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Pro-life Pro choice. Let's be mature, kay?
Ani_Freak replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]...If you don't like it, that means kill a baby? Give it a chance at life, put it up for adoption if you can't support it for any reason. Just because you don't like what has happened to you, doesn't give you any right to intrude upon ANOTHER's life and take that from them.[/B][/QUOTE] [color=darkblue]Well, although I'm a pro-choice person I very much feel the same when it comes to the choice of adoption as you mentioned. I had a friend that was pregnant because she was just ignorant and she and her partner just did not paly it safe. She calls me one night at like 3am, tells me she is pregnant and that she is considering abortion. I just told her that whatever she feels is right to do, she should go ahead and do it. I told her that she should think it through because it was going to be tough once she does it. She in fact did it, that was her choice, but she regrets what she did as of now. She said, I should've have it and maybe give him on adoption(it was a boy). Y was one of the people who suggested adoption but at that time, she made a choice, even good or bad, it does not matter. I guees that you have to make a choice, even though the outcome isn't clear. I would've given him on adoption, I'm not fond of abortion but I strongly beleive that people should be given the choice to do what they think is best for them, regardless of what people approves or disapproves.[/color] [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color] -
Pro-life Pro choice. Let's be mature, kay?
Ani_Freak replied to ChibiHorsewoman's topic in General Discussion
[color=darkblue]Well, I'm not pro-abortion but I truly beleive in:[/color][b]Your body, your choice.[/b][color=darkblue]If I could decide with my partner about having the baby or she having an abortion, I would definetly choose to have it. If I was man enough for making it, I will be man enough to have the responsability to raise him/her. If my partner decides that the best thing for her, and thus for us as a couple would be to have an abortion, its her descition, and I have no right to oppose. I understand the choice that some women make when opting for abortion, and that's fine with me. If that is what they think will solve the problem, good, go ahead and do it. I too beleive that, if you are going to have a baby so he/she suffers, then don't have it.[/color] [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color] -
[color=darkblue]Hello all! I'm just having some troubles when I play SW:KOTOR. When a CG cinema plays, the image begins to jump, freeze and sometimes, the XBOX just shuts down and restarts. Mostly, what happens is whenever a CG cinema begins, the image begins to freeze and continue, freeze and continue. I tried playing other games, but I don't get any problems with them, they play perfect. I've played DOA 3, BloodRayne, Soul Calibur 2, Halo, DOA:EBV, and many others, but the only problems I have is when I play SW:KOTOR. I went to my local EB GAMES STORE and got a new KOTOR game, thinking that the game disc may be damaged, but to no avail. The problems keep manifesting even with a new game. If anyone experiences this same problem or has an idea what the problem might be, please let me know. Thanks in advance[/color] [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Manic [/i] [B]I try to avoid tickets by dropping to the exact speed limit whenever one comes by, but I can only be so lucky for so long. I know what some of you are thinking, but you'd be really naive to think a lot of people don't take 5 or 10 mile-per-hour liberties every now and then. [/B][/QUOTE] I do the exact same thing if I'm over the speed limit for some miles. Whenever I see a police car, I drop to the exact speed limit and it has worked for me too. I've gotten many tickets before, mostly because of speeding. I now take things more seriously and drive according to the traffic laws most of the time. I guess it's just something natural that when you get your licence for the first few years you tend to drive fast whenever the opportunity arises. I've been driving for like 9 years now and I have a pretty fast car(although I have modified it to go even faster) but now it's just a matter of security and awareness of the dangers of speeding.
The hardest thing that I've been through in my life I'll have to say is when I was atacked by a dog whe I was 9-10 years old. For one, it was German Shepperd dog, and it was trained to protect my neighbors house. I was playing on the street in front of my house with some friends and one of them went to his house to get some toys. The dog got out of his house when he was going in and attacked me. I was bit in the leg so hard that I lost some strenghth on it due to this attack. Another thing was that the dog was rabid, so I went to the hospital, got surgery but the damage was done and I lost like 33 - 40% of the strength on my right leg because part of the muscle was damaged pretty badly and the said there was not much to do. I guess that and the fact that I was made fun of at school kids saying that I was rabid and I would turn into a dog was a difficult thing for me to deal with at that time. Another thing is that I loved playing basketball and had to quit playing in teams and play it only some times and for fun. But, I've managed it quite good I guess and for some time now I do all sort of things and I don't pay attention to that anymore.
