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About M_Chan_Angel

  • Birthday 11/15/1986

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  • Occupation
    High School Student

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  1. My fav cartoons would deffianitly be the Simpsons, Family Guy, Futurama,and any Spider-Man cartoon.
  2. I think MTV's Spider-man is awesome. It has very realistic graphics and a great story line to go with it. Deffianitly a must see for any Spidey fan.
  3. I liked the first 3 movies and "The Phantom Menace." However,"The Attack of the Clones" in my opinion dragged out a little to long and those lame romance lines could have deffianitly used a rewrite. I'm almost afraid to see what's gonna' be going on in Episode 3 when it's eventually released in theateres.
  4. I'd have to agree with you people Hillary dressing sexy is not going to work, at least not for a while. Anyways, I think the show is kind of cute. But I don't like it nearly as much as I use to when it first came out.
  5. My fav. saga would have to be the Frieza saga. I thought it had one of the better storylines in the series. Plus, the Saga introduced ppl. to the SSJ, and the fight between SSJ Goku and Frieza is one of the best bouts in the series,at least in my opinion it is.
  6. Hmm, I have a lot of favorite moments, but I guess my most favorite moments in DBZ are the first time Goku and Vegeta face off against eachother in the Saiyan Saga and when Vegeta spills his guts out to Goku and even cries before frieza deals him the final blow. I just thought that was a very touching moment.
  7. The Buu Saga was alright. However, the only part with Buu in it that I liked a lot cause I thought it was very entertaining was the Fusion Saga. But my fav saga is still the Frieza Saga, I just realy love the story line behind it.
  8. Hmm,my guess is that that was indeed his actual body,but there's no tellin how old Ginyu is so there's no way you can truly know.
  9. Hmm, I'm prety happy with the way I am, but if I had to be another person I'd chose to be my friend Alicia since we are very similair people and it wouldn't be such a tremendous change.
  10. Hmm, I'd erase pitty. I can't stand it when other people pitty me. The only thing worse then recieving pitty from others is feeling pitty for myself.
  11. I'd want the ability to fly, use telekenetic powers,and use Goku's Instant Transmission technique.
  12. I'm afraid of bees, wasps, and hornets.
  13. I don't like sick days. There's nothing to do but sleep and watch T.V,which gets boring after a while. Besides I'd rather be hangin' out with my friends then with my parents.
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