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Box Hoy

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Everything posted by Box Hoy

  1. Toshi sat on a rock. It was raining. It had been true about the history of Trinia but about Rail. She was not an enemy she ahd said but was it a lie. "Toshi," Kieko said. Toshi looked up to see Kieko looking at him. "Do you think she was lying," Kieko asked? Toshi shook his head. "I do not know," Toshi replied. Kieko leaned over to Toshi and turned his sulking face to her. "You will find the truth," she said. Toshi nodded. She hugged Toshi and then left. Toshi got up and walked to one of the many rivers in this realm. Symoni and Rein held hands and watched Hiroshi pray for Arunue.
  2. Toshi didn't follow them. He stood in shock again. Arunue had died again in front of his own eyes. He stabbed the ground with his swords then looked up at the little demons. "You will die," he said. He jumped into the air and slashed ,the one that had killed Arunue, it's head off. Kieko watched Toshi. She felt his anger. But it wasn't the same anger she ahd felt before from him. She then realized that it wasn't him but someone else. Rail stood in a tree watching Toshi hack and slash away at the demons. "Humans are such fools," she said to herself. She jumped off the tree into the clearing and killed the rest of the demons off. Toshi looked at her with wide eyes. "What are you doing here. Is that what you were going to say," Rail said. Toshi nodded for fear off offending her and getting his own life taken away. "Come with me," Rail said. She snapped her fingers and took Toshi under her will. He followed her into the forest. Kieko looked at them leave but couldn't do anything. Toshi came back to concisness. Rail stood against a large tree. They were in the middle of the forest. "What do you want," Toshi asked? Rail laughed. "I guess that fool Rein told you everything about me," she said. "I guess," Toshi said. "Well he doesn't know everything," she said. Toshi raised his eyebrow. "There are many things about that little story you do not know," she said. Toshi looked at her. "The king of Trinia was the sworn enemy of the Cascade. Yes Hodur. He was once a good man who rule Trinia but one day he was possesed by a mysterious force that not even the gods know of, and I have no clue so don't ask me. But anyway Hodur turned evil gradually and made Trinia into his own personal realm of hell. But all the people he killed formed together to make the force called the Robe. I had met Hodur who had changed his name to Shakia and disliked him for we had made enemies. The Robe helped me destroy Trinia completely, although I did not know it. I was locked away in it's power for many a millenia until your little frineds Hiroshi unlocked me," Rail explained. Toshi looked at her. "Why are you telling me this," Toshi said. Rail smiled. "Becuase. I am not the true enemy here. Your sister is," Rail said. Toshi looked at her and started to speak but was inurupted. "How do you know that I'm not lying. Figure out for yourself," Rail said. Rail smiled and disappeared.
  3. Box Hoy

