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Box Hoy

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Everything posted by Box Hoy

  1. Toshi woke with a startle. He was breathing heavily and he could hear voices coming from all around him. He looked out the window. The lights he had seen last night were no more as the sun shone upon all the realm. He got dressed and buckled his sword belt around his shirt. Finally he attached the sword and sheath to the belt. He could still hear the screams. All around him. As if so much of the world had plummited into oblivion and there was nothing but eternal death surrounding him. Toshi grabbed a peice of paper and started to write a note. When he finished he surveyed it over. Thsi si what it said: "Dear everyone, I'm leaving to figure out what has caused all the chaos last night and this morning. I can hear screams of so many. All around me. I feel that souls are becoming lost and I feel the worst for you Arunue. I can no longer sense your son Kano's screams of terror and fear. I think the energies of the world have abandoned us. We will soon be alone as Uni uses the people he's taken to become stronger. I'm sorry I'm doing this. But...I promise I will return. I promise. see you all, Toshi" Toshi nodded and then walked to the door of the apartment. He taped it on the door and then left. As he walked down the street he could see not one person in the streets. He disappeared into the gateway.
  2. Uni flew in mid space around the crouds of beings he had gathered. "This should suffice," he said. He laughed as he stared at the millions of people and other various beings that were held within energy containments of his creation. Within one of the containments was a small child. Kano. He was asleep like most of the other prisoners. Uni laughed. Suddenly Shara appeared behind Uni. He did not notice her. Around her hand was a tatoo of some sort od tribal symbol. It started to glow. She held her hand up to Uni's back, although she did not touch him. A beam formed in her hand. Electricity sparked everywhere and Uni, in his stupidity, turned to face Shara. Shara smiled at the fool. "All crows must die," she said. The beam shot off of her hand and covered Uni with swift hell. He started dissolve and break. His body was falling apart. His soul flew through darkness. Shara grinned and put her hand down and looked at the free air where Uni stood before. She looked to the long lines of people. "Thanks you," she said. She closed her eyes and the people started to disappear and turn into energy spheres. When she was finished the entire area was filled with these energy spheres. All of the energy spheres flew within her body. But on the outside there seemed to be no physical change. She walked forward and with every step a pulsepounding hell was brought upon all space. She looked down to the Realm of Reality which was located below her feet. "Goodbye," she said. Her tatoo started to glow and the beam appeared in her hand again. It was a tantalizing feeling. But she did not let it go. Somehting restrained her. It was Hiroshi. She still felt love and compassion towards her former lover. She turned around and with out warning she did the beam attack upon the Realm of Technology. The entire realm exploded and there was vast light upon the universe as it expanded outward. Meanwhile in Asgard Tyr saw the explosion. It was a haunting sight. It had been night and all of the universe had been still until the light of the Realm of Technology lite the sky. It was seeping through the gateway everywhere around it. Tyr turned backwards and saw that night was still upon him there. He walked towards the the halls of Val' Halla. Odin sat upon his throne. Tyr entered and looked at the lord of all gods. Odin opened his eyes as he felt the presence of anotehr in his halls. He looked upon Tyr. Tyr bowed to his lord and started speak. "Great Lord Odin. I fear to tell you but I have no other choice. In the ancient tounge of the first gods I speak of the Realm of Meta. It is no more," Tyr said. Odin looked wide eyed at the underling god. "How," Odin asked? Tyr shook his head. "I am unaware of the source my lord. But see for yourself. The southern darkness of night within Asgard is now bright and shining," Tyr said. Odin put his hand upon his forehead. Toshi was awakened by the lights seeping through the covering of the Realm of Reality. Arunue was sleeping in her room with Garren and Toshi was on a couch in their living room. It was true that his sister Ora's apartment had still not been rented because of a rumor spread but some that it was cursed. Toshi knew better and he was going to rent it out after the whole trivial experience was finished. He lay awake in the folded out couch. Veil slept next to him and was holding him. The two were staying the night resting until the next day when everyone would fight the dark lord Uni. Light was coming through the west night when the sun was going to rise in the east soon. Toshi got out of bed and poured a glass of water for himself and then sat back down. He suddenly realized that he was only wearing boxers and he was quite chilly. He got back under the covers of the couch and looked to Veil. She was awake. She smiled. Toshi smiled back. Odin walked into the portal that connected The High Realm of Asgard and the Under Realm together. Asgard was in control of this portal. He held his hand out to a clear like sphere that was supposed to be the key. He put his ahndw tihin it and the portal opened. He looked back to Tyr. "Once I have the answers to these questions I will return. Until then Tyr, you are in charge of Asgard and all of Myrith," Odin said. Tyr kept a stern face on and Odin walked through the portal. It closed and Tyr turned around to head back to the Halls of Val Halla. Shara was sleeping. She floated through the air. Her new found powers amde her unstopable. Odin flew downwards towards the Under Realm. He passed under her and felt the emence power eminating from her. Lost souls were held within her. He continued on. Toshi was asleep again. The light of the explosion from The Realm of Technology had disappated. Riv walked into the living room from the extra room he'd been sleeping within. He looked to Toshi and Veil and he smiled. "Toshi. Best of luck to you as a father," Riv said. "I must go now. I don't know when I will see you again but it is an emergency I must attend to. Goodbye my friend," Riv said.
