Box Hoy
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There was a crumb on Toshi's upper lip. "Damn. That was good," he said. "Yeah. I can tell," Kieko said. "It's been so long since we've all been together like this," Toshi said. "We're not all together," Garren said looking at the ground. Toshi did nothing. "I know we all miss her but we have to move on," Symoni said. Arunue Kalamara had been killed by Shakia in their last adventure. Shakia had done it and the group had sworn to avenge her and her brother plus Toshi's sister Ora. Kieko walked over to Toshi. "So how's Rayne been," she asked? Toshi smiled. "He crosses over every once in awhile. Right after we returned from killing Shakia he said he met Arunue in the after realm," Toshi said. Kieko smiled. Toshi was very happy at seeing his old freinds again.
OCC- I am so sorry I haven't been posting.I haven't had a computer for a while. It was raining. Sirus was taking cover under a bridge. Bums were under there dealing drugs with each other. Sirus sat on the side and watched lightning flash. "How could I have let them get away. I guess my abilities aren't at full," Sirus thought aloud to himself. The dealers noticed Sirus. They started quarreling among themselves. They decided to rob Sirus. He smiled. He turned to look at them. He had a glow in his eyes. They attacked Sirus but he was too quick. Sirus jumped and grabbed the edge of the bridge. They bums ran at him. Sirus let go and did a twist kick. Three fell down which left seven. Sirus grabbed one and threw it at the footing of the bridge. Sirus let his hair out of the bandana he wore. It was grey and curled (kind of like Rob Zombie). Sirus ran up and kicked one bum across the face. He dropkicked another and rammed the last two into each other. Sirus left the bridge. The storm seemed to harden. He had decided to not stay under the bridge and attack the weak while he was warmed up. Lightning flashed and Sirus withdrew his sword. No one got away from him. No one.
Yeah. Kenny. He has that effect on people. My favorite saying in all of South PArk is by Cartman. He says "I'll kick you in the nut," yeah. That was great. Have you seen the South Park movie?
So I was wondering who else likes South Park. My favorite episdoe is ChinPokomon. Check out my poll too.
Sirus withdrew his blade. "This time Sinahiro I will finish you off," he said. Sinahiro shook his head. "Where have you been all these years old friend," Sinahiro said. Sirus looked at the ceiling. "I was the leader of the Roxoski clan. But I was killed and now I wander the Realms of Myrith looking for a way to reclaim my position as the leader of my old clan. Now I have found it. The Siroshima Fire," Sirus said. Sinahiro smiled. "Well. You?re too late. The Chosen one has the Siroshima Fire. His name is Siro and he wishes to destroy the Roxoski clan,? Sinahiro said. Sirus put his sword away. ?This Siro will die,? Sirus said
Sirus looked upon this windy kingdom. This was the home to the Auroski Clan. His hatred boiled over in his mind but he did nothing. Denizens of this small kingdom were mercgants. He was a warrior. He would most definatly stand out. His goal was to steal the Siroshuma Fire and destroy both the Roxoski clan and the Auraski clan. Then he would rule this world. Sirus walked through the streets. It was way overcrowded. The Siroshuma Fire was said to be held at a temple. The temple of Auraski where the elders of this kingdom lived. His first kill would be there. He would slaughter them and then steal their precious sword. A large man stumbled on by. He tripped over Sirus's foot. Sirus continued walking. The man looked up in rage. Sirus had not turned to say sorry or help him out. The large man ran at Sirus. As he got closer Sirus stopped. A black sword came out of his robe. The fat man was hopping up and down waiting for an attack. He got the attack. Sirus had turned around and slashed the fat mans arm off then as the man was grabbing what remained of his arm his head came flying off, held up by the black sword. People stared at him. There was a path opening. Sirus walked down it. He turned around. They all shuddered and continued working like nothing had happened. Sirus turned around. His black sword gleamed in the sunlight. He walked into the temple.