    The Dark

    OCC- I'm sorry to tell you all this but Sammich( Toku ) has been banned form the Otaku Boards or at least that's what I think is going on. Toshi yelled out and started slashign with all his might against the dark foe. He stabbed and gutted and tore deathlords heads off. Surprisingly the deathlords weren't that hard as a single but with many they were very strong. Toshi jumped and stabbed one throguh the head. Helios started for Toshi and tossed anything he could find at Toshi. Veil watched as her friends were getting hurt. She ran into the fight and started attacking people. Toshi looked over at Veil. He smiled at her. She smiled abck and together they continued to fight.
  4. Sirus smiled as he travelled up a hill. "We're almost there," Sirus said. Veil raised an eyebrow. "And how do you know that," Veil asked? Sirus turned and laughed. "I can feel thoughts of death and hatred," Sirus said. "In fact. After this hill we'll be there." Veil looked forward curiously. They reached the top of the hill. Sirus stopped. Below them fires raged and small huts of sticks were everywhere. People were smoking, fighting, cursing, and doing all sorts of horrible things. Veil looked horrified at this city. "I haven't been here since the day the clan betrayed me. But thye should be quite apologetic after I show them the sacrifice," Sirus said. They continued down. People stared at Sirus and spat at him. But many looked at Veil with quite other views. Sirus smiled at all of them like there was nothing wrong. The two reached the town square, or what looked like a square. There was one good building in the entire city, the temple of the elders of the Roxoski clan. Sirus got off the forebeast. It walked off while little filthy children tried to kill it with sticks. Veil looked around. The women of the Roxoksi clan looked like dirt. Many had cuts and were very skinny. Sirus walked into the temple followed by Veil. They finally reached the top of the temple. Two guards stood in front of the door to the chamber of the elders. Sirus bowed to them showing his insuperiority. The nodded and let him and Veil in. The elders looked up. "Ah Sirus," said the older one said in a raspy voice. Sirus bowed again. "It semms you have brought a guest to us," said a quite younger elder. Sirus nodded. "This is Veil of the Auruski Clan. I have brought her here to be the sacrifice that we have all seen in the prophcy," Sirus said. The elders nodded. "The one in which a savior will arise who has bathed in the blood of his enemy after a sacrifice," the eldest said. Sirus nodded. "Well you've pciked a quite nice one I must say," he said. Veil blushed. How would she get out of this. Her blood was going to be turned into bathing water for someone to be washed in. "There is no reason we should not see if it works," the elder said. Sirus nodded. "Tonight we will start the sacrifice. We must bless her. Sirus. We will take her. While we have her you feel free to get re acustumed to your old home," the elder said. A younger elder came forward as the others took Veil and left the room. "Sirus my old friend. Where have you been these years," he said. Sirus shook his head. "Trying to find a way to get back in my home,'' Sirus said. The elder nodded. "Are you ready to become the savior of the Roxoski clan and bring victory to our clan," the elder asked. Sirus nodded. "Are you scared," he asked? "No," Sirus said. "I spoke to the elders who have passed on. i told them I would get the Siroshima fire from a boy in the Auraski clan," Sirus said. "But this new opportunity presented itself. I have a plan though. I will use the new powers of this sacrifice to get the Siroshima fire and bring the Doomsday to our sworn enemies," Sirus said. The elder smiled and they continued. That night came. There was a crowd around the town square. There was also a stage set up with knives and fire. The oldest elder came out he stood up on the stage. "My friends. Our luck is about to change this war. We ahve found a sutable sacrifice to bring the savior into the heart of the chosen one of the Roxoski clan. Our noble friend and scoundral Sirus," the elder said. There was a mix of boos and cheers. Sirus stood up on the stage. He only watched the crowd. "Now to present our sacrifice," the elder said. A few guards approached followed by a nude Veil. They walked up the stage and the guards tied Veil to a board. This was it. The sacrifice would begin now. OCC- So you like twists eh'.
  5. Toshi drew his sword. "Go back to sleep Symoni," he said. Arunue looked over ta him. Garren walked up in front of him. "What's wrong," he asked? "I saw something walk into that forest," Toshi said. Rein set Symoni on the ground. They all looked at the upcoming forest which was about one hundred yards away. Toshi started stepping back. "It's staring at us," Toshi said. Arunue hugged on Garren. Arunue screamed. The thing walked out of the forest. It was glowing purple but had a black skull and large dark hands. It smiled and started laughing. Rein realized where they were. "We're in the Realm of Rivers," he said. "The Realm of Imagination and the Realm of Rivers are connected by a small gatway city called Brothine which unless you did not know we were in," Rein said. "Whatever," Arunue said.