To me, and maybe to many of you, what makes me happy is when someone says thanks. It's such a rewarding feeling that I help someone and that person just says thank you. To me, that is enough repayment for what I could do are have done for anyone. Not that I expect anything, and I don't even expect a thank you, but it feels really great when I get one. Simple things is what makes life great I think.
[color=darkblue]Well, here's a topic that I really like. Well, I've studied Martial Arts since 16 and I'am now 24. I first began studying Tang Soo Do with Hapkido. I was there for like 2 years and was diagnosed with a heart problem that made me quit these two arts that I adored. I then found about an old man (yes, the story could do well for a movie, but it is true) and he began teaching Kung Fu and Tai Chi Chuan to a group of no more that 5 people myself included. Since then, I've seen life in a very diffent way. To me Tai Chi is the best Martial Arts that I've learned. I'm still taking clases and sometimes help my sifu teach others. Meditating has helped me achieve a very good health status, since I was diagnosed with a heart disease, I have improved very well. Although I don't seem very strong phisically, I find that I'm very well balanced spiritually and internally.[/color] [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color]
[color=darkblue]I'll have to say that I like heroes more than villains. I tend to identify with some good guys, mostly the silent, lonely and shy type of good guys. They don't have to be the primary character or protagonist, but basically one of the good guys. I identify myself a lot with Shinji of NGE in the way he is around women and people in general. I feel the same way sometimes around women, I dunno, I'm very shy. Another one is either Kei or Matagu from Please! Teacher. They both good shy guys and sometimes a bit dumb around women. With a good guy that is not shy and silent, but a little nervous arond women would be Rick Hunter from Robotech:Macross. He is the typical good guy, strong, optimistic and a true leader, but when it come to dealing with girls, a mess.[/color] [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color]
[color=darkblue]I don't play guitar nor bass but what I've heard and see from friends, guitar is a lot difficult than bass to learn. More dificult its if you are going to play lead guitar. There are many musicians here, I play the drums and I've been playing for like 10 years now. We should make a band!!!! Oh well, maybe not...[/color] [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color]
[color=darkblue]I beleive that love should be taken for what it is, a deep unexplainable sentiment. As DeathKnight, I think it can't be explained truly because of the different personal experiences each one has. It could be positive or negative but, that's why it can not be explained what it really is, because everyone has a very personal opinion to describe it. An besides, love can be expressed as many things. To me it's not a girlfriend/boyfriend, husband/wife only relationship. Love could be expressed to a really close friend, to familly and relatives, even to dear things of our childhood. It is unlikely that any of us could express what love really is. The most closely we will get to really explaining love is how closely we could've been on feeling it, and that it's just based on personal beleifs and experiences.[/color] [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color]
Well, yo tampoco se, but as far guilty pleasures go...(spanish, Kittie?) I like to watch movies, anime movies or play video games. Sometimes, when I don't feel like doing the before mentioned, I just take my car and just ride. I open the sunroof, and just go around, go to places I've never been to or don't see that much, explore. Then I just go to a lonely spot on the beach and just, breath and think. Maybe do a little meditation, a little Tai Chi on the sand, but mostly just be there. Then, I take my car again, maybe get a beer, or a cup of coffe and go home again. I know it may sound boring and all, but its really a great thing for me to do. It helps me keep focus on what I want and what I want to do. [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color]
Yes, I have not seen Grave of the Fireflies, but I've read in reviews that it is an excellent and very recommended anime. I felt this exact same way when I saw Voices From a Distant Star. It is such a sad story that whenever I see the DVD, I just remember it and think that I would see it again, but it's just so sad. I get the same feeling with Evangelion as Arkadyz also said. To me, it's just depressing how it all ends and how much Shinji suffers throuout the series. I beleive that this is what makes these kind of show so interesting and worth the money and the time to enjoy them.