  3. OCC- Sorry for not posting. I'm limited to computer access sometimes. IC- Ricky lay in his bed. He was listening to music on his cd player. It was a beautiful night and there were many stars in the sky. Ricky stood up and walked into the living room where his father was watching tv and his mother was asleep on, laying on his fathers shoulder. "Hey dad. Is there still pizza left," he asked? HIs father looked up with an annoyed face on. Ricky realized he was yelling because he hadn't taken his headphones off. He smiled and took them off quickly. His father nodded and looked back to the tv. Ricky sighed and turned into the kitchen. There was a few slices of pepperoni pizza left. Ricky took a slice and walked back to his room. He put his headphones on again and as he walked in he sat at his computer. Something strange was happening on the moniter. He had an email from his friend Liz. But it kept on sending. The screen refreshed every 5 seconds and every time there where several more of the same emails. Ricky clicked on one of the emails and then the moniter shut off. "What the...," Ricky said. He raised his eyebrow and then a bright light shone from the moniter. Ricky looked at the sreen. It looked like it was water rippelling. He toushed the screen and to his amazement the screen clung to him for a second and then released. The screen started to move outwards and Ricky backed up a bit. The screen split from the moniter and it hovered in the air for a second. It materialized into a device that was gray. Ricky pickedit up reluctantly. Suddenly the computer started the flash. A large flash occured and when it ended Ricky was gone. Three hours later Ricky woke up in a tree hanging upside down. "WHAT THE," he yelled. He was hooked on by several branches tangled around his shoe. The were large and Ricky had a headache from being upside down so long. He grabbed on to the branches and unhooked himself from the branches. He looked down and then regretted doing so. He took a deep breath and let go. There was a large pounding sound. Ricky groaned. HIs entire body hurt. A small rabbit was laughing in fornt of him. "Well it's official. you're the clumsiest of all," Terreirmon said. Ricky looked at him and raised his eyebrow. "What the heck are you," Ricky said. [i]Man those are some big old ears[/i]. Terriermon sighed. "My name is Terriermon and I am a digimon," he said, "I guess you don't know what that is just like the others didn't," Terriermon said. "A digital monster," Ricky asked? Terriermon fell over. "You're brains make up for your clumsiness. How did you know what that is," Terriermon asked? Ricky smiled. "Breaking down the word. Digi is an ahbreviation for digital and mon is an ahbreviation for monster," he said. "I could get use to this," Terriermon said. Ricky stood up and dusted himself off. "So where am I anyway," Ricky asked? Terriermon smiled. "You are in the digital world," he said.
  4. There's alot I can't remember from the first season so I might be a little confused. name: Ricky Brooker, goes by Ricky. Age: 15 Personality: Really nice but also somewhat shy Description: smaller than all the toehrs because he is the youngest. He was black hair, green eyes, tan skin, american. He wears a black hooded sweater, camo pants, black skater shoes with white laces. Digivice Color: Gray Crest: Commitment Partner: Elecmon Digimon: Elecmon Fresh: Ubbomon In-Training: Keopimon Rookie: Elecmon Champion: Echomon Crest Ultimate: ZeroEchomon Warp Mega: Genesismon
  5. Box Hoy

    Hip Hop

    I presonally do not like hip hop at all but I do like one rap band and that is Insane Clown Posse. I know that alot of people hate them for various reasons but there the closest rap I could find to heavy metal and plus their really funny. Now come to to think of it, if you consider Gorillaz and Weird Al' Yankovic hip hop then I like a little hip hop. But I'm mostly into the Heavy Metal stuff like System of a Down, Rob Zombie, Powerman 5000, Slipknot, and Coal Chamber. And I guess now that I think of it I do like a couple of hip hop songs like Imaginary Places of the Tony Hawks Underground. But another song of of Tony Hawks Underground is "I wanna peirce my brain". Does that classify as rock or hip hop?
  6. After just finishing the game I have started wondering if Square Enix is going to create a sequel Final Fantasy 9. I was just wondering how possible it would be if they did create a sequel. This would be really cool but I don't think they left themselves a good place to start up again.What do you think it would look like? Does anyone have any good idea's for it? And does anyone know of any rumors or actual facts? I think Final Fantasy Nine was one of the best ones they've made. Check out my poll also.
  7. OCC- I HAVE AN IDEA!! IC- Rayne looked at Arunue. "What's happened. Is Shara dead," He asked? Arunue shook her head and Rayne slammed his fist into a wall. "Dammit. Did she get away," he asked? Arunue looked at Rayne in the eyes. "We escaped in a matter of speaking," Arunue said. Toshi walked up behind her and put his hand on her shoulder. "What happened," he asked. Arunue sat down and looked at Rayne and Toshi who were both eager to hear what had happened. "I stabbed her with both the swords and she seemed like she was about to die but I collapsed from exauhstion (is that right) and she fell also. Then I switched to Hiroshi and he figured out that she wasn't dead," Arunue said. Toshi sat down. "I got a good shot in. It would've been a perfect fatality," Arunue said. "It wasn't that. The energies are out of baalnce Arunue. You killed her only she didn't die. Something is protecting her," Toshi said. Rayne continued to stand and think. "We're going to need everybody for this fight. Garren, Kieko, Symoni, myself, Toshi, Rein, Riv, and you Arunue," Ryane said, "We have to end this now." Toshi stood up. "That's right Arunue. Why are we wasting are time waiting for the end to come when we're the ones who are supposed to bring it. We can't let them stay out there for ever. We're everyone's onlu hope and we have to fight. We have to continue to fight until we win. Even if Asgard falls, or the great Odin, god of all gods, died, we still would fight. I know you Arunue. You can't give up. We all can't and we won't," Toshi said. Rayne stood there. In shock at what he had just hard come out of Toshi's face. This as the support they needed.
