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Everything posted by Ani_Freak

  1. [QUOTE][color=hotpink][size=1]Please refrain from posts of this kind from now on and have a nice and wonderful day, especially while you read the rules! *QA*[/color][/size][/QUOTE] [color=sienna][size=1]Jeje, I see how much work it is to be a mod *QA* since I've seen today more posts (actually, more reminders ON posts ~_^ to read the rules) from you than from any other member. Yes, silly me, and you don't know me...[/size] Back on Topic then. ;) The most crazy moment in anime for me was in episode 5 or 6, if I recall correctly, from the 2nd DVD of Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi in which [spoiler]Sashii and Arumi find the goblin with Arumi panties in his head and then does something pretty much sick, he licks the panties. I don't know if I could say that, so sorry if I couldn't.[/spoiler] I guess that is the most crazy thing I've seen on an anime, but then again, the whole series is crazy as hell.[/color]
  2. [color=sienna]Oh man, I would love to go there. I heard it was very good con. I have never been to one, never, since I am from Puerto Rico, I guess that the cost will be high. And then again, I'm planning on going to Otakon 2004, so it should be interesting. About cosplaying, it all depends. Right now, I feel like cosplaying, I'll see when the time comes ~_^. But it'd sure be a lot of fun![/color]
  3. [color=sienna]I guess I joined the boards to learn about new animes and such. Also, I joined to see how this boards thing is, since I've never joined one, so this one is my first. Anime is not know where I live, so this is like coming to a place were everyone likes (mostly) anime and that we can share ideas and such. I also come here to read the RPG's. Since I joined, I find them very interesting. I wouldn't join one, I don't feel very confident about it, but I do enjoy reading. I have also met some wonderful people here. Oh, and, of course, I like it here ~_^[/color]
  4. [quote name='KnightOfTheRose][size=1][color=#2F4F4F]Though I've thought about this on more than one occasion, I doubt I would ever want to go back and change anything.[/size'][/color][/quote] [COLOR=Sienna]I feel just the same. I wouldn't change anything in the past, not even if I could. I think on this a lot, always wondering, what would've been if I did/didn't do this or that. I always come to the same conclusion, would it matter? Would it change things for better or worse? I strongly beleive that everything that we do, that we experience, comes with a purpose. We just have to learn from what we have done or have experienced. I just wouldn't change anything at all. Everything that has happened is what makes me what I am today.[/COLOR]
  5. [color=darkblue]Well, I guess that the weirdest thing I've eaten is Frog's Legs. I don't know if I trasnlated that correctly, since it's called "Ancas de Rana" in Spanish. Quite good actually. Taste a little like chicken, but also as rabbitt. I tasted it on a cruise to Barbados some years ago. I really liked it, but I guess I could never taste it again, since I've never found it anywhere around here in Puerto Rico. Many people think that is gross. But I liked it ;)[/color]
  6. [color=darkblue]I've had the same dream for the longest time now. If I recall correctly, I've been dreaming the same dream since my childhood, at around 10 years old. It's a very weird, but at the same time cool dream. I'm at my home, and suddenly, and explosion. Right after that, I have a shotgun and I'm running, flying and doing like kung fu stuff. I can't really recognize the moves, but I sure dream this a lot. What changes from dream to dream is the type of enemy. One night, there were ninjas a la Foot Clan (you know, from TMNT), other night, there were like human-like insects. And I was fighting them. Weird ain't it? But I've been having this same dream over and over again since that time. And time in it just flies by. I guess that every dream lasts for like 2, 3 days tops.[/color]
  7. [color=darkblue]I have to say that what got me to Last Exile and sparked my interest was all the hipe and talk it has. After watching the first DVD, I was very impressed. It sure is CG heavy, but the integration it has with the animation is great. I'm picky when it comes to CG in anime, since there are some animes that just don't look that good. About the VA's, I really like the acting, in my opinion, is not that bad, but definetly improveable. The astounding cinematics just make up for all the other drawbacks Last Exile may have. It has become an instant favorite, and can't wait to see more of it.[/color]
