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Box Hoy

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Everything posted by Box Hoy

  1. [quote name='fartothemagic][quote']Not All Muslims Are Terrorists.[/quote] But all terrorists are muslims.[/quote] [size=1]Hmm. I have to disagree with you here. Here's why (and don't blame me for using wikipedia!) [quote name='wikipedia.org']Terrorism is the systematic use or threatened use of violence to intimidate a population or government and thereby effect political, religious, or ideological change.[/quote] So tell me? How does the Ku Klux Klan differ from this definition. I understand that they aren't as horrible as they once were but this just proves that terrorism isn't and has never been exclusive to one group. Take Timothy McVeigh for example. He is a right wing christan who is responisble for the bombing of an FBI building in Oklahoma. What about Eric Rudolph who bombed the Altlana Olympics in 1966. Or the Army of God, who encourage the burning of clinics and the killing of doctors and nurses who perform abortions. All of these people have one thing in common. They aren't muslims. This all leads back to the cause of this entire problem. Stereotyping. In no way is it acceptable when people aim at killing each other and using violence to fix things. [/size]
  2. Box Hoy


    [size=1]You definetly want to write something your passionate about. Anything that is on your mind alot you should write. When I write lyrics, it's usually about something in the world that's troubling me. It's always political either. Alot of stuff is about social injustices. Metaphors are key in lyrics as well. If you just write, it may work, but metaphors are good because people have to search for your meaning. That's how I think you can make a bond between the band and the listeners. In terms of the structure of your song, it depends. Normally the verses support a main idea in your chorus. I try to change the number of lines and length of the chorus up to make it stand out more, but that's just me. Btw. I added your band, and later I'll add you to my band's freind list.[/size]
  3. [quote=BlueEyedAngel]esus said to "love your enimies". Let's take for example, the Muslims. After September 11, the London metro bombing, the riots in France, and the controversy over the Danish cartoon, I think it's time to realize that the Muslims are our enimies. We are to love the Muslims because Jesus said "love your enimies"; he did not say "denie who your enimies are". [/quote] [size=1]Religion is the superb instigator of conflict. The value of any religious citation is very little, seeing as how the religion is based upon unproven myths. On the other hand, reasonable morals which are supported by religion are of value. I will not accept the fact that you feel you can stereotype an entire race for the acts of a small portion of it's people. In my eyes, white's have commited more travesties than any other race and yet they seem to be the majority of the ruling class of the world. So what is the problem with muslims, latinos, african americans, or asians acting out line. Inevertantly your saying it's alright for a white man to commit crimes and get off but when a person of another race does the same thing it's like the apocolypse. This is where Lamb and Lynx falter, because they support such sanctimonious beliefs and don't even know it. Everything they sing about is wasted breath.[/size]
  4. [quote name='BlueEyedAngel']I'm overwhelmed! I have a limited amound of time, but I'll try to read all the posts here and work on a reply.[/quote] [size=1]It better be good and logical. I want some real truthful retaliations, not just the same crap I've been hearing. I'm slightly annoyed that you went searching through old threads to find my old topic on Prussian Blue. I'd also like to explore a little deaper into your belief system. From what I've seen there's nothing but hypocricy in your points. You've stated that you have some friends that aren't white, and yet you seem to support the idea of saving the white race from "dying out" Guess what! Like I said before, there's absolutly not way you can do anything to save the white race. As long as you continue having these friends who aren't white, than there will be no end to any crossbreeding. Obviously it impossible to stop people from doing what they're gonna do as well, so no matter how much you try your efforts will be in vain. So my only advice for you BlueEyedAngel: Drop the whole entire white supremist act because you're wasting you time and offending alot of people. Just live your life and let nature do what it's gonna do.[/size]
  5. Box Hoy