  8. I joined the otakuboards only a few months ago in september I think. I knew about the site before it became Myotaku but I neve rknew about the Otakuboards. I usually hung around in the chatroom (is that still there). But once the otaky changed to myotaku I decided to join because i wanted to get my name out and I didn't have a scanner to upload fanpics. I like the otakuboards becuase I can hang out in adventure arena and there are alot of friendly people here who like the idea's I have and I learned alot here about message boards because these are the first ones I ever joined. The Otakuboards I think are the best message boards online and their so cool.
  9. OCC- Thanks you guys. I didn't want this to turn out like the first where only me and skitto were posting. Oh man. Now I'm starting to cry. I hope you get better Noelle. IC- Toshi looked to Rayne and smiled then looked back up at Hiroshi. Their victory was in sight. Toshi sat down and watched the fight with a happy look on his face. Rayne continued to stand up just in case something did happen but still. He had full confidence in Hirsohi and Arunue's powers. He held his axe in his right hand. Something still did not feel right though. Something...like a disturbance in all the energies of the universe beyond Myrith. He closed his eyes and then suddenly remembered Uni and how everybeing was leaving. Toshi looked up at Rayne. "What," he asked as if he knew that Rayne had something to say. Rayne looked at Toshi and started to talk. "Toshi. Remeber how Uni is taking the people of Myrith. We have to stop him," he said. Toshi realized this right as Rayne said those words. He drew his sword and stood up. "Let's return to The Realm of Imagination. Maybe Riv and Rein can help us fight Uni," Toshi said. Rayne nodded and they looked to Hiroshi who was deep in battle with Shara. Toshi closed his eyes and sent a mental message to Hirsohi. [I]Hiroshi. Rayne and I are leaving to fight Uni. Good luck with Shara. We'll be back soon[/I] Toshi and Rayne realm warped back to the Realm of Imaginations. Riv and Rein looked up as a flash of light appeared before them both. Toshi and Rayne walked out of light. "Hey guys," Toshi said. Riv walked forward some what anxious. "So. Did you defeat Rail," he asked? Toshi scratched his and smiled. He turned around. "Well. Rail is no more. Now it's Shara. Her reincarnation. And no. She is not defeated yet. Hiroshi and uhh... Arunue are fighting her right now," Toshi explained. "WHAT? Why aren't you helping them," he yelled. Rayne looked Rein in the eyes. "Because. We have other issues to deal wiht. Like te threat of Uni. He's been taking people from Myrith and without the people here the energies are, I think, becoming unbalanced and we'll need to return all of the population back and then defeat Uni," Rayne said. Rein nodded and drew his sword out. He looked to Riv who had a serious look on his face. "Let's go," he said. Kieko walked out from another room in Arunue's house with her weapons ready. "You can't leave," she said. Toshi smiled as she walked up to the group. "What," Rayne asked? " I didn't tell you but the reason I went in to a coma was because Rail. She made was following Toshi and I as we were going to Sera and she cas a dark spell upon me. While in the coma I had a vision of the future. A future that horrified. This is it. Arunue would kill Shara, who I still thought was Rail but we would not succeed in defeating Uni. Toshi. Rayne. You do also. As for Rein and Riv. You two are thrown beyond Myrith into somewhere, where you cannot return," Kieko said. Toshi looked at Kieko. "As for you, Garren, Hiroshi, Symoni, and Arunue," he asked? Kieko looked to the ground. "Well. Uni makes Garren and Arunue come to him and like everyone else. They are possessed. Kano, their son, goes into hiding with KuroKy. Hiroshi goes with him to protect him and they live as he few beings who are still in Myrith. Symoni commites suicide to be with her lover although she doesn't know if he is alive or dead. And I...I am one fo the people who remain in Myrith unharmed by Uni. But something happens that I fear more than anything in this vision. The creator of Uni comes to Myrith and with him all of the evils that we have fought so far. And they all have the wing of the crow. I don't know the connection yet but somehow he rules them. He makes them destroy Myrith and the rest of the Universe. Everything returns to nothingness and there is absolutly zero. Nothing at all. not even colors that represent nothing," Kieko stated. Toshi looked to the others.
  10. OCC- Garren and Kieko are with Riv and Rein in the Realm of Reality in your apartment and Kano is in the Realm of Imaginations with KuroKy. Shara is the new Rail. Rail sort of semi died and was reancarnated in a much more powerful body and she named herslef Shara and proclaimed this to be her daughter. IC- Toshi watched as Arunue start to fight with Shara. Shara slashed at Arunue and then kicked her onto the ground. Arunue looked at Shara and smiled. "You're powerful," Arunue said. Rayne stood up clutching his stomach and then watched as Arunue and Shara continued to fight. He noticed something about Shara. She had a little blood on her arm. There was no evidence of a cut then it occured to him. Shara was no Rail's daughter but Rail herself in a new body. A much more powerful body.