Toshi hit the ground. How could he have just let Morak get away. He was probably inside the kingdom now. Toshi looked up and let wind ride through him. Morak was going to use the portal soon. He was going to kill the Death Lord and become all powerful. Riv pulled Toshi up from his feet. "You must not give up. I didn't give up when Rimnil was at his hardest," Riv told Toshi. Toshi nodded. Toshi started walking towards the kingdom. He entered like he had before. It seemed so peaceful but within a few minutes it would all be destroyed if he did not do something. Suddenly there wasa blinding flash of light that covered the entire kingdom in a sphere type shape. Toshi squinted. His eyes adjusted. He could see the faint outline of the buildings. The others were not with him. Morak was floating in front of him. He did not look the same however. His eyes burned with such great hatred. His armor was gone and so was his face plate. He had long red hair that stretched down to the back of his knees. He still had the black wing though. He spoke in a dark voice that pained Toshi to hear it. This is what Toshi heard. "You know not me. The one you saw and thought was Morak was me. He was a simple decoy who could ahve been defeated easily. I am the true Morak," he said. Toshi's eyes were wide and his sword was drawn. He held it out behind himself. "The Bridge to the gateway has been recovered by my armies and soon I will pass through it to become a being that can not be contained in this world," Morak said. "You'll never do it. I wont let you," Toshi said and with that he took a giant step and slashed Morak. Two things happened. Toshi was unsuccfull at harming or even touching Morak and Morak blew Arrav up. [B]PART 2 DOOMSDAY[/B] Toshi lay on the ground. Many heavy objects were on top of him. Veil and Riv were digging the rubble. Toku sat staring at the fallen kingdom. Tr'Shiel had been hit by a falling object and knocked out for a while. Line and Asunan along with the other Star Knights were doing a revovery effort. This had been an eventful day. A truly eventful day indeed.
OCC- That's okay Kieko. i got a lot of homework also so I can't blame you. Anyway just don't fall seriously behind or it'll get shut down. IC- Morak hacked away at Riv. Toshi ran up from behind Morak and slashed him. Morak did nothing. He turned around after a moment. "Do you think you hurt me," Morak said. He hit Toshi in the stomach. Toshi's eyes widened as he fell over and grabbed his stomach. Morak suddenly was weilding a large gruesome sword. "I want you to remember this swords name for it will be the last thing you remember," Morak said. "This sword is named Carnage." Riv smirked. "You think that sword is all powerful yet you know not the extent of its great power," Riv said. Toshi opened one eye. The sword carnage was next to his head. Riv charged Morak only to be closelined by his opponent. Morak turned around. "You are truly foollish to beleive that you have a chance against my power," Morak said. "Now I will take my leave of you all. Let it be known that this has only been a small testament of my evil. I will see you in the Kingdom of Arrav soon," Morak said. And with that Morak and his armies disappeared.
Name: Sirus Xavor Gender: Male Age: 20 Weapon: Black Sword Bio: Sirus was brought up as part of the new Roxoski Clan. He was a demon of great power but of little training until he met a man named Ark who gave him a black sword. Through this incident Sirus trained until he was a strong man. He became the leader of the new clan. He devoted himself to training to become the darkest warrior ever. But as fate may have had it he was corrupted by his own self. He eventually died from his insanity but did not pass on. He grew stronger. He went back to rule as the dead leader of the Roxoski Clan. But his roll on life had been taken away from him. A new leader had been chosen. A pathetic leader. Sirus killed this new leader. Sirus stole the escaping soul and became a Death Lord. With every kill he made he becaem stronger. The Roxoski Clan banished him for fear of a retaliation if he decided to seek his revenge. Sirus started travelling the old lands of Pinito. Anybody he saw he killed. And his power grew and grew. Until one day a beutiful young maiden came along. Without any hesitation he killed the maiden. Her soul provided a great power. And a power that was once buetiful turned to a gruesome power. Sirus then met a man named Orik who admired his carnage obsessed personality. Orik said that if he continued his dark ways though he would eventually pass on to an existence of nothingness. Sirus stopped stealing souls. But he continued to kill. He found a great power in the form of a sword. But a boy weilded it. Sirus would kill this boy at his least expentency and would steal his last soul. He joined the Auraski Clan. Description- Black hair, baggy black pants with a grey shirt. A belt with chains running down the pants. Tan skin and green eyes. Side: Auraski Clan Secondary weapons: Katana Class: Dark Soul of a dead ninja
Morak noticed the boy running towards him. Rivs eye twitched at the sight of Morak. "No. It can't be him. It can't. Not this early," Riv said. Asunan gasped. Line and tr'shiel stood frozen. Toku fell over. Morak walked inside the kingdom. He started yelling. Toshi fell over in weariness. "Come out you cowards," Morak said. Riv grabbed his sword. "I can not let him destroy this kingdom," he said. He stood up and started running at Morak. Morak turned around and grabbed Riv. Compared to Riv's large size he was punny to Morak. "Do you think that you, with all your pathetic power, can defeat me," Morak said. A drop of blood dripped from Riv's mouth. Toshi was trying to get through the ground with his weary body. Veil was limp and dead like. Toku stared at Morak. The black crow wing. It was the same as the general that had attacked. Was Morak really a leader or a minion. __________________________________ OCC- Don't do anything about the crow wing. That'll be in a different story.