  8. [color=indigo]My current favorite quote is from Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi and is the one Arumi says often: [i]"Being human, having your health, that's the most important thing"[/i] I like this quote mostly for it's simplicity. There is no better way to look at life. Just being human is important enough for everything else to be fine, and to keep experiencing life as it is. Lastly, it shows how naive one person can be, regardless of everything that is happening around. Arumi thinks that being human is the only most important thing there is, not thinking about how life will turn out or what will happen next. That kind of way of dealing with everyday life is very interesting to me.[/color]
  9. [color=indigo]Interesting topic.... Well, I guess that I would like to be in two kind of animes. One would be in Last Exile, becuase of the retro look and at the same time technology advanced world. Not nessesarily be a Vanship pilot, but pretty much live there. The other one would be in a world like in Armitage III or Ghost in The Shell, because I love the cyberpunk theme these movies have. And plus, I get to go to Mars ;)[/color]
  10. [color=darkblue]Well, even though this discussion is about "why" other than "what", I mostly watch anime because I just plain love it. I can't call myself an Otaku, because I don't live for anime, nor it's the only thing I do. I take anime as a hobby, a way of doing something in my free time to have fun. It's pretty much like videogames. I love everything, from the stories, and mostly, the character creations and how the play the plot at hand. The reality of some of the situations is overwhelming. As for the meaning of "Otaku", for what I've heard, Otaku is a negative term, as densuke said, but I guess that people here (at this part of the globe) use it as a way to ilustrate how much into anime they are, regardless of the negativity or meaning it has.[/color]
  11. [color=darkblue]Well, my recomendations would be: [b]Perfect Blue[/b] Great psycological thriller and highly detailed animation. [b]Millennium Actress:[/b] A personal favorite, tells the story of an old actress and her long lost love. Romantic storytelling with an historical background. Of course, beautiful animation. [b]Ghost in the Shell:[/b] This one is one of those films that most people have seen. Many people like it, and then again, many others don't. This one was one of the first anime movies I've seen. Excellent story (back when it was released anyway) and superb animation. What can you expect, it was made from the manga of Masamune Shirow. [b]Armitage III: Dual Matrix[/b] Follows the story of Armitage Poly Matrix and Armitage III OVA's. A cyberpunk thriller a la Akira, even though I like Armitage a lot more than Akira, don't ask me why. [b]Voices of a Distant Star:[/b] I wanted to see what the hype was about when this one was released. I liked it a lot, but there is something about the CG animation that just doesn't work for me. It looks great, and the fact that it was all done by only one person is a plus. It also comes with "She and Her Cat" a short movie winner of some awards in Japan. Very Nice one indeed. [b]Street Fighter Alpha:[/b] Why did I mentioned this one you might think? Simple, because the animation and the story is great. And because I am a SF fan ever since it hitted the VG industry. Period. I guess that I could go on and on about some stand alone's that I like and enjoy. But this few are the ones that I've seen and seen all over again many times. The are my favorites overall. [size=1]Lady Katana: I beleive that the director for Perfect Blue was Satoshi Kon, who did also Millennium Actress.[/size][/color]
  12. [color=darkblue]I remember seeing some articles on an anime mag, and it looked very good. And definetly, if it has a Boogie Pop Phantom/LAIN theme, is definetly a must buy for me. I loved those shows. Although the character designs looked a little like Haibanne Renmei, at least of what I saw, but by how the story is suppossed to be, I guess it's gonna rock. I read some of the plot, not what's going to happen but how is the story. You could say a little summary in such magazine. By the way Dagger, where was it that you saw the trailer, can you please provide me the link. I would like to see it. Please, send it to PM or link it here. Thanks, by the way![/color]
