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Box Hoy

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Everything posted by Box Hoy

  1. OCC- I CARUMBA!!!!!! IC- Toshi paced back and forth. "What do we do," he said. Rayne only watched him. "It doesn't help that Arunue won't even fight Rail but I made a mistake. How could I have been so stupid as to trust that f***ing *****, Rail," Toshi said. Rayne stood up. "What about the Deathlord," he said. Toshi slammed his fist on the wall. "Every plan I've had to had to get further in this mystery has failed and yet you have just told me everything I need to know except Rail's cause," Toshi said. Rayne nodded. "She wants to be able to destroy all the realms and start the universe over where she is the one and only god of evil," he said. Toshi limped around on his leg. "How am I supposed to fight with my leg," he said. Rayne smiled. "Symoni. She has healing magic after all," Rayne said. Toshi nodded. Riv walked into the room. "Hey Toshi," he said. Toshi smiled. "Hey Riv. This is Rayne, my sworn brother," Toshi said Riv nodded to Rayne. "So what are you guys planning," Riv asked? Toshi got up, ready to speak. "Remember Helios, the deathlord Riv," Toshi asked? Riv clecnhed his fist. "Yes. I remember the bastard," he said. "Well he has returned to the gateway to feed upon the souls of the dead and grow stronger," Toshi said. Riv punched the ceiling. "How could this happen. We killed it," Riv said. Toshi shook his head. "He is alive and well from what Rayne tells me," Toshi said. Rayne looked at Riv with a grave face. "Then we must fight him," Riv said. "He is much more powerful than before," Toshi said, "We need to make a group of fighters from us. i have the perfect idea. You Riv, and Rayne you too, Symoni because she has healing magic, and Rein because he is very powerful," Toshi said. Riv nodded. "We will vanquish that fool," he said.
  2. OCC- To all people who were in the Dark and The Realm of Reality and Imaginations, and are thinking of joining this, this is the preqel to those stories. IC- There was only one realm to start out with. It was the Realm of Trinia. It was a one big kingdom and it was home to the children of the gods, or the first normal people. The king of this Realm was a great lord called Hodur. He was very fair and he loved his people but things like this were never meant to last. One day he received a crow feather of the darkest beauty ever. Hodur could not get over it's magnifecence and he kept his mind on it at all times. But his duties kept him from what made him happy and this was the feather. He grew angry with his people and started to treat them with anger. An infection grew inside of him that kept growing and growing, powered by his hatred and anger. As the infection grew so did his anger and finally he started to kill people. He began a dictatorship over the land and had no mercy for anyone. The infection started to grow outisde of his right shoulder as a crow wing. He started sending people to fight in armies against eachother and the infection started to power him in return for his hatred. He took the name Shakia to strike fear into the hearts of all. But in secret the people who died became one eteiny that was very powerful called the robe. It was a power that could be harnessed to be used for destruction. A women from the newly created Under Realm called Rail aappeared in Trinia one day and met Shakia. She learned to hate him and then through this hatred wanted his downfall for she hated most everything. She found the Robe and used it to destroy Shakia and his dictatorship. Trinia became a wasteland and Rail had disappeared into nowhere and Shakia had been warped to another new realm. But Trinia was not useless to everyone. One being still lived there and its power was beyond anythings conception. It was linked to Shakia and was pure evil. I need age name description background weapon I'll have my bio soon.
  3. OCC- I have to do something. up Up and awAY!!!! IC- Toshi woke up. His leg was wound in cloth. He heard noises coming from Garren's room. "What the..," Toshi said to himself, "I don't want to know what's going on in there." Suddenly a glowing light appeared in fornt of him. Rayne appeared from it and looked at Toshi. "Hello brother," he said. Toshi smiled. "Where have you been," Toshi asked? Rayne laughed. "I've been off finishing some bussiness," Rayne said. Rayne turned. "Rail. Is she here," Rayne asked? Toshi shook his head while wondering what Rayne was going to say next. "Good. I have been in the Under Realm working this whole situation out. I have been watching Rail for a while and I saw her asak you to train Arunue' son. The reason for this is that she would soon take Kano from Arunue and Garren and raise him up to be pure evil. Many centuries ago when Trinia was destroyed by her she disappeared. Part of Shakia's infection grew into her and now she can spread it to others. She will do this to Kano so when she dies she can be reborn in a much more powerful body. Kano's body will hold the infection that she will be born in and she will feed off of Kano. She will be ultamitly powerful and unstoppable. Rail is using Hiroshi to observe Kano but Hiroshi failed her and told Arunue, Rail's plan. Arunue has kept is secret and will do anything to keep you from training Knao to be stronger," Rayne explained. Toshi was awed by this explantion. "We have to stop Rail," Toshi said. Rayne shook his head. "It's not that easy. She can stop us right now if she wanted to but she won't because her father Drin is forbidding her to leave Under Realm because there is something lurking in the gatway I think you know of," Rayne said trying to get Toshi to think of what it is. Toshi suddenly realized what it was. The deathlord Helios had returned to the gateway to feed upon souls. Toshi clenched his fist. "Damnit," he said.
