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Everything posted by Ani_Freak

  1. Well, to say the truth, I know what you mean. I usually, beleive it or not, make a fool of myself when I'm around women. I know, that's stupid, but it's true. Things begin to fall from my hands, I get a little nervous, and anxious. I feel a lot like Shinji from NGE, and a bit like Saotome of Hand Maid May. Sometimes, its a little frustrating to be that way.
  2. Oh man, the 80's. Well, I like Duran Duran, Bon Jovi, A-ha, Madonna, and the more heavy stuff, Megadeth, Metallica(those were the years), Iron Maiden, Twisted Sister, Rush(wich I still listen), and many many other. I don't know, whenever I hear an 80's song, it just brings back a lot of wonderful memories. I loved the music, and also the TV programs airing, and the cartoons and anime. Who could forget Robotech! I still see the DVD's of that series. The 80's, to me, those were happy times!!!
  3. I've never played a card game before, so I really don't know. I was planning on buying some packs, just to see how it is. If its good maybe I'll keep buying, although I've never played a card game. Anyway, if the drawings are original to the game, great, if not, thats fine. I love .Hack anyways.
  4. I mean, if them could be considered toys. I had been playing with the Coleco Vision and Atari systems but when the two arrived, I was hooked. I would play with any of the two for hours, and I mean hours. I would begin playing at 7am, went to school, arrive home at 3pm and continue the game where I left it, without turning it off, until 8pm then go to bed and start all over again the next morning. My grades didn't suffer if you were thinking that. I would do my homework with the TV and the system on, finish, continue playing. If video game systems could be considered toys, then they would be my most precious and still, most favorite toys. PS: I work and study, so I don't play that much, but I still do it every time I can.
  5. [COLOR=darkblue]I don't find the idea controlling every aspect of my life that appealing. I beleive that life should be taken as it is. Life, for me, would not be interesting if I already knew what lies in the future, and even less if I could change that future, if it exists. I guess that not knowing what lies in my future is what makes it worth living it. I tend to always live life to my fullest in present, utilizing everything I have learned in the past, and prepare for what the future may hold for me. As Charles said, what would happen to dreams, expectations of life, purpose? I don't think that knowing everything there is to know about your life, and even been able to change it as you wish, would make life worth living. I like life as it is, unexpected fun. Just an everyday learning experience that will keep me guessing what will come, and if I am prepared for it. I don't find the idea controlling every aspect of my life that appealing. I beleive that life should be taken as it is. Life, for me, would not be interesting if I already knew what lies in the future, and even less if I could change that future, if it exists.[/COLOR] [color=red]Ani_Freak[/color]
  6. Well, this one's tough. My pics would be: 1) Neon Genesis Evangelion if you haven't seen it 2) .Hack//Sign-Beautiful anime with kick *** soundtrack 3) Hand Maid May- only 11 episodes but very very funny and ecchi 4) Read or Die - Excelence 5) Macross Plus - One of the best I've seen 6) Oh My Goddess - Romantic comedy. Great, period 7) Armitage III - Great cyberpunk OVA I've seen and own others, but I'm not going to list them all. I guess these onea are pretty good to check out. Hope I could help.
  7. Yes you're right. I used to see CN when the shows were a little more mature. Inuyasha is ok, but too much kids stuff. I used to see DBZ, Big O, Cowboy Bebop and such. I guess those types of shows are like "the thing" nowadays. I don't watch it anymore. I prefer buying or renting the ones I like to see. You have to spend money, but, I see what I want anyway.
  8. Welcome to the boards efreet. I'm a newbie too so, don't feel that bad. Anyway, I think that what AzureWolf means is that, a thread similar to this one already exists. Maybe you should check it out too at the url AzureWolf posted.
  9. I too, think that .hack//Sign is good the way it is. I prefer series that are more plot driven than action. I love when you have a plot twist were you go "no way" or 'but how on earth..." To me is just more entertaining thinking about what it is, could be or could've been on a series. Action is good, but for some time, it tends to get repetitive and lees entertaining. But that's just me!
  10. Well, my childhood was ok. Everything was very simple and what I think a normal childhood would be. I was extremely shy when I was a child. I was a straight A's kid, well, until I got to high school. That was the time when I think I changed. I've never considered that I have done anything extraordinary in my childhood. I began working with my father when I was 14, graduated high school, went to college and currently doing my masters degree studies. I think that, in a sense, I would like to be a child again. Everything is very simple. You don't have to deal with the problems that, even if inevitable, you will have to deal on adulthood. Don't get me wrong, I loved my childhood, but sometimes I wonder if I could've enjoy it a little bit more. I'm the type of person that likes to be alone, not because anything bad happened to me, but because I just got used since childhood to enjoy things alone. I regret this loneliness when dealing with people. Altough I consider I'm a good listener and that I know how to express myself to people I don't know(that's what college tought me, not life) I've never had that many friends, not even in college, that I could talk to about, hell, who knows, stuff that kids and teenagers talk about in their respective ages. People think I'm too mature for my age, I think I'm and old guy already(I'm 24). Its nice to talk about this sort of things, even here. You get to know people that are similar, other very different to what you think of life. And that, as they say, is that.