  13. [COLOR=DARKBLUE]Well, honestly, I never download any mp3, even less movies for my own use. The most I download are trailers or programs, of course, freeware. I tend to buy everything, music or DVD, or buy online music, say iTunes. I have a business, and I would most cenrtainly not like the idea that there are costumers getting goods I carry and not paying for them. [b]1) Regardless of whether or not you download anime, do you believe that doing so is wrong?[/b] I beleive that morally and ethically, it is wrong. Just imagine being in the artists shoes, would you like people getting your music, your work, without taking in consideration that such artist lives(in most ocassions) from that, and it pays it's bills? Sure, they can get rich, but alas, a person with a good job, trading stocks, and dealing investments can have finacial freedom too. Is another job, another form of getting ahead in life, and a very profitable one at that. [b]2) Do you think that you'd buy more DVDs if you didn't download any shows?[/b] I buy most DVD's, I don't download them. Besides, I think that buying them won't lessen downloading. You buy and download, and I know many people like this. If they can't find it for download, they buy it. Is like buying from two different stores, but you are stealing from one instead of buying. [b]3) Do foreign (not Japanese) anime companies pay attention to the popularity of various fansubbed series?[/b] I beleive so. Remember, they have to keep an eye on what the consumers like, what are they into at the moment, and what they would love to see. Is knowing their market, and I strongly beleive that music/movie companies keep an eye open and constantly investigate this type of situations, illegal or not.[/color]
  14. [color=darkblue]Jeez, well, 5 years ago, if I recall correctly, i was at a restaurant with like5 other friends, and guess what, we all had the same birthday. I'm one of 5 other friends that have the same birthday, so i guess we pretty much did what we couldn't do, at the time. Nah, nothing much, just ate, had some beers(wich the legal age is 18 here in Puerto Rico, yay) and went to the beach and we were there talking for hours. I bought my car, wich is good too, but I guess that having a good time with friends and family is the best it could get. Oh, I also played all day videogames, had the day off at work, and a girl gave me a kiss. Yes, pretty much a good day.[/color]
  15. [QUOTE=maladjusted][color=firebrick] [size=5] >_
  16. [color=darkblue]I beleive that this is only a matter of wich one is more appealing to you or those around you. Who knows, maybe in Japan, they like Beavis and Butthead, or the Simpsons. But I beleive that is only which one of the two is more appealing to you. If you are the only one in your house to like anime, or Japanese Animation, welcome, I am one of those two. None of my few friends like anime, but find the Simpsons and Family Guy great. And I just don't like them. Anime is much more appealing to me than any of the US done animations. I know sometimes it's difficult, but don't get such hot airs for this. If they think that anime are the same as cartoons, they way they see it, it's true. The way you see it, it doesn't. As most of us think, anime is not the same as cartoons, but then again, we can't make people beleive the same we do beleive. Jeje, don't get me wrong Waterflash, I would've probably had an argument too in that case, but, try maybe to take things easy from time to time ;)[/color]
  17. [color=darkblue]To me, animation styles vary on the series or anime they are implemented into. I am a huge Robotech/Macross fan, and even though old, it's way better than many new animes out there. The animation is very much what many of you dislike, but still I find it more appealing than Inuyasha, and that is because of plot. The characters are more "real" in the way they express the emotion, even though the quality of Inuyasha far excedes that of Robotech. Take as example, how many countless Gundam fans are there. Compare G Gundam with Gundam Wing. Wing is definetly more visually appealing than G(the way I see it), but why does everyone, or most people, like Gundam, no matter what series is it. It's mostly because plot and overall feel it carries. The way I see it, animation styles go hand in hand with what the story is about. The incredible style Witch Hunter Robin has would not work with say, X-TV. On the other hand you have very flashy series, beautifully done animation, and still, it feels it lacks something. Take for example Burn Up. The animation is very nice, but it lacks something. It lacks substance. I've always thought that every anime should be enjoyed for what it is. If you feel the animation is sloppy or not good, maybe that is the type of animation it suits. I guess I am one of those people that likes quality of plot and feel over quantity of flashy animation and action sequences.[/color]