Lex looked horrified at the two balls of flame heading straight his way. He ducked but it was useless. Or so he thought. Flaid stood in front of him. The balls hit Flaid straight on. Lex gasped as Falid continued standing there. Fera watched Falid. He was not hurt at all. Suddenly it hit her. He was a demon of flames. He could not be hurt by fire. Flaid laughed. "I guess we cannot hurt each other Inferna," Flaid said. Lex touched all three crystals on his sword. They represented fire, water, and earth. The sword started glowing white. "This is the Sword of Light," Lex yelled at Inferna. She watched amusingly. "I can tell your element of power isn't fire. You're a being of hatred and evil," Lex said. Lidora nodded. "So it only fit that this sword will be your end." Inferna smiled. "No you pathetic rat. That sword will be useless against me," she said. Lidora raised her eyebrow. "No. It is true that one source of that sword of light is fire. With that I will gain so much power you will not be able to harm me," she said. Flaid shook his head. It seemed impossible.
Okay to all those who have done Realm of Reality you should remember that Skitto mentioned the Realm of Trinia. This is a story that takes place in that realm. Many years ago, actually to be exact it was when there was only one Realm. That Realm was Trinia. It was a world of magnificence. It was a world of adventure. And a world of kings. One king named Hodur was said to be the strongest king ever to rule over Trinia. He was also said to be the darkest. One day while looking over his kingdom a flock of crows flew over the kingdom. One shed a feather. He noticed the feather. Something came over him as he surveyed the darkness of the feather. Soon his mind became corrupted. He became obseesed with destruction and the pursuit of becoming the most evil being in the universe. He grew a dark wing of the Crow and took the name Shakia. Trinia became the lost realm. Most everyone died except for a few. Hodur was transported to a different realm. But at this time more realms had been made. The realm of Trinia was completely in ruins. Powers started to from there including a great crystal called the Robe. It held great powers that if someone pure of heart, either of light and dark, would absorb. It also held secrets about the life and the universe. The Realm of Trinia became the Realm of Evil. It became the haven of a new dark lord. Not Shakia. No this lord was much more powerful. He was the lord of the crows. His name was Hawk. A being who could not be contianed in the universe of existence. But he did find a way for there is always a way. He started taking over great and powerful lords. His signature became the wing of the black crow which sprouted on one of the shoulders. The Realm of Trinia became a kingdom all itself. Ruled by Hawk. Then one day a boy came forward. His name was Van. A lord had been possesed by Hawk and started destroying his Realm of Aia. Fortanaty the lord had been killed by a mysterious warrior named Orik. Van found a gateway to the Realm of Trinia. A very rare gate. He set out to find the source of the lords mysterious behavior before it was too late... I need your age name abilities description background About 5 people okay.
Toshi looked wearily at the soldiers. They just kept coming and coming. Veil was arching from the archers tower. She looked down at him. Toshi did some sort of signal telling her to cover him while he retreated back into the kingdom. Riv noticed this. He grabbed Toshi's trench coat collar just as Toshi was getting up. "No matter how wounded you are you will never give up," Riv yelled. Toshi nodded. Veil shot an arrow at an attacking soldier on them. Riv stood up. "They will not pass," he said. ___ Meanwhile in a plains about thirty miles from Krii. A scout returned to his leader. "Sir the kingdom is going to fall soon," the scout said. The leader growled and saliva dripped from his lip. He had sharp teeth and wore a helmet that was half broken. He had had strong armor. Indeed this was a demon. But not any demon. This was Morak.
