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About leo_swinkels

  • Birthday 06/13/1982

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    Dutch Marine Core

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  1. They should at least make it look like this, if they keep the cartoony look of zelda. I would like the real look but I`m not sure if they will. Let`s just all hope and say our prayers and wait for the best.
  2. With those two games nintendo set a very high bar on the ladder. The graphics don`t look great but therefore they will have more space for larger dungeons and a great storyline. P.S. I heard that the real looking footage of zelda was littarally scraped toghether in the last minute to show it off. The game should have been almost ready. I can also still hope for the good-looking game.
  3. That`s right, he changed the look to see what happens. He strikes a whole new audience including the die-hard-zelda-fans who like me are just curious to see how it plays. Unfortulatly we are going to have to wait a year for this game.:bawl:
  4. Or something like an open ending that ganon might still come back in a sequel. Like the ending in ocarina of time. I saw once a small movie of a demo of Final Fantasy 8. A brutal fighting sequence and I absolutly loved it:love:
  5. Nowadays all programmers of games are struggling to make all sorts of realistic looking games and I thing Miyamoto just wanted to go into another direction then what all the other programmers do. The first time I saw it I hated it but the more I look at it I thing that this thing might accually work out.
  6. Most of you guys look a lot like my mother. She always wants to find a girlfriend for me but lucky for me I always beat her to it.
  7. It`s just that I would love to see Link for real riding his horse epona charging into ganon, make a salto over him and clash his sword with this very hugh big guy made out of CGI with fantastick special effects and great music in a perfect stage. I dreamt once about this scene and it would look absolutly great.
  8. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Heh Heh! lol If all the people would do the same as you do then the x-box will die in no-time. The gamecube rulez big-time. Maybe because of their almost 20 years of experience while the x-box has 13 days of experience. Nintendo has been and will always be at the top.
  9. Now I wonder if the x-box sold out as well as the gamecube or if it sold out at all. When I have the money I will definitly buy a gc. But the x-box I don`t know. Maybe if the machine is worth all that money. Game cube is cheap in price and that helps bigtime in the sales.
  10. :bawl: I also feel like crying couse I spend my last money on a GOOD dvd player an few days ago. I couldn`t wait any longer. But I never even played on a Gamecube and I`m really jealous of you guys. :flaming: :flaming: :bawl:
  11. Even if a gamecube disk is too small they can also use multiple cd`s
  12. yeah I herd it was the firs time that two consoles of this size are being released within days from eachother. But I will still wait for the game cube. I definitly must play ssb melee, dinosaur planet and of course zelda when it comes out.
  13. jeez I can`t wait for the gc. But i probably won`t have any money when it comes out :confused: :( :( :(
  14. sounds cool. I didn`t try the hover boots with this boss but I wil try it for sure. Couse when I tried to Z-target it my attacks did get interrupted because of his drums
  15. The arrows are faster than the longshot so before you go to him stack up on arrows. First shoot the both hands using z-target and than shoot the eye on the normal way when it is closing in on you. You can wait until the last moment to shoot so you don`t have to walk that far. Once you hit him let him have it with your sword. Of course use the eye of truth.:cool:
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