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The 8th MS Team

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Everything posted by The 8th MS Team

  1. [SIZE=4]The connection has something to do with Norse Mythology![/SIZE]
  2. Hey is it jus me or is cartton network adopting Anime as it's main line entertainment? Like cowboy Bebop!(it's freakin sex related and violent plus it's anime!)
  4. [SIZE=4]I can not stress that I hate all everything! Kill'em all!!!![/SIZE]
  5. My name is(once again): Master Shiro Armada My weapon: Gundam "Physlis" GP02 Nuclear payload baby! Proximity: Mega Beam Saber Auxillary: Hyper Head Vulcans Main: Hyper Bazooka Special: Booster into space then Nuclear Payload drop X2 Location: Orbit around pok'e world with entire Earth Federation Forces. Plus the strike Crusier Agahantian Kill'em alll!
  6. That Sakuya is a b*tch who is a Big @$$ moron puppet Who is a idiot that F8ckin dumb with a big b*tch *** ego which is none![SIZE=4]Fu(K Her![/SIZE] :flaming:
  7. I have one freakin word for you![SIZE=4]PS2 Kiks some major @$$![/SIZE] The gundam games are the best! Everyone of em!:mad:
  8. [SIZE=4]Every Final Fantasy had something to do with Norse Myth (i.e. Ragnarok, the final battle between Loki and the Divinites of Heaven)[/SIZE]
  9. Zakkeneyo Bakas! Hail Japan! Hail all Asians! I am Asian!:babble: So I shall side with Asians, even though, wait a minute, Oh Holy Cr*p Koreans are supposed to hate Japenese! I'm Korean! Then well,[SIZE=4]GO! AMERICA! HAIL KOREA! NOT JAPAN![/SIZE] Long live Korea!:laugh: Well, enough said! go America! Na boon Gae nom eerbon(Japan)! [SIZE=4]Zakenneyo Nihon![/SIZE] [FONT=century gothic]Go KOREA! THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA! NOT THE COMMUNIST PARTY OF KOREA![/FONT] :flaming:
  10. Yo No-Name to beat that level, Just kill Char! Get close to Char and use the weapon, let him take out his Heat Hawk and use the special attack once at close range, after that just go to the front of Whit base and Shibam! Mission Over!
  11. Out of the sky comes a giant Strike Crusier and starts barraging every Pok'eMon. Out comes Physlisis. The origional team appears in Mobile Suits and Kills all Pok'e mon! Everyone-08th Anti Pok'eMon Team Reporting! We'll be supporting you from now! Me-Some one take over!
  12. [SIZE=4]Well even though Ihave to wait a long time, Arigato Gozaimas Adam San (Zakkeneyo! Baka)[/SIZE] :flaming:
  13. [SIZE=4]Hey is this it or are we mocking something else this time?!?[/SIZE] :) l:
  14. [FONT=century gothic] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=4]Whatever![/SIZE] [/COLOR][/FONT]
  15. The Pikachu was defeated at a high cost! Everyone was alive it seemed that Even Racheal had survived, ( even though she was naked) Suddenly Pikachu appears again. Well, no one was really caring about this, they were too busy staring at the nude Rachel! ;) Of course Shiro evacuated everyone into underground bunkers. Master Shiro Armada was the only one who reacted. He transfered to the Gundam Physlilis and jumped into space. He locked on with a Nuke and fired. The Cloud was seen from space and Pikachu and Ash's guts and remains were scattered across the world. What was the end came at a huge price. Well, for Pok'e world, that is, everyone except the people who live on Pok'e world got on to spaceships jetted back to earth. Before going, everyone got into Gundam Physlisies and launched Nukes to the world and eradicating all things Pok'emon. And they returned to earth happily! As for the Team, I heard Racheal has a few sisters! :D
  16. [SIZE=4]Hentai means pervert in Japenese![/SIZE]
  17. I played the game and it's great! you get to pilot all these mobile suits including the O8th team's and The White dingo's final best GM. The Sniper Custom 2. The graphics are good and it has anime cut scences! the anime has been redrawn for the game! It's turned into 08 th team graphics! Hi quality! You can play for the Zeon too!:D
