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About Ani_Freak

  • Birthday 08/10/1979

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  • Biography
    Easy going, friendly and a good friend. Honestly, I like to hear out people and I don't get easily annoyed. So shout out!
  • Occupation
    Real Estate Agent/Graphic Artist

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  1. Wow, a pic of Final Fantasy II for SNES (IV or V in Japan, can't remember). Did anyone else that played it felt sad when it finished? I had watery eyes when I finished it. One of the best games I've played ever. I remember playing PS for genesis but could never adjust to the behind the back look on the fight scenes. I dunno, maybe I was just too used to playing them [I]bad boys in the left, good guys to the right[/I] fasion.
  2. I disagree with drugs as in cocaine, marijuana, LCD and what not. I however, agree with drinking, safely. By safely I mean, it doesn't hurt to drink 1 or 2 beers/drink form time to time, as long as you like to and don't get drunk. I guess it's more of being aware of the risks and responsabilities associated with drinking.
  3. Ani_Freak

    Hard Gay

    First time I saw it was while watching one episode of [B][I]Gaki no Tsukai - Batsu Gemu[/I][/B] on YouTube, the School episode. I laughed really hard when I saw it. Maybe because what the show is about, and him being in that episode.
  4. Lately, it's been basically [B]Octavarium, Systematic Chaos[/B] and [B]Score(Live)[/B] from [B]Dream Theater[/B]. Add to that a bit of [B]Messhuggah[/B], [B]Death[/B] and [B]Control Denied[/B]. As in right now, in this very moment, [B]Smells like teen spirit[/B] by [B]Nirvana[/B]. Ohhhh the memories.
  5. Well, I have the very shortlived iPod Photo 30GB's. Have like 100 photos only, and 1109 songs on it. Still working like a charm, even though it has the small color screen. I am actually planning on getting a Zune, just because of the bigger screen, and since the colors look a bit better on it. Now, if Apple releases a touch-screen iPod (not the iPhone), I might get that one, just to be able to watch the videos as well. But as far as it goes, iPod Photo working ok, and maybe getting a Zune for me.
  6. For me, one I can actually say how much time I played, the other not s much since it didn't gave me a playtime, or at least I never saw it lol: [B]Tekken 2[/B]: I would play for 4-5 hours everyday, for maybe a year, just be able to beat my buddies with every possible character. [B]World of Warcraft[/B]: The most I've played a game period. I stopped watching anime, stopped playing console games, just because of raiding and PvPing (player vs. Player) while loggued on. Was one of the first few to have Tier 1, 2, 2.5, 3 and started my Tier 4 when I decided to quit a couple months ago. I basically devoted a good chunk of my free time to it. I regret it now that I don't play it anymore, because now I understand I was playing way too much, and it wasn't healthy. Last time I checked, I had like 300 hours played time, I dunno if it's a lot or not but it sure was a lot for me. Most other games I've played, I've played for 70-80 hours on average. Halo 1 and 2, I would say I've played them for like 200 hours or so, including online play, which isn't that much I guess.
  7. Well, consoles I have that I currently use would be: [b]XBOX360 PS3 Gamecube[/b] Before that, I've had almost all consoles except Saturn and Jaguar. Planning on getting next a PsP and a Wii, and maybe a DS, since there a re a couple RPG's I would like to play for DS.
  8. [quote name='Zidargh']Oh, and it also says that it won't ship 'til October? Is it not out yet or something in the UK?[/QUOTE] I believe the ship date means that they don't actually have them in stock with the current specs as you want/ordered, so most of their Laptops/PC's are custom built, then shipped. After it's is finished and shipped, then you add the days it takes for it to arrive to your destination. I personally haven't ordered from Alienware, but like you, I am planning on getting one of those M1710's, mostly for gaming on the go, as well taking it to work and such. Ready for ship models are usually ok, and are usually shipped faster, maybe a week or two. I personally would go with a custom built one, meaning that I pick what I want in it, so to speak.
  9. [color=navy]Oh I see. A Couple of friends told me it was good, but not great. I'll see if I can find a preview somewhere, I am pretty sure NewType sent a DvD with an episode sometime ago lol. Thank you for the heads up.[/color]
  10. [COLOR="Navy"]For me, it's been busy on both the fansub and DvD sides. [U]For fansubbed shows I am currently watching:[/U] [B]-Claymore[/B] [B]-Darker Than Black[/B] [B]-Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS[/B] [B]-Seirei no Moribito[/B] [B]-Romeo X Juliet[/B] [B]-Idolm@ster Xenoglossia[/B] [B]-El Cazador de la Bruja[/B] (A bit difficult for me not to compare it with Noir or Madlax, since they all have some of the staff in common) [B]-Murder Princess OVA's[/B] [U]For DvD currently being released and some I may end up getting in the future are:[/U] [B]-Le Chevalier D'Eon[/B] [B]-Ergo Proxy[/B] (Even though I already watched it fansubbed last year or so, but now with better quality) [B]-Kurau:Phantom Memory[/B] [B]-Princess Princess[/B] (I mean screw it, I was curious about this one lol) [B]-Fate/Stay Night[/B] (watched it subbed as well, but I was particularly interested in watching this one on DvD,since I really liked it when I saw it fansubbed) [B]-Ah! My Goddess season 2[/B] [B]-.hack//ROOTS[/B] (I guess I watch this one for the sake of watching it all the .hack stuff) [B]-Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya[/B] [U]Will most likely get in the near future:[/U] [B]-Gusnlinger Girl[/B] [B]-Basilisk[/B] (Saw it fansubbed, but the quality wasn't all that good) [B]-Rumbling Hearts[/B] [B]-Air Gear[/B] (started watching the subs, but when I started the DvD's, I was already into so many other shows, kinda lost interest. Will pick it up sometime) [B]-Air[/B] (I have heard some good stuff about this one, but never saw it subbed, so buying it this week) I think that's pretty much what I am watching right now. Of all those shows, I think I am most interested in seeing how [B]Seirei no Moribito[/B] and [B]Darker than Black[/B] end up. As well, I am eager to see how [B]Claymore[/B] ends up as well, but that one I think I already have an idea on where it's going.[/COLOR]
