over to Reaper. She looked up to him. "We've got to go Reaper," Lex said. He looked up at the staring group of eyes. "I will meet with all of you later." He picked Reaper up in his arms and turned. Doll looked to Skyler. "What was that about. He's going to meet with us later?" she thought aloud. Skyler shrugged. Lex stopped walking about four blocks away from the park. He looked at Reaper. "Are you okay now," he asked? She smiled and nodded at him. He made a sigh of relief. "I don't know what I would have done if you had died," he said. Yelena lay on Lex's chest and he held her. She had said it was impossible but the resembelnce of Lex to her lost love was remarkable. Lex looked down to see Yelena sleeping now. This wasn't the proper area for a person to sleep. He lifted her sleeping body from the ground. He carried her to the church which was a ways. The preist found Lex panting and holding the one known as Reaper in his arms, about to enter the church. On the outside it was very cold and raining now. The preist quickly opened the door and let Lex in. He watched as the soaking young man walked in and then closed the door. The preist then turned to Lex. "What happened," the preist asked. Lex set Yelena down on the seats that led down towards the alter. He turned back to the preist. Water dripped from his ahnging black hair and his clothes. "Yelena had another episode. I don't know what I'm going to do. They bring her into so much pain but I never see the effects of them," he said. The preist had obviously gotten to know Yelena through what Lex. He always talked about her quite often. It was always either how she was going or his worries of her having another episode. The preist sighed and walked to the alter. He opened a small book that he'd been writing in. "This is something I think might be of value," he said.
  13. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex walked through a dark ally. As he turned a corner he saw Reaper. He instantly turned around and sat down. He was endangering Reaper's mission. "Crap," he said. He noticed that he was gripping his sword very tight. It wasn't until he stood and tunred the corner that she was conversing with them. They hadn't seen him. It came upon lex that maybe it would be a good idea to spy in on the coversation a bit closer. He climbed the building right next to him and saw them. He could hear them but not well. He would have to get closer. That would risk them seeing him though. Lex waited for a solution to come to him.
  14. Box Hoy

    Blood-red Moon

    Lex Van'Alstine sat upon a gargoyle statue on a high tower. He looked at his black sword and ran his hand along the handle. It was a quiet night. "Reaper's met them by now," he said. "She better learn something about where the Blood Red Moon crystal or she wont get her pay," he said. He turned and headed into the temple. As he stood there a preist walked in and put his hand on Lex's shoulder. "Thank you father. I'll be back tonight. Was my spiritual being raised," Lex asked? The preist nodded. "And with everytime you meditate like this your spiritual being will raise even further and the intensity of the black magic your aquire from the blood red moon crystal will be more than any other in the region," the preist said. Lex nodded and bowed to the preist. He turned to the window he had crawled in through and jumped down to the city below. "It is just a matter of time," Lex said.
  15. I want to know if anybody has ever heard of HomeStarRunner.com. It has alot of really funny animated video's in my opinion. It's about a little town with a some weird looking creatures that really can't be described all together as one. Anyway, it's a pretty funny show...type thing. They have games and videos and even these weird emails with this guy called StrongBad who takes questions about the site and turns it into a short funny little movie thing. I suggest this site to everyone who likes humor and making fun of other people because that's kind of what they do on the site. It's [url]www.homestarrunner.com[/url] M'kay
  16. Toshi continued to step forward as he and the others walked along without fear of their destiny. They were heading to the church that Arunue had tried to commite suicide in before and had been the first appearance of Shakia to Toshi. Arunue did not have any visible fear of walking to that place. To the church. They entered. All of them. Arunue, Garren, Rayne, Riv, Hiroshi, Toshi, Symoni, Kieko, Rein, and Rayne (that's alot). The others sat down as Arunue walked forth to a statue of a dying angel. A priest was standing before the statue. He looked to Arunue and smiled. "Are you here to pray to the dying angel Mistral," he said. Arunue nodded. She bowed her head and then stood up. Toshi smiled at her as she turned backwards towards the seats in which her friends sat. They had come here by a suggestion of Symoni to hope for the end to truly come. If it did then they had been blessed by the dying angel Mistral. She was the irst angel of the gods of Asgard and the only. She was killed by the god of the Under Realm Drin and never left for the High Realm. She was considered always dying. The group left and walked towards their destiny.