  18. Suddenly Ash appears in a Giant Pikachu Mobile suit! Ash- I'll wipe you guys out! The entire Earth Federation Forces are wiped out by Pikachu's oversized fart gas! Everyone stares at the menace and fights back the urge to run like hell away. Suddenly out of the Blue, comes these giant transports! The transports belong to the Black Dog Squadron. A cute girl (the one in the download) appears and approaches Master Shiro Armada all the other guys blush and start drooling. Suddenly, Cute girl: Major Rachel reporting for duty sir! I'm here to deliver the prototype Anti Pok'eMon MS. She hands a clip board to everyone. Vegeta-Wow this is some simple controls! Even a baby could control these. In background, Ash continues to Kill off the rest of the Earth Federation. He picks up a RGM Mobile Suit and humps it to death, and continues to do so to all other GM. GM 1- Holy cr*p, That is one long.......! ( blows up ) GM 2- Cr*p come in Andrans! Sh*t! Noooooo! ( Pickachu sticks a giant tree through the cockpit.) GM 3- Oh sh*t! Guys!??! (almost wets himself) (Pikachu is right in front, is about to hump the GM to Death when,) Cloud-Oh no you sick b*st*rd I'll kill you! ( pulls out a beam saber and cuts off pikachu's arms) (blood gushes out but giant tentacles sprout out!) Cloud blocks with his sheild while Agent W Starts firing his Bazooka> Agent W- I can handle this f*cker! Unexpectedly Pickachu's head blows off and blood gushes out but other pokemon come and join pikachu and it gets Bigger! and Uglier! Zaden appears and cuts and slashes everyone does the same, Pikachu counter attacks with acid and melts the armor of the Mobil suits. Armada- My friends! I will not fight for the Earth Federation but, I will fight for my friends! He lunges foward to kill Pikachu by exploding on him. Sudddenly Major Racheal appears and pushes him out of the way. Major Racheal- YOU KILLED MY FAMILY YOU B*TCH OMNI SEXUAL! She's piloting a Huge @$$ Mobile Armor and lunges foward there is dust and a explosion....... Someone take it from here! Is the Pikachu dead?!? I the Major alive?!?!?
  19. [SIZE=3]You should kill Relena in a way so painful, so scarring that I'll tell you now! Kill her[/SIZE] [SIZE=4]Heero should be found seduced into falling in love with another person from a totally different series! [/SIZE] [SIZE=4]ip her off give her the keys to the hotel room and Watch her die painfully from a heart attack cuz Heero's Kissing that other Anime girl! HAHHAHAHHA HOOHOHOHOH The B*tch F*cks And F*ckin Dies with Jelousy! To further torture her, Let her watch them F*cking[/SIZE] Sorry this is the only Really painful way to Die!!!!! :eek:
  20. Hey who do you think is the hottest Goddess/ Girl?? in the Oh My Goddess Universe?!?! And how would you like to win her over?!?!?!? ( romantic evening, etc.)
  21. Name: Master Shiro Aramada Weapon: Gundam Physlis with a nuclear payload, hyper bazooka, and beam rifle with beam sabre! oh yeah, A castor gun with unlimited ammo Location: Low-Orbit around the Pokemon world Target: all of'em The trainers with one big @$$ M*th*r F*uck*n Nuke to the world and good bye you F*ckers and pok'e trainers
  22. My Favorite character is Trieze Kusrehinada With his G-unit Hydra Gundam! He kicks major *** with a Evil look! But, he's also a good person, he 'll save the world at any cost, even with his life! :( What a great person! *wheeping*
  23. Universal Century Timeline Mobile suit Gundam June UC 0079- December UC 0079- 49 Episodes 08th MS Team Oct. UC 0079- Dec. UC 0079- 13 episodes MS Gundam 0800 War In The Pocket Dec. UC 0079- Jan. UC 0080- 6 episodes MS Gundam 0083 Stardust Memory Oct. UC 0083- Dec. UC 0083- 13 episodes MS Z Gundam Mar.UC 0087- Feb. UC 0088- 50 episodes MS ZZ Gundam Mar. UC 0088- Jan. UC 0089- 46 episodes MS Gundam Char's Counter Attack Dec. UC 0092 - Mar. UC 0093 Movie MS Gundam F-91 March U.C 0123 -Movie MS Gundam V April UC 0153 - June UC 0153- 52 episodes Alternate Universe Timelines Mobile Fighter G Gundam April Future Century 60-March Future century 61 49 episodes MS Gundam Wing April AC 195 - March AC 196 49 episodes New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz April AC 197 After War Gundam X After War 0015- 0016 39 episodes Turn-A Gundam UNKNOWN BAKA! 51 episodes
  24. Hey I Know It was Gasoline!! No Human has that much blood!! A Guntank holds only 2 pilots! at the most! I know cuz I piloted it! In Gundam journey to Jaburo! Besides, I've seen anime blood, and it does not loook that way! :cool:
  25. [SIZE=4]How are the Final Fantasies Related in any way?!?!??!?!? Do They Even have anything in common?!?1?!?!?[/SIZE] :confused:
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