Lex gasped in shoch as they drew their weapons of flames. Flaid and Fera twitched a little and Lidora did nothing. Her mind was content on the victory. Lex closed his eyes and touched the top crystal on his blade. It turned blue. Flaid looked at Lex's sword. The demons raged forward. Lex's eyes were still closed. He jumped into the air and did a spin slash on the demon attacking himself. It fell over. Kioto opened his eyes and grabbed the fire sword of his demon attacker out of the air. He then took it and stabbed the demon through his stomach. Lex stopped and looked around. No more demons were alive. They'd all been slain. But Lidora was missing. Aparently Flaid and Fera had noticed this as well. Lidora was looking at the village ahead. She was at the top of a tree. The village was burning. Lidora said three words. "Damn you Oolong."
Kioto couldn't fall asleep. What if something where to mess up and one of them were to die. He stood up and walked out of the cave they were in. He looked around at the area. Such a buetiful place. He could see the large mountain to the west of them. He sat down. This would all die if he failed. Then something struck him. He had the choice to give up. Everyone did. He thoguht it over. Many people never took the fact that they could give up any time into consideration. Kioto stood up and started walking into the forest. Glowing etenies of power flew around his body and around the forests other life beings. He watched them fly around. Outsid eof his mind there was peacefulness. But inside a war raged between two decisions. To take a risk and fight against Rimnil or to go against the others. The little glowing powers stopped. Kioto was shaking on the ground. Did he want buety and more. What did he want. The glowing powers started circiling Kioto. Suddenly they entered his head. He stood up. His eyes were glazed. He was not concious. Something had taken his mind and made a decision for him. Kioto stood at the base of the cave. He took his sword out.
Okay this is how history of Myrith goes some what. The Journey of Trinia The Legend of Riv The Quest of Earlif The Quest of Van The Chronicles of Toshi - THE DARK, THE REALM OF REALITY/REALM OF IMAGINATIONS/ THE BROTHERHOOD OF EVE, THE RED WAR. The Journey of Vekento (Toshi's son) It's finally organized. I'm also going to create an encyclopedia. So I need everyone's history. Okay see yall.
Kioto sat thinking whilet he others discussed the plan. Rimnil was going to attack. He could feel it. He felt the Rimnils anger. He was going to do something drastic...and soon. Kioto stood up. The others looked up. "Guys. I've got a plan," he said. "Alright then," Riv said. "What is it." Kioto smiled. "Okay. I think instead of heading straight towards the mountain we should take an indirect approach," Kioto said. "Then when they expect us we'll attack Rimnil from the back. But let's save this for Riv," Kioto said nodding at Riv. "It's to easy. They'll get us for sure," Riv said. "Don't worry Riv. As long as we're together no one can stop us. Let's see two swordmen, you and me and empath, Ki. A black mage, Celestia. We're unstoppable," Kioto said. Riv shook his head.
Lex took a sword out. it had three crystals running up from the bottom. it was sliver but had been enchanted not to break even under the hardest of forces. Lidora and Fera both readied themselves. There was a small gap when no one talked. They could hear rustling from afar. Flaid came running. "They're coming," Flaid said. He was sweating hard. Fera tightened up. "Do they know we're here," lidora asked. Flaid nodded. "They're hurrying. they're hungrey for cooked human," he said. Fera smirked at flaid. "well then you're protected," she said. Lex kicked her in the back of the leg. "Shut up. We don''t need arguing right now," he said. Lidora nodded in agreement. Soon they could see the demons.