  6. OCC- STOP OCCing and get back to the story before this rpg is shut down!!!!!!!!! Sorry I just don't wnat it to be shut down. We'll solve this later and I'm sorry I missed that post and didn't read it thoroughly. IC- Sirus got off the forebeast and started to make a fire. He looked up at the night sky. Veil woke up. She got off the forebeats and came up along Sirus to the now made fire. "So what's the Roxoski clan like" Veil asked Sirus trying to make conversation. Sirus did not responde until he came to the conclusion. "Why does it matter to you when it will all be nothing when you're dead," Sirus said. Veil obviously took this as a sign that Sirus did not wan't to make conversation. Veil walked back up to the forebeast. [i]Why isn't he trying to keep me from escaping[/i] Veil pondered. Sirus turned around and put her on the forebeast, all while she was wondering what he was doing. "Are you happy," Sirus asked? Veil raised her eyebrow and then remembered what Sirus's power was. "Yes. But may I ask a question of you," Veil said? Sirus nodded and continued to strap her onto the forebeast. "If you have the mindreading powers than why didn't you use them against Sinahiro" Veil asked. Sirus turned to her. "In the Roxoski clan it is disgraceful to use such powers in engagment" he said. Veil looked on the ground. "What else is disgraceful in the clan" Veil asked? Sirus turned to her and looker her in the eyes. "Why," Sirus asked? Veil shrugged. "I don't want to be disgrafeul when I'm there. I don't want this experience to be worst than it already is," Veil said. Sirus smiled and chuckled quietly at his new found idea. "I'm sorry but it's going to only get worse from here, starting with this," Sirus turned around and kissed Veil. SHe pulled away and from there onto the next day they did not talk anymore. Veil only looked at the ground after wards. OCC- Hee hee hee. I'm so clever.
  7. Sirus picked her up. He started walking again. Finally a few hours later he reached the edge of the forest. There were plains of grass beyond here. Sirus closed his eyes and whistled out to the mountains beyond. A few minutes later there came a Forebeast(Large 8 legged mammal with three eyes). Sirus happed and and strapped Veil on as well. He started riding. Meanwhile back in the city. Sinahiro was helping clean up around the city from the devastating fire. Mya, Kilik, Hentaro, and did so as well and by the end of the day they had found most of the survivors in the buildings. "God ****ing damnit," Sinahiro yelled. He slammed his fist into one of the burnt buildings. It collapsed. "How could I have let this ****ing happen," Sinahiro yelled. Mya and the others watched. "Is he okay," Mya asked? "What do you think," Kilik answered. "I'll kill you Sirus," they heard Sinahiro yell.
  8. Sirus laughed as he watched Sinahiro's allies gather to watch his defeat. Sirus withdrew his sword. HIs robes whistled in the wind. Sinahiro only watched. "Sinahiro. If you do not join me you will die. It is your last chance. Join me and together we will take over the entire world," Sirus said. "No Sirus. You are wrong. You've been wrong this entire time and will always be as long as you beleive I was part of the Roxoski clan," Sinahiro said. Sirus raised his eyebrow in confusion and anger. He turned to his opponent. "Like I said Sinahiro. If you said no. You would die. That is your fate," Sirus said. And with that he walked out of the city. Sinahiro watched Sirus as he entered the forest and went along until he could not see him anymore. Sirus sat in the forest two hours later. He smiled and laughed at his new find. Veil hung from a tree upside down. Her feet had been tied with rope to a branch. Veil awoke to see Sirus. "What. Sirus," she said. Sirus smiled at her. Veil stared at him. "I am offering you a chance to explain your actions as to why our alliance crumbled after the first day," Sirus said. Veil stared for awhile and then began to speak. "I am not a person who betrasy her friends," she said. Sirus shook his head. "But how do you know that I betrayed you." Sirus closed his eyes. He let his hand go forward towards Veil's arms. His hand went through her arm. "I am a ghost of the Roxoski clan. Otherwise I am dead. I can sense people's thoughts that I wish to hear," Sirus said. Veil scowled. "But here ley you at my mercy," Sirus said. He untied the rope that held Veils feet to the branch and she fell. Sirus smiled. "We are going to travel back to my home of the Roxoski clan. And you will be the next sacrifice of the moon. I will gain power from this sacrifice and become a god," Sirus said. Veil shuddered.
  9. Sirus laughed. [i]That Sinahiro, his little pathetic attempts at harming me[/i]. Sirus closed his eyes. The mind break shattered. Sirus laughed. "No Sinahiro. I will not take your hint. You are going to be killed or join me again," Sirus said. Sirus started to walk through the cities. It was quite dark tonight. He wanted to see some death and some hell come out of this darkness. Sirus laughed. He held one arm in the air. A fire ball appeared in his hand. He spun around and let the fire turn into a ring of fire. The ring of fire started spreading further and further. Then it exploded. The city became engulfed in fire and hell. Screams could be heard. Under the temple the fire rose. "Come on Sinahiro. Coem and get me," Sirus taunted.
  10. Box Hoy