    [size=1]Yeah, I was gonna say, that if you're feeling some pain, you probably need to change up the technique/method of your screams. As for higher notes, that's normal. It takes serious training to hit a quality high note. It's normal though if you're beginning. Like I said in the beginning, there are things you can do to clear your voice up like drinking green tea.[/size]
  6. [size=1]I'll just step out here for a second, being the creator of the first thread which was unfortanatly closed due to the creator of this one. Try to remain civil in this thread because it's something I'm passionate about debating about and I wouldn't like seein git closed again. [quote name='John']BlueEyedAngel is vastly outnumbered here[/quote] And while we're on the topic of civility I'd just like to point out that if you manage to get through the registration process on the Prussian Blue forum and say one thing out of line you are at risk of being banned, yet the majority of the board which agrees with this racism can freely put you down using uncivil methods. So let's try to set a better example for BlueEyedAngel here and not get out of line. Onto the subject at hand. I've gotta say, I found absolutly no logic in judging other races soley based upon the color of their skin. In fact, I think that should hardly ever come into play in these situations. There is a reason for different colored people in the world, otherwise the creator would've made it all one race. I know that's a common argument, but the idea of saving a a race is hardly practical. Look at humans like dogs. You have tons of different breeds of dogs and all have different qualities. Take society out of the situation and these dogs would've natuarally crossbred in time, just as humans have. So what it all comes down to is let nature run it's course. Now that I'm done with that, I'll get onto the subject of this "brainwashing" and the mother of the two daughters in the band I believe that a certain extent of society should be exposed to people as they grow. Otherwise it would be extremely hard to function properly in public. That's where I oppose homeschooling. You are raised with the beliefs of one governing being. In school you grow with a complex mixture of beliefs and it's up to you to determine your stance. After all it's your life, not your parents and I'd rather have society determine my direction than my parents. These girls are going to have a difficult life now because they've been brainwashed. Society is going to spit on them. Furthermore their mother decided to homeschool them and make them so one sided knowing that it could easily put them in danger. It's also interesting that the whole of these girls lives has been racism. They're basically the tools of their mothers will. Therefore I find their mother sick and disgusting. And finally onto the center of this conversation: Prussian Blue. The press recognizes them as the new olsen twins. On their message board there's hundreds of horny nazi punk kids wanting in their pants. This has furthered their brainwashing. The girls think they're in a really good position right now, and truly they are not. I can't really blame the girls entirely for stirring up crap, when their mother has alot to do with it as I said. I guess the only thing I can say is that I feel sorry for them. *waits for Jake to get here and say his peice*[/size]
  7. [SIZE=1][color=red]1. [B]Guns N' Roses: [/B] Yesterdays 2. [B]Dragonforce:[/B] Valley of the Damned 3. [B]Hot Snakes:[/B] Time to Escape 4. [B]System of a Down: [/B] Suite-Pee 5. [B]Dope: [/B] Always 6. [B]As I Lay Dying:[/B] The Darkest Nights 7. [B]Judas Priest: [/B] A Touch of Evil 8. [B]Down:[/B] Pillars of Eternity 9. [B]Desolation:[/B] Hate Trend 10. [B]Mudvayne: [/B] Death Blooms 11. [B]Six Feet Under: [/B] The Poison Hand 12. [B]In Flames: [/B] Food For the Gods 13. [B]The Texas Drag Queen Massacre: [/B] Z.O.M.B.I.E 14. [B]Nothingface: [/B] Filthy 15. [B]Dry Kill Logic:[/B] The Stength I Call My Own[/SIZE] [SIZE=1]Yeah. I guess this could say I listen to a variety of rock music. You've got a bit of power metal, some nu metal, some death metal, some horror-punk, and some hardcore punk. I have broad spectrum of tastes. [/color][/SIZE]
  8. [size=1]My room is really cramped. I have to share it with my brother and we have a bunk bed. That takes up about half of the space on the room. We also have a dresser with a tv on it and a pink desk with a computer. Between the dresser and the desk there's about 3 feet of space which is taken up by the computer chair. I've covered my walls with posters. From head to toe. You can hardly so any white anymore. My dad also had to put some stuff in our room like his records in our closet and a bookshelf that went at the foot of the bunk bed. I still like my room, even if it is cramped. It's a pretty cool place to chill.[/size]
  9. Box Hoy