  11. OCC- Thanks Arunue. IC- "Alright guys here we go," he said. Arunue smiled and made a fist. "She's mine," Arunue said. Rayne nodded and put his sword away then pulled out his axe. "Time to fly." The three started walking. Toshi looked over to Rayne. "So where did she go," he asked? Rayne looked to the sky and then to the technological cities that surrounded him and the two he walked with. Toshi looked impatiently at him. "See all these cities of machine and electricity Toshi. The sky is dark and there is never light here. The machines do the exact opposite as solar energy. They take energy from the darkness. It is much more powerful and it gives way more energy. The people and machines who live here have adapted to this and can see better in the dark than in the light so they conserve energy from creating lights. But... if they were subjected to light... then this city wouldn't gain any energy and the machines that need that energy every second would be shut down therefore the people who really needed them would not have those machines and would be subject to danger. Rail is hiding in the darkness. We can't see in the darkness and the only way we could see is with light. But like I said the people who lived here are reliant on these machines and they would shut down if darkness went away. We cannot do that and we have to wait for Rail," Rayne explained. Toshi scratched his head and looked to Arunue who shrugged. Rayne shook his head but almost instantly hit the ground as Rail attacked him from behind. Toshi drew his sword and looked to Arunue who already had Kog'ii out and ready. The two slashed at Rail who ducked. The could see here clearly through the darkness of the city. Rayne stood up and unleashed his fury with his axe at Rail. She was easily avoiding all of their attacks. Toshi realized this and put his sword away. He then closed his eyes and used his senses to locate Rail. He launched off of the ground and then unsheathed his sword again and slashed at her. He connected but not knowing where. Rail clutched the wound upon her arm. It was deep. She felt the blood trickleling down her arm. She pulled out a knife quickly and started to slice more deep cuts all the way along her arm. Blood was all over her arm. Rail started to cut her other arm and blood eventually was soaked across her other arm. Rail looked to the three who could not seem to find her. This gave her the okay. She began to undress herself and upon her stomach she started cutting more. Then she started upon her legs. She stood up and her naked bloody body struggled to stay standing. Rail closed her eyes. The blood stopped sripping from her fingertips and she smiled. Suddenly she started to yell. Arunue, Toshi, and Rayne looked over to the darkness that hide her. Arunue could feel Rail. She could sense Rail's adreneline increasing and going up but it did not stop. Toshi gasped as he saw Rail starting to glow ( kind of like a blacklight does ). Rail was now wearing clothes again. She looked different now. She was very white and her fingernails her polished black. She had longer hair black hair that was in braids and she had tatoos all over her body that symbolized evil, hatred, and anger. Rail smiled at the three. "I am no longer Rail. She has died. I am her daughter, Shara," she said.
  12. Toshi and Rayne passed through each others bodies and then landed where the other had been. There was a blinding flash and as the light went down only Toshi walked forward. He smiled. "It is time," he said. Rein nodded. "You're power is great. Beyond what I may ever thought this thing was going to do. And your reaction time has greatly increased as well. You might just be able to defeat Rail if you give it your all," Rein said. Toshi nodded but then Riv realized that Rayne was not there. "Toshi. Where did Rayne go," he asked? Toshi smirked and then laughed. "He has already left," Toshi said. Rein nearly fell over. Riv looked at Toshi in amazment. "He left that fast," Riv said. Toshi shook his head. Riv slammed his fist against a table and looked at Toshi with impatince. "Well," Rein asked standing up again. "He had no choice. Once the souls become one one of the two must leave and go to the furthest place away. He is in The Realm of Technology," Toshi said. He drew his sword. "And now I have to go. Goodbye," Toshi said. And he disappeared to the Realm of Reality.
  13. Name: Ricky Waek Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Black hair, evergreen eyes, tan skin, gray beanie, a tacky black sweater, baggy camo pants with a rip in the left knee cap area. Personality: Usually dependent upon others, he is shy and alot of the time quiet. Really likes people who think something of him besides an orphane. Willing to be killed: N/A Bio: Born in the town that the murders happened. His parents were killed when he was young so he went to a foster home and there he ran off. He scrounged up an outfit. He searched around the streets for food every day and somedays he would go without a meal but he decided that he would try to apply for a job and was succesful but he did not know much so he quitafter a few days. After this he met the gang of friends he grew to hang out with. Family: - Mom: Shaila Deer. - Dad: Wessly Waek - Siblings: None Who: One of the gang Weapons: He found a tattered hocky stick in a dumpster and has kept it with him as a defensive weapon. He also knows some defensive fighting techniques.
  14. OCC- Alright. We really need to get our act together. FRIGGIN POST PPL. IC- Toshi and Rayne began their fusion of bodies but something went wrong. The two did not fuse nor do anything. Toshi turned his concentration to Rein who was starting his fusion with Riv. Rein looked at Toshi. "What's the matter," he asked? Toshi looked at Rein. "Something happened. It didn't work," he said. Rein made a confused look on his face. "But that could only mean you and Rayne aren't the pair of siblings that I'm thinking of," Rein said. Rayne looked at Toshi. "We can still use the soul fusion technique," he said, "But we don;t know how to do it because it was cast upon the both of us as children by a wizard man," Rayne said. Rein looked at Rayne and smiled. "That man was Takechi, a wizard that I trained in my younger days. We could still find him," Rein said.
  15. here's my guy now age- 16 name- Van Iskal Weapon-Double Sided Blade, green with blue spheres embedded in the handle. Speical characteristics- His senses are all extended and more powerful than most people. Race- Human Description- Blond hair and black eyes. White skin with a black spot on his right forearm. 5'11". He wears black baggy pants and a gray t shirt with a white long sleeved shirt underneath. Background- Van grew up in the Realm of Rivers in a small kingdom by one of the three major rivers of the realm. His family's trade was not fishing however, it was creating fishing equipment which broguht in more money. Van had no siblings and always liked to go in the forest. His father loved swords and collected them. His father created one sword that he put in a will that his son would get it after he died.
