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Everything posted by Ani_Freak

  1. I guess that the longest I've been without ANIME is like 2 months. I had too much work and couldn't buy any anime titles nor see the ones I already bought. Now I see ANIME on aweekly basis, when I'm not to tired from work. Adulthood!!!!!
  2. Well, I read on New-Type that it was a very good show. by the time I read about it, it was airing in Japan. I guess that we'll have to wait and see if it's good or bad. The pics that I saw were good, but then again, we''ll have to wait and see. By the way Semjaza Azazel, how did you saw it? Just to know, would love to see it before it arrives (IF it ever comes here). Thanks!
  3. Well frankly I like to sing in the shower. I mean, water is naturally a soothing thing, you have to top it off with music. I love to sing old Metallica songs, Dream Thether songs, Slipknot, Gorefest, pure metal thats it. Sometimes Obsession from .Hack series (jejejeje ooops) and also Please! Teacher begining song!!!!
  4. Oh come on!!!!!!! What in Gods name is this!!!!!! This HAS to be some fanart or a very bizarre attempt to draw a .HACK themed cartoon. It looks like South Park (as Tsukasa_hack well said). Come on, I'd laugh if this is a joke, cry my eyes out if they are going to take out something like this!!!!! Poor Subaru (eeeewww) oh man, I think I'll die if I keep looking at it!!!!!
  5. Well, In my EXP, I have to agree with some of you and say that its more of will power than "it" taking over yourself. I've been into anime for some time now. When I was in college my grades suffered a bit, I was very much into anime and videogames and I still am. I guess its a matter of putting your priorities in order.
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