    TMNT (2007)

    [size=1]Well here's the plot summary. [quote name='IMDB.com']Strange events are occurring in New York City, and the Turtles are needed more than ever, but Raphael, Donatello, and Michelangelo have become lost and directionless. With the city at stake, it's up to Leonardo and Zen Master Splinter to restore unity and ninja discipline to the Turtles.[/quote] And here's another plot line. [quote name='MoveWeb.com']After the defeat of their old arch nemesis, The Shredder, the Turtles have grown apart as a family. Struggling to keep them together, their rat sensei, Master Splinter, becomes worried when strange things begin to brew in New York City. Tech-industrialist Max Winters is amassing an army of ancient monsters to apparently take over the world. And only one super-ninja fighting team can stop them -- those heroes in a half shell -- Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello and Raphael! With the help of old allies April O?Neil and Casey Jones, the Turtles are in for the fight of their lives as they once again must face the mysterious Foot Clan, who have put their own ninja skills behind Winters? endeavors. Making this new incarnation of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles truly cutting-edge, the film will be created entirely with state-of-the-art CG animation, giving them a completely new look for the 21st century.[/quote] To me this seems more like the plot line to a single episode or maybe a few episodes. Not a movie. I can't quite be sure of the authenticity of either site's plot lines. I'm definetly going to go see this now if Casey Jones is in it. [/size]
  10. Box Hoy

    TMNT (2007)

    [QUOTE=Your Mother][SIZE=1]I've got a beef with this movie. I'd rather have real actors in turtle suits, playing the roles, than CG animation. It just gives it a more realistic quality.....you know, makes the Turtles look real and not fake. The first three movies were great (especially the second) and one of the best parts was the human-like qualities and behavior of the turtles. [/nerd rant][/SIZE][/QUOTE] [size=1]I don't think this is a sequal to the three that were live action. In my opinion it looks awesome. I just hope this deals with Shredder and not all the other weird stuff. Especially not the crap from the new series with the dinosaur people or whatever.[/size]
  11. [size=1]Seriously, this was nice thread to come up with! I really just got into creating and studying music in the past two years. I've never taken choir or band classes though which sucks because I know I should have. I'd be better off now. I'm learning to play guitar. I practice alot with a borrowed acoustic guitar. It's real fun just sitting in my room for hours seeing what I can come up with. I have my own band called Mechanical Undead. We're pretty new to the whole garage band thing. I sing/yell for the band and eventually I'll pick up rythmn guitar if we don't decide to add a fifth member to the band. We're losing our drummer though because he's going to college.[/size]
  12. Box Hoy


    [QUOTE=Marsh][FONT=Arial] Anyway, on topic. Screaming is a lot harder than it sounds. Just the other day, I was trying to record a guitar and vocal version of Miss Murder by AFI, and I could NOT scream well at all. It may just be that I'm a 15-year old girl with three and a half years of choral training, or that I'm just afraid a neighbor will hear me and wonder what in the world is going on in my house. I even screamed into a couch pillow so I wouldn't be so loud. But when I listened to the playback, it sounded really dumb. [/FONT][/QUOTE] [size=1]I somewhat agree with the idea of your neighbor hearing. There've been times I tried singing when others were around and I surpressed my voice somewhat and it sounded like crap.[/size]
  13. Box Hoy