  4. OCC- Yes but I'm clever, I think. IC- Toshi sat inside the hut and worked at pulling the arrow out of his leg. "GOD DAMNIT," he cursed. "Thanks alot Arunue." Rein stood by him. "You should have listen...," Rein was cut off by Toshi yelling at him. "No way Rein. I would die rather than listen to that witch. It's for Kano's benefiet that I train him. I'm not going to teach him to kill. There's a code I live by you know. I don't know swordsmanship to kill. I know swordsmanship as a way to defend myself. I would not encourage Kano to kill. He needs to defend himself and if he continues to follow Arunue like a dog he's going to go down a road of hurt," Toshi said. Rein backed off knwoing not to fight with Toshi anymore. Toshi finally got the arrow out of his leg. "*******," he yelled. Garren walked in. "Toshi we have to get Kano back. I don't know where Arunue went and if she went to do something bad than I could never forgive myself," he said. Toshi nodded. "I think you're crazy. Arunue and Hiroshi are too powerful for us," Toshi said. Garren sat there with his head resting on his crossed arms.
  5. OCC- I am lost in the nothingness of my mind because there are no idea's coming into my brain. Gah!!!! IC- The night had come already. Toshi sat upon the cliff. So much had happened this night. Arunue and Hiroshi had run off, Garren had forbid Toshi from training Kano, and above all else he wanted answers to questions that ran through his mind. What was up with Arunue and Hiroshi. was the first question and most frequent question coming to his mind. He stood up and walked towards the dojo. He did not know why he was going to the dojo and why he could never leave his friends. Kano walked out of the dojo. He smiled at the strange man with the sword. He did not know him that well. Toshi looked at the boy and had the same reactions. The two stopped and stared at each other. "Nice night," Toshi said trying to break the akward silence that had formed between them. Kano nodded. Kano seemed shy. But he finally broke through this small fear and walked up to Toshi. "I'm Kano. What's your name," he asked? Suddenly Toshi felt as if he was the one who was scared and shy. "I'm Toshi Kodurama," Toshi said bravely, although he felt the pressure building inside of him, " I guess your dad hasn't told you yet." Kano smiled. "About what," Kano said. Toshi flinched. If he was going to train this kid he would need to be much more open and expressive to him. "I've been instructed to train you to be a warrior. Don't ask me why because I have no idea but I guess I was the one Rail picked best at for this," he said. Toshi got to thinking about. Why had Rail picked him and then the answer seemed so obvious. Arunue was always gone doing mysterious things, Hiroshi wasn't any better. Garren would go to easy on him because he was only a child and he was Kano's father, Rein was a god and he would definitly train him to hard, and Symoni did have her black magic but she didn't beleive Kano should be trained either. But there was one other person he didn;t think Rail had thought of. Kieko. She was a good warrior just like himself. Kano was wide eyed at this news Toshi had just told him. "I'm going to be a warrior, like my mommy and daddy?" Kano said. Toshi nodded. "That's right. I get to turn you into a lethal killing machine," Toshi said but then realized what he had just said. Kano was getting really excited. Garren walked out of the dojo. He instantly saw what Toshi had done. Toshi noticed Garren. "Hey...what's up," Toshi said. Garren was frowning. He walked over to Kano. "Hey. It's time to come inside son. Here hop up on my back," Garren said. He glared at Toshi with accusing eyes. "What would Arunue say Garren," Toshi said trying to make some difference in Garren's decision.
  6. OCC- Gahh. I feel insiration coming on and I have thoguht of a cool twist. We need to get back into the action bang kill kill thing right now. Arunue. Your son will be involved. IC- Toshi and Rein walked through a forest. "Man Rein. Why'd ya have to go and teleport us to some place in the middle a nowhere," he said. Rein laughed with a hint of embarresment. "Arunue and the others energy signals were changing. I could pinpoint so I got us somewhere else close to the old dojo," Rein said. Toshi thoguht back to the day he'd met his friend Rein at the dojo. They started to pass a clearing when they saw Arunue sitting on a log. "Hey Arunue. What's up," Toshi asked? Rein looked over his shoulder. Arunue was crying. Toshi walked up and sat by her. He put his arm over her shoulder like Garren had. "What's wrong," Toshi said. Arunue looked at him. She leaned over and started kissing him. Toshi went into a shocked state and then realized what she was doing. He pulled away. "Arunue. What the hell," Toshi said. Rein was wide eyed. Arunue suddenly realized what she had done. Her brain seemed to go haywire and she turned into the Cascade. Toshi backed up. "How dare you trick me into thinking you were Garren," she said. Toshi retracted. "What," he yelled? Arunue screamed. Toshi and Rein turned and started to run. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT," Toshi said to Rein running as fast as he could. Rein kicked off of the ground and shook his head. "I have no idea. I'm guessing she was in a state of confusion where she was trying to find a way to feel better. I don't know wat for but maybe we should head back to the dojo," he said. The two arrived. Symoni walked up to Rein. "Hey honey," she said. She kissed him but it wasn't a long kiss because Rein still felt like hurrying for everything. Garren walked up behind Symoni. "What's up guys," he asked? Toshi panted and gasped for precious air. Garren looked confused at him. "Arunue...hu hu...SHe turned Cascade," Toshi said. Garren helped Toshi up. "Breath. Why'd she become the Cascade again," Garren asked? Rein looked at Garren. "Well to be frank, she was a little confused and reacted in a bad way to us," he said. "Where is she," Garren asked? "In the forest," "We have to go find her," "No way dude," Toshi said finally. Garren slammed his foot on the ground. "Well why not," Garren said. Rail jumped off the dojo. "Because. She is different then us. She is speical. But we must do something first. Follow me," Rail said. Toshi looked to Rein and followed. They entered the room with Kano in it. Rail held her hand out to the sleeping child. "Toshi. Arunue won't be back for awhile. Like a few months. Kano must be trained. And you are the best canidate to train him for you are the one who killed both Morak and Shakia. No offfense to you guys but there is more to this than you know. I will explain later," Rail said. OCC- Well. Whatever. To you guys who thoguht that sucked I haven't posted in awhile, two days, so just remember what happens when I do that. It's scrary.
