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Everything posted by shironotenshi

  1. Kittylynn: I just colored the picture... The real talent behind the line art is Jojoju. Or As I like to call him JouJou. His art page is [url]http://jojoju.deviantart.com/[/url] Stop by his page and tell him he's the best, ne! I'm just the sad excuse for a CG artist. Meteora: It's ture!!! *confesses* I suck mightaly! *Pulls out knife* As punishment I'll commit Harakari!
  2. Lord Prozen, SSJSolarPrincess: Arigato! You are way to kind. Maladjusted: Gomen ne!... I guess that means I shaded it to light. Her ears have light oink shading on them... Next time I will be more careful.
  3. No this is't my drawing... I colored it for a friend on-line Joujou. He's waay to talented for me to even come close to doing his work justice but it was worth a try, ne?
  4. Thanks for your help Mina-san!! Maladjusted: The spots are suppost to be magic orbs. I just wanted a little something to fill all that blue space... The blue..... klinanime: Yeah... I do tend to draw the legs a bit long and the heads huge... I think that may just be my art style... For the longest time I loved DigiCharot. (That should exsplaine everything) Blue Cat: Alrighty! I still have this saved in seperate layers so I can adjust it!! Oh! :blush: Yep the water would be mine also. I made it by messing with the stained glass, cloud, and chrome filters.
  5. Hehehe! I bought the last book in this small wayward town the day it came out... Its so cute but I never figured Shougo to be that perverted
  6. :angel: I drew this thingy and colored it in photoshop. This was my first try really... Is it alright? [url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/2966477/[/url]
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