    HxC Dance

    [size=1]Anything crazy is awesome in my opinon. At the last show I went to, there was a wide variety of bands playing. You had the heavy death metal band Desolation and their partners in crime Wache the Dead. Than you had two extremely screamo bands called the Roe and Illis Amora. Well the singer of Illis Amora kept getting into Desolation's moshpits and hardcore dancing and crap. Finally somebody came plowing through and knocked the kid straight on his behind. Still hardcore dancing is fun. I don't quite how to do it. I just know that you don't do it at metal shows like Jake said. You become an instant target. If it was safe to do it, I would attempt some moves but I'd look odd. Just know that at true hardcore concerts, you can mosh. (If the folks at a Suicidal Tendencies show saw someone pulling this hardcore dancing they'd be targeted as well) [u]Edit:[/u] I found some pretty good examples of hardcore dancing. This is so funny yet lame. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cGeF1jaq1I][b]Two Step[/b][/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dhp_hI7PVEs][b]Various Clips[/b][/url] [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mx_Kb2nMBlg][b]9 Minutes Tutorial[/b][/url] [/size]
  14. [size=1][indent]?[b]Kindergarten[/b]: (Evergreen Elementry) School food is really not good. ?[b]First grade[/b]: (Vern Patrick Elementry) There's such thing as numbers? By golly! ?[b]Second grade[/b]: (Vern Patrick Elementry) The principle is brown haired and wrinkly and kind of looks like Judge Judy. ?[b]Third grade[/b]: (Vern Patrick Elementry) Your best friends can be mean if you don't cheat for them. ?[b]Fourth grade[/b]: (Vern Patrick Elementry) Zomg! Teachers can cry...and say bad words in front of the class. ?[b]Fifth grade[/b]: (Vern Patrick Elementry) Don't let fat kids sit on the sofa chairs if you have a class pet. ?[b]Sixth grade[/b]: (Obsidian Middle School) Your best friends are the ones you had back in kindergarten. I can also say bad words now. Sick! ?[b]Seventh grade[/b]: (Obsidian Middle School) Your best friends aren't actually from kindergarten. ?[b]Eighth grade[/b]: (Obsidian Middle School) Don't date girls that have dated your best friend ?[b]Ninth grade[/b]: (Redmond High) Running from the campus cop and principle, because your friends are, is a bad idea. ?[b]Tenth grade[/b]: (Redmond High) Goofing off around seniors is stupid. Try not to envy them. ?[b]Eleventh grade[/b]: (Redmond High) Trends suck alot and everything they said about girls is true. [/indent][/size]
  15. Box Hoy