  17. I want to try. Wait for me. Name: Lex Van'Artial Alias: (none) Age: 22 Gender: Male Race: Human Personality: He is a control freak but still takes advice from others. He likes to have a challenge and will fight even if he is too weak to win. For every person he kills he gets another tatoo to punsih himself and to never forget that moment. Appearance: Blue eyes, black hair, white skin, black trenchcoat and gray long sleeve undershirt. On his left arm he has belts that head up to his elbow and the same on his right arm. Baggy black pants with stiched on patches and chains. A scar on his left eye. He also has black buckled boots with steel toe. Under shirt he has a ton of weird tribal and japanese tatoos. He has these kind of tatoos on his arms also. Magic: (None) Weapons: Black bladed sword with a weird handle with pictures of ghosts, sawed off shotgun, and a chain wip. Special Powers: He has alot of overwhelming techniques that he does using multiple weapons. Weaknesses: He is really weak to magic. Background- Lex grew up as an orphan. As he got older he learned more and more about defending himself and who to trust. He began to peirce his body and get tatoos as a form of fear which he would strike into others so that they would be repelled. As he entered his twenties he learned that if he could fight for other people he could get money and thus began his bounty hunter job. He collected weapons and tried to become more gothic to scare more people. But he began to hear about the Blood Red-Moon Crystal. As her heard more and more about it he wanted it for himself so he could use magic and become the ultamite fighting machine.
  18. Later that day Toshi sat against a tree in the park thinking of what it was he must inform the chosen one of and who that was. He was starting to fall asleep. As he drifted to sleep he started to have a vision. Of when. Was it the past, present, or future he thought. It was Kano. He was in pain. As the energies that had been created from the humans by Shara, were extracted from a small ball he could feel Kano's energy screaming. Suddenly Toshi could see Kano become extracted from the energy ball. He was crying. Uni looked down at the wailing boy and struck him with his elbow. Kano fell over, knocked out. Toshi gritted his teeth and stared painfully at Kano. Ios walked over to Kano and picked the young boy up. The vision started to cloud. Toshi woke with a start. He looked around and finally realized he was awake. Suddenly a trigger clicked in his mind. He'd had other visions before. He did not know when it had occured be he had seen a boy being sucked into a bracelet by a pointed hat man. The man's face had been covered by hair so Toshi's couldn't see it. But this vision had haunted him for many days. Toshi stood up from the ground. he walked back to the apartment and saw that Arunue was outside dusting off the porch. He walked up to her and looked her in the eye. "Arunue. There's something I have to tell you," he said. Arunue looked at him with a slight wondering of what he was about to tell her. The two entered the house and she sat down. Toshi looked at her once again. "I know now what I am to tell the chosen one," Toshi said. He stopped for a second to think of how to word this. "I just had a vision of something that concerns you. Arunue, Kano is going to be killed by Uni and Ios. I saw the two of them extracting the humans they stole from an energy ball created by Shara. I guess Kano was one of the people taken and now we must react," Toshi said. Arunue stood up. "What are we waiting for. We have to save him," Arunue said. Toshi looked at her with an obviously slightly annoyed face. "Before we go Arunue. I still have to tell you something. You are the chosen one that I told you and the others about. When I saw Kano in that vision it signified that if we are to go now it will be you who defeats Uni and Ios. And now I have to tell you of Uni and Ios's weakness. There is only one way to defeat them. They hav eno weakness except to overwhelm them with your full power," Toshi said. Arunue nodded. "They are extremely dangerous. Are you sure you want to do this," he said. Arunue looked to him. A very important decision was at hand. And a very important fight would be coming soon.
  19. Box Hoy


    I bought the movie the day it came out because I got so freaked out in the theaters after I saw it that I had to see it again. At first I thought it was going to be about monsters and stuff when the commercials were on but when i saw it it was the most terrifying movie I ever saw next to the Ring. The most terrifying part was the spanish boys party when the alein walkes out of the bushes. That was freakish.
  20. As you know, or don't know, it is said that the Final Fantasy games are all supposed to have occured on the planet Gaia at different times in it's history. So my question is which order do you think they go in and explain why. Use evidence from the different games. This includes all 12 of the base series, tactics, tactics advance, crystal chronicles, the show Unlimites, the movie Spirits Within, mystic quest, adventure, legend, legend 2, legend 3. And here are some thoughts about links of mine. I think the movie spirits within is somewhere between Final Fantasy 7 and 8 or maybe after 7. Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles and Final Fantasy 11 could be linked by the Lilities and the TaruTaru by thier short furry like appearences. Also, try and link them by the ages in which they look to be like Final Fantasy 9 was more of a kingdom rpg than a modern rpg or a futuristic rpg so try to link kingdoms with kingdoms and look for the link between all three different ages of Gaia.
