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Everything posted by Ares

  1. Well, I think I'd like Japanese candy, never tried it though. Here are a few sites you could go to. Are you actually gonna buy it? [url]http://www.japanesegifts.com/adishes2.asp[/url] [url]http://www.cherryblossomgardens.com/adishes2.asp[/url] Have fun!
  2. Ares was shocked! What the heck were these geng members doing here? He was not about to let Selenay fight alone. Ares got up and drew his katana. Selenay: Ares, get back. You're wounded! Ares: You don't know how well I can fight if you think one wound is going to stop me! Hahaha! Ares's eyes lit up red. He was ready to kill! One of the gangmembers came at Ares with a broadsword. Ares deflected this weak attack and went under the broadsword and stabbed the gangster in the gut. Blood poured out of him as if he were a fountain. Selenay: You're good! Where'd you learn that move? But Ares had not the time to answer her. Ares blocked a mace from hitting Selenay in the head just in time. Selenay gasped. That was a very close call! Ares then sliced the mace in two and decapitated the head from the gangster. He was brutal when it came to battles. The last gangster, who wielded a staff, attempted to hit Selenay, but she blocked it. She then hit him in the stomach and the chin with the end of her staff. He fell to the fllor with a thud. Ares then moved the lifeless bodies outside and slammed the door shut. Selenay put her arms on Ares's shoulders. Selenay: Now, where were we? Ares blushed intenseley. This was great. So now he knew that Selenay liked him! Ares: Uh...
  3. Finally, after an hour of lying on the ground, Ares awoke. But he noticed that a girl was leaning against the wall beside him, and a ninja was bound in cords ten feet away from him. The girl knelt down beside Ares when she noticed that he was awake. Selenay: You almost died, but luckily I saved you from death. Ares: Well...thanks...I guess. What...is your name...miss? Selenay: You can call me Selenay. Selenay giigled. She sort of liked this samurai. Ares also liked Selenay. She had saved his life and her eyes were very beautiful. Ares was in love. Ares: You're so beautiful! I mean... Ares blushed and looked down at the ground. Selenay giggled yet again. Selenay: Thank you, I also think you're pretty cute. Ares: Well...thanks. *He blushed even more* Oh...I almost forgot. I'm looking for two revolutionists. One has brown hair and one has dark red hair. Have you seen them? It's a guy and a girl. Selenay: Why are you looking for them? Ares: I'm curious to know who they are. They've been wandering around here with guns. Selenay: I'm afraid I haven't seen them. Selenay put her arm around Ares and helped him up. Ares: Could you hold me while we walk? I'm badly injured. Selenay: Then shouldn't we go to a doctor? Ares: We'll go tomorrow. Selenay: Okay, whatever you say. So the two started off down the street, while Ares was blushing uncontrollably. They left the ninja in the streets for the police to deal with.
  4. That one's kinda funny, lol. I like all of your stuuf, but yeah, it is kind of fuzzy, some of them are. Keep them coming. I like ninjas, too.
  5. Ares walked down the street in the surrounding darkness. He was looking at the littered ground as he strolled along. His hand was on his sheath. He was thinking to himself, "Who were those two people earlier? And what were they doing around this part of the city? Don't they know this is dangerous turf? Well, then again, why did they have guns?" Ares was confused still. But he planned on figuring out who those two were. He needed to find them. TTTTTSSSSUUUIII Ares fell to the ground. Blood splattered everywhere, and it was coming out of his side. A golden dragon eight point shuriken lay by his side. He lloked up, but he saw nothing. The world around him was going black. Black it was going! His vision was blurry, breathing was becoming a struggle for him. Was this his last day to walk this wonderful earth, the earth on which he had slayed thousands of men? Was this his punishment for slaughtering evil men?! Ares: Why...why am I... Ares's eyes closed. He had lost conscience.
  6. Ares


    Thanks for the language advice...yah...I hear that in Japan the students can't drive. You have to be an adult. And I hear the students don't throw parties over there often at all. My friend in Japan told me this.
  7. Ares

    Matchbox 20

    I think 3 Doors Down is way better, but I think that I like Matchbox Twenty's song "Bright Lights". It's really good and it has good music played by the guitarist that stands on the piano in the music video. It's a cool song.
  8. One of the anarchists walked towards Kyle and Tanya. Kyle and Tanya started to move away but they were too late. The anarchist had spotted them. Anarchist 1: Who the **** are you?! Kyle: Run for it!! The two ran as fast as their legs would carry them. They were unfortunately not fast enough to outrun such an athletic anarchist. The anarchist hit Tanya in the back and she fell to the ground. Kyle stopped and turned around. They were screwed. Kyle: Tanya! Are you okay?! Kyle knelt down beside her and looked into her beautiful eyes. He was lost in her eyes, as if the world around him had disappeared. This was the girl he had seen in his dreams. Tanya: Kyle, I don't feel so good. My back is hurt bad. The anarchist was not about to let this perfect opportunity slip away from him. Anarchist 1: Stupid idiots! Take this!! AAAHHHH! The anarchist raised his hand. He was about to throw a Silver Eight Point Dragon Shuriken poisoned at Kyle! TTTSSSSSSUUUUUIIIIIII The arm of the anarchist fell to the dirt ground with a thud. But there was no blood on the ground or on his shoulder. It was a clean cut. A dark figure stood beside the anarchist. Kyle just realised what was going on. The figure then drove the katana into the anarchist's heart. The anarchist dropped dead. The dark figure ran off into the darkness. Kyle and Tanya were amazed at what had just happened. Someone had saved them. But why?
  9. Now I sing Japanese or anime theme songs in the shower. It's fun and I seriously think I sing better in the shower. Heck, I know I do. Singing in the shower is a hobby. lol.
  10. name: Ares age: 25 gender: male race: human weapons: katana custom bio: Ares was born in Kyoto and never saw his father. He was trained in kendo at the age of 5. He is a very brutal warrior and never shows mercy. appearance: [img]http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue211/samurai2.jpg[/img]
  11. Ares

    vash banner

    How do you post it as an attachment? I don't know how or I would. Tell me how to an I will.
  12. I also really like the Megaman banner. It's nicely done and I like the colors. Could you make me a Megaman Zero banner? Anyways, it's nicely done. Keep it up and bring it on! I can't wait to see more of your banners.
  13. Yeah, go to the doctor. I hope you can get better. I know people with diabetes and it can get really bad, or it can not be too bad at all. That's why you need to see your doctor. I wish you well.
  14. Ares


    Does anyone on here like Outcast? I like a few of their songs, especially their new one. Does anyone know the name of Outcast's new song where it's just Andre? thanks
  15. Ares

    Teen Titans!

    I think it's okay, but it's kind of dumb. I've watched it once or twice, and I always think they could've made it better. I hear it has good reviews, though. I am not a real fan of it, though, but it's not too bad.
  16. Yeah, it is hard to grasp the idea of infinity. We weren't given large enough minds to figure certain things out I believe, it's for our own protection. Some scientist's would create self-conscious robots if they could, and then robots would try to conquer the planet. It's scary, what we don't know. Oh well, just don't waste time worrying about it I say.
  17. Ares

    best music site

    The best music site I know of is [url]www.mp3.com[/url] It's a great site. You can search for things like Japanese rock which I am listening to right now. It's a really good site for music fans like me. They have a Japanese band called ichiban featured on there. It's really cool music.
  18. Ares


    I think that was beautiful, seriously. I rarely read emotional poems, and that was really good. It was well written and definitely well-inspired. It has inspired me to write of my feelings. Very nice job, Brolli, keep it up. You could be really good at this, you are already good. Congratulations on writing this beautiful piece.
  19. This is my first poem, so please be understanding. Well, here it goes. [u]The Lazy Life[/u] [color=green]You sleep all the day You lack masculinity Your life's a delay A delay caused by you. You yourself can change it But do you? Nay You choose to live this life The boring lazy life.[/color]
  20. I think it may die in about five years or less. I used to play, but then I stopped, so I'm not a big fan of it. But it is currently thriving, but I still have a feeling it's going to die.
  21. I say what the fudge!? instead of what the *******?! Hey, now I can't get in trouble! I like your way of speaking Adahn. Pan I talp lipe that?
  22. I liked the show with the girl and the dog that looks like Lassie. I can't remember much about it, but they were pretty cool. Do they still come on? Those shows back in the day wer good, I gotta admit. Brings back so many memories. *What the?! I'm talkin like a geezer here.*
  23. race: human name: Ares age: 29 sex: male location: London weapons: katana custom power: Firaga, Curaga, and Bloodlust(bloodlust is an attack in which Ares releases the energy he's been gathering and lets loose on a bunch of enemies at very high speeds.) bio: Ares was born in Kyoto and never saw his father. He was trained in the unique art of kendo at the age of five. He enjoys fighting, and he is a very brutal fighter. appearance: [img]http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue211/samurai2.jpg[/img]
  24. I prefer Family Guy because it is funnier to me. But Simpsons is kind of a classic in my opinion lol. But I'll have to go with Family Guy. It's funnier and the characters are funny enough. :laugh: :alcohol:
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