  18. [quote name='Sweet Pie][color=coral]Anyone heard of the anime? It's actually from a manga and into a 26-series anime. A story about a forbidden love. A student in love with his master. It's about loyalty and sacrifices. [spoiler]A student sacrifices himself to be killed instead of his master....[/spoiler'][/color][/quote] [color=darkblue]Can you provide more detailed information about this anime, and where did you heard or read aboit it? You have here only bits of information about it. I could very much think of the series as a Hentai tittle or a 12+ anime for what I've read. By what it seems, it looks like a Real Bout High School merge with Ai Yori Aoshi!![/color]
  19. [color=darkblue]Witch Hunter Robin is a trully wonderful series. What attracted me the most to buy the DVD's was the look it had. I only saw some pictures on NewType USA and really liked it. It starts slow, and it picks up something around the 8th episode or so, but it's a nice series. Another thing I liked it's how they mix the artwork with CG renders of scenes. A few CG's here and there don't hurt, but with some shows, they are just too packed with CG renders. Take an example of Final Fantasy: Unlimited. I like it, but it has way too many CG work. I guess that Witch Hunter Robin is going the right way, wonderful backgrounds, nicely done characters and an unique story. Hopefully, it will be a favorite among many of us fans[/color]
  20. [color=darkblue]Well, I have to say, definetly [b]Mizuho[/b] from [b]Please! Teacher[/b]. She would be the perfect real girl. Another one close to her would be [b]Mai[/b], from [b]Hand Maid May[/b]. Even though she is a robot, but she is so cute makes waaaayyy week on my knees. And of course, newly added, [b]Eclair[/b] from [b]Kiddy Grade[/b]. She is hot, and I like her attitude too.[/color]
  21. [color=darkblue]Well, Congrats to Adam on that, even though he was the last one to heard of it, or so I read. Well, I was seeing adult swim and didn't quite saw it. Maybe tonight I'll have better luck. Keep up the good work guys![/color]
  22. [color=darkblue]Wow, i thought that this forum was supposed to be free of spam...so much spam, makes my fingers twitch! *hmph* Anyway,I like the series a lot. yes, the first episode is not enough to say that the series is bad, because it's just one episode. After that one, the series start picking up. the main point of it all is the insane amount of making fun of other animes. i loved when they made the[spoiler]Eva and Dragon Ball Z[/spoiler] parody. kicked major rear. All in all, the series is very nicely done and hilarious to boot. And yes, I almost cried after all the laughter it made me.[/color] [COLOR=DarkRed]I took care of the spam. Happy posting. ^_~ ~Dagger~[/COLOR]
  23. [quote][i]Posted by wrist cutter[/i] Why the sad face? You're lucky. Sharing leads to communism.[/quote] [color=darkblue]*laughs hysterically* Yes, I know your point, in fact I am lucky to be alone. As they say better alone than with the wrong company. [i](okay, sounds better in Spanish anyway)[/i]. But sometimes, being the hopeless romantic I am, is sad to not have someone to love and to share the things I like and also, that that person shares the things she likes with me.[/color]
  24. [color=darkblue]Well I guess that as acomplishments go, I could say that I sang in college with a famous singer here in Puerto Rico. It was an acomplishment to me because I felt the greatest up there, everybody screaming and cheering, I had a blast. Another one I guess is playing drums and being referred to as one of the best drumers in the area. Jeez, and there were plenty bands around at that time. But most of the people I didn't know, knew about me and that I played drums, and played good. An art long lost and forgotten by me... Lastly, Í would consider an acomplishment being one of the few in my family to study an MBA. Me and my sister have almost dedicated to study. i for one study and work at the same time wich is not that easy, considering that I have a full time job and study at the same time. I guess that pretty much sums up what I guess are my acomplishments so far in life. Maybe another one would be being a father sometime not too soon, or even having my own business and such. Enough daydreaming, ok![/color]
  25. [color=darkblue]Well, I for one, will do as any other weekend, work, get home, change, go out with friends(maybe). Nothing much, I don't have that special someone right know to share anything :(. But will do the same as every other day I guess![/color]
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