  16. Toshi looked to the ground. "Just as long as I can be in control and Rayne leaves my body," Toshi said. He and Rayne had been fused before after all. Veil smiled at Toshi and kissed him. He smiled. "I love you Toshi," she said. Rayne held his axe. "Riv. There is one other way in which would make us even more powerful and still able to have our bodies to oursleves. What we would do is fuse our souls. The same way Toshi and I did so many years ago," Rayne said. Toshi nodded. "After you left my soul I had some training to do," Toshi said. Hiroshi rubbed his chin. "I can tell," he said. Toshi looked over at him. Hiroshi smiled. "It's only obvious that you aren't that powerful Toshi, and smart. You thought you could beat Rail all by yourself," Hiroshi said. Toshi drew his sword and got in Hiroshi's face. "You have no idea how much stronger I am than you," Toshi said. He withdrew his sword and sat back down when something came to mind. "Rein. When we were coming back didn't you say that the people are vanishing from our world," Toshi asked. Rein nodded. "Then the Realms of Myrith are now our battleground where no civilians can be injured. We can use this to our advantage," he said. Symoni came into the room. Rein kissed her and pulled up a chair for her to sit in. "This is the end of our troubles. We will finish Rail and be at peace again. Remember to not underestimate Rail for she is one of the strongest people we've ever fought," Toshi said trying to motivate the others. He looked to Symoni. "Are you going to come or are you going to stay," Toshi said. Rein looked to Symoni. OCC- Hey guys. Come on. I want Arunue to be able to finish this one up and not me this time because nobody was posting. If it's because you guys think that the thread makes no sense we'll fix it after we're done.
  17. Hey you're from devianart also. that's kool. i can't ever seem to get the time to upload pics so my profile is really blank. But hey. That's pretty goot drawing. I can almost draw as good but not that great. What if you colored them or something though.
  18. OCC- Okay. this is the last time I goingt o try and get some people on this rpg but if nobody joins i'm just going to write it myself. IC- Hodur looked at the crow feather that had just fallen inside of his window. It was a magnificent dark shade of black and was so beautiful. He cherished the feather with all his heart and soul. This was the one thing he kept from the public and wished only for himself to view. But one day a servant of his stumbled across the king of Trinia, looking at the dark crow feather. Hodur grew angry and wished only for the servant to never speak of the feather but of course with all humans, temptation is a hard foe to defeat. The servant told many of the other servants and they told others who told others and it continued. Hodur began to neglect his duties as the ruler of the Realm of Trinia and he only wished to look at his feather and soon temptation even grew with inside himself. He wanted to change drastically but he was such a kind lord to his kingdom and the only way he could change would be for the worse. He didn?t care. His temptation drove him forward as did the feather of the crow. Hodur quickly grew to be a monstrous king of Trinia and his people started to drift and from his grasp and rebellion started. Many were killed and imprisoned. Others were made slaves or soldiers in Hodur?s armies that he would have fight each other for his own amusement. This twisted dark mind created an infection that spread all throughout his body for the next few years. The infection powered him and no one was able to fight his power. He grew stronger with everyday that passed and his anger and rage powered the infection. Finally he snapped. The infection sprouted outside of left shoulder and grew into a wing of a crow. He renamed himself Shakia and his rage was worse than ever. He met a young woman named Rail but she hated him. She was from the Under Realm and her father was the king Drin. She had come to Trinia to wreak havoc but she found Shakia and hated him as she hated everything in existence. She found a powerful creation in the deep hallows of Trinia that had been formed by all the dead people under Shakia?s rule. This was the Robe. A great power of darkness that was based upon destruction. Rail used it to destroy Trinia. Everything was turned to ruins. Rail disappeared into an area that no one knows. As for Shakia, he was transported to the Realm of Novur or Reality. It was said that after this event a being came to live in Trinia. A being who was connected with the crow feather. Many centuries later in another realm far from Trinia, called the Realm of Rivers, a boy named Van was on his way back home from a fishing trip when he heard of his kingdom being seiged by an unknown person. Nobody had seen the terrorist except before they were killed. It was said that king had gone missing as well. Van became worried about his won family and returned home to find the kingdom in ashes and his mother, father, and little sister and burnt to death. Van set off to find the murderer of his family. I need your age name weapon speical characteristics race(anything you can think of that's kool) description background.
  19. OCC- I forgot I could feel people's emotions. IC- Toshi lay on a bed in Rein's house. Who was the master Uni was speaking of. It was very confusing. Toshi turned over and tried to fall asleep. Uni was in the void and he had all the old evils from beyond there but one had not come. It was Morak. Where had he been. Toshi knew for a fact that Morak had not been fused with Helios so many years ago but he had been killed and then his body had been used for Morak's power but was it possible that Helios had ate Morak's soul. Toshi stood up and realized that Hiroshi and Rayne were not here even after Rail had been summoned to the void but then again that could have been just an vision crated by Uni. Toshi left Asgard a few hours later. He returned to Sera. Veil was glad to see him but something seemed to be troubling Toshi all day as she smiled and tried to keep him happy. "What's wrong honey," Veil asked? Toshi shook his head. "I don't know what to do now. I should be off trying to find Rayne and Hiroshi and help them fight Rail but I don't have the right motivation," Toshi said. It was obvious that he had told Veil all about his adventure. All she