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About Gundam11

  • Birthday September 14

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  • Biography
    Keeps to self, obsessed w/ sesshomaru and wolfwood, I DON"T CARE WHAT YOU SAY HE"S MINE
  • Occupation
    Do you really want to know??????:>

Gundam11's Achievements

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  1. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    this is just a test --------------------------------------
  2. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    She stares at the boy with the gun slightly amused, "Why should I freeze? It's you who doesn't understand the probility of the mistake you're makeing." she drags out the last words trying to make a point then gives up. Retriveing the pistol from her belt she aims at him, "I'm not giveing you the chip. If you're nice I might let you live." But that's not likly she thinks, he's abousally pretending to be an amature. Hero is a...a..., she shakes her head clearing it and stares at Hero angerly.
  3. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    Back Ne one else on? ___________________ Kathrine watches the gundam awed, "That is way better then a Leo." looking down at the wing zero she spits on it and jumps to the ground. Removeing the Oz shirt she sighes with relife and examins the White Fang imblem. "So long for bad things, now that I have a chip I'll make a new gundam." Walkinging twords the strange gundam fireing at the Leos she hears the mechinal whirr of the jamed cockpit and looks back at the Wing Zero. "He's alive?"
  4. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    I know we do, i'll try to talk DF into joining, she's dying to do this... ____________________________________________________ THe fireworks stop and she sighes, jumping down she lands on something meatel. She examins it and sees the Wing Zero, "Hero.." she mutters under her breath, she removes a pistole from her belt and shoots the inperntrable glass, frustrated and out of bullets she looks around.
  5. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    The Major doges past severl patrols and makes it into the barraks. A fellow pilot stops her, "Major Daine where are you going?" Hiding the chip behind her back she shrugs, "Admarold Black wanted me to test the new suite." "I'm afraid it's been tested, there was a failed perimerter breech. THe intruder was destroyed." THe Major nodds "That's fine I'll take mine out to search for the remains." "Yes sir." Dismissing the soldier and running to her Leo she sighes, "I made it, and none the wiser." Just out side the hanger her victory is short lived, the new mobile suite is alerted to the theft of the chip and attacks her. THe battle is a one way lean tword the new suite. "Damn." She tries to shake tthe Gundam but fails. Bailing out she lands in a tree and watches as her Leo is shot down.
  6. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    THe Oz major walks around the corner makeing her way to the barracks. "Dirty slim bucket Admarald." she mutters and turns before the entrance. A small room, open to anything waites for her, in the room is a small tin box. "The chip." With much practiced ease she makes her way to the box and picks it up, an alarm sounds and she smiles. "So much for that plan."
  7. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    Ok you want to go there?
  8. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    Naota you Rping??? Begining where Cat goes awall THe Oz major walks around the corner makeing her way to the barracks. "Dirty slim bucket Admarald." she mutters and turns before the entrance. A small room, open to anything waites for her, in the room is a small tin box. "The chip." With much practiced ease she makes her way to the box and picks it up, an alarm sounds and she smiles. "So much for that plan."
  9. Gundam11

    New Rpg

    You want to join? If you do fill out the fourm below and Pm me. It is a Mobile Suite Gundam Wing Rpg. If you want to join do, but it's a next generation type of roleplay new charters, sons daughters of the orginals, and up graded gundams. Duo's daughter has already been taken, but brothers and sisters are welcome. Join if you want. Sign Ups- Name: Age: Height/Weight: Weapon of Choice: Attitude: Occupation: (Civilan, Oz soldier, officer, gundam pilot, etc.) Appearence: (Pic or description) Biography: Me Name: Kathrine D. Maxwell "Cat" Age:16 Height/Weight:5'9''/130 Weapon of Choice: The basic Andaconda, pistol, and various weapons Attitude: Are you dead yet? Occupation: Gundam pilot of Death Scyth Appearence: Black hair in the clasic braid,combat boots, carpenter pants, whitebeater under a black sweater jacket. Constently wearing dark blue gloves with the fingers cut out inlaiden with brass. A gold chain holds a locket around her neck, hazel eyes and very tan often seen with oil or grease stained shirts unless she is breaking out of one of the prisons. A black wolf and her gundam are nearly always with her. Biography: Duo's daughter, put under foster care until 13 then put into a Leo, until an accident sent her to Earth where she went awall and joined the other pilots. She doesn't trust many but is a very good friend to thoes she does.
  10. Name: Kaithrine "Cat" Age: 19 Gender:Female Height, Weight:5'11,150lbs Appearance: Black braided hair with red streaks. Wears a black shrit and blue jeans and hikeing boots Weapon:2 silver 9mms Faction: Machinists Bio: Cat grew up in the slums where she learned that manty things can be considered weakness. She like to fight and work on machines. Unfortunately While . She has the skills of a fighter and a master theif. She is quiet and keeps to herself mostly not letting any one get near to. Many of the people she works with identify her by the silver dragon pendent around her neck.
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