    Sonic X

    They should make a cartoon following the comics so people who missed out on all the good stuff from the comics were made in a show. Sonic is actually my favorite anime/ cartoon / what not. I think though that they need to create a serious show that could end up on Toonami instead of Fox Box because well, Foc Box shows are kind of crappy except for Ninja Turtles(I love that show). Any now I'll be a spokesperson and say go to [COLOR=DarkRed][I]link deleted[/I][/COLOR]. It's great. [COLOR=Navy]Please don't post links to other websites, Box Hoy. Thank you very much. ^_^ If you have any questions about this rule, go ahead and PM me. ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  11. Kioto looked at the mountain. Rimnil was close. He could feel it once again like he did before when he was possesed. Ki walked up behind Kioto. "Hey what's up," he said. Kioto whirled around. "What. What are you doing here," he asked? "We're getting ready to leave," Ki said. Celestia looked at Kioto from behind a tree. "Hey. Where is Riv," she asked. "Off trying to harness the power of Lemaria," Kioto said. She nodded to herself. Ki stared at the mountain. "Rimnil eh'. I bet we could beat him," Ki said. "No. Rimnil's powers are too strong even for me," Riv sadi walking up behind them. Celestia turned aroudn to face him. "Don't ever walk off and not tell us where you are going again," Celestia scolded. Riv rubbed the back of his head and smiled. "Sorry," he said. Kioto laughed. "Alright guys," Kioto said. "Let's go,"
  12. OCC- Npbody make me fall in love. I already got someone ready back in my kingdom of Sera called Veil form the Dark. IC- Toshi smiled and looked at Arunue. "Are we ready to get going," he said. Hiroshi and Kieko nodded. Arunue looked back to Garren. He nodded. "Then let's go," they started walking out the foor when Kieko stopped. "Oh hey. What about Rein and Symoni," Toshi turned. "Jeez. I totally forgot," he turned and walked back to the room door. He heard noises coming. "Guys. We'll just leave them for awhile if you get my drift," he said. Arunue made a slow nod and turned. The others chuckled. "So Runue. What's hell like," Toshi asked? Arunue slapped him. "Oww. What was that for," he said. Arunue shook her head. "What makles you think I went to hell," Arunue said. Toshi shrugged. "We've killed people before," he said. "To tell you the truth. There really isn't a hell. It's actually called The Under Realm. There's no fire or anything but alot of weird people who like to dress in black and wear chains and do the nastiest thing to you," she said. Toshi nodded. "So then you did go to hell in a way," Toshi said. "Exactly," she said. "You know. We never get to talk like this," Toshi said. Arunue smiled. The five of them left the building. "So where exactly do we go," Garren asked? Toshi scratched his head. "Well. Where would a dark queen lady go," Toshi said. Arunue smiled. "A place where she could get into any sort of mischeif," she said. Hiroshi nodded. "And that would be in...let me think. Wait. Toshi. Isn't you're kingom of Sera at war with The Lost Desert Kingdom," he said. Toshi nodded. "I still can't forgive myself for leaving my kingdom at war to hang out but it was worth it," Toshi said. "It's in the country. Wow. This will be the first time any of you have been to my kingdom," Toshi said.
  13. Toshi sat in his bed. His mind was engulfed in questions. The connection between the pointy hat man that had killed the boy, how he could get Arunue to be able to stay longer, and most of all what lied ahead. Toshi stood up. Hiroshi. He could bring people back yet he hadn't thoguht of it until now. He wasn't surprised either for this thoguht came to him everyday during some point. He wanted Hiroshi to bring back his sister Ora from the dead. Rein was asleep now and Hiroshi was one door down the hall. Toshi slipped out of the room and into the other. Hiroshi was sitting on the ground reading a book. Toshi tapped him on his shoulder. Hiroshi wirled around. "Oh it's just you," he said. "So what do you want,"Hiroshi said. Toshi nodded. "Ora, my sister. She was killed by Rayne. My brother of sorts," Toshi said. "Are you sure Toshi," Hiroshi asked? Toshi nodded. "I just want to see her again. It's been two years I've missed her more each day," he said. Hiroshi nodded. Toshi watched as Hiroshi re chanted the words he said to bring back Arunue. "Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomente Dockuto nomenteDockuto nomente" There was a blinding flash and Hiroshi was flung against the wall of the room. Toshi squinted to look at the light. Out of the lgiht stepped a girl with black robes, dark bracelets and black hair. Toshi looked confused. Hiroshi gasped as he saw his mistake. The