  7. OCC- Cod Flabit Skitto. Get rid of the whole Pizz Hut thing. This is a seperate story form our reality m'kay. Sorry to be a little truthful but that's kind of stupid just like the thing you did in the dark. IC- Toshi continued to eat the pizza and he started to wonder. Who was the enemy now. Toshi and Arunue had resolved their differences and that meant that Hiroshi was in an alliance of some sort. Rail. That was it. But where the hell was she. Rein smiled. "No one knows Toshi, so don't expect an answer from me," he said. Toshi instantly knew what he was talking about. He always seemed to get answers form Rein without asking them. Toshi smiled. "So then what do we do," he asked? Rein grabbed another slive of pizza. "Why Toshi. Are you bored. Do you not have anyone to fight," Rein said, "If I must entertain you during this time of peace," Rein said. Rein stood up and grabbed Toshi. They appeared in the Realm of Rivers. "Are you saying we should fight the little creatures who killed Arunue," he asked? Rein shook his head. "No. We will go to the tree of evil," Rein said. Toshi raised one eyebrow. "Have you ever heard the saying don't go looking for trouble," he said. Rein and Toshi started walking. The came to a claring. A tree with little lughts reflecting off of the dark water around it. In it creatures of darkness praised the tree. They seemed to treat the tree as a god. Toshi looked at it. "Remember this tree for it will provide you with an origin of one of your enemies in the future," he said. Toshi nodded. Rein grabbed Toshi again and they appeared in Asgard.
  8. OCC- i don't like my frineds getting mad at eachother so guys please stop getting mad at each other. Anyway I'l give you the list of stories me and Skitto have created w/ details in a pm or email. Whiever u like. And please Skitto. Stop OCC only posting IC- Rayne and Toshi had left the creature in the the darkness. They were now somewhere near the Realm of Rivers again. 'What do we do," Rayne said. Toshi punched the nothingness of space. "This sucks ***," he said. Rayne nodded in agreement. "So. What do we do from here," he said. Toshi shrugged. This was quite a predicament. Even if they swam through space to try and get to one of the realms that wouldn't be able to find out where they were. Toshi drew his sword. "What are you doing," Rayne asked? Toshi smiled at his sword. "What if I killed myself so I could return to the High Realm of Asgard. I'm sure odin would revive me," he said. Rayne shook his head. "We should only od that as a last resort," he said. "Gahh. Damn my confounded mind. If I hadn't brought Rail into this maybe this entire conflict could be resolved," he said. Rayne crossed his legs and started floating around. "There is no sense in blaming yourself for your actions from the past. It makes no sense," he said. Toshi laughed. "Since when have you ever thought about what's good," he said. Rayne scowled. "it's part of my code," he said. Suddenly from the darkness Tyr appeared. "Hello boys," he said. Toshi shook his head in awe. "This is amazing. I can't belevie you found us," he said. Tyr smiled. "Something has come up," he said. He grabbed both Rayne and Toshi and disapeared. Meanwhile in the darkness the creature smiled. "Those fools. It won't be long before I become invincible and then I will go to my father and take over in Trinia," he said. Toshi, Rayne, and Tyr reappeared in Asgard. "Finally," Toshi said. He fell on the ground and kissed it for he was glad to be able to walk on solid ground again. Tyr directed them to the sphere they were watching. "Look at this," he said. Toshi peered into it. Garren and Arunue were playing with a little boy. Toshi felt soemthing eminating from the boy. "Who is that," he asked? Tyr looked at Toshi with a serious emotion spread across his face. "That is the son of Garren and Arunue. His life has already been taken by death. Now observe this. The sphere changed to Riv. Toshi gasped. "Is Riv alive," he asked? Tyr shook his head. "Hiroshi is there as well," he said. Toshi clenched his teeth. "What's he doing there. And why is he sperate from Riv," he asked? Tyr looked at Toshi. "They are all there but there is someone missing," Tyr said. Toshi thought about the situation. "RAIL," he exlamied! Tyr nodded. "I cannot track her," he said, "And she is not up here among us like she was supposed to be," Tyr said. Rayne stood up. "Rail," he said. Toshi nodded. "How'd she come into this," he asked? Toshi shook his head. "I wanted Hiroshi to bring my sister Ora back but instead he brought Rail," he said. Rayne made a fist. "She is pure evil. Do not trust anything she says for it is a lie or a trap. I was battling her all these two years in the Under Realm," he said. Toshi looked at him. "What does this mean," he asked? Rayne smiled. "It means we have to kill her," he said.