  11. Pen-Pen from, NGE. One of the first animes I saw and quite an impact at that time. Beer, remembers me of weekends. I just could not stop laughing when I saw him drinking beer and when he took a sip of Misato's home made stew. Funnie as hell!
  12. Yeah, I guess it changed me quite a bit if not a lot. I mean, the first anime I bought was the Evangelion videos and the Ninja Scroll movie, so I guess that can change anyone. Since I began in 1996 to watch anime, it has changed the way I see movies, art styles, boosted my creativity, it has even taught me how to deal with some problems in life. Anime, to me, is more than a hobbie. I love wathing anime. When I'm not playing games in my free time or working, I would definetly be watching anime. I buy almost every anime I like so I could see it over and over again. I'm a responsible person, it's not that I have left everything I HAVE to do to watch anime. But every free time I have I dedicated to anime, from drawing to making banners and wallpapers on my PC. I think I see life a different way and that is because of anime. You just have to watch it as you would watch any other movie or documentary. You could find great things on those "cartoons" as my parents say, than you could imagine.
  13. Yes It was cool. But it would be a little disturbing ordering it to do such things and when Tsukasa rdered the guardian to back off, it just kept killing them. Its an episode where it shows how unfamiliar Tsukasa is around other people. He/she almost liked when the guardian was hitting the other PC's. 9/10
  14. Nope, Its not the end yet. What was shown in CN was only 26 episodes. There are episodes 27 and 28 still to be released. I read that they will be released along with the 4th game, .Hack//Quarantine. Those are the last episodes of the series.
  15. It's kind of cool. And the fact that you made it in dedication to your grandfather is a plus on that part. Overall I thinks its great. I do banner too. Keep up the good work Dark_Storm. See you around!
  16. Yes, my mistake AzureWolf. Yes we have seen and heard the clues that let us beleive that Apeiron and Lios are the same person. What I meant was that there is nothing conclusive to beleive and take it as 100% true. However, we are guided to beleive so. And man, chill out a bit!
  17. I guess you should follow on the story more than gameplay. People that like the .hack games is mostly because thay like the anime. I for one, follow the anime and the games, and hopefully will see the last of the series just finished in Japan. I'll have to agree in that, if you haven't found anything new to the game its because many of the things that happen/happened in Outbreack is to prepare the story for the finale. I liked Mutation far more than Infection and Outbreack. But we should give the games a breack until Quarantine arrives, then we'll see.
  18. Hey, I just want to know if any of you noticed that if check Ryu Book V, scroll down to the last of your friends, the scroll bar at the right isn't at the end yet??? I'm playing Outbreack and already have the "last" character [spoiler]Ryoko Terajima[/spoiler] and even though is the last of your friends along with [spoiler]Balmung[/spoiler] the bar just doesn't touch the bottom. Maybe it's true, you can play as some .Hack//Sign characters. Any thoughts/comments?
  19. Man, I've seen this topic for some time know, and I honestly wish I lived were some of you live. Anime is great, period. I love it and pretty much will for many years to come. I'm even doing some modifications to my PC and painting it with some anime characters and so, Hey, I maybe even post them at myOtaku to show. Anyway, I wish I could be with people that have the same interests and hobbies as I. *sigh* oh well....
  20. In fact we have not seen anything that lead us to beleive that Apeiron and Lios is the same person/player/administrator. We have just thoughts and opinions based on what we HAVE seen and played. I really think, as kiteS23, in that maybe the Books of Absolute and Iron were indeed given by Lios in order to delete the PC Kite. However, we can't be sure, since one of the two items was going to be given to Mistral, maybe to give to Kite, maybe for herself. If Apeiron and Lios are the same, I guess we will have to wait for Quarantine to arrive and maybe see what's the deal with him.
  21. OMG! If this is real, I will love the game even more. I've seen this screenshots, but honestly, they don't look to be fake. If you can play as the .Hack//SIGN characters, Im in!
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Arch [/i] [B][spoiler]Episode 28 is where they mix. Mistral, Kite, and some others appear in that episode.[/spoiler] I don't think it has come out in the US yet, but if you know when it will come out, I'd love to know. [/B][/QUOTE] I heard it will come out with .Hack//Quarantine along with the box to hold all four games. It will feature Episode 27 and 28 and I heard it here at OB. It's not official and since the official site hasn't published anything about it, we'll have to wait to know if it's true.
  23. I think Sora is not dead, just in coma as other victims. I just saw a website in which [spoiler]the character of Sora is realeased by Aura in the fight with Corbenik on the .Hack//Quarantine I beleive. Maybe he was just in coma and the realesed along with Black Rose's brother, Orca and others as well[/spoiler]. Sai I beleive was the one that posted the url. Is as follows [url]http://home.insightbb.com/~uten/[/url] It contains massive spoiler, so, if you don't like spoilers, I suggest you don't see it. Thanks to Sai for the url. Edit: If you chequed out the site, did you noticed that Kite is playing along side Helba, Subaru, Sora and Tsukasa??? Is this for real? I know its the Japanese version but can it be done?
  24. Oh well I'm sorry. If you get the DVD's you should see it.
  25. Ani_Freak


    Oh ok, I did heard about it. But I don't understand the deal with Elk. Does Elk know that Mia is not real? Does he? I mean, I know that we have to wait and finish the games but, why does he wants to be with her that much???
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