    I'm in a band and I'm the vocalist as well. At first I was in the same position as you. Basically practice screaming with songs you know really good. Recognize what they're doing in the song. I also like to drink green tea. It helps elevate me elevate my voice and gets congestion and stuff out which can dampen the quality of your voice.
  16. [QUOTE=DeadSeraphim][COLOR=Indigo][SIZE=1][FONT=Arial] That's where you're wrong. Screamo is what emo sounded like originally. As more bands [i]toned it down[/i], punters started calling the original sound screamo because it, well, had more screaming, and the new comers to the genre didn't like it. Screamo was kind of used in the same sense as nu metal, basically, even though the definition was wrong.[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [size=1]Ah well. I know more about the whole metalcore formation. Most of the screamo/emo stuff was pure observation and assumption.[/size]
  17. [quote name='DaSilva']Just a quick question. How did we get from screamo to metal? They are two completely different genres.[/quote] [size=1]Because the entire screamo genre has been horriblly confused as metal. Let me lay it all out for you and all the different genre's involved in this mess. [b]Hardcore Punk[/b]: A thicker, faster version of regular punk rock. [b]Heavy Metal[/b]: There's too many sub genre's so I'll just call it heavy metal. We're focusing on the period of the 80's when heavy metal was big. [b]Thrash[/b]: The result of 80's heavy metal and hardcore punk coming together. Also known as thrash. [b]Metalcore[/b]: Bands like Bullet for My Valentine and Dead to Fall. Deap vocals but at times slow. [b]Pop[/b]: Fun loving....mostly digital. I dunno. Just listen to a pop channel and you'll understand. [b]Nu Metal[/b]: Characterized by rap style vocals. Limp Bizkit and Linkin Park. People also put Slipknot and Coal Chamber in this genre but they're more industrial nu metal. I won't even get into that. [b]Emo[/b]: Formed in the late 80's when they really did cry. [b]Pop Punk[/b]: Modern emo. Nobody cries. [b]Screamo[/b]: Combines pop punk and hardcore punk and is easily confused with metalcore at times. So here's the story. In the 80's hardcore punk rockers and heavy metal fans were basically at war. There were some bands though that crossed the two genre's and created thrash. Metalcore bands derive alot of their sound from thrash but have mixed in with pop punk and screamo. In the late 80's a genre related to punk called emo emerged. At the time they actually were able to get up and cry on stage. I think pop personally is the devil because in infiltrated genre's and creates new genre's with bands that sounds awesome but eventually die because people realize it's the corperate pigs running everything. That's what happened in the 90's with Nu metal. Pop infiltrated metal and added their rap to it. You had really awesome bands come out like KoRn emerge who's music centered around a rough childhood and social aspects. Limp Bizkit is the biggest nu metal band I would say that involved rap in their music. Slipknot rapped too but not as much. Instead they brought in a dj and a sampler. That there was mostly an example of what pop can do and what was about to do. They resureccted emo in the form of pop punk because they didn't cry but sounded a little like punkish. And over a few months screamo developed out of that. Some screamo bands were serious enough to be compared to metalcore and so the two have been sort of tied into the whole pop punk mess. Examples: From First to Last which is screamo and pop punk, Dead to Fall which is screamo and metalcore, and My Chemical Romance could be considered pop punk. I hope that was accurate. Jake you might want to check it through and see if I was right.[/size]
  18. [quote name='DaSilva']I just want to say that not all of us out there who dislike metal or screamo bands don't respect it. I for one, know how hard it is to scream properly, but its just not my thing. As it is for a lot of people out there. I just like to listen to understandable music.[/quote] [size=1]It's not really screaming to begin with. I would compare it to a high pitched growl. Secondly, alot of "screamo" is understandable. If you can't understand it, train yourself by reading the lyrics and you'll be able to distinguish it better, the same with metal. My problem is that you called all metal not understandable. There's a wide variety in the ways lyrics are delivered in metal and some are more distinguishable than others.[/size]
  19. Box Hoy

    Stone Sour

    [size=1]Yeah I ended up getting it today. It sounds so freakin good. It's real catchy, which is real good because you can just listen to it and get into it no matter who you are. The song Zzyzx Rd. has a focking solo to die for. I think this album is probably up there with Toxicity from System of a Down. People were real into it and it was catchy. That's the same case with this album[/size]
  20. [size=1]To be honest, I think paying you the $400 up front there was very unproffesional. That's not how life works. Wages allow for a way to get out of a job without being trapped whereas getting the money before means your trapped and you can't really quit without giving up money they already gave you. You've probably come to this by now. So there is that, and it was very irresponsible of them to do that. There's also the fact that they ruined your plans for that night. Again, irresponsible. If you honestly can say that they gave you no advanced warning, that they might leave early on some weekends, than by all means, tell them and try to recall as much of the conversation leading to the deal as possible. As for the money, I think you need to judge how valuable your time is. Be reasonable. Add what you think that night with your friends was really worth to extra time spent house-sitting for them to the total money you earned. Whatever your left with is what you should give them. Obviously explain how you came to this conclusion. I think confronting them up front would be highly effective. It'll take some courage but you need a chance to redeem yourself and doing this is perfect. Explain the basics of the situation but enclose the money in an envelope with your calculations. Along with that explain that your time is valuable and you can't just assume people will be free all the time. That's just a basic idea of working. Even in a real workplace, unless you're notified early on or you volunteer, employers can't always use you whenever they need. That's selfish.[/size]
  21. *sighs* It's true. [img]http://img227.imageshack.us/img227/1077/motivator2169740dr4.jpg[/img]
  22. Box Hoy