[COLOR=indigo]I'm very sorry, as others here, for the loss of your mom. I, as many others too, have lost very dear relatives in life. I lost my grandparents, lost some uncles, even cousins. The pain will be there, for some time, but eventually, it will lessen a little. The important thing is to know that you loved her, with all your heart and soul, and that now, she is watching over you, as another guardian angel, so you'll be alright from now on. Try to do some other things, talk with other relatives, friends and collegues. I'm at your service, as I know many others here at OtakuBoards are, for anything you want to talk about. That's what it's all about, support and friendship.[/COLOR] [COLOR=teal]Take care and God Bless[/COLOR] [COLOR=red]Ani_Freak[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by lea2385 [/i] [B][COLOR=blue] why designate [B]one day[/B] out of [I] the whole year[/I] to be thankful for things? it should be a year round thing... thats just me, though.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I feel exacly the same way. I don't know why is it that we in general just use one day to give thanks for everything that has been given to us by God, or whatever deity the religion your in is based. I tend to give thanks everyday I can, and remember. We should be just thankful for being here, at this moment, with family, friends, pets, everything. To me, just to be alive is good enough to be thankful of. But that's me. [COLOR=red]Ani_Freak[/COLOR]
I have a top 3: 1) Lunar:Silver Star Story = From the story to the characters, I fell in love with this game when it arrived for the Sega CD. I still have it, the original SEGA CD game, with case and instructions, ja, even the little foam piece to protect the cd! 2) Final Fantasy 5 (I guess it's 5, well, it was #2 on US) = This one was the first RPG I played when It arrived for SNES on 1992. I loved the story, the characters, the plot twists that it had [spoiler]( Golbez and Cecil, brothers???)[/spoiler] 3) Final Fantasy 7 for PSX = What I loved and still love about this game is the fact that it was a breakthrough when it arrived for a next generation console at that time. It marked the leap of Squaresoft and the FF franchise from Nintendo to Sony. The graphics were beautiful as well as the backgrounds, the music, being digital, was also good, and the characters were just adorable. Not to mention that I almost cried when [spoiler]Sephiroth killed Aeris[/spoiler] *typing as tear rolls down from eye*. Well, there you have my top 3 RPG's. I love many many other RPG's, but those are the ones that, to me, marked an episode in my gaming life, and I remember them everytime I play a new RPG or hear about past ones. [color=indigo]I added [s[i][/i]poiler] tags. In the future, please remember to use them whenever you talk about a big spoiler. :) (And by the way, FFII on the SNES is FFIV). - Desbreko[/color]
Wow, well, I'll have to say: 1. Who could resist Mizuho Kazami of Please! Teacher - She is like the best girlfriend one could have, cuteness, kindness, beautifulness, everything. 2. Asuka Langley Soryu - For how proud she is and the spirit she has to fight. 3. Belldandy - Come on, a goddess! Just the gentleness and sweetness makes me sigh 4. May of Hand Maid May - She is just so cute and perky, jeje I love it. 5. Lisa Hayes of Robotech - Her being so mature and down to earth is what captivates me about her. Well I guess they would be all my choices. If I come with some more I'll edit, but for now.... [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color]
The Matrix Revolutions (Possible Spoilers/Image Heavy)
Ani_Freak replied to GuyYouMetOnline's topic in Noosphere
I saw it last night too. I must say I really liked it. It was a little better than Reloaded, but I like the series as a whole anyway. The end, although sad, it was what I would expect [spoiler]after seeing Trinity die, the most correct thing to do was to have Neo die too. After all, in the three movies, what we see of their relationship is their love. The one cannot exist without the other.[/spoiler] What bothered me a little was [spoiler]when Neo "dies" we get to see, as he is lying on the machine platform, what he is "seeing"at that moment, that the machines are transporting him somewhere, maybe to Zaion. Whe just have to realize this just by looking at his motionless body, but still "seeing" everything that is happening.[/spoiler] Overall I really love the film, and planning on watching it again maybe tonight or tomorrow. I truly recommend it. -
Well Solid I saw only one episode, and I was not immpressed. I mean, the movie was (and still is) greatin almost every aspect. What i did not like about what I saw was the animation. Its good, but not as good as the movie. As you say the plot begins very slow, but, we are in the beggining of the series and yet to see if the series picks up the pace. The action is great though.
I like very much the Rick and Lisa relationship on Robotech:Macross Saga. Their love feels so real, and that's what I like about them.