  21. Toshi smiled at his friends. "What did you mean by you know your destiny now," Arunue asked? Toshi shook his head. Rein looked up at Toshi and then motioned Symoni to follow him to the couch to hear Toshi speak. He waited for the two to sit down. Garren was leaning backwards in a chair and he was ready to listen. Toshi took a deep breath and then started to speak. "When I left to find answers aboout why Uni and Ios were taking the humans I was captured by Uni before I knew it and I felt extrutiating pain. But for some reason I was saved by something beyond the gods. They were called the Norns or the fate. I was told that soon my destiny would become clear and that I must connect the dots, in a manner of speaking, things I have experienced in ther past. Then the answer to our problems will be over when I realize the weakness of Uni and Ios," Toshi said. Arunue looked at Toshi. "Is there anything else," she asked. Toshi nodded. "Once I figure out the weakness of the viobs I am to tell the chosen one. They siad that it would become clear who the chosen one is when I have figured out the weakness of the viobs," Toshi said. Rein rubbed his chin. "That is impossible. No one can look upon the Norns withut dying," Rein said. Toshi looked at him. "But... if what you say is true than maybe our war with Uni and Ios has come to an end. I know from many old legends that Odin would tell us gods, the first beings determined the fate of the rest of history," Rein said. Toshi nodded. "It's true. They told me," Toshi said. Rein nodded. "Than what happens happens. We cannot change our destiny," Rein said. OCC- Here's a crappy picture of Toshi for anyone who wants to see it. He's wearing ablack sweater instead of a black trenchcoat by the way.
  22. Hye thanks but I'm not exactly sure what you guys mean by Border. Could someo0ne please tell me. It would help me also if I could have a few resources to use to get pics of Final Fantasy people. And I didn't use Ms Paint. I used Adobe Imagready. Thanks for the advice.
  23. Toshi looked amazed at the Norns. "How are you going to help us," he asked? The Norns looked to each other with faces of grief. "You believe that we are going to help you and your friends alone. That is wrong," the ugly maiden said. Toshi stood up confidently. He noticed that his pain was gone. "We are here to save the universe. As we have told you, we are fate. The bringers of destiny. Now, we will share one of the many secrets of the universe with you and only you. If this information about the universe were to be known by all a dark fate would befall all. Destiny was determined with the first few actions of existence. After that all life had been created to have a predetermined destiny. We Norns are here only to hold fate in existence. But two anomalies have come forth. Uni and Ios. Although they exist they were created from something who was around before fate was determined. And therefore they have no fate. Without fate there is no guidence and without guidence there can be no life. Uni and Ios are known as Viobs. Beings with no life. The only way to dispose of them is to bring them out of existence. It is still unknown as to how to do this but something exists that can do this. Something that can be harnassed and something the viobs have at creation. You're destiny is to find this information and then inform the one who is chosen," said the average looking Maiden. Toshi nodded. "It will all come to you soon Toshi. If anything is to go on existing then the chosen one must be informed of the weakness of the viobs," said the very beautiful Norn. Toshi closed his eyes. "Thank you," he said. "For a few weeks now we've beeen fighting for our survival and now the survival of all. If it is really the end than I am glad." The Norns all looked to Toshi. He turned and all three Norns held out their hands. He disappeared with a blinding flash. The ugliest Norn looked the the most beautiful. "He will succeed in informing the one known as Arunue Kalamara. But from their all is clouded. It seems the dark fate was inevitable. We should prepare for the final days of the universe," she said. The beautiful Norn closed her eyes and searched the writings of the future. "But now that the beings of the universe know of their destiny they will control their fate and our existence's purpose will change. But we must still conceal ourselves from the universe. Not even the great lod of the gods, Odin, may know of us. Things will be more complicated soon. But we have no choice but to exist forever. We are linked to our underlings. Without them we cannot exist and without us they cannot exist," she said. [i]Meanwhile[/i] Toshi returned to the Realm of Reality. They were all in Arunue's apartment when Toshi returned. Arunue stood up and gasped as Toshi walked in. She ran up and hugged him. "Are you okay. Did you get in a fight," she asked? Toshi shook his head. "I know of my destiny now," he said.
  24. Here's my newest banner. It's of Final Fantasy and I think the text that says "Final Fantasy" is really cool. I used all the blending options while editing some of the colors for the text. Here it is.
  25. These are a couple of my avatars that I've created over the past few weeks. I was wondering how I could improve and how they could be rated on a scale of 1-10. I want to be able to get better and creating these images so I want your most honest comments wheather good or bad. I also would like some advice and some other ways to create avatars besides photoshop and imageready.
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