    Stone Sour

    [size=1]Figured I should make this. Corey Taylor (frontman for Slipknot) has been working for weeks on end to get Stone Sour's new album "Come What(Ever) May," out and was finally released today [b]August 1st[/b]. The tracklist is as follows: [u]Come What(ever) May[/u] [b]1[/b]. 30/30-150 [b]2[/b]. Come What(ever) May [b]3[/b]. Hell & Consequences [b]4[/b]. sillyworld [b]5[/b]. Made Of Scars [b]6[/b]. Reborn [b]7[/b]. Your God [b]8[/b]. Through Glass [b]9[/b]. Socio [b]10[/b]. 1st Person [b]11[/b]. Cardiff [b]12[/b]. Zzyzx Rd I haven't yet picked it up but AOL is streaming all the songs and they sound really good. I think my favorite track so far is Reborn. [url=http://music.aol.com/songs/new_releases_full_cds?defaultTab=4&ncid=AOLMUS00050000000012][b]Click to Listen[/b][/url] Corey's been saying that Stone Sour has become more than a side project and he favors it alot more than Slipknot which is cool I guess. It isn't really heavy and industrial or nu metalish like Slipknot is. The band is more 90's Alternative and hard rock. Anyways. I was just wondering if anybody had picked up the new album yet and what they were thinking? [/size]
  23. [center][size=1][b]Name[/b]: Acey Black [b]Nicknames[/b]: Ace [b]Age[/b]: 22 [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Appearance[/b]: [url=http://www.deviantart.com/view/31057374/]Pic[/url] [b]Personality[/b]: Quick to react to anything. At times Acey can get somewhat frustrated if things won't work. Normally he's very level headed and basically a real nice guy to be around. He takes work seriously though and doesn't screw around. [b]Short Biography[/b]: Acey was born in the fringes of the solar system in a small pioneer town. He rarely had interaction with off-world living, thus resulting in a somewhat disorienation with stellar enviroments later in life. He grew up with a keen sense of technology. By the time he was 13 he'd begun the process of building his own land rover. Acey finally left his home world when he was recruited for a position as a technician on a mining ship during the Unification War. His companions aboard the ship taught him the common second langauge: Mandarian Chinese. After the war, Acey left his mining job but was without a way to make it back home. With little to no cash and no way home he began stowing away upon different ships to get where he wanted. His life changed when he was caught on Captain Jacob's ship. Recognizing his skills as a technician, Captain Jacob allowed him to join his crew. [b]Weapons[/b]: Acey doesn't carry anything other than a pistol and a small dagger his father gave him before he left his home planet. [b]Speciality[/b]: Mechanics. He's really good with machines and technology. Acey can fix darn well anything if you give him some time and don't get in his way. Notes: I'll be watching Serenity tonight![/size][/center]
  24. [size=1]Germany is huge for their electronic/industrial type bands. One I one have to reccomend is the Deathstars. Alot of people would compare them to Rammstein but they're alot deeper both in vocals and melody. You can really identify the mood they're trying to convey. I guess the biggest difference is that they sing in english. The 69 Eyes are also good. They're from Helsinki, Finland have a more horror themed look. Listen to the song "Lost Boys" or "Devils" and you'll be addicted.[/size]
  25. [quote name='Dogwaffle']it will be exactly the same as it is now, except with more anime, virtually realistic computer graphics, smaller phones, new ddr machines.... that and the fact that google will rule the world, and I will rule google :animeknow[/quote] Yeah, that's true. Google is definetly on the way to conquering everything that is humanity. I relaly doubt we need to worry about Mr. Lockbox (aka Al Gore) and his crazy rantings about the global warming. By the time anything really can affect us we'll have changed drastically and it won't be able to affect us.
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