  11. [color=indigo]Real simple for me, I am looking forward to just a few at the moment. Not as huge a list as some uf you have, but here goes. [b]Paprika:[/b] Satoshi Kon's new movie. Can't have enough of his work. Loved Tokyo Godfather, Perfect Blue and Millenium Actress. In my opinion, Paranoia Agent series wasn't as good as his movies. Waiting anxiously on Paprika ^^. [b]The Melancholi of Haruhi Suzumiya:[/b] I am kinda cautious for series like this one, but I am definitely checking it out once it comes out. Saw some trailers and read a bit of the story and it seems like a good watch. [b]Black Lagoon:[/b] Haven't seen anything about it, just read some really good reviews from the subs. Seems like a decent action show. I managed to see a little bit of some episode, and got really interested in it, so looking forward to it. I do need to get up-to-date on the fansub scene, cause it's been a few months since I haven't seen what's coming out, only the ones mentioned above. As far as the ones already released in DVD, I definitely want to keep seeing more of [B]Le Chevalier D'Eon[/B] and [B]Coyote Ragtime Show[/B].[/color]
  12. [color=indigo]Basically for me, what got me interested at first was the visuals. The backgrounds are gorgeous, and I was eager to see Europe from a Japanese studio's point of view. Character designs, although simple, go very well with the show. It basically makes the visuals, the clothes and the overall atmosphere of the show stand out more. Another thing I really like is how we know Lia through D'Eon. Even though brothers, they are entirely different, and a nice way to get to know Lia, or have an idea of her, even though she is dead. Hopefully I'll explain a bit better later on, since I only saw the first DvD only once, and I like to do multiple viewings before posting anything on a title.[/color]
  13. [COLOR=indigo]Wow, it's been a while since I came here and post something. And what a better way to post again that in a "what's your favorite..." thread ^^. My top 5 are not in any particular order. It's basically the shows I remember the most and that I could identify myself with one or more of the character at the time. Some of the titles are kinda old-school, but hey, I've been a fan for a while. :animeswea 1) [B]Robotech/Macross[/B] : First time I saw it was in 1986 I think, when the local TV started airing it. Love it completely at the time, because of the mecha (of course) and also the way the characters interacted between them. Not all that great now because of today's standards but I still love the show. 2) [B]Last Exile[/B] : What it got me into it was mainly the artwork, more so because if was based on Range Murata's stuff and I like his art. Another thing was that I am quite fond of Studio Gonzo's work. Story wise, it was one of the most appealing plot's, to me of course, and at the time it got released, it was a welcome change. Loved it, to the point that I still load up the DvD's and just sigh ^^. 3) [B]Neon Genesis Evangelion[/B] : Well, it's a favorite to a lot of people, and a must see for most anime fans. Appealing characters, very deep plot (too deep for some), good looking mecha scenes; pretty much has everything an anime fan likes in his/her anime. It got me hooked into anime again when I saw it back in 1998, along with Ninja Scrolls, which I still own both in VHS lol. One of the best series ever made in my humble opinion. 4) [B].Hack//SIGN[/B] : Being a gamer, when I first saw this series I got completely hook to it. Everything about it I loved, form the visuals to the music, it totally blew me away. I remember wondering about a game, a MMO that could be something like the series. It was something different, for me a welcome change to the harem shows I was watching at the time. 5) [B]Witch Hunter Robin[/B] : When I first read about this series, I was unsure if I would like it or not. Seeing that most of the people involved in the making, were people that in the past I've liked what they did, but something about the whole witch theme kinda had me cautious. When I saw the first episode, I knew I was going to like the series as a whole, and I did. It has some so-so episodes, but overall, a very interesting and fun series to watch. And besides, one of my favorite VA's of all time is there so it was a +. [U]Some others very much worth mentioning:[/U] --Ah My Goddess OVA's, movie and TV series --Perfect Blue --Millenium Actress --Hand Maid May --Noir --Ninja Scroll --Ghost in the Shell movie(1998 or so), GitS:SAC and GitS:SAC 2nd GiG (awesome) I could continue mentioning but meh, long list so I'll leave it at that for now.[/COLOR]
  14. [color=purple][i]I soooo much enjoy cleaning the dishes[/i][/color] [color=purple]Well, what did you expect, my first attempt![/color]
  15. [COLOR=Purple]Well, I had to vote "None of the Above" bacause I really loved the relationship between Luna and Alex in [i]Lunar: Silver Star Story[/i] for Sega CD. I've been playing RPG's for quite a while and I base my descition in the fact that for me, the best RPG's are the ones that leave an impression on you that lasts even when new and improved RPG's arrive. I can't get out of my head the scene where [spoiler]Alex and Luna are at the port and they say goodbye to each other, nor when they get together again at the end of the game[/spoiler]. Sure, there are some great RPG's in this list, but I had to be honest and mention the one I find has the best Main Character/Couple in an RPG.[/COLOR]
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