light disapated. The girl smiled. "Ah Toshi. My brother," the girls said. Toshi looked at the girl. "Can't you tell. It's me Ora," she said. Toshi shook his head in desbelief. Hiroshi realized who the girl was, it was not Ora but a girl known as Raile. "Toshi. That's not your sister Ora. I messed up. It's the Dark spirit Rail of the Under Realms," Hirsohi warned. Toishi nodded. Rail looked over to Hiroshi. "I know you. You're Hiroshi Kalamara," she said. Hiroshi nodded. Suddenly Rein burst into the room. "I felt a great power c-coming...," Rein said looking at the gothic looking girl. Rail smiled. "Thank you for releasing me Hiroshi Kalamara. Now I will take my leave of you," Rail said. She walked out but then stopped. "Oh and Toshi," Rail said making Toshi look up. "Your brother Rayne says hi," Rail said. Toshi and Rein made eye contact. "What was that," Rein asked felling very odda nd confused. "I accidently summoned a Dark Spirit from the Under Realms here instead of Toshi's sister Ora. I guess they have similar spirit energy," Hiroshi said. Garren and Arunue came in, Garren was holding Arunue's hand. "We saw a girl walking down the hall. Who was it," Garren said.
  14. OCC- A always love a little romance. IC- Toshi chuckled and walked up to her. He tapped his boot while Garren made out with Arunue for what seemed like an hour but was really a few minutes. Arunue pulled away. "I saw you defeat Hodur in the Realm of Trinia Toshi. Great job," she said and she gave him a hug. Toshi smiled. Rein and Symoni looked at her and smiled. "We missed you," Kieko said finally walking up and giving a big hug to Arunue. Arunue turned to them all. "Where are we," she said. Rein smiled. "I brought us back from the Realm of Reality to visit here for a reunion of sorts and I guess it really is a reunion now eh," he said looking to Garren. Garren only blushed. Toshi walked forward. "Your revenge has been fufilled upon Shakia-a I mean Hodur. Man I always get that wrong," Toshi said. Arunue nodded. "Well. While I was in the afterlife I found out this. Hodur used to be the king of Trinia. But something happened one day he turned evil and made Trinia into his warzone and built dark palaces. but then everything collapsed and Shakia as he had re named himself fell into the Realm of Reality," she said. Toshi nodded. "Something tells me that this is connected to a vision I had back when I fought Morak in the gateway," Toshi said. Arunue raised an eyebrow. "It goes like this. There was a boy fighting a guy with a pointy hat. The boy had a ring around his wrist and he let the ring create a beam of energy that flew into the man. But it missed and the man took the ring and absorbed the boy into it and then walked off," Toshi said. Arunue shook her head. "I don't see a connection," she said. Toshi sat down and put his head on his shoulders. "Neither do I."
  15. OCC- Sorry for not posting for awhile. I can never get to a computer. And Sinahiro. I have a way it'll work out so that Sirus thought you were apart of the Roxoski clan. And to Veil. I'll tell you later how I knew about your betrayel to our packed. Also. What's up Jro13. Why ain't u posting. IC- Sirus was in another world. Or at least his mind was. Sirus could not tell where he was or what was happening. But faint glowing objects of white were surrounding him. Sirus drew his sword then realized it was his elders. The elders of the Roxoski clan. He bowed. "My lords," he said clearly for they could not hear that well in another dimension. "Sirus. You have been called forth to the chambers of the dark realm to tell us why a dead man like yourself is facing the true blank," they said. "My lords. I am not choosing to. I ask that I be granted a nullification of the true blank (a place of nothing where you do not exist and have no mind), so that I may continue my fight to gain the Siroshima fire and bring fate to our side of the war," Sirus said. The elders talked amongst themselves. "Why should we grant it when we are not sure of you abilities. You have already fallen twice now, once while you were already dead," they said. Sirus nodded. "I understand your thoughts my lords but I have a key. An old freind of mine. Sinahiro who is on the side of Auroski when he used to be on Roxoski. I feel that he can be of some use to us," Sirus said. Once again they talked amongst themselves. "This Sinahiro must be called forth to the chambers of the Dark Realm. You must make sure Roxoski blood still flows in his veins," they instucted. Sirus bowed. "I will not fail my lords," Sirus said. He disappeared. The high elder of the Roxoski Clan looked to his greying hand. "Sirus is a fool. This being he speaks of is not entirly the same one he thinks it is," the elder said.
  16. Box Hoy

