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Everything posted by Ani_Freak

  1. Arch is right. The Liminality #3, Tokuoka and the other girl, find that Emma has nothing to do with Fragment nor The World. Lios and Aperion could be the same person. After all, Lios knows Helba, and the two at times seem to be working together. I beleive that Lios might be Aperion on the Epitaph as Azure Wolf implies. Maybe Lios aka Aperion and Helba had some conection before The World, then Aperion becomes Lios and the system administrator. I mean, think of it as a nickname, first Aperion, then, for something he is now Lios. The fact is that he is known as the King of Light. Hey, AzureWolf, I didn't took wrong what you said. After all we are just exchanging ideas. I'm the Newbie, maybe I'm just not that well adapted to deal with other people here on a board. So lets be friends ok!!!!
  2. No, I really doubt its Tsukasa just by looking. Elk has red eyes, Tsukasa has purple eyes. Tsukasas hair is light purple almost rose colored, Elk's is bluish. Tsukasa staff is brown with a red orb on it and Elk staff is like bone like white staff with markings. Also notice the marks that each have on the face. I don't think they are trying to mix the series, after all the characters make random appeareances in all the series(Elk in .Hack//SIGN, SIGN characters on the games and so on).
  3. I'll have to say that OST 1, 2 and the Extra Soundtracks. The Liminality soundtracks are great, but I tend to listen to the before mentioned more. The Aura song in Extra, the evil themed one, is great. Obsession and the ending song(don't remember the name, sorry) are my fav. I'm currently trying to play it in my drum kit, just for fun, but it sounds great.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AzureWolf [/i] [B]Aperiron is the guy who gives you the book Mistral wanted. I think most of you can figure out the rest, but for those of you who are slow (or just haven't played far enough in the game series), [spoiler]Aperiron is another name for the System Administrator, aka Lios[/spoiler]. That's why I always tell people to keep an eye on names and identities while playing. Just because you "brush" alongside someone doesn't mean that it was an insignificant/chance meeting - at least not in .hack. EDIT: Ok, so I posted before reading through all the posts - sue me. Well, at least you guys noticed him, but how could you not figure it out after MUTATION? Haha, you guys are weird.[/QUOTE] Hey man, I'm sorry but IF you don't notice something does not mean that someone is slow. I don't take what you said but you should take this things in consideration before replying to someone.:cool:
  5. Ok so, maybe is just a name, a coincidence that is also the name mentioned in the Epitaph of Twilight? It just strike me that there were so many coincidences, Apeiron, He gives Kite a Forbidden Item, and also knows Helba. I don't know, don't you think we should wait for Quarantine to arrive and see. Maybe is as you say, just to make a connection to Helba. We'll see . . . .
  6. Have you read the Epitaph of Twilight? It mentions Apeiron. In .Hack//Infection, Mistral is cought by Kite talking with a PC named Apeiron who, at the same time, gives KITE the Book of Iron(I guess) which is forbidden and also, forces KITE to take it. As if it wasn't strange enough, he also knows Helba? But that's not all (I sound like a commercial), Apeiron doesn't appear again on Infection nor Mutation, and I haven't seen him in Outbreack, yet, and you can't trade or talk with him. Doesn't he know to much to be an ordinary PC? Does he has a relationship with Helba as the two of them are mentioned in the Epitaph of Twilight? HAVE YOU SEEN HIM? (Shouldve ask that'at the beggining) .Hack just gets weirder as you dig deeper into it. I love it:devil:
  7. Well, I mst say that I too think that there is a PC on the games that goes by the name of Sieg.
  8. Yeap, its defenetly Elk. jeje, now Í'm curious to find out which other characters I could find. I heard from a friend a rumor that mistral shows up in .Hack//SIGN is it true? If it is, don't you love the series, how all of the series come together and characters make random appearences in between series? I have to say, I loves Evangelion, from the first moment I saw it, and frankly, the .Hack series are way up there with it. i mean, I've seen NGE completely like more than 5 to 6 times already, and planning on seeing it again :D OtakuSennen said: [quote]If you look on the back of the rest of the booklets in the .hack//SIGN DVDs you will see characters from The World, and all of them are primary ones from either SIGN or the games. I believe the second DVD has Mimiru, right? And I forgot what the third and fourth are. I lent my discs to a friend and he hasn't given them back yet.[/quote] yes, Mimiru is the character that appears at the back of the booklet of DVD 2. :) DVD 3 has Subaru on the back and DVD 4 has Bear.
  9. Yes, I know of the other thread and I am sorry, I was having problems with my conection last night so I guess I just accidentally opened another thread. If you, moderator sees this, please, delete the other thread as that was not my intention. Meteora, check the back cover as soon as you can, I'm positive it's Elk the wavemaster that is shown there.
  10. i was just looking at the booklet of the first DVD of .Hack//SIGN and in the back page of the booklet is a Wavemaster that looks just identical to Elk. Is it Elk, or me just seeing things? Does anyone else notices him? I hardly look at booklets, I go to the episodes directly, but today I just wanted to look at them all. Any thoughts? Thanks ok, and pardon my unawareness!!!!!!