  9. OCC- Sorry all but I'm dropping out of this. I have alot of homework because finals are coming up and I have to work also. I'll still watch the thread. IC- Sirus stood on the branch of the tree. He let his sword fall to the ground below. "You coward," he said to the real Hokage. The Hokage smiled. "I needed to see how strong you were and weather or not I needed to kill you," he said. Sirus clenched his teeth. "But I guess I do now because my servant has been killed. You must understand if I were to die the entire nation would crumble because of you Roxoski," he said. Sirus jumped off the tree and picked up his sword. "I will kill you," he said. "Try it," the Hokage repiled. Sirus jumped into the air and slashed at the Hokage but his blade was stopped. The Hokage had one finger out keeping the blade from killing him. Sirus was wide eyed. "My death will be from age and not your sword. That is my destiny," the Hokage said. Sirus yelled in anger. The Hokage kept a serious look on his face. He then took Sirus by the sword and flipped him over the head. After that he drew his sword and stabbed Sirus in the gut. Blood dripped out of his mouth. The Hokage smiled. "I hope you have a good time in hell," he said. Sirus squinted to see the people around him. "How did you kil-l m...e," Sirus's head fell to the side. Afterwards Sirus was condemed to the eternal darkness by his elders for his insibordination and never existed again.
  10. OCC- WHOA! IC- Toshi got up he grabbed his sword. He was going to go see someone he hadn't seen in awhile. Morak. Dead for many years now at the hands of Helios the deathlord. It had occurred to him that Morak would be the perfect person to talk to in this time of peril. As he walked out of the house he was staying in Symoni walked up. ?Toshi where are you going,? she asked? Toshi stood there blankly at her. ?I?m going to talk to someone I knew a long time ago,? Toshi said. Symoni looked at Toshi with were pretty eyes. ?Be careful okay,? she said. Toshi nodded and ran off. He walked up to a portal between the Under realm and the High realm. ?I hope I make it back,? he said. Rayne appeared behind him. ?Toshi. You?ll need some help,? he said. Toshi smiled. ?Yeah,? he said. The two entered the portal. The flew through it but before they were able to enter Under Realm something stopped them in the gateway. ?What happened,? Toshi said floating in space. Rayne rubbed his chin. ?Someone has stopped the bridge,? he said. Toshi stared blankly at the realms hovering around them. Beyond one of the realms they could see a being. He was feeding of off the darkness. ?What is that,? Toshi asked gripping his sword. Rayne shook his head. ?I have no idea,? he replied. The thing looked up from its feast. It smiled and returned to it. ?That isn?t a deathlord is it. One that you might have missed,? Rayne asked? Toshi shook his head. OCC- Don?t do anything with this. It?s a story I?m developing.
  11. Toshi shook his head and walked away. "Never mind," he said. Arunue stood there and left. That night Toshi and Rein stood around the sphere waiting for any sign of Hiroshi. "This is insane. How was he able to find me that easily," Toshi said. Rein shook his head. "He is quite powerful. There is little we can do. Hiroshi must be kiled rather Arunue likes it or not. He has taken the opposition," he said. Toshi looked at the ground. "That bastard. Just wait Rein. I can't even go into the realms without getting my *** kicked," Toshi said. Rein stood up. "A opportunity will present itself," Rein said and he walked off.
  12. Sirus smiled at the Hokage. "Foolsih boy," Sirus said. "You are not going to win." The Hokage took his sword out and looked at Sirus. He had no expression on his face. "I live for the hunt old man. If you run I will find you and kill you. If you oppose me you will die quicker. The only way for you to live is to surreneder to me," the Hokage said. Sirus drew his sword. "Life is not my objective Hokage, for I am not living nor dead. I am completely immortal. And for old man. I'll show you how old you really are boy. And then you will be afraid. Age has no meaning in any fight," Sirus said. The Hokage closed his eyes. He kicked off the ground and slashed at Sirus but only slived through air. He then fell on the ground and turned to see Sirus holding his leg. "Fool," Sirus said. He tossed the Hokage into a tree. This was the signal for the ninja behind them watching to come into the fight. Sirus slashed but didn't need to dodge for none could get a slash in before they were cut. Sirus turned to the Hokage to see flying metal at his face. He ducked and tripped the Hokage. "I thought you were good," Sirus said. The Hokage clenched his teeth and stabbed at Sirus. He connected and the metal peirced Sirus stomach. The Hokage fell to the ground hard. Sirus's eyes were burining red and he was pissed. He felt the crimson blood running from his body but thought nothing of it. The Hokage looked at Sirus. "I will make your life chaos," the Hokage said. He stood up waiting for a comeback from Sirus. Sirus only ticked his finger back and forth. "Chaos is what I live for," Sirus said.
