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Everything posted by echocharlie

  1. [QUOTE=hey_love][size=1]Mhmm. The part with [spoiler]Havoc getting injured[/spoiler] and the aftermath and whatnot was rather sad. I also like how the anime and manga shows the two points and of a person's charcter. Lust does seem much more vicious and violent in the manga, and in the anime, she's more deep about her thoughts on what she wants and why. I haven't read the recent chapters yet, but I will as soon as I have the time. Whenever that is. :D -is jumpy- I'm excited for the rest of the episodes to air on adult swim. [/size][/QUOTE] I think part of that is because of the acting. The VA for lust seems to make the character quite wistful at times. I've gotta go back and listen to it in Japanese to get a better comparison.
  2. I'll agree with the poster earlier who said [i]Grave of the Fireflies[/i] (Hotaru no Haka). That was definitely a tear-jerking experience, to sit through it. Even watching it a 2nd or 3rd time brings strong emotions back again.
  3. Website updated ([url]http://www.animenext.org[/url]) New Guests announced: Lisa (Lina Inverse) Ortiz Matt (Tenchi Masaki) Miller
  4. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE CONTACT: Universal Animation, Inc. PO Box 1088 Pearl River, NY 10965 [email]publicity@animenext.org[/email] [url]http://www.animenext.org[/url] ANIMENEXT 2004 (JUNE 18-20 NY/NJ/CT) HEADLINES * ONLY 3 MORE DAYS UNTIL PRE-REGISTRATION RATES GO UP! * NEW MUSICAL GUESTS ADDED! * 2003 MEMORIES SITE UPDATED! New York, NY -- January 29, 2004 -- AnimeNEXT 2004 will take place at the Crowne Plaza Meadowlands in Secaucus, NJ on June 18-20, 2004. Just 5 miles outside of NYC, the hotel is conveniently accessible via NJ Transit Bus #124/129 out of the Port Authority in NYC, and just minutes away from Newark Liberty International Airport. Only 3 days remain until our pre-registration rates go up another $10. If you register before January 31, 2004, you can still qualify for the $25 rate for adults, and the $15 rate for children. This is almost 50% of what it would cost closer to the convention, so hurry up and take advantage of these low, low rates! [url]http://www.animenext.org/register[/url] We've begun adding guests to our roster with 3 new musical guests! Back by popular demand is Peelander-Z! There will be a concert by the talented Otaku Duet! And making their first AnimeNext appearance: The Spunks! We'll be adding more and more exciting guests in the following weeks, so keep visiting our website. For more information check out: [url]http://www.animenext.org/guests[/url] [url]http://www.peelander-z.com[/url] [url]http://www.otakuduet.com[/url] [url]http://www.thespunks.com[/url] We've opened up our AnimeNext 2003 Memories page at the website for you to visit. On this page you'll find Cosplay Winners, AMV Winners, and bountiful pictures depicting the 2003 event in all its glory. Check it out!: [url]http://www.animenext.org/2003[/url] Universal Animation is a non-profit organization devoted to promoting anime and manga in the United States. Founded in NYC in 2002, the company is organizing the AnimeNEXT convention to aid in its goals. ###
  5. Hello, Marc Thompson (Duke Devlin) and Wayne Grayson (Joey Wheeler) will be appearing at AnimeNext ([url]http://www.animenext.org[/url]) on Oct 3-5 in Rye Brook, NY. They'll be answering questions about the show and signing autographs. Anyone going? Rye Brook is about 30 minutes north of NYC by car.
  6. Hello, Anyone going to AnimeNext 2003 (Oct 3-5) in New York? They have tons of cool guests like the voice actors for Tidus in Final Fantasy X, Joey Wheeler from Yu-Gi-Oh, Asuka from Evangelion, and Kagome from Inu-Yasha. The Guest of Honor is Takehiko Ito, the creator of Outlaw Star! Should be a fun convention! [url]http://www.animenext.org[/url]
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