A horizon rose in the west. it was just creeping over the hill. Light flashed in Toshi and Riv's eyes. "Asunan said yet another army is coming. I don't understand. What do they want with Krii," toshi said. Riv did not turn his head. "Something drives them to keep coming here. Maybe they heard about our mission to get hapl from the other kingdoms," Riv said. "Or maybe their coming this way to get to Arrav." Veil climbed up the archers tower. "they're coming," she said.,
Toshi looked amazed at Riv. "That's some mighty fine skill you have there Riv," Toku said walking up. Toshi was cut short by him. Riv seemed to be pained by that death. Something told Toshi that Riv was going to need some help. Asunan and Line appared from behind the gates. "Riv are you okay," Line said. Asunan appeared behind. "You nailed that guy hard," she said. Toshi walked in. "Good job Toshi," Line said. Veil walked up. "For once in your life I think Toshi. You've actually done something smart and courageus at the same time," she said. Toshi smiled. "Thanks guys," Toshi said. Toku smiled walking in. The girls just looked at him and left. Toku stood there. "Hey. WHere' all my congrats. I fought out there too," he said. That night Toshi stood on the archers tower looking at the now bloody entrence to the kingdom. There were still dead beings lying everywhere. "This is just terrible," Toshi said to himself. "Yes. it is," Riv said wlaking up the archers tower. Toshi mover over to let him sit. "So Riv. That was some powerful attack you have there," Toshi said. Riv nodded. "Lemaria is the strongest sword in all of Myrith (In case you didn't know Myrith is a certain cluster of Realms. The Realms you'll hear more about in the Realm of Reality story). Toshi nodded. "Many years ago. Actually before you were born I fought a great abttle with a dark creature Rimnil as you know. He was immortal. But something drove me to kill him. Something beyond my self," Riv said. "Oh. I've never shared this with you but your ancestor Ki and Toku's ancestor Kioto foguht alongside me in that battle," Riv said. Toshi gasped. "That's so weird," Toshi said. Riv nodded. "It's called destiny," Riv said. He stood up. "You should get some sleep. Tomarrow we set out. We have to gathe more armies for our cause," Riv said. Toshi nodded. The sky seemed so pretty tonight.
Kioto stared at the sword. It seemed so magnificent. Celestia shook her head. "We should continue," she said. Ki nodded. "So where are we headed to," he said. "We're going to Mount Kivanri. There we will find Rimnli and kill him," Kioto said. "Well more like Riv will kill," Celestia said. Riv nodded. "Yes. But it will take alot of training. Rimnli is a Viru of old breed. He preys off the life of evil beings and thus' he maintains immortality," Riv explained to the newcomer. Ki nodded. "Riv. When you talked I felt you pain over soemthing. What is it," Ki asked. Riv shook his head. "Rimnli destroyed my life. He destroyed half of my kingdom. It pains me to talk about his accomplishme- no his evil doings," Riv said. Kioto turned to Ki. "Let's keep going. No more questions," Kioto said. They continued. Mount Kivanri was still very far away.
The group continued. Lex wondered about that prb Lidora had shown them. What if he could see what was going on in the Forest of Isis. He'd only been three years of age when he was abandoned. He didn't know his mother and father. There were no memories of them. The group passed the burned bridge. Lex stared at it burn away. A piece of flaming bark fell off into the river. "Lidora. Do you know who did this," Lex asked. She shook her head. "Do many people use this bridge for transportation," he asked. Lidora nodded. Lex stopped. "Then why don't we rebuild it. Not just to get across but to help the people," Lex said. Lidora stopped as well. "Because it will only get burned down again," she said. They continued on their way.
I have a question for you Arcadia. Do you check all the posts. And do you ever join any yourself.
Hee Hee. Sry, bout' that. See I'm totally building off of the Realm of Reality. I've got like Toshi's first adventure the Dark going right now and then I have this one, coming soon. And then I have The Quest for the Earlif one, and then I have the Legend of Riv that I'm posting on. And I have two more strories that I'm just going to write at home that have Toshi's final adventures. And then his sons adventure and two serious prolouge strories. One is going to have Toshi's ancestors advenure and another is a story about the world of Trinia. It's very complicated as you can see. i've been trying to get it all straight. Like in a timeline.
Blood splattered on the ground as Toshi took a swipe out of one of the demon's heads. He looked up at the leader. He was tossing dmeons away. He was heading for Riv. "Riv look out," Toshi yelled. Riv looked up only to have to duck again because of a fist heading towards his head. Riv held his sword back and let it launch off into the demons stomach. The demon roared as blood trickled down form it. The blood then was absorbed. The demon had just gained more power. Riv slashed attacking minion demons. The demon picked Riv up. he then tossed Riv into the castle walls. He crashed through. Toshi saw what had happened. He slashed throguh demons and snuck up behind the large one. He stabbed it throguh the back of the head. It's brains were on Toshi's sword. Toku appeared behind Toshi. "What the heck," Toku said looking at Toshi. Toshi drew his sword out of the collapsing demon. Riv stood up wearily. They retreated to the inside. Toku seemed frantic. "Guys. Where'd they come from. I don't understand. Arrav was supposed to be their destination, not here," Toku said. Toshi looked at the ground. he seemed so pained. "I can feel every one's pain. Even the demons," he said. "It's so scary." Toku eyed Toshi. The armies fought long inot the night.