  11. Well, my favorites couple in Anime are Keichi and Beldandy in Oh My Goddess. They are the cutest couple I've seen in anime. Their love is so true and kind (after all [spoiler]they've been sweethearts sice they first met in their childhoods[/spoiler] ).Another one is Kei and Mizuho from Please! Teacher. I'm currently following the series and I must say that their love relationship just make you go "aaaawwwwww, tear". hhhmmph. Anyway, I'm a huge fan of romantic-comedies (yes for a guy). Ohhh who could forget, Lisa and Rick from Robotech-Macross Saga. That relatioship got me started in the romantic comedy genre, way back when it was originally released in America in the '80s. I loved how they interacted back then, since I was just a kid (I'm NOT that old, ok). Anyway, my 3 fav. couples:angel:
  12. ok, If I'm correct Chris Freeman did: (Actually I think is Crispin Freeman anyway) Joker - Read or Die Arucard - Hellsing Hideki Motosuwa - Chobits Q: In Hand Maid May, what serial number does CBD May have on her foot?
  13. thank guys for the info on the Mag and the web page. I'll look for them both. And Alexander, I think I heard that rumor too. I don't know, but I think It'd be great to play as the characters of .Hack//Sign even just for a while.
  14. Actually, the last episode which will be out on October in Japan will have the last episode in which [spoiler]Kite, Balmung, Black Rose, Orca, Helba, Elk and Mia[/spoiler] will make an appearance. I have downloaded the trailer of the Box Set wich will come with the last episode of .Hack//Sign, The Liminality complete OVA collection and the soundtrack for .Hack//Udeden. The box set will be called .Hack//Integration in Japan. Want the trailer, PM or e-mail me to see how I can give it to you. It has no audio though!!!
  15. [quote]Yeah I heard that too. It was in a magazine a little while back. I actuall think they will put them in. It'll really help if they do put them in[/quote] Do you remember in which magazine was that you read it. and Black Phoenix, do you remember the site or anything?
  16. Oh ok. Yes, Tsukasa calls Maha "mother" many times when he/she is on the area where Aura is "sleeping. Maybe yes, it could be that its Tsukasas dead mother, I thought so too. If you see it that way then maybe it has something to do whith the doll hanging on Tsukasa phone on the outside. I think I'll leave the trailer if I can on the board for you to see if you like what I mean. Anyway, thanks for the reply Arch! :eek: opps, sorry about the spoiler ok!!!
  17. Does anyone know what connection exists between Maha and Tsukasa? I read on a site that [spoiler]Maha could be in fact Morgana[/spoiler]. I have the Japanese trailer of episode 28 and in it [spoiler]theres a scene in which the player that is Tsukasa has a cell phone with a little doll hanging on it and it resembles very, very much to Maha. On it also appears Balmung, Orca, Kite, Black Rose and Elk, which appeared on the games[/spoiler]. Any information, anyone?;) PS: I beleive that the trailer is for episode 28, the last episode that will [spoiler]be available with .hack//Dusk soundtrack and Liminality series[/spoiler].
  18. Well, you can play with [spoiler]Balmung[/spoiler] and he makes an appearence in [spoiler]episode 28, I think. I have the trailer of the episode anyway!!![/spoiler]. So this makes him a .hack//SIGN character you can use in Outbreack.
  19. I'll have to concur with many of you in that I fear deep water. I love to go to beaches here, I really do, but for some reason I just can't get farther into the sea. Just thinking that the sea is so vast and that there could be things that haven't been discovered yet, gives me chills. I also fear people in some ways. I tend to trust people to much or to early and, for some reason they take advantage of that. I'm the kind of person that gives 200%in helping others, and pretty much do not think in what I can get or how it would be beneficial for me while doing it. I just like to see peplo happy and it makes me a lot lot happier knowing that I could'have helped. I...just like to help others........
  20. Sora is the name of the Twin Blade.
  21. Yes Haruko, .Hack//Outbreak is out. Its release date was last week, I beleive it was Sept 9 or so. Hurry up with Skeith, it gets better in Mutation and even better in Outbreak!!!!
  22. Ani_Freak


    Yes indeed. For those great games, not even at EB on preowned one you can get a bargain like that. Not even with the employee discount (trust me, I worked on EB here in PR) Happy for you!!!!
  23. I'll have to say HALO. I mean since it came out I played it like 10 times and I still do. Many games come but I just can't get enough of HALO. I have the E3 in game demo of HALO 2 and it looks sharp. I'm counting the days for HALO 2 to arrive, till then, more HALO. Happy Hunting!!!
  24. Man, I would give anything if there was an ANIME club in my school, or even at college. I don't know anyone here that likes anime so, I guess I feel a little alone in that sense. Anyway, I think it's great!!!
  25. What can I say, here in Puerto rico. I honestly don't know ANYONE that likes ANIME. I run a Family business and I am also a Real Estate Agent, so I guess I would find by now somebody that tells me "hey, you like anime too?" No, that doesn't happen here. None of my friends like Anime, and hell, they don't even know what it is!!!!! I met once aguy that had a comic store not too far from the university but it was closed down, he went broke. Also, I been seeing that many girls like anime and I've never found a girl that likes it. *sigh* Would love to meet that special someone and that she likes anime as I do. And by the way. I'm 24. I don't consider to be THAT old so, It's not something a young boy/girl would only like. If like anime, good be proud of it. If someone has a problem with that, they just have to deal with it!!!!
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