  13. OCC- ??? IC- Toshi appeared in a dark area all alone by himself. "Where am I," he asked the darkness? There was no response. He looked all around but only black and nothing else came to his eyes. "Damnit Garren. Where the **** did you bring us," he cursed. [i]Why am I talking to myself[/i] he thought. He started walking. The ground wasn't completly level and he kept tripping over poteholes. it was a sign that wherever he was there was something. But he couldn't be deffinent as to what it was that was there. Suddenly he body started to feel light. He watched as his hand flew away form him. He appeared in the High Realm. Rein looked at Toshi. "Where was I," Toshi asked? Rein smiled. "I am unsure where you were but we found you're energy signal not to far off from the Realm of Reality in some uncharted space. I think you were in the darkness that created our realms many many years ago," Rein said. Toshi just stood there. "Where's Hiroshi and Rayne," Toshi asked. "We haven't located them yet but Garren saved you and us alot of trouble in finding Hiroshi," Rein said. He walked off. Toshi felt so un appreaciated. It was him who had fought Hiroshi and then frozen and then warped to some uncharted area of darkness. [i]what the hell[/i] Toshi thought. Toshi began to walk around the high realm for awhile. He was thinking about what to do next. They would get answers but what for. That's when he stumbled into Arunue. She looked startled. "Toshi. What are you doing here," she asked? "Just trying to think of a way to keep your brot," Toshi stopped talking when he remembered that Hiroshi wasn't her brother and Riv was.
  14. Kioto stood there laughing. "How'd this happen," he said. Riv turned to him. "Watch your mouth Seramechi," he said. Kioto tried to hold in a laugh. Riv sat down to try and figure this whole mess out. "What did you do," he asked? Celestia only looked at the ground. "I was doing nothing. But then I heard Rimnil's voice and I changed. Now this is what I am," she said. Riv got up on her back. "Well maybe we'll just leave you like this," he said. Kioto burst out laughing as well as Ki. "I'm sorry. I can't contain myself. This is so funny," Kioto said. Celestia walked up to him. "I'll show you funny," she said.
  15. OCC- No you're only Arunue. But maybe a little too Arunue. IC- Toshi looked to his blade then to the sphere. "I can't trace Hiroshi right now," he said. "Maybe he's gone to a different realm," he said. Rein nodded. "Then you must go fight him," he said. Toshi raised his eyebrow. "Why me," Toshi asked? Rein looked Toshi in the eyes like a master to his pupil. "You have foguht alongside many a great warrior in your day Toshi my boy. But today it is your time to be the great warrior. You killed Helios after Morak was turned to him and you killed Shakia. You of all people know Riv and there may still be something of his spirit inside of Hiroshi. You must find this and use it as ann advantage to over power Hiroshi. After you defeat him bring him here to me and we will question him," Rein said. Toshi nodded. Rein patted Toshi on the shoulder. "You can do it." Toshi turned to the group and disappeared like he had to bring Kieko to Sera. He appeared in the Realm of Reality. "What am I doing here," he said. "I brought you here," said a voice from behind Toshi. Toshi whirled around and saw Rayne. Toshi was dumfounded. 'What are you doing here brother," he asked? Rayne smiled. "We need to talk," Rayne said. The two walked into the same park they had met that night two years ago. "Who have you been Rayne," Toshi asked? Rayne only looked at the ground. "Okay I guess. It's been lonely in the highrealm. But we cannot speak for long. Odin told me to come here and meet up with you so together we can fight Hiroshi," Rayne said. Toshi smiled. "Sword brothers to the end eh'. Who knows what we're dealing with here. I'm not sure if we'll be able to handle it," Toshi said, " But we have to try," he said. Rayne nodded. "Oh. You won't need to try. You won't even have the chance," said Hiroshi from a tree above them. Toshi drew his sword and Rayne took his new axe out. "Ah Toshi. What a fool. To think you can beat me. And his sworn brother Rayne. The dark side of an old fusion. When you two are gone this will be alot easier," he said. Toshi smirked. "No way Hiroshi. You're life is only going to get harder from here," he said trying to build confidence. Hiroshi drew a sword from his belt. "Taste my steel boy," he said. He hurled himself down at Toshi. The two clashed swords. Toshi pushed off from the sword and then Rayne came in and started to slice wildly with his axe. Hiroshi blocked every attack but simply could not get an attack in. "You fools. This contest of our powers cannot be won with your use of sword but with our knowledge of fighting skills," Hiroshi said. Toshi looked at his sword. "Not once had he ever let it go in a fight. Rayne looked to him and signaled to let it go. Toshi dropped it. Hiroshi nodded but did not let go of his sword. "You do not knw the true extent of this sword for it is Lemaria," Hiroshi said. Toshi looked angrily at the boy. "Riv. What'd you do to my old friend," he said. Hiroshi laughed. "I absorbed him. Now I control his power and we are one," he said. Toshi clenched his teeth. "He was like a master to me. And you killed him. You'll pay for this," Toshi said. He went for his sword but Hiroshi attacked firstand landed on his sword before Toshi could grab it. Rayne hadn't let his axe down. He attacked from behind Hiroshi and his axe went straight through Hiroshi's hand. Toshi jumped into the air and tried to drop kick Hiroshi but was unsuccesful for Hiroshi grab Toshi's leg and threw him into a tree. As for Rayne, Hiroshi took the axe out of his hand and threw it to the ground. Toshi stood up. Hiroshi had left his sword. Toshi ran up and grabbed it. [i]There has to be something about him that was a weakness of Riv[/i] Toshi thought. He attacked.