could do was offer support to the brused soul Toshi. Later that day Toshi decided to go visit the elder of the town and see if Kieko was alright. The elder broguht him inside. "She seems alright but she still hasn't been able to understand where hs eis. What exactly happened to her," the leder asked? Toshi shook his head. "I have no clue. The last thing she said was that all she wished for was happiness," Toshi said. The elder nodded and rubbed her chin as she thoguht about what Kieko could have meant. "Maybe she was tired of fighting and decided to go somewhere where she could be in peace. Even after you die and go to the high realm you still can return here but your effects aren't as powerful as they are when you're alive and I guess you and your friends might push her too far is what she was thinking," the elder said. Toshi closed his eyes. "It's time for me to go," he said. He turned and walked away and returned to his house. Veil was waiting outside. "How was Kieko," Veil asked? Toshi only shook his head. "I'm going to find Hiroshi and finish Rail off for good," Toshi said. he turned to Veil. "You know that I love you bit sometimes and I can't be with you. Just remember that I never mean to be without you," Toshi said. He embraced her and the two kissed for a minute or two and then Toshi left. He returned to Asgard. Rein saw him. "What are you going to do," he asked? Toshi smiled. "Finish this off. I figure that if we kill Rail we're going to get the break we need for awhile and she has been terrorizing us for too long. I'm off," he said. Rein smiled. "I await the good news when you finsih," Rein said. Toshi didn't turn but he just waved. He realm warped to The Realm of Reality. He saw Hiroshi but not Rail. Hiroshi turned to Toshi. "She got away right after she killed Rayne. I couldn't do anything. She was too fast," Hiroshi said. As if he hadn't heard what heard what Hirsohi said. Toshi asked what. "Rayne is dead Toshi. Rail killed him. Riv chased her but I think she got away and he's off in the forest beyond here," Hiroshi said. A tear rolled down Toshi's cheek. "That *****. I will kill her," Toshi said. He started walking and saw Rayne's dead body on the ground. He kneeled down and smiled at the dead body. "You were only alive for a few days. I'm sorry brother, that I wasn't there to help you. It would have turned out so different and maybe she would've died, opr maybe I would've," Toshi said. Toshi took awhile to bury Rayne and he walked off in the direction Riv had. He entered the forest to see Riv under an old tree, shaded by it's great trunk. He was awake. "She got away," was the only thing Riv said. Toshi sat down and looked into his old friends eyes. "It wasn't your falut that Rayne died Riv. You have to keep yourself together and be strong. We will catch Rail and make sure she is killed," Toshi said. Riv nodded. "After I lost her I lost the will to go on. It was like, she was too hard for me. I don;t know if I even want to continue," Riv said. Toshi shook his head. "I won't make you. This whole thing is my problem and I'm going to finish this and return all our lives to the way they were before we all met up. Even Arunue. I'm going to make sure she is happy living, actuallly living with her brother again in a place where they will both be happy," Toshi said. Riv smiled. "You have a good heart. Just like your grandfather Kioto(I switched if from Ki Skitto)," Riv said. Toshi laughed. "I wish he were still here. I only knew him for a little time in my life," Toshi said. Riv nodded. "You need to go now. Be careful," he said. Toshi stood up and started walking away. "You have to kill her. For all the chaos she has brought to us," Riv said. Toshi left the forest and closed his eyes to search for Rail. She was in the Realm of Reality. Toshi realm warped again and appeared by her. They were in the old park by the apartments that Arunue used to live in. in. Rail smiled at Toshi. "You've found me," she said. Toshi onlu looked at her with a stern face and then he began to speak. "You will pay for everything you have brought us," Toshi said, "For tricking us and for killing Rayne. For trying to convince us that you were good and that there was someone else that wanted to kill us. You will pay for all of that," Toshi said as he pulled his sword from his belt. She smiled and took her sword out. "You don't think someone else wants to kill me beside you. You are right that I tried to trick you about being a good guy but you were wrong about the other evil. Uni's creator lives in Trinia. But you won't meet him so easily for his is very tricky to understand," Rail said. Toshi shook his head. "Were you in the Void," Toshi asked? Rail nodded. "Yes. I escaped the battle between Hiroshi and myself because Uni is my master. He granted me this," Rail said. A wing of a crow sprouted from her left shoulder. Toshi stared in awe at it. The same wing that had been on Morak and Hodur was on her. What was the connection? Toshi shook his head a realized he had a battle to fight. "Lucky you, I've killed two people with the same wing," Toshi said. Rail smirked at him. "Then kill me," she said. Rail dropped her sword and spread her arms apart so she was open for any frontal attack. Toshi looked at her. "I can't. it's against my code," he said. Rail smiled. "Like I thought. You are only another part of the same culture as everyone else in Myrith. Toshi looked at her with devilsih eyes. "But for you Rail. This is a speical situation and rules can be broken," Toshi said. He stabbed her through with his sword. She looked at his sword and smiled. "And I am a very speical person," she said. She took this sword out and through it back to Toshi. There was no blood. Toshi inspected it. "You're dead already aren't you," he said. Rail smiled. "Yes," she said. Toshi stepped back. He would need some more power to fight her and win.
  20. be prepared for my three favorite movies because I am a psycho. 1- Freddy got Fingered- It's just plain up funny shizillnizle. I don't care it anyone hates it, it's kool to me. It's the best crap ever. Tom Green is the best. 2- South PArk The Movie, Bigger, Longer, and Uncut- It's South Park and anybody who hates South PArk needs to go get a check up because they have problems. 3- Home Alone 1 and 2- I learned all my old prnaks form this movie although I have to admit that I got in trouble alot form the stuff I did.