After seeing one of the most acclaimed anime films of the year, I have to admit that, even I cried after seeing this film. Millennium Actress relates the story of an actress who vanished from the film industry in search of a long lost love, with the hopes of returning to him the only thing he left her with since her childhood; the key to the most important thing of them all. Director Satoshi Kon takes us on a ride through the life of Chiyoko Fujiwara, a star of the golden era of Japanese Cinema in a form of documentary created by Genya Tachibana, a small video producer enfatuated with the actress since he was young. The documentary Genya is doing takes us through her life and Japanese history in wich I can only describe as brilliant. Not only this film has received some of the best awards on the east, but beleive me, this anime film is as good as they say it is. From the backgrounds to the characters and to the animation, this film is plain perfect. The amount of detail you see just makes you wonder if anime films could get better than this, and the will. The film begins a little slow at first, but once Chiyoko begins her tale, you begin immersing yourself in a story so rich, that draws you in completetly. To be honest, I bought this film to see what all the hype was about. I have to say that, if I would've regreted something, it would be not seeing this film. I enjoyed it from start to finish, jaja, and I've only seen it once, but looking forward to see it again tomorrow. I recomend this movie to anyone, well, anyone that could take this movie seriously trying to find that special something that the director most definetly want you to find. So, did any of you saw this film? What do you think of how the story revolves around the characters? I would like to know what you think of this movie. It's a very interesting movie, lets see how you reacted to it.!!! [color=red]Ani_Freack[/color]
Of the ones mentioned, I like Slayers and Noir. I like the depth and mistery of Noir, the music andcharacter designs too. It's a very good anime. I like Slayers for how funny it is. I've only seen Slayers Try, wiich I found funny. I still have to see the other series. I like Please Teacher. It's very funny and romantic and i like romantic comedies a lot (Oh my Goddess). I'm also a huge fan of .Hack//Sign, Robotech, Witch Hunter Robin (it's very very good), Najica (too many panty shots though), Macross Plus, well, many others. Too much to tell.
Well, when I was in 3rd year of college I was waiting for a class on one of the college halls and a guy that took a class with me asks how am i doing on the Financial Reports class with the professor. I began telling him the worst things of her, physically and professionally. I just told him, she SUCKED BIG TIME. Anyway, I went to class, talked to a girl there about him and she told me that the professor was in fact his mother. Imagine how I felt. The next time I saw him, I apologized to him and he told me: do not worry, I know all that!!! Earth, please, swallow me hole!!!
I love the smell of coffe. I just love that smell. i could say that I'm addicted to coffe. It's bad to the healt, but I just plain like it. i also like the smell of wood. It feels so warm and quiet, to me anyway.
First Name: Franco (real name Francisco, but everyone calls me Franco) Age: 24 Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Brown Height: 5'11"" Wardrobe: Mostly black. Many Sweatshirts, jeans, no sport stuff(thank God), khaki pants(a lot, for work anyway), I dunno, the usual, normal stuff. Ohh, I have a Cradle of Filth Long Sleeved sweatshirt though Personality: Moody, a lot of the time. I'm also very quiet. I like it like that. I'm the king of guy that loves to see and listen to rain when it falls. I love rainy days. *sigh* Hair Style: Either spikey or laid back(is that how it's said???) Favorite Music Type: Anything except Rap or Reggae. Theres also a caribbean music called Bachata, I HATE IT. I listen mostly from Balads to Death metal, I'm a drummer for crying out loud! Favorite musical Band/Artist: Dream Theather, Rush, Bon Jovi, Evanescence, Yanni, Megadeth, metallica, Pearl Jam, man, way to many to tell. Ask me ok! Hobbies: Drawing, playing video games, watching anime, go to movies, surf the net, racing cars(well, when there are no cops around. jeje, eat dirt Acura Integra), play drums, sing, weigh lifting. And that, as they say, is that.
Wow. Still, the majority of you are from either the US or England. I'm from Puerto Rico. Where you say? Well, it's a itsy bitsy tiny little island on the caribbean. Very americanized(well, we are considered US territory, anyway). It's good here, veeeeery hot on summer and chilly on winters. Many rainy days, wich is good, I like rainy days a lot. Night life is great all year(party yeah, although I don't party that much) Well, If you'd like to know more, I'll be happy to tell. [color=red]Ani_Freack[/color]