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Sweet Setsuna

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About Sweet Setsuna

  • Birthday 01/15/1989

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  1. I'm completely against underage drinking. I know I'll never do it because I can't even stand the smell of alcohol, so there's no chance I'll be drinking any of it in the near future. Or ever.
  2. Sometimes I act quite immature, but not often. I usually just act goofy because I'm hyper. The only time I really act immature is when I'm mad at someone. I usually won't talk to a person if I am angry with them. I'm only 14, but not talking to someone because you are angry with them I'm quite sure would be considered immature by most people.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Chou Long Kai [/i] [B]Usually,the last episode's title has something to do with a deeper meaning in the series [500th post,2 years gah] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, that is usually the case I think. The last episode of Shoujo Kakumei Utena is called 'Someday We'll Shine Together'. At least, I think that is the english translation.
  4. I'm japanese, so of course I have a japanese accent. While I was in America I always had to repeat things to some of the people in my class because they couldn't understand what I was saying because of my heavy accent.
  5. Japanese is my native language, so of course I speak that. I'm currently taking my third year of english, but there are some words I still stumble on. For the most part I'm quite fluent in english now.
  6. All of my friends like anime since I'm from Japan. :)
  7. I would want to be able to fly, use telekenesis, and have advanced senses. I would not want anything incredibly special.
  8. I always sing in the shower. I usually sing songs from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon or Shoujo Kakumei Utena. I do it to annoy my elder sister.
  9. I'm usually not grouchy, I just walk around like a zombie. If I don't get enough sleep I'm very grouchy though. It all depends on how well I've slept. Usually once I've taken a shower and woken up I'm not grumpy unless someone makes me mad. (Is woken a word? My english still needs some work. It isn't my native language.)
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