  16. OCC- I'll work around it. STOP OCC ONLY POSTING GECKO. WE'VE BEEN WARNED ONCE ABOUT IT ALREADY. IC- Sirus watched Veil then realized he had other matters to deal with. "Whatever with you. The Hokage is coming and when it realizes you're evil also it will attack you," Sirus said. Veil turned to him. "You know very well that the Hokage is strong and I alone won't be able to stop it. This is your chance the redeem yourself for your actions many years ago Veil. You are like me feeding off of the life given you but using the powers of death to live in this world," Sirus said. Veil looked at Sirus intently. He had a point. They were the only beings that were like this and some of the most powerful. They would destroy the world if they fought but were likely to rule if they joined forces. "I will think about your offer Sirus. But you will not push me," she said. She turned to Hentaro. "I know that you are not dead Hentaro. You have a spiecal power that we all should know about. I can understand it but mear mortals like them are inferior to this conception," she said. Hentaro only nodded. Sirus walked up behind Veil. "I will leave you to think. I will go fight the Hokage now," Sirus said. He walked away. Sirus was half way into the forest when he heard noises. He instantly hit the ground and looked around for the Hokage and his fellowship. "Damn this," he said. "Where is the fu**ing bastard," he said. He looked up only to have a spear thrown at his head. Three guards were in the forest now. They were watching Sirus intently. "You want to fight huh'," he said. Sirus ran towards a tree and kicked off of it. He held his sword in front of him and his robes whirled in the air he was breaking. He stopped in maidair and slashed one of the guards heads off. He kicked another into the ground and snapped the last one's neck. He landed back on the ground and smelled the blood from them. He turned and continued walking. "Pathetic," he said.
  17. OCC- Whoa Veil Doing some Underworld stuff eh'. Well I got a new twist. IC- Sirus spun iwth his sword out and slashed at Hentaro. "Listen Hentaro. Veil. She has changed. Listen to me," Sirus said as he stabbed. Hentaro only slashed at him. "I will kill you," Hentaro said. Sirus jumped into the air and drop kicked Hentaro. Sinahiro only watched. "Hey if Sirus is already dead and Hentaro is a ghost then the two will be at this forever right," Mya asked Sinahiro? Sinahiro only watched buut she could see that he was thinking about the same thing. "Here's my theory. If Sirus is dead but not a ghost he is something we all do not understand. But I guess the power of death is feeding him. On the other hand Hentaro is truly dead and a ghost," Sinahiro said. Sirus slashed at Hentaro but could never get a clear shot. Finally Sirus got a killing shot in but it went straight through Hentaro's body and didn't faze him. "What. Oh right you're a ghost," Sirus said. Hentaro just smiled at this reaction. "Who are truly brave to find out my strength and not be afraid," he said. Sirus smiled. "A ghos tis a ghost. And you are one of them. Now let me show you a weakness of a ghost," Sirus said. As Hentaro went in for a slash Sirus let himself become open for the attack. Hentaro's blade passed throguh him. Hentaro looked angryly at Sirus and continued this until he realized he could not be fazed. "We are fighting from two seperate realms," Sirus said. Hentaro still continued to try to find a way to kill Sirus but Sirus ignored him. He was more content with what was approaching in the forest. Sinahiro smiled at it when he saw what it was. The Hokage had arrived.