  21. Toshi drew his sword and watched Helios intently, waiting for any sign of attack. Helios floated circling him in space. Helios smiled. "Why so defensive boy. Are you afraid of death," Helios teased. Toshi kept a stern face. "I am not afraid. My objective is to finish you and whatever that thing is off," he said. Helios laughed. "You may defeat me but the creature you speak of will kill you quickly. It is Uni, a creation of pure darkness," Helios said. Toshi realized that if what Helios said was true than Uni could come from any direction and kill him off easily. Helios floated around. "You won't escape me," he said. "You had the god Luceas with you and your friends with you. But this time, it's between you and me," Helios said and with that he created a sword from his shadow and started walking towards Toshi. Toshi pulled up his sword from his side and waited. Helios burst off towards him with great speed. He smiled and laughed at Toshi as he flew over him and landed. Toshi stood up again and took the offense and quickly started slashing at Helios. The got in a locked position. "This is you're end you filth," Helios said. Toshi shook his head. "No. This is just my beginning," he said. He backed up and jumped highv into the air. There he stopped and started to doing rolls through the air with his sword out. He became a saw and connected with Helio's blade. Toshi jumped back form Helios. The two gazed at each other. "You are truly lucky I do not have my fellow Deathlords with me or I would be invincible," Helios said. Meanwhile Rayne slashed at Rail. "Give up," Rayne yelled. Rail only smiled as she defended herslef from Hiroshi and fought Rayne at the same time. She was not showing any signs of tiring or weakness. This frustrated Rayne. He grew to the point where he could not concentrate. He took a plunge at Rail's heart right as she was defending against one of Hiroshi's attacks. She stopped it and with her sword ripped Rayne's sword out of her grip and then stabbed him in the stomach. He fell over. Blood trickled from his side. Suddenly Rein, Symoni, and Riv appeared on the scene. Rein looked at Rayne on the group. Rail smiled at Rein's shock. "I killed him just now. He may still be alive," she said. Rein walked over and looked at Rayne. Rein looked at Rayne's body and instantly knew his soul had left for the high realm. Riv stood there, with anger and hate. "What have you done," Riv said. Symoni looked up at him. Riv stared at Rail who was continuing her fight with the powerful Hiroshi. "You'll pay for this," Riv yelled. He ran towards Rail. Back in the void. Toshi and Helios were hard in battle. Toshi fell backwards on the empty space of darkness. Helios laughed. "Still a child," Helios said. Toshi yelled and as he foguht again with Helios something came to his mind, a way to defeat Helios. As Helios swung his sword for Toshi's head, he ducked and slashed Helio's feet. Tehy were cut open. Helios yelled in pain. "How dare you," he said. Toshi launched off of the ground and slashed helio's stomach open. Helios cluched his stomach and groaned a pain. Toshi smiled and stabbed Helios in the back, cutting through the spine. Helios fell to the ground. Toshi pulled his sword out of Helios. "Whatever," Toshi said. he turned to see Uni standing right before him.
  22. OCC- I could deal with a third and final story but I'm going to continue Toshi's story in a different thing that was connected to the Realm series. But not the end of the realms Skitto because if I do Toshi's continuation, which you know of Arunue because I posted u about them, then I'm going to need the realms. IC- Toshi was watching Hiro and Rail fight. He felt something tug on his soul. Urging him to fight like he had never fought before. He unsheathed his blade and smiled. Rayne looked at him. "You're not going to fight Rail are you," he said. Toshi nodded. "I can't help myself. If this is the end of our troubles I want to fight something because I haven?t had a good fight in a long time,? Toshi said. He walked forward then he was reminded of something. Whatever had been telling him to go fight was not telling him to fight Rail He had business elsewhere. ?Helios,? Toshi said. Rayne drew his sword. ?If Hiro dies then Rail will finish all the realms off. I have to stop her,? he said. Toshi nodded. ?I need to go fight Helios. I?ll be back Rayne,? Toshi said. He realm warped to the gateway. Toshi looked for Riv but could not see him. Riv would have been able to sense Toshi going to the gateway. Toshi did the same soul searching technique as Riv had and he searched for the Death lord Helios. He found it. But something else was there. He could feel it. It was the creature that he and Rayne had found while being stuck in the gateway. Toshi ventured through the darkness. He continued to check their souls to find the direction to travel. He started to get close. He opened his eyes. He was not in the gateway anymore but in the vision again. He saw the man with the pointy hat and the bracelet in the gateway creating the creature who Rayne and he had seen before. The pointy hat man left. He left the creature there. But what was it for. Toshi peered further into the vision and then as if his wish came true a full view of the creature became accessible. It was small and rounded. It had two large crow wings and was very evil looking. It was gross too. It had bloody cuts all over it and deadly looking poison all over. Toshi looked to the man with the pointy hat. He started to follow him. The vision left his mind and he returned to the present. Toshi could feel something in front of him. A dark ghost type creature. Helios. Toshi backed up. ?So nice of you to return to me Toshi,? Helios said. Toshi held his sword out, ready to fight. Helios backed off. ?What are you doing alive,? Toshi asked looking for answers. Helios shifted around and kept moving so Toshi couldn?t see him. ?I met someone. He said he wasn?t alive or dead but he was existent and he hated it. He wanted everything to return to nothing again and for there to be emptiness in all the universe, so that there was no universe. No anything,? Helios said, ? He said that in exchange for my cooperation he would return me to life. All I had to do was protect this,? Helios pointed at the dark creature that was in the vision. Toshi gasped. "What is that," Toshi said. Helios chuckled. "It was the amn's spawn. He said that this was going to kill everything in the future when it grew up and it would feed off of the darkness as he had until it became invincible," Helios said. Toshi clecnhed his teeth. What was he going to do?