    The Dark

    Toshi looked at the ball. His mind was reeling. Something seemed all too familiar. Suddenly there was a flashback. A boy stood in front of a man with a dark cloke and a pointy hat that pointed into the air and then drooped down . The boy had a weird ring around his rist that didn't touch but just floated around him. The boy attacked the pointy hat man and let the ring turn into a beam of spirits. The attack was unsuccelsful and the pointy hat man attacked the boy. He stole the ring and then the boy was thrown inside of it. The man took the ring and walked off. Toshi flashed back to the scene. He stared at Ravene. His freind through this adventure had been changed for eternity. Helios snapped his fingers. Suddenly the army of Deathlords appeared behind him. They all laughed and scowled. They had chains and fire and they all were ready to kill them. Toshi withdrew his the sword of Sera, symbol of his country, the one he would not let be destroyed. Knowing this could very well be his last time withdrawing it from its sheath he walked forward to the front of his party. "It's time for me to be a leader," he said. And with that he charged into battle against the deathlords. They whipped Toshi with their chains of cruelty and burned him with their unholy fire. Toshi just kept on slashing through. Line and Tr'Shiel looked at Toshi with scared eyes. Each one had the power of Morak multiplied by One Hundred. Riv stood there. "This is his final battle," Riv said. He charged in.
  17. Box Hoy

    The Dark

    Morak stood frozen but now the Deathlord was him and he was the deathlord. He could feel the souls flowing throguh his body. Morak threw up his hand. He created a beam of power and let it loose upon the attackers. Everyone was hit. Toshi fell to the ground. Luceus smiled. "You will do it my freinds. This is your destiny," he said. Morak smiled at Leceus. "This is not the time," Morak said. Toshi looked up confused. "What?" Morak was different something was controlling him. The Death Lord had killed Morak and made his body his.
  18. Sirus watched all of this from the top of a building. "Watch them run like fools," he chuckled. "They will all soon see death. Espeically that Veil for breaking the oath," he said. Sirus watched Sinahiro rush into battle with the men he'd sent to protect his bait. It was a fullproof plan. He'd captured some strong men from the streets, made them work for him, captured Kilik, and now the others had fallen into his trap. Once all the gaurds died he'd jump down the building and kill Sinahiro then chase down Veil and slay her for her betrayal. Yes. It was fullproof. He noticed Mya with Veil as they escaped. "What. Another warrior to aid this rescue party. I will destroy them all," Sirus said. Sinahiro was easily defeating them. "He'll be too tired to battle me after this," he said. Sirus withdrew his black blade. The last guard was killed. Sinahiro looked around. Suddnely he was kicked over by Sirus. He landed on the dirt and rocks of the ground. Sirus laughed. "All too easy," he said. Sinahiro struggled to get up. "You are at my mercy now old friend. You should have never left the Roxoski clan to join these weaklings," Sirus said. Sinahiro reached for his blade but Sirus stabbed his hand. Sinahiro yelled with pain. "Now I am the master," Sirus said. "You'd die before you won without honor Sirus. This is no way to gain that," Sinahiro. "Ah but you forget. I am of the Roxoski clan. We are the scum of all evil and the bringers of true death," Sirus said. Sinahiro rolled over quickly. Sirus stabbed at him but he was too late. Sinahiro withdrew his sword. Sirus did nothing only to prove his superioirity. "Like I said. I am the master Sinahiro." Sirus was waiting for Sinahiro's first move. "Hmph. Where is you precious chosen one Sinahiro. Where is the Siroshima Fire," Sirus taunted. Sinahiro only looked at the ground. "I do not know," he said. Sirus nodded. "You are weak my old friend. It is because of this petty Auraski clan that has brought you to your end. But you can avoid it. You can re join the Roxoski clan and you will become and immortal being," Sirus said. Sinahiro only stared at Sirus. What would be his decision?
  19. I thought they were supposed to have a Bangaa in their party as well. I saw it in Electronic Gaming Monthly. i hope they have one.
  20. I sure wish Final Fantasy could be played non online. It sucks. Anyway who here agree's. I'm about to beat Final Fantasy 10 and I've seen parts of 10-2. I don't understand it.
  21. OCC- Arunue. our names rhyme he he. IC- Toshi looked very confused at both of them. "So anyway you are Hiroshi Kalamara huh," Toshi said. Hiroshi nodded. Toshi smiled. "Well then. You're too late to seek revenge upon her death," Toshi said. Hiroshi rasied his eyebrow. "You see. Rein here and I killed Shakia, your sisters killer," Toshi said remembering how the opposite thing had happened with Arunue and Hiroshi. Rein looked at the ground.
  22. Box Hoy