  18. OCC- you scare me. IC- Toshi looked at Tyr. ?What now,? he asked? Tyr looked at the sky. ?We are going to go the gods. We are going to get my son Rein and then we will talk to the King of all Gods Odin himself,? Tyr said. ?Not alone you won?t,? Rail said from behind them. Toshi turned around quickly with his bloody sword out. ?Don?t fret Toshi. I am not going to hurt you. Have I done anything to you yet,? she said. Toshi rubbed his chin. ?Actually you haven?t,? he said. Rail crossed her arms. ?I am going to come with you to speak with the gods. Something has come to my attention and must be dealt with,? Rail said. Toshi nodded. Tyr looked to Toshi. ?Is this okay,? he asked? Toshi smiled. ?I don?t trust you Rail yet I won?t fight you,? he said. Tyr held his hand to the ground. Rail walked forward and the three disappeared. Meanwhile Garren was practicing the enchantment to bring Arunue back to life. ?Gahh. KuroKy. This isn?t working,? Garren said. KuroKy hit Garren upside the head. ?You never show weakness. It is a drawback that many a warrior has fallen for,? he said. In the god?s world Toshi, Tyr, and Rail appeared in an area of paradise. Rein and Symoni stood in front of a sphere that contained visual feed of all of the realms of Myrith. Rein walked up to his father. ?Hello father,? Rein said. Symoni fell over as she saw Rail. ?What?s she doing here,? Symoni said. Rail only looked at Symoni as a pathetically romanced girl. ?I?m here to speak with the gods,? Rail said. Toshi nodded. ?We?re watching her,? he said. Tyr smiled at his son. ?Father. What is wrong with Hiroshi,? Rein asked? Tyr only looked at the ground. ?I have no clue to as what has come over him,? Tyr said. Rein started walking back to the sphere. ?We have to watch him. I?ll stay here at keep my eye on him. Toshi. You go to the soul world and find Arunue. Tell her what is wrong with her brother,? Rein said. ?I very well may know what?s wrong with Hiroshi.? ?Alright. Rail. Report back to us when you?re finished with the gods,? Toshi said. She grinned and left. ?Well. I?ll be seeing you later,? Toshi said. Rein nodded. Symoni smiled. As Toshi walked he thought about what had happened to Hiro. Then it hit him. Had Hiroshi turned to Cascade.
  19. OCC- Watch me go crazy HAHAHA. IC- Sirus took out a small skinning knife. He started cutting around the wounds to make the blood flow more. He stood up clutching his wounds. "Fire Sinahiro. Fire is the esnece of my power. And it is the esence of your demise," he said. Sinahiro watched Sirus intently. Sirus started cutting wounds all over his arms. Sinahiro tried to make a weak joke. "Ah. Destroying yourself to create my win," Sinahiro said. Sirus only smiled. He started walking into the flames. "Meet bloodrath fool," Sirus said. He started yelling in pain and anger as the flames tore his body apart. He looked on with angerthe fire started to nestle within his open veins and become energy. The fire rehealed all his wounds and he was as good as new. He stepped out of the fire looking un changed. He started walking towards Sinahiro. "What did you do to yourself," he asked? "You'll see you fool," Sirus said. He approached more rapidly now and then finally grabbed Sinahiro by the neck. Sinahiro tried to get out but Sirus's grip was too hard. He threw Sirus into the burning pole in which Veil would've been sacrificed on. Sirus stood there. The fires started to circle in a way of a spiral around Sirus. Sinahiro looked in horror. "Your blood will be my power you Roxoski traitor," Sirus said. Suddenly he was kicked into the ground by Veil. Sirus turned around. He looked at her as she started to speak. "You fool Sirus. You do not understand. I am the traitor to the Roxoski clan that you think Sinahiro is. I am the reancarnated spirit of the frineds you became enemies with. You mistook Sinahiro and I for we have nearly identical spirit signals," Veil said. Sirus looked at her. She did indeed have a nearly identical spirit signal. Sirus stood up. "Then you will die," he said.
  20. OCC- Whoa!! IC- Toshi stood up wearily. ?What the **** had gotten into that ****ing bastard,? Toshi yelled as he held his leg. Although he would not die the pain still remained. ?Veil, what did he say after he left,? Toshi asked? Veil looked up at him. ?Where is Kieko I think,? Veil said. Toshi stared wide-eyed at her. ?I have to stop him,? Toshi said and darted off but before he got far Tyr appeared before him. ?Don?t go running off. You will need some help,? he said. Toshi looked at the man with confidence. ?Who are you,? he asked? Tyr looked at Toshi and smiled. ?The Father of Rein your companion,? Tyr said. ?My name is Tyr.? The two set off to the elders hut. When they arrived they found to their surprise that Kieko and the elder were unharmed and Hiroshi had not arrived. ?What do we do now,? Toshi asked? Tyr only looked forward from the entrance of the hut. The elder was asleep. Toshi pulled his sword from its sheath and held it forward and was ready for anything. Hiroshi appeared there not after long. Toshi and Tyr were hiding on either side of the door. Hiroshi walked in and looked at Kieko. ?Hello Kieko,? he said. He unsheathed his sword once again. Toshi appeared from behind and drove his black and white blade straight through Hiroshi?s stomach. ?You ****ing traitor,? Toshi said. Hiroshi turned around.
  21. Toshi and Kieko were far from the building now. "So where are we going to go to first," Kieko asked Toshi? Toshi smiled. "It'd do both our hearts good if we went back to Arunue's apartment in the Realm of Reality. Kieko looked strangely at him. "And how do we do that," she asked? Toshi only stared at the ground. If only Rein were here. It was so depressing having to think about all the things they could've done to stop this from happening. Kieko looked at him. "What's wrong," she asked. Toshi looked at her. "It's just. Everything seems so wrong right now. I can't find the will to go on," Toshi said. "But yet. I still keep moving." Kieko looked at the night sky. "All I wish for is happiness she," Kieko said aloud. Toshi watched as she fainted beside him. He turned around and held her. She wasn't breathing. [i]Damnit. What the hell is going on[/i] Toshi thought. Toshi stood up with Kieko on his back and with all his might he tried to transport to his home kingdom of Sera. Suddenly there was a rush of wind coming in on him form every direction. He opened his eyes and saw that he was flying quickly over all the forests and deserts. "Hold on Kieko. You'll be okay," he said. He re appeared in his home kingdom of Sera. Villagers and other workers were plowing fields and growing crops. Toshi walked Kieko to the elder of Sera. "Ah Toshi. You are back form you're trip yes," she said. Toshi nodded. "One of my friends fainted thoguh and isn't breathing," Toshi said. "I was on my way to the Realm of Reality," Toshi said. The elder inspected Kieko. "I can preform a charm on her that will keep her breathing. but I do not know how long it will be before she awakens," the elder said. "yes. Anything. just please. Don't let her die," Toshi said. The elder nodded and a glow came from her hands. Kieko began to breath very fast but did not awaken as the elder had said. "Toshi. Why don't you get some rest," the elder said. Toshi nodded. He went to his house. He approached and out of the house came his girlfriend Veil. They only looked at each other and then began kissing madly. "I missed you so much," she said. Toshi hugged her tight. "I did too," was all that he said.
  22. Box Hoy

    The Dark

    Toshi only looked on as the being known as Helios started to gain power. He let the energy form all around from the deathlords be absorbed inside him. Riv and Lemaria stood still. Veil walked over to Toshi easily because all the deathlords were gone now. She punched him across the face. Toshi was able to move again. ?Sorry bout? that. But I just had to do that to help you,? she said. Toshi looked at her and then out of the blue he kissed her. He pulled away after a few seconds, smiled, and looked at Helios. ?Your end comes today,? Toshi yelled. He jumped through the air with his sword out and clashed blades with Helios. ?The power from these deathlords and Morak?s crow wing are more than you can handle boy,? Helios yelled. Toshi only looked at him. ?I?m stronger than you think,? Toshi said and with that he drop kicked Helios. As Helios fell Toshi slashed at his feet but missed. Helios took up his blade and grabbed Toshi by the neck. ?I will hold your skull dearly for you are the only being who has ever opposed my wrath,? Helios said. Riv walked up behind Helios. ?Not today,? he said. He gutted Helios through the stomach. Toshi looked at Riv and gasped. Helios pulled the sword from his stomach and turned to Riv. He dropped Toshi. Riv nodded to Toshi and Toshi jumped into the air. He took one swift strike at Helios?s neck. Riv smiled as the head of the dead (hee hee that rhymed) Helios fell to the ground. That night in the Realm of Imagination they burned Helios?s body and celebrated for the great victory. As for Toshi he continued to train under the art of his kingdom. He and Veil started and Toshi was celebrated for saving all of their world. OCC- It seemed like the time to end it. You can still post on what happened to your character afterwards but remember that the sequel to this is the Realm of Reality/Imaginations rpg.
  23. Kioto drew his sword. "Is it a foe," Kioto asked? Riv nodded. "These woods are very dangerous. There are many dark creatures who live here. I'm not surprised to see one of these," Riv said. Ki, Celestia, and Kioto watched as Riv stepped forward. He touched the monster and it fell to the ground. He had killed it. "How the hell did you do that," Toshi asked. "This being is only as powerful as you make it," Riv said.
  24. OCC- Man just cut me out. IC- Toshi waved goodbye at Symoni. "Well guys. It's time," Toshi said turning to them. "I think there's more to this adventure than we know. Something must have happened long ago and we're going to solve it all. Including this power that took over Hodur," Toshi said. Everyone looked at him. "I don't care if Rail is against us or not against us. She will die," Toshi said. Hiroshi walked up and patted him on the back. "It's okay man," he said. Toshi looked over at Hiro. He flung Hiroshi against the wall. "No it's not okay. My destiny is at hand and we're in a low moral right now. EWveryone is so depressed and all we can do is sit here and wodner what to do next," Toshi yelled. Kieko and Garrenb oth watched him. Toshi took a deep breath. "Something is going to happen soon and I know it," Toshi said. Kieko nodded. "I'm with you Toshi," she said. She galnced at Hiro. "Are you," she asked? Hiroshi nodded. Later on the three left Garren to perfect the spell. Toshi was a leader now for once in his life.
  25. Sirus smiled. He dipped his hand in the cut and drank his own blood. The cut healed. "I'm invicncible if you did not know," Sirus said. Sinahiro only smiled. "Just wait you fool. Death will come swift and slow so I can see you rot," Sinahiro said. Sirus stabbed at Sinahiro and cut his arm. "Whoever you are you will die under my hands," Sirus said. Hentaro attacked from behind and Sirus stabbed him throygh the gut. Sirus watched as Henatro fell and bled.
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