  23. OCC- Okay. Guys. We'll get everything straightened out at the end of the rpg which I feel could be coming soon judging by the feelings of some of you. I will edit it thoroughly and you guys can edit it as well. We have to make it work because I want dearly for our rpg series to work. We just need to read our posts thoroughly and try to understand them the best we can. All right. IC- The four warriors appeared on the scene. Clouds were building in the east and the west and lighting was beginning to flash. Thunder boomed after everywhere strike upon the sky and even the land some times. They saw Rail in front of Hiroshi. Kano was playing along like in Rayne?s vision. Rail switched her eyes from Hiroshi to the warriors. She smiled. ?Hiroshi. It looks like you have betrayed me. How could you do this? I thought we were lovers and now this. I will have to punish you,? Rails said. She backed from. Arunue saw what she was going to do. ?Don?t you even step one foot towards my brother,? Arunue said. Rail looked up. ?An offer for a fight. How interesting,? Rail said. She started to raise her hands in the air. The lightening started to hit her hands and form into the shape of a sword. ?Let?s duel,? she said. Arunue stood there. What was she to do? Toshi gripped his sword tightly. He held it back though for this was Arunue?s fight and if she was going to fight Rail then he would not interfere. She would do the same for her if he had wanted. Then it hit him. Was she still the cascade. Toshi looked over at her. He looked back at the ground with an intense look upon his face. Rail won?t be able to win if Arunue is in Cascade still. I know it for sure but. Still. Rail has that sort of thing about her. She seems so evil. I don?t want Arunue to be hurt but what if she is unable to win, Toshi thought. He looked up at Hiroshi. Of course that?s it. What if Hiroshi is capable of Cascading as well? Then they could both overwhelm Rail and everything would be alright. Toshi untensed his muscles. He turned around and walked back to Garren and Rayne. ?She?ll be fine if she recognizes the opportunity in front of her. Garren. Do you know if Hiroshi is capable of Cascading as well,? Toshi said. Garren looked at Toshi and realized the somewhat dim chance they had. This was it. The ultimate match.
  24. OCC- Check recruitment because I?m starting up the Robe of Trinia or the prequel to these stories. Don?t be the same people though. Be different. I?m a boy called Van. IC- Toshi had nodded of to sleep at about midnight. Rayne sat with his hood over his face sleeping (kinda like John Wayne). Riv had gone back into their room. It was all very peaceful. Toshi started snoring. Rayne jumped up. ?What was that,? he said. Toshi moved over and then Rayne realized it was just Toshi. ?Shows how twitchy I can get some times,? Rayne said to himself. He walked out of the dojo and into the forest. He sat meditating in the forest. Little glowing type creatures flew around in the air like fireflies. Rayne seemed to know everything that was going on around him without opening his eyes. Visions started racing into Rayne?s. He kept still for fear of disrupting this. He then figured that the visions were actually what has happening at the current time it was what he saw that changed his mind. Hiroshi was talking with Rail. Kano was off playing and seemed so playful. Hiroshi had a stern look upon his face and started to speak but Rail interrupted him. ?Hiroshi. Now is the perfect time to get Kano away from Arunue. Why she is keeping Kano from being trained I still do not understand but if we take this chance and get Toshi to train him than I can become seriously powerful very fast. And for this I will spare your life,? Rail said. Hiroshi looked to the ground. It seemed there was a conflict between his love and what was truly right. ?What of Kano,? Hiroshi asked? Rail seemed to get annoyed at the question. ?I have told you already Hiroshi. He will have to die for me to be reborn as the most powerful being,? Rail said, ?But. Do I sense something coming from you. Are you going to betray me Hiro? or have you already,? she said. Hiroshi struggled to keep his face straight and not give his secret away. The vision blacked out and Rayne gasped. He desperately searched for Arunue?s energy signal. It appeared in the dojo. Rayne raised his eyebrow then realized what she must be doing. He took off from the forest. Toshi was still asleep when he reached the dojo. Rayne drew his sword and searched through the dojo until he came to Garrens door. ?She has to be in here,? he said. He kicked open the door. Arunue was sleeping next to Garren. She woke up at the sound of his footsteps. Rayne stopped. He saw Arunue. She had those accusing eyes. ?What are you doing here Rayne,? she asked? Rayne put is sword away. ?I should be the one asking you that. You know of Rail?s plan. Why aren?t you off fighting her now. Rail is putting Hiroshi on the spot now. You have to go,? He said. Arunue got up. She?s what. Is she in the same realm as my son,? Arunue asked? Rayne nodded. Arunue got up and put some clothes on. She left the room and as the two passed by Toshi?s bed Rayne pushed Toshi to get awake. ?C?mon. Arunue is here. We?re going to fight Rail now,? he said. Toshi got up. ?Really,? he said. Rayne motioned Toshi to follow. The three left he dojo. ?Are we ready,? Arunue asked? Rayne and Toshi both nodded. Arunue stopped. ?Garren deserves to fight for his son. He is the man of the family after all,? Arunue said. She transported quickly back into the room. She tried to wake Garren up. His sleepy eyes opened. ?What?s up,? he said. Arunue smiled. ?We?re going to fight Rail. No time to explain. Let?s just say our son?s in danger,? she said. Garren got up and the two transported out of the dojo once again. They met up with Rayne and Toshi. ?We?re off,? Rayne said. The three realm warped to Hiroshi?s energy signal.
  25. Oh yeah. This stry sets up the plot to all the stories following it so you may get a few things solved. Here's my bio though. Name- Van Koirel Age- 17 Description- Wears black pants and a blue shirt with a Silver sword and has brown hair with azure eyes and tan skin. Background- Van was born in the realm of rivers many decades after the incident of Trinia. He set off on an adventure for answers to the reason his family was killed and many other people in his kingdom. The murderer was not found and there was no sign of any hints to as who it was but the king was missing. Now he searches for the murderer and any hints to who it was but there is more to it that than h3e thinks. Weapon- Silver SwOrd That's it. If you want other information on this stories and other ones linked to it, look for The Realm of Reality and The Realm of Imagination sotries and also the Dark.
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