    The Dark

    Toshi was still blanked out. Veil was shaking him but nothing happened. A man walked in and spoke to the elder. She shook her head and truly looked as if there was no more hope. Veil walked over to her. "What's wrong," she asked? The elder turned to her. "Toshi's younger sister Ora has gone missing. We don't know where," she said. Veil looked up at the top of the hut. "Truly we must stop Morak before Myrith is destroyed," she said. Meanwhile Riv frowned at Morak. "Death is your destiny Riv the Legendary swordsman," he said. "And lucky you before you die you get to witness my transfer to immortality," Morak said. Riv looked around and it occured to him they were in the gateway. Celestia stood there gasping at Morak. He smiled. "There is no more need for this form any more," Morak said. Morak yelled. The blue background of the gateway suddenly turned black. A long dark creature came out from the darkness. This was the Death Lord. Toshi stood up. Toku, Line, Veil, Asunan, and Tr'shiel looked at him. His eyes cleared up and he smiled. "What happened to you," Veil asked? Toshi said nothing but raised his arm into the air. He brought it down fasy upon the ground and the portal opened. The group stare at him. Veil ran along and as Toshi jumped fell into the portal she did too, with a little scream added. Riv was now up against the wall attached with a slimy substance called Death Glue. Celestia was on the ground knocked out. Toshi floated in on the seen not noticing either but actually spotting Morak, He had the Death Lord running through his stomach and was transforming.
  23. Sirus was on the top of a building looking at the temple. Veil walked out. "My first catch of the day," Sirus said to himself. Sirus jumped off the building. He withdrew his sword from it's hilt. he ran threw the streets. Veil was walking throguh the streets. She spotted him. "You," she said. Sirus jumped to the side and kicked off from the wall and put his sword out in front of him. He flew through the air at Veils head. She ducked. Sirus rolled on the ground. "Stop," Veil said. "No way," Sirus said. He sliced at her but she kept dodging his attacks. Sirus then ducked at slashed at her legs. She jumped. "You have to listen to me," she said. Sirus looked up. He stared at her. "Why are you attacking us," she asked? Sirus smiled. "I want the Siroshima Fire," he said. She looked at him and nodded. "Then we are on the same page," she said. Sirus looked confused. "I want the Siroshima Fire as well. If we join forces then we can take down the Chosen One and once he's dead then we will fight for the blade," she said. Sirus nodded. "You are indeed lucky you found me for I know who the Chosen One is. Your friend Sinahiro told me it is a boy called Siro," he said. Veil nodded. Thus their alliance began
  24. Box Hoy

    The Dark

    Toshi sat quiet in a chair later that evening. They were back in the kingdom of Sera. The elder sat in front of Toshi. There was something wrong with him. Toshi could not use any of his senses so he was basiclly near death. The elder stood up. "There's nothing I can do. The only way I can tell he is still alive is his heartbeat and that he's breathing," she said. Toshi's eyes were completely black. "What exactly happened to him," the elder asked Veil. She shook her head, "I couldn't do anything. Toshi disappeared into no where. The next thing I saw was Arrav blow up in smokes. I think we should be more concerned about Morak and that he has the bridge to the gateway," Veil said. The elder rubbed her chin.
  25. Lex stood there. His sword was useless. He was useless. His discouragment tonned dwon his sword and made the light turn to dark. Flaid slashed at Inferna but she blocked with her own sword. Flaid started hacking at her with all his might and all his defense. A great alliance. Lidora came up behind Inferna and stabbed her back. Inferna made no reaction and continued to fight Flaid. Flaid seemed to not notive either. Lex looked curiously at them. Suddenly his eyes became completely black. He fell to his knees. Fera ran over to him. '"Lex are you okay," she asked.
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