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Everything posted by Ares
name: Alucard age: 567 country: Japan bio: he used to hunt vampires. He is a loner. He was originally from Kyoto and he was trained by an android when he was ten years old. job: sabre master appearance: [IMG]http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:Mu_ufNImiH0C:amen.sivan.nu/ep/hellsing01-14.jpg[/IMG]
That's very good, it's much better than my art, but I'm still practicing.
:flaming: Okay, who's your favorite anime character? Yusuke, Kenshin, Vegeta, Alucard? Well, in this story, you take your favorite anime character, and that is who you play as. You can only use weapons that your character actually uses in the anime. (for example, Kenshin would use a kitana). There will be absolutely NO god-modding. There are three societies: The Himori, The Dukes of Honor, and the Angel Knights. The Himori and the Dukes of Honor societies both are against each other in their quest to claim the Sword of Zelda and conquer the land, which is called Middle Earth(because I'm using the LOTR map. The societies have no permanent location, the world is their playground. The Angel Knights are the ones who try to kill the other two societies so that the world will remain in peace. The Himori Society is the most ancient society. RANKS: Captain: This person is in control of the society Guard: This person's job is to protect the captain from enemies. Ranger: This person scouts ahead for danger and directs his society where to go. Soldier: I'll need two soldiers for each society. They just fight the enemy and work towards the team's goals. SIGN UP: name: age: anime you're from: weapon: (if you have one, of course) rank: appearance: bio: society: Thank you all. -kyotoruler7 [color=green]EDIT: Please do not double post, even in a signup thread. I've merged your two posts. --terra[/color] name:Alucard age:567 anime you're from: Hellsing weapon: The ARM .454 Casull Automatic Pistol and The Jackal rank: Captain bio:He is a vampire hunter who is commanding and dangerous. He is a loner, like most vampires. society: The Himori appearance:[IMG]http://allspark.net/primez/alucard.jpg[/IMG]
This story takes place ten years after The Return of The King book. A war is going on, and the fight is for Middle Earth. The name of this war: Elladan's War. Gandalf has risen up and created an army of humans, elves, dwarves, ents, and hobbits. Elrond is ruling the allegiance with Gandalf. Sauron has restored his army of humans, orcs, Nazgul, and some dwarves. This story takes place on all of Middle Earth. There will probably be a sequel. It depends on how well this story does. Here is the sign up sheet: name: (try to make it original) [I'll need someone to be Gandalf and Sauron. P.S. Gandalf and Sauron don't get to boss everyone around. They're not shoguns or anything) age: (over 17) weapons: (any kind of weapon they would have used in the Lord of the Rings. You can also use staffs or spears.) shield: small shield(can be used with any weapon) large shield(can't be used with swords or bows or by dwarves.) armor: leather or mythril(mythril can only be worn by elves or dwarves.) bio: appearance: occupation: (ranger, soldier, blacksmith, general, royal guardian, or peasant.) location: (Shire, Mordor, Mirkwood, Rhonan, Gondor, or Eryn Vorn) race: (elf, hobbit, dwarf, ent, Nazgul, human, orc, wizard) I would also like one paragraph of at least five sentences telling why you wish to take part in this story.) Thanks a lot. Hope we can get started soon. -kyotoruler7 :flaming: [color=green]EDIT: Merged your two posts. Please don't double post, even in a signup thread. -- terra[/color] name: Ares age: 37 race: elf weapons: sword shield: small armor: mythril bio: born and raised in Mirkwood by forest elves. He is arrogant and stands 6'1". He doesn't talk much. occupation:ranger appearance:[img]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/Xion03.JPG[/img] and he stands 6'2" tall. I hope I get some good posts. -kyotoruler7
Maybe you should do what one of these guys said and do character analysis on Cowboy Bebop. That's a good idea, I think. I support the idea.
Is the answer dwarves? I think that's it.
I like Good Charlotte. But they aren't the best band out there. I just think they're okay.
name: Ares age: 25 race: Hylian description:Ares is a Hylian who stands 5'8" and likes to keep to himself. He is arrogant. He has green hair and green eyes, he wears a red cloak of silk. bio:was born in a little hut on edge of Hyrule. Never saw his parents. attitude:arrogant and headstrong. Ares is not mean, but he doesn't socialize a lot.
name: Ares race: elf age: 25 Allegiance: Dorland Trade: Ranger Weapons: sword and bow other armor: mythril armor
name: Kazuma age:38 race:Namek character replacing: Piccolo signature technique: Sonic Flash history: moved to Earth at age 20 and trained with an undefeated street fighter. appearance: green and stands 5'11" with dark eyes. wears a white and red martial arts uniform. personality: headstrong and arrogant. Doesn't like to socialize. Strong and quiet type. power level: 408-1440 when angry
name: Ares Mizusawa age:22 ninja or samurai:samurai short bio: I am a wandering samurai who has been searching for a good opponent for years. I always love a good challenge. I was born in a small village in Kyoto. My parents are sailors and are currently in Taiwan. weapons: Katana(I sharpen it very often), and sometimes a staff. appearance: [IMG]http://www.scifi.com/sfw/issue211/samurai2.jpg[/IMG]
Yes Freezer is a guy. He is never called a she, but he is called "he." I once thought he was a girl, but I'm now sure that he is a male. (I guess